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    30 Honest Life Truths You Must Know Before Hitting 30

    Hitting the big 3-0 is a monumental step for anyone. Are you equipped with the essential life lessons to make it in the next decade of your life?

    Let that little factoid sink in for a moment…

    The transition from your 20's to your 30's will not come in predictable increments. Instead, you'll wake up one day, look in the mirror, and realize, “I'm in my 30's.” It will feel as if time flew by in the blink of an eye, and you feel as if you're in a different path. The lessons you learn won't suddenly come rushing into your head like a tidal wave of wisdom. Instead, you'll feel a few slight changes from how you perceived things when you were in your teens and 20's.

    30 life truths you need in your 30's

    If you feel as if your 30's are drawing near and you haven't learned enough, here's a refresher course. Below are 30 life truths everyone should know by the age of 30:

    #1 Your body won't be as fit and strong as you once were. Your metabolism slows down as you age, so you can't stay as fit as you used to be without a little elbow grease.

    #2 Your 20's will catch up with you, so be prepared. All the cheap booze, cigarettes, bad sleeping habits and even worse eating habits will catch up with you someday. Turn an unhealthy lifestyle around before it causes irreparable damage to your body.

    #3 It's the perfect time to invest in classic pieces in your wardrobe. Your 20's are the time for fashion exploration or keeping up with the trends. In your 30's, appropriate work clothes and a respectable wardrobe are more important.

    #4 It's now comfort over fashion when it comes to clothes and shoes. The shoes that pinch your feet or that too-tight shirt can make way for more practical pieces. Sure, some of them may look dowdy, but they're way more comfortable!

    #5 Kids can be your greatest joy and your greatest pain. No matter what your kids do, you will always find it in your heart to love and forgive them.

    #6 Everyone needs passion in their lives. Whether it's geeking out over a video game or harboring an intense love for an author, your passion gives you that added zest for life.

    #7 Experiences will make you happier than possessions. The joy of getting new things fades over time. Experiences like an out of town trip or a long meaningful conversation, on the other hand, allow you to cherish those memories time and again.

    #8 Staying at a job you hate isn't worth it. If you're getting no fulfillment in your job, get out and open yourself up to new employment options. Wasting your time in a job you despise will only wreak havoc on your mind and body.

    #9 Your plans won't always make it to fruition. The plans you had when you were in your 20's will eventually change according to who you're turning out to be. Let it happen.

    #10 Some good things happen by luck, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't improve your chances. You're lucky if you get your big break by chance. But remember, you also need to work on your craft in order to be celebrated in your field.

    #11 Learning never stops. Every single day can be a learning experience. You may think you're learning something irrelevant today, but you never know when you might be able to use this information.

    #12 The journey matters as much, if not more than, the destination. Let's use an analogy: When you were back in high school, were you more concerned about the lessons you learned and the friends you made or the piece of paper they give you when it's over?

    #13 You'll change and not everyone will like it. Our younger selves would have been devastated to know that someone doesn't like us. As you move forward in life, you'll realize that it's not your job to please everyone.

    #14 Some things are worth waiting for, and it's up to you to find out what those things are. It can be anything from the man or woman of your dreams to that job vacancy you've been waiting for. The thing is, only YOU can determine how much time you're willing to wait for them.

    #15 The past should not dictate your future. You don't wear your mistakes and your failures on your sleeves. Not everyone will know, and not everyone will care. Don't let a dark past extend its stain into your future.

    #16 It's okay to switch role models. You may have idolized Lady Gaga, Beyonce or Barney Stinson in your 20's because they're who you wanted to be. But when you're in your 30's you may be surprised that your role model can be your parent, a historical figure or even a fictional character!

    #17 Your debts can haunt your future. Unpaid credit card debts, bank loans and student loans will affect your credit score. This will greatly affect your credibility when you need to borrow money in the future.

    #18 Everyone needs simple pleasures. It's important to have that easy to do pick-me-up habit to get you through a particularly stressful day. Whether it's cuddling with your pet or having a slice of pie, these little pleasures can give you the added boost you need to keep on going.

    #19 You must learn to embrace change to move forward. Things will change around you, whether you notice it or not. Your key to embracing it is your ability to adapt and your willingness to trudge on.

    #20 Kindness and compassion mean more than intelligence and riches. People will remember you more for the kindness than for your clever quips or for those times you picked up their tab at the bar.

    #21 You will lose friends along the way, and that's okay! New jobs, spouses, kids and hobbies often cause friends to drift apart. You don't have to move heaven and earth to remain as close as you once was. Instead, learn to let it go and form new friendships.

    #22 You must love your parents while they are still here. They won't be there to guide you forever. Reconnect with them, get to know them a little deeper, and most of all, learn from the wisdom they can still give.

    #23 A sincere apology can mend a huge rift. No matter how late your apology is, the impact can still be big enough to restore your relationship to how it once was.

    #24 Nothing feels lighter on the soul than forgiveness. You don't necessarily have to forget; but once you've forgiven someone, you can slowly let go of the weight their wrongdoing has borne upon you.

    #25 Bad relationships are there to learn from. Don't beat yourself up for being in a bad relationship. Learn from the experience and pinpoint the warning signs so they never happen again.

    #26 You can't always keep your promises, but work hard to keep them anyway. In order to avoid the awkward situation of breaking a promise, be careful whom you make promises to.

    #27 Love isn't always enough. In your relationships, you may realize that no matter how much you love a person, there may be other bigger things than can prevent you from having a future together.

    #28 Intelligence is contagious. Surround yourself with those who are smarter than you. We learn more from the people surrounding us than we think. Mental stimulation in the form of intelligent conversations can be one of the most fulfilling life experiences.

    #29 Kindness can be found in the most unlikely places. Boo Radley and the Good Samaritan are great examples of this. Don't let someone's culture or appearance make you think that they're not capable of kindness.

    #30 30 isn't “old.” There's that dread many 20-somethings feel when they're nearing 30. It won't come as a barrage of stray grey hairs and wrinkles. You can look and feel as fresh and as fit as you were in your 20's but you'll be armed with a lot more knowledge! Embrace your 30's!

    Life is all about learning in all its different forms. The things you knew in your teens, 20's, 30's and 40's will change in time. And within these changes are the life truths you will learn at your own pace, in your own way. Embrace your 30's as it approaches, and don't forget to take these life lessons with you!