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    12 Body Positive Women You Should Follow

    It's 2016 but many women still unfortunately struggle with their weight and how they look when they stare at themselves in the mirror. It sucks because we're all beautiful just the way we are, and dieting to fit some preconceived idea of what a woman should really look like just doesn't make sense. We have full lives and other things to worry about, like whether or not we really like kale smoothies (we probably don't but we try to be healthy, right?) and how we truly feel about Tinder. But although Hollywood was once the place that kind of ruined the concept of female body image, thanks to all the intense and unfair pressure for actresses to be as skinny as humanly possible, today Hollywood has some pretty awesome women who are paving the way for a more body positive existence. Here are 12 body positive women you should definitely follow.

    12 Lena Dunham

    Thanks to her brilliant HBO show Girls, where she gets naked a lot (okay, most) of the time, Lena Dunham has proven to the world that, yeah, some women are curvier and weigh more, and it's totally okay. More than okay, it should be valued and celebrated. She's got 2.5 million followers on Instagram, so yeah, she knows what she's talking about. She even recently posted a photo of her in a mermaid costume, because that's how comfortable she is with her body. Of course, she looked awesome.

    11 Mindy Kaling

    You already love her two hilarious, witty and wise memoirs and you've watched every single episode of her rom-com inspired sitcom The Mindy Project. But there's another reason you adore Mindy so much and that's because she's one of the most body positive female celebrities out there. She told The Guardian that when someone tells her she looks amazing and is not as "cute and chubby" as she says, she wants to say, "'It's OK, I identify as someone who is cute and chubby - that doesn't mean I'm not worthy of love and attention and intimacy.'" So awesome, right?

    10 Kim Kardashian

    Love her or hate her (or maybe you haven't made up your mind yet), you have to admit that the star of the famous Kardashian family is super body positive. And, well, she has the body (and the butt) to back it up (pun totally intended). Kim totally celebrates her natural curves, which is so refreshing in a world that hasn't exactly caught up to the idea that being thin is not always super cool. She credits her mom with helping her feel good about how she looks, although she used to struggle with being super curvy.

    9 Adele

    You love her beautiful voice and ability to make you cry as soon as she starts singing (or maybe you don't love her that so much… ) but Adele is also super body positive. She has to be one of the most gorgeous women in the world, and it's not because she's a stick. As she once said, "There's only one of you, so why would you want to look like everyone else?" Preach.

    8 Rebel Wilson

    Remember Rebel from Bridesmaids and Pitch Perfect? She's hilarious, and you can't help but notice that she's a bit heavier than most women. But that's actually what makes her so amazing. She completely embraces her size and shape, and that's awesome. Why would she be worth anything less just because she's not a size two or even four? She has no issues eating junk food (go her) and said in an interview, "I wouldn't ever want to compete with what I call 'the glamours'-the really gorgeous people. I'm about the brain, the heart, and what's on the inside. I feel really lucky to be the body type I am."

    7 Meghan Trainor

    She wrote a song called All About That Bass for a reason, right? The 22-year-old singer is becoming super successful and famous and it's all because of her super body positive attitude, and we think that's just so inspiring and incredible. She's got 4.3 million followers on Instagram, which is honestly no small thing, and we love the statement in her bio: "Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself." She posts lots of beautiful selfies where she clearly celebrates what she looks like and doesn't care if people think she should lose weight.

    6 Ashley Benson

    The Pretty Little Liars star is an adorable blonde, but would you believe that some people have called her fat? Yup, actually. She was recently on the cover of Health magazine and talked about how she's gotten over feeling bad about her shape and now she's totally cool with the way she looks. As she told the interviewer, "But I feel good. I don't want to lose 20 pounds, because I don't need to."

    5 Rihanna

    You might have heard that the beautiful singer went to a festival recently… and the Internet totally went nuts, insulting her because she doesn't have super flat abs. Um, yeah, not many normal people do, so of course not every single famous woman has them, either. People have stuff to do and spending 8 hours a day in the gym to get a super perfect flat stomach is not exactly super fun. Well, we think she looks amazing just the way she is, and just the fact that she dared to wear a super skimpy bikini without perfect abs is just fine by us. Go Rihanna!

    4 Demi Lovato

    We all know that the singer and actress has had more than her fair share of struggles, but thankfully she seems pretty healthy these days, and more than that, she's absolutely loving her body. She's got beautiful curves that definitely shouldn't be covered up. She celebrates her shape by working out and enjoying it, which is super awesome, and she even posed totally naked because she's so proud of how she looks. More power to her.

    3 Ariana Grande

    The super adorable singer with the high-pitched pipes may have gotten into trouble recently for, um, licking a donut (we still have no idea what that was all about). But she deserves some high praise for her inspiring beliefs about body image. She has spoken out on social media that no one should ever talk about someone else's body and that you should "celebrate yourself." We couldn't agree more.

    2 Lea Michele

    The Glee star and amazingly talented singer is super beautiful, no one could deny that. She even told InStyle magazine that she often goes out in the morning without any makeup on and she adores yoga, but she wants to be healthy. Us, too, Lea.

    1 Beyonce

    The Queen B deserves our utmost praise because, let's face it, she's just the greatest. Everyone loves her and for good reason: she has tons of curves and she's not ashamed to show them off. Her star keeps rising and rising and it seems like the gorgeous singer can truly do no wrong. Like the other super awesome women on this list, she doesn't believe she needs to weigh less to succeed, and we just love that.