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    12 Celebrity Pranks That Went Wrong

    Happy April Fools! Who doesn't love a good prank? There are some classics like putting saran wrap over the toilet seat or shaving cream in somebody's hand while they're sleeping or disrupting a police hotline so they can't respond to emergencies… Jk! That's a prank that rapper, The Game foolishly thought would be a great idea though.

    Some celebrities are notorious pranksters. Ellen DeGeneres for example is always playing pranks with (or at the expense of) the guests on her show. It's all a bit of light-hearted fun and it's nice to see the humorous side of our favorite celebs. But some celebrities that try and play pranks really don't have the knack for it that Ellen does. And as a result we've seen some epic fails go down in the prank department. These guys should really stick to their day jobs.

    12 Kendall And Kylie Jenner Get Owned

    The youngest members of the Kardashian clan saw a prank of theirs backfire when they were on a hidden camera show called Deal With It. As part of the prank it was Kendall and Kylie's job to instruct an actor as to what to say while on a date with an unsuspecting lady. The girls get the actor to call his date crazy, which he must follow up with “crazy like the Kardashians”. The woman hilariously responds by saying, “I'm not slu*ty.” Kendall and Kylie of course can't contain their shock but manage to laugh off the incident. It becomes especially awkward when the pair then enter the restaurant where the stunt is taking place.

    11 Zach Braff Beats Up A Kid

    In 2009, Scrubs star Zach Braff was pranked by Ashton Kutcher for the show Punk'd. In this episode, Braff's brand new Porsche was spray painted by a bunch of kids. Because the actor didn't know he was being set up by (his Scrubs co-star) Donald Faison. Braff proceeded to chase the kids that vandalized his car. He managed to catch up to one of them, who was just 12 years old, and gave him a good beating. Punk'd has probably never seen such a violent reaction from one of its victims. Strangely enough, the episode was aired but minus the whole aggravated assault part. Braff even admitted to his actions afterwards but said that he didn't know it was a child he was “pummelling” because it was so dark outside.

    10 Jonah Hill Makes Leonardo DiCaprio Really Sick

    Co-stars Jonah Hill and Leonardo DiCaprio enjoyed pranking each other at every opportunity while filming the blockbuster The Wolf of Wall Street. DiCaprio would terrorize Hill with beatings over the course of six months while they were making the film. Hill got his own back in a much different way. During a scene in which the pair ate sushi Hill improvized and told DiCaprio (or rather his character) that he could have the last piece of sushi. The problem was that they shot 70 identical takes meaning that DiCaprio was forced to eat a bucket load of sushi. This made him violently ill in the end. According to reports, crew members came running to help the actor while Hill and director Martin Scorsese found the prank pretty funny.

    9 Russell Brand And Jonathan Ross Bully A Guy

    You'll probably know Russell Brand from movies such as Get Him to the Greek and Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and of course you know him from his marriage to pop star Katy Perry. In 2008 Brand was part of a huge media scandal after he and British TV presenter Jonathan Ross left several hoax messages on the answering machine of actor Andrew Sachs live on Brand's BBC Radio 2 show. In the messages the pair allude to the fact that Brand slept with Sachs' granddaughter, making vulgar comments throughout. The BBC thus received thousands of complaints from listeners over their indecent behaviour. Brand, Ross and a producer of the show were forced to resign from the BBC, while the network was fined £150,000 by regulatory body Ofcom.

    8 Justin Bieber Nearly Gets Run Over

    There's no denying that Justin Bieber has done many stupid things. One particularly stupid thing he did was play a prank on a group of cyclists in Malibu. There were 16 people cycling in total and according to one of them, Bieber just ran out in the road in front of them waving his arms around. They nearly knocked the famous singer down and had to swerve out of the way quickly, just missing him. The incident was clearly dangerous for all parties and so it's no surprise the cyclists were irked. But as soon as they realized it was Justin Bieber they all got starstruck and forgot how angry they were.

    7 Justin Bieber's Fast Food Fail

    There's a YouTube video of Bieber trying a prank that's somewhat less dangerous but equally stupid. He thinks it's a hilarious idea to try and return a milkshake from Wendy's at a Burger King drive-thru. The guy at the window simply says that the shake isn't from there but Justin continues to pry and it's just awkward and really not funny. We then see another clip of him getting ice creams from a drive-thru and he grabs them from the top. It's no surprise that he gets ice cream all over his hands and the car. He can't drive properly because he has an ice cream in each hand and nearly crashes into the wall. This kind of behavior shows that he probably should have been strapped into a booster chair in the back seat instead of driving.

    6 The Game Disrupts Police Hotline

    When The Game posted a tweet telling folks to ring a telephone number to be in with the opportunity of getting an internship working with him, fans jumped at the chance. They rang up the phone number mentioned in the tweet in their masses. Little did they know that the phone number actually belonged to the L.A. Sherrif's Department in Compton. This meant that callers were blocking the phone lines for approximately two hours, in which time people with genuine grievances would not have been able to get through. For this reason the police were extremely angry. It all came to an end when the station's captain sent out a tweet telling the rapper to “Knock that sh*t off”.

    5 Amy Schumer Takes A Dive

    At the 2015 TIME 100 Gala in NYC comedian Amy Schumer decided it would be funny to take a dive in front of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on the red carpet. Schumer shared the image of her prank on Twitter and it spread like wild fire. Kanye looks super serious, Mr West clearly doesn't know how to take a joke, while Kim K at least manages to crack a little smile. They are perhaps the best couple to prank in such a way because you just know they won't see the funny side of it. This, in a way, makes it even funnier for us looking at the scene.

    4 Kim K Doesn't Really Get Punk'd

    We all know that Kim Kardashian doesn't pay much attention to her surroundings, mostly because she's more interested in her phone. That's definitely true of the infamous occasion when she was taking selfies in the car as her sister Khloe was being driven to jail. She paid just as little attention when her then brother-in-law Scott Disick was arrested as a prank for the TV show Punk'd. She doesn't seem to be phased at all and is smiling practically the whole time. As the events unfold she just makes a phone call and stays away from the action, leaving Scott in big trouble. If one thing came out of this prank, Scott Disick found out that Kim wouldn't have his back in an emergency.

    3 Sam Smith's Revelatory Tweet

    Last April Fool's Day singer Sam Smith attempted to play a prank on his fans by tweeting, “Guys I have some news… I'm straight”. The openly gay star followed up with a tweet saying, “April fools” around thirty minutes later. His die hard fans lolled their socks off, of course. But most people just thought the joke fell flat. I mean, at least leave it more than a half hour before you admit you were joking. Plus, some members of the LGBTQ community actually found Smith's prank offensive. They hit back with tweets about their suffering and plight for civil rights, saying that being gay is no laughing matter.

    2 The Mystery Titanic Prankster

    The actors and crew alike must work super long days on film sets. So they have to find some way of entertaining themselves. One individual who was working on one of the greatest movies of all time, Titanic, decided to entertain him or herself by playing a prank on members of the crew. He laced their lunch of lobster chowder with the drug PCP, thinking that they would all have a good time probably. Instead, around fifty members of the crew started feeling strange and had to go to the emergency room. The doctor said “The crew has simply been stoned.” That's not just awks, it's pretty dangerous! It's no wonder the prankster never revealed their identity.

    1 One Direction Get Woozy

    Back when 1D were just starting to reach fame in America, band members Zayn and Louis decided to play a prank on Harry, Niall and Liam in a video you can watch here. The prank took place on the set of a Nickelodeon TV show. The producer of the show was in fact an actor who pretended to go into labour while prepping the band for their interview. The guys who were kept in the dark were shocked to say the least. But where it went wrong was in the fact that Niall and Harry in particular were actually quite panicked by the circumstances going on around them. To be fair, I don't know what I would do if I were in that situation!