12 Films And Series That Deserved Better Endings
Nothing divides fans more than a bad ending, whether we're talking about movies or a television series. There are always going to be debates about whether a film's final moments or a show's series finale was the best decision and no one is ever really going to fully agree. That's probably because the entertainment that we love is a totally personal thing. No two people experience a show or movie the same way. We each bring our own life experiences, thoughts and beliefs to whatever we watch, and there's just no changing that fact. Watching a finale is even kind of nerve-racking for super fans because we're always worried that the creators are going to let us down. It probably sucks even more for the creators because they will be hearing about it on Twitter and other forms of social media. But while some films and shows get it right, the following definitely got it wrong. Here are 12 films and TV series that definitely deserved a better ending.
12 'Lost'
Even if there are people out there who actually liked the way that this show ended, no one can deny the fact that it makes fans super angry. Like incredibly angry. The disappointment was evident and obvious as soon as the series finale aired and it's something that is still talked about within pop culture-obsessed circles. So even if there are some fans out there who were totally happy with the final episode, the fact that so many were really upset proves that Lost was one show that deserved a better ending. However, it definitely seemed impossible to properly wrap up six seasons of such a mysterious, confusing, yet amazingly unique show.
11 'The Notebook'
Okay, so the ending of The Notebook is basically the entire point of the movie. It's incredibly sad and proves that this elderly couple who were once young and in love has been torn apart by time and disease. But that's exactly why it should have ended differently. It needed to end in a much happier way to give people hope that love really can endure, no matter what happens. That's definitely wishful thinking but really, this ending was just way too heartbreaking for it not to be changed. Sure, maybe changing the ending would make it too realistic but that's what the movies are for.
10 'How I Met Your Mother'
There was literally no fan that thought the way that this popular sitcom ended was a good idea. Killing off “The Mother” was honestly the worst thing that this nine-year-old show could do. It really upset people and no one could believe that this was actually the way that it ended. There are literally so many other ways that this show could have finished its run but it definitely deserved something other than a sad and depressing death that made zero sense. Fans just couldn't believe they sat through so many episodes for that finale.
9 'Roseanne'
Fans of this old-school sitcom hated that the ending was basically that the whole show was a dream. Really, Roseanne? That's such a cheap trick and definitely something that our high school English teacher told us never to do when telling a story. Just think about how it would feel if any show or movie that we liked ended that way. It feels so manipulative and is a pretty hard thing to get over. It's difficult to believe that this was thought to be a good series finale.
8 'Inception'
Sure, the ending was kind of the entire message of the movie, but because it was super confusing it deserved another final scene. It's become super artsy to end movies in a vague, ambiguous way that leaves audiences to decide on their own how something really ended. But that's just frustrating for viewers because we don't care about being artistic or creative - we just want a good story with a satisfying ending. We want to know that the characters we loved and just watched for two hours ended up okay. Having an ending like this is really like having no ending at all.
7 'Pretty In Pink'
It's totally ridiculous that Molly Ringwald's character Andie didn't end up with her best friend Duckie played by Jon Cryer. Just absolutely ridiculous. Apparently a version of the film with that ending was tested on audiences and the overall decision was that it would be too awful for Andie not to end up with Blane, the super popular boy that is her main love interest. It's really too bad because it would have been so cool for Andie to end up with the dorky yet good-hearted character instead of the typical Hollywood romantic ending. Talk about a missed opportunity.
6 'The Killing'
This mystery series not only deserved a better ending, it deserved an entirely differently second season, not to mention a different season one finale. Fans were absolutely livid that the crime drama didn't mention who killed the character of Rosie at the end of season one and instead dragged the who-did-it mystery out until the end of the second season. It was totally frustrating to keep watching without any real answers and by the time they were given, it felt like way too late. The series was given a third and fourth season that each were devoted to entirely new mysteries but audiences were pretty much over it.
5 'One Tree Hill'
Raise your hand if you were a fan of this cheesy teen drama from the mid-2000s. It's okay, it was a total guilty pleasure. One Tree Hill lasted for nine seasons and it rebooted itself several times - in season five, the characters returned five years older and were suddenly adults (or at least trying to be adults) and they just seemed to get older and more mature with each passing season. The series finale was beautiful and touching but it deserved more because the beloved characters of Peyton and Lucas weren't part of the finale at all. Sure, the actors left the show years earlier but it's always disappointing for fans when the original characters aren't there at the end.
4 'When Harry Met Sally'
This movie could have had a different ending considering the fact that people hold it up as the ultimate example of the answer to whether men and women can really be just friends. If that's how the film is remembered within popular culture, then how come in the end, Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal actually ended up together? It's basically stating that you can never have a platonic friend who is a member of the opposite sex and that's really not true.
3 'I Still Know What You Did Last Summer'
This guilty pleasure horror movie sequel had a horrible ending: namely, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prince Jr.'s characters didn't live so happily ever after after all and were killed by the serial killer (who everyone thought was dead - oops). It's just a horrible ending because we didn't spend two entire movies wishing that this adorable couple would end up safe and sound only to see that dream ruined within the final moments of the movie. We definitely expect horror movies to have happy endings at least for the main characters so this was definitely a massive plot twist.
2 'The Sopranos'
The series finale of the popular and beloved HBO mob drama was considered to be pretty terrible since no one was sure whether Tony was killed or not. Talk about a cliffhanger. Again with the vague, confusing endings. It sucked for fans because they watched this guy for years and really loved him, and they were left totally unsatisfied. This was one show that should have gotten a different, better ending, and one that fans could be happy with. You can't please everyone, of course, but too many people were left disappointed.
1 'Gilmore Girls'
Fans were pretty unhappy that this fun, fast-talking show ended its seven season run without its creator, Amy Sherman-Palladino. Sure, the finale itself wasn't terrible - we got to see Rory become a real reporter, just like she'd always dreamed, and at least it included every Stars Hollow character. But the good news is Gilmore Girls is actually getting the better ending that it deserves since the four-episode Netflix revival is currently filming. Hallelujah. Now fans can see their beloved mother-daughter duo spout pop culture references, drink too much coffee, and above all support each other once again. Talk about a dream come true.