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    12 Hottest Celebrity Snapchats You Need To Follow

    Some celebs purposefully avoid social media and are over sharing completely, and, of course, others totally relish it. With the creation of Snapchat, the world of social media has expanded even more, since the videos that only last temporarily give people the opportunity to post super frequent updates without totally overwhelming a newsfeed like on the other sites. The following celebs are definitely getting tons of use out of Snapchat, which can reveal quite a lot. Here are 12 of the hottest celebrity Snapchats.

    12 Ariana Grande

    The singer naturally uses her Snapchat to post a ton of singing clips, so if you're a fan of her music, it's a good place to be. She's mentioned before that the music is always her top priority: "If I could, I would not do anything else. I'd just be in the studio for my whole life. I would never go to parties, events, and red carpets."

    11 Chrissy Teigen

    What else would Chris Pratt post on Snapchat besides funny videos? He's hot, so anytime he's being funny or doing pretty much anything, it naturally becomes a hot snapchat. Chris has actually made it a habit to apologize ahead of time on social media for any blunders he might make in the public eye. Before the Jurassic World press tour he tweeted, “I hope you understand it was never my intention to offend anyone and I am truly sorry. I swear. I'm the nicest guy in the world. And I fully regret what I (accidentally will have) said in (the upcoming foreign and domestic) interview(s). I am not in the business of making excuses. I am just dumb. Plain and simple. I try. I REALLY try!”

    8 Fifth Harmony

    If you're a fan of the modern girl group Fifth Harmony, you should definitely be following them on Snapchat. The girls use their group account to post info about their outfits and also workouts. The group is currently on a roll with the upcoming release of their second LP 7/27, and recent single releases like "Work From Home" and "That's My Girl" written by Tinashe.

    7 Trey Songz

    Snapchat: @TreySongz

    A post shared by treysongz (@treysongz) on Jun 29, 2015 at 11:20am PDT

    Trey Songz mostly uses Snapchat to post shirtless photos and sexy selfies, which nobody is complaining about if they know what's good for them. One thing we know is that there will be selfies. He has said, "I think 'selfies' are fun and expressive, as long as you don't get carried away with it." He also loves Calvin Klein: "That's the only kind of underwear I wear."

    6 Jenna Dewan Tatum

    Jenna Dewan Tatum not only post snaps of herself being goofy, but she posts snaps of her hot husband Channing Tatum, as well as their adorable daughter. That's a whole lot of cuteness for one Snapchat, but you can handle it, because it sounds like our idea of heaven.

    5 Jennifer Lopez

    Is it possible to get enough of Jennifer Lopez? Probably not. Luckily, her Snapchat provides us with plenty of opportunities to see more of her. She posts stuff like behind the scenes shots from photoshoots, outfits you wish you had, and just her being her fabulous self. J Lo has asked about how her children will feel about her sexy shots when they get older. She had a pretty good response. "I'm not allowed to be sexy because I'm a mom? It's like, how do you think I got my children? At the end of the day, they care more about me being there, taking care of them, than if I'm sexy in a video. And I'm not saying that one day they may not be like, 'Mom! Why did you do that?!' But I don't think that in 10 years I'm going to be doing that either."

    4 Justin Bieber

    The Biebs recently expressed that he won't be posing for fan photos any longer. But luckily we still have Instgarm and Snapchat to see plenty of pictures of the star. He recently posted on Instagram that, "If you think setting boundaries is being a douche I'm the biggest douche around but I think it's smart." He thinks this is the right choice for him, so we can't really blame him.

    3 Rihanna

    Rihanna is always up to something, whether it's changing up her look or even her facial expression. Following her on Snap means that you get to see it asap. Rihanna is of course one of the celebrities that got removed from Instagram for posting photos of her nipples, and she's never been apologetic about doing what she wants. In 2013 MTV published "controversial" photos of her smoking and she made it clear to the network that she "ran out of f***s to give."

    2 Kendall Jenner

    Kendall Jenner gets on the hot list because, well, let's be honest here, she's just hot. She looks good in normal photos and she also looks good with the weird Snapchat filters too. If you haven't already, you really want to see Kendall as a puppy. But it sounds like she has some mixed feelings about the whole thing as well: "I think social media has taken over our generation. It's a big part of our lives and it's kind of sad. I hate it sometimes, like, I literally want to throw my phone so I can't look at it. It's all a made-up world if you think about it. Social media, everything, this interview, everything. It's not real. It's pretty crazy."

    1 Kylie Jenner

    Of course Kendall's sister's Snapchat is also super hot. Not just because she snapped a close-up shot of her sister's nipple at Coachella (although that was a pretty interesting moment). She also snaps herself posing and singing. Whether or not you're a fan, it's pretty hard to look away. Kylie claimed that she's totally going to quit social media when she has a child. We'll see about that.