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    13 Co-Stars Who Hated Each Other

    There's a ton of magic that goes into movie making, and we're not just talking about editing and special effects. Sometimes actors that are cast together hate each other so much that they can hardly be around each other, and yet the movies are so good you would honestly have no idea. Instead, we hear those stories from the rumor mill or even from the actors themselves. Here are 13 actors who didn't get along when shooting movies or TV shows. Some of them have made up, but some of them don't seem like they were ever making up.

    13 Alyssa Milano and Shannen Doherty

    The actresses starred together on Charmed alongside Holly Marie Combs. Alyssa has discussed the challenges of working with Shannen: "I can tell you that we were on the air with her for three years, and there were definitely some rough days. Holly and Shannen were best friends for like 10 years before the show started, so it was very much sort of like high school. I would hope that in our thirties it wouldn't be like that anymore." She really enjoyed the work though, so there's that.

    12 Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes

    A young Leo DiCaprio and Claire Danes made a great pair in 1996's Romeo and Juliet remake, but apparently their personalities did not mesh so well. Claire thought that Leo's pranks were immature and she tried to keep her distance from him, while Leo found Claire to be super uptight. They were later cast together in the film J.Edgar but Claire turned down the role.

    11 Sharon Stone and Billy Baldwin

    Sharon Stone and Billy Baldwin had a romantic connection in the 1993 drama Sliver, but apparently Sharon disliked Billy so much that she literally bit his tongue during one of their kissing scenes. This was no love bite or even a gentle reminder about her feelings. The bite was supposedly so hard that Billy couldn't talk properly for a few days. It's hard to imagine biting one of your coworkers on the tongue, but then again most of us don't have to kiss our annoying coworkers.

    10 Lindsay Lohan and America Ferrera

    Lindsay Lohan guest starred on Ugly Betty and was booked for six episodes, but only ended up shooting four, supposedly because she and America (the star) didn't get along. One source claimed "it was a power play" and that everyday was basically The Lindsay Lohan Show with a huge entourage. She apparently trashed her dressing room and wouldn't stop smoking. America's people responded in a much classier manner, saying they loved the work Lindsay did on the show.

    9 Shia LaBeouf and Tom Hardy

    The actors starred in the film Lawless, and actually had a physical altercation at one point. Tom said that Shia knocked him out, while Shia blamed that on their "brotherly bond." Maybe Tom was kidding? Director John Hillcoat confirmed that the fight did take place.

    8 Tyrese Gibson and James Franco

    Tyrese Gibson and James Franco were both in the film Annapolis, but apparently that didn't work out so well. In 2007, Tyrese told Playboy, “I never want to work with him again, and I'm sure he feels the same way. It felt very personal.” James responded that he attempted to mend fences, so who knows.

    7 Julia Roberts and Nick Nolte

    Julia and Nick played a couple in the 1994 film I Love Trouble, but it sounds like they had a little too much real life trouble. Julia supposedly found Nick chauvinistic while Nick supposedly tried to get under her skin on purpose. It was so bad that when possible they would both shoot with stand ins instead of each other. Years later, in 2003, Julia was quoted calling Nick "a disgusting human being," so it doesn't sound like they made up. Nick responded: “It's not nice to call someone 'disgusting.' But she's not a nice person. Everyone knows that.” Ouch.

    6 Debra Winger and Shirley MacLaine

    Debra Winger and Shirley MacLaine both got Best Actress Oscar noms for their roles in Terms of Engagement, and Shirley ended up winning. The actresses apparently got along so poorly they even got into physical fights on set. Supposedly Debra abused drugs at the time and would fart on Shirley. For real, that's what people say. It's easy to see how that might get a little irritating at work, although throwing punches isn't the answer, either. 

    5 Bette Davis and Joan Crawford

    Everyone already knew that Bette Davis and Joan Crawford hated each other before they starred in 1962's horror film What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? So, naturally, things didn't get any better on that film. The rumor is that Joan hit on Bette, who didn't return her romantic feelings. Others claim that Joan was actually in love with her. That could definitely cause some tension, although they really seemed to hate each other and purposely made things difficult for the other on set.

    4 Jamie Foxx and LL Cool J

    Jamie Foxx and LL Cool J starred together in 1999's Any Given Sunday, but the two had some issues. The Miami-Dade county police department actually got involved. The two were filming a scene at Miami's Pro Player Stadium when things got physical. However, they seemed to get over whatever their issue was because they've performed together since, and Foxx has commented: “When you're grown, you don't really have time for all that [beefing]. When you're young, it's cool to have your emotions on your chest. But we're grown now.”

    3 Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker

    The actresses may have played BFFs on their famous show, but there were a lots of rumors flying about the women not getting along when the cameras weren't rolling. Some sources have said they wouldn't even talk to each other. Sarah told Marie Claire that they worked super long hours and “I don't have any regrets about how I've treated people.”

    2 Bill Murray and Lucy Liu

    Bill Murray and Lucy Liu starred together in Charlie's Angels, but as the story goes, Bill didn't seem to think that Lucy was doing so well. Apparently he pointed to Drew Barrymore and then Cameron Diaz before pointing to Lucy and said, “I get why you're here, and you've got talent… but what in the hell are you doing here. You can't act!” Yikes! Supposedly the tension is why Bill didn't return for the sequel to the film when Bernie Mac took over.

    1 Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling

    Okay, technically Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling probably get along okay now, or at least they did at some point since they ended up dating each other. But initially when they were cast in The Notebook, they didn't get along at all. Like we're talking issues on set. Guess it shows how great their acting skills are since that is definitely widely considered to be the most romantic (and the most tragic) movie ever. According to the film's director Nick Cassavetes, “Ryan came to me, and there's 150 people standing in this big scene, and he says, 'Nick come here.' And he's doing a scene with Rachel and he says, 'Would you take her out of here and bring in another actress to read off camera with me?' I said, 'What?' He says, 'I can't. I can't do it with her. I'm just not getting anything from this.'” Looks like the movie worked out anyway.