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    13 Signs You Should Be On Reality TV

    It's generally considered kind of uncool to be a reality TV fan, but who cares what people think? Reality television is one of the greatest gifts of modern life. It's fun, it's hilarious, it's humiliating, and it's sometimes just plain weird. Whenever you need some real entertainment, you know you can cue up the latest episode of The Real Housewives or the latest incarnation of Big Brother and your weeknight or weekend afternoon will be taken care of. Although there are all different kinds of reality shows, since the genre has really taken off and even exploded in recent years, there are certain things that stay the same. We're talking all that bad behavior, of course. Sometimes you watch reality shows to feel better about your own existence, but other times you can relate, even though you don't really want to. Here are 13 signs you should be on reality TV. Sorry to break it to you.

    13 You're Extremely Emotional

    Reality TV stars aren't exactly super level-headed, calm, and peaceful people. If they were, they probably would live totally private lives away from the public, the media, and the cameras. If you're an emotional person, you were basically born to be on a reality show. You probably freak out at the smallest things and the people around you can never understand what the big deal is. If logic and reason are your enemies and being high-strung is your everyday attitude, that's a sign you should be on reality TV.

    12 You Fight Over Nothing

    Ever noticed how the “fights” on any given reality show seem to be about absolutely nothing? If you think that's totally normal because you argue with your family and friends and boyfriend on a regular basis about random stuff, then you should get your own show and soon. You can't help it, you have a bit of a temper (okay, more than a little) and you get annoyed and upset almost every five minutes.

    11 You Throw Parties Often

    There seem to be a lot of parties and occasions to celebrate on reality shows - from birthdays to anniversaries to barbeques to themed parties where you wear all white. You're a reality TV kind of girl if you live for parties and could throw one at the drop of the hat. Seriously, your house is always party central and your friends know if they want a good time, they should call you. Of course, it goes without saying that your parties are never, ever boring - you would rather die than throw a dull bash.

    10 You're All About The Drama

    If drama is your middle name and you absolutely live for even an ounce of gossip, then why don't you already have your own reality TV show? You should seriously start calling up some producers and fast. Drama is, of course, a serious staple on reality television and without it, there would be no shows at all. Drama keeps each episode interesting and basically is the reason that you watch. So if you always start fights with your best friends or can't help but be super dramatic all the time, you should probably look into your own show so at least you can entertain someone other than yourself.

    9 You Love Talking On The Phone

    Ever noticed how much reality TV stars chat on the phone? Just watch any lifestyle-oriented show like the Housewives or Keeping Up with the Kardashians etc. The stars are just constantly chatting away. If you love talking on the phone (and you even put your iPhone on speaker, just like they do) then you should have some cameras following you around. You know, just in case you talk about something particularly fascinating and juicy. Of course, the conversations will be edited down for time, since it would be kind of boring to just watch someone on the phone for the whole 42-minute episode.

    8 You've Got A Big Personality

    Meek, shy, and quiet people don't end up on reality television. That would basically be the worst idea in the world. You're a big presence with a massive personality. You light up whatever room you walk into, no matter what the occasion or situation, and you can always make people laugh. You're pretty entertaining, even if you don't know it. Everyone on a reality show has a huge personality, so you would totally fit right in.

    7 There's Something Special About You

    Boring people don't end up on reality shows. It just doesn't happen. You deserve your own show because there's just something special about you, and everyone that you come into contact with knows it. You're hilarious or you're smart or you're kind of ditzy. Hey, on reality TV, being a bit ditzy is actually considered a good thing. It means you're interesting and you bring a spark to any situation that you're a part of.

    6 You're A Bit Crazy

    In a good way, of course. You have to admit that most people on these shows are kind of nuts. It makes for more entertaining episodes, of course, but it also just makes you realize that deep down, we're all a bit neurotic and weird. Hey, if watching a reality show can make you accept yourself and all your flaws a little bit more, that can't be bad. Who knew there could be a positive outcome from this stuff?

    5 You Always Have Fun

    At heart, you love to have fun, and that's both good and bad. It's pretty awesome that you can have fun in any situation or place and that you don't always take yourself or anyone else so seriously… but it kind of sucks that you don't know when to stop playing or joking around. Not so great in real life but really great on reality TV.

    4 You Have An Unconventional Job

    You don't see "normal" jobs on these shows. You see people who work from home, run their own businesses, or never seem to work and yet bring home the bacon all the time. Hmm. If this describes you, then you've somehow figured out the secret to life: not having to work very much and yet somehow making money. Hats off to you.

    3 You Exclude People

    Almost every single episode of The Hills is about throwing a birthday party (or some other kind of bash) and figuring out the guest list. Exclusion is the name of the game and, hey, you might not be proud of it, but you know you do it too. Of course, this would become way too obvious to everyone you know if you had your own reality show, since it would be on national television, but oh well. What can you do?

    2 You're A Travelholic

    Every notice how much these reality people tend to travel? Just watch any season, any city, any episode of The Real Housewives franchise and you'll see the girls going on trips to Europe or Florida or literally anywhere. Some of them travel for work (we're looking at you, Vicki on Orange County) and most of them just travel for fun. If you seriously rack up the travel miles, you need your own show, no two ways about it.

    1 You Live Large

    Ever watched #Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills? As the name of the show suggest, those kids really are rich. They order super pricey take-out for "sleepovers" and everything they do costs a lot of money even if they claim it's casual. If you're already living large, spending tons of cash, and enjoying every single second of your fabulous life, then you're already living as if you have your own reality show. So it might as well actually come true.