Laman » Hiburan » 14 Hot Celebs Who Were Ugly Babies

    14 Hot Celebs Who Were Ugly Babies

    Anyone who says all babies are cute is a liar. A HUGE liar. Not all babies are cute, and some of them don't grow up to look very nice either. While most people never grow out of their ugly duckling phase, some people do end up shedding the grumpy face, chubbiness, and bad toddler haircuts. You'd be surprised how many of those people end up as celebrities! Celebs didn't grow up with the perfect figures and straight, white teeth. In fact, most of them started out as really, really ugly kids. These fifteen hot celebrities made for really ugly babies. From bad hair to bad teeth, confused looks to uni brows, these babies are without a doubt the worst of the worst. They're hilarious, unfortunate, and we think that it's almost unbelievable that they grew up to be this hot. But hey… Even the ugly ducklings can grow up to be lovely swans.

    14 Brad Pitt

    Yes, the first one we have to mention is the hottest man in the world. Dubbed as sexiest, most attractive, and an all-around total heartthrob, it's hard to believe that he was once this gross and pudgy looking. He's not even cute in the way pudgy babies are usually cute! And what the heck is up with that hair? It might be the lighting of this photo, but it looks like Brad's parents gave him a comb over when he was a kid in order to compensate for some weird, fresh-out-of-the-womb bald spot he developed. We're not sure what it is about the dopey look he's got too, but it's not helping with his cuteness levels. In fact, we think it's totally hindering him. The cutest babies are the ones that have a curious look, a burbling smile, and big eyes. Brad's got… None of those. He's stuck with a dumbstruck stare, a tiny slit of a smile, and huge overwhelming cheeks on a long, oval head. That makes for a whole lot of baby to love, and we just don't love this look. Thank goodness he made it past infancy!

    13 Kate Hudson

    Is this a troll or a human baby? We're honestly not sure. Kate Hudson, the blonde bombshell that she is today, started out looking like a cross between Charlie Sheen and a gremlin. The eyes look a little wacky, shining with all the manic glee of a baby throwing food at their parents. The mouth is a cute little smile, but you'd be hard pressed to find a baby that doesn't have that. One little smile doesn't make for an adorable kid. There's also the fact that the body position and photo angle makes her look reminiscent of a leprechaun, hunched over and gleefully, greedily conjuring her pot of gold. The velour onesie doesn't help with the ugliness, though that can be excused; when you've only been in the world for a few months, you're allowed to make some fashion mistakes. Overall she looks UGLY, even though she grew up to be the gorgeous beauty she is today.

    12 Megan Fox

    Front, side ponytails are only cute if you're an adorable toddler. If you're not adorable, you can't get away with it… Even if you are only two and a half. Her wide-set face doesn't do much to improve this hair style, and the hair doesn't do much to help it. It's all a lot of visually unpleasant things coming together to create one ugly kid. The kicker for this photo is also the fact that she doesn't look happy. The most cute kids are the ones that smile, gleefully giggling when you steal their nose. Megan Fox doesn't seem to be that type of child, nor that type of adult. While her go-get-em personality hasn't changed, her looks certainly have. No longer is she a young cabbage patch doll. Instead, she's one of the hottest celebrities around and makes a living getting cast as attractive females. What a change!

    11 John Travolta

    While he might not be the hottest of the hot celebrities now, back in his day he was one of the best. The chiseled jaw, the casual muscles, the tight pants, and the perfect hair all gave him the appearance of being the perfect, sexy man. Nowadays he's a little more filled in, able to work on his comic timing rather than just strutting around and looking hot. While it's unfortunate that he's lost some of his looks due to old age and weight gain, he's still looking better than he ever did as a baby. Just look at this alien face! His big eyes are disproportionate to the rest of his face, with a huge head tapering down to a tiny little jaw. His look is somewhere between alien and grumpy turtle… Minus the shell, of course. This baby is one of the ugliest ones we've ever seen, and that's saying something for a man that grew up to make our underwear more damp than the kitchen dish rag.

    10 Ryan Seacrest

    Those crooked bottom teeth, that terrible blond hair, and a face that looks like lumpy playdough when it smiles. Yes, it's none other than Ryan Seacrest, a man that frequently gets referred to as “Mr. Sexy” in our conversations. The man himself has lost most of this baby chub, and has turned into a ruggedly handsome individual. His hair is less blond than it is in this picture, and thank goodness he's quit that mullet style. While we know babies don't get a ton of say in what they want their hair to look like, no doubt this is not the style he would have picked if given half a chance. We don't know why his parents picked it either. It's not flattering, and it certainly doesn't do much to make this baby stand out. What a surprise that he turned into such a photogenic adult… No doubt his folks are relieved he grew out of this phase!

    9 Beyonce

    Babe-yonce has a secret past… And that secret past is being an ugly baby. While it's maybe not the worst baby photo we've ever seen, it's pretty hilarious. Her chubby cheeks and crooked eyebrows give her a silly, dopey expression. Especially when she's excited! While we don't know what she's staring at, the manic glee that's in her eyes reminds us of a happy, goofy puppy: impulsive, slobbery, and running around. We wouldn't be surprised to hear that this outspoken lady was once a wild child, especially given that this was her default expression. The worst part about this photo? The collar. We can imagine the kind of dress that's attached to that collar, and we can't help but be a little grossed out by it. Frills, poofy sleeves, and probably a skirt that channels the verb “flounce”. We can't imagine grown up Beyonce dressed in anything even remotely similar to this… And for good reason! Leave those ugly baby suits behind, Bey.

    8 Demi Lovato

    We could not believe our eyes when we saw this photo. Those chubby toddler cheeks have a mind of their own, making her smile stretch wide to show off her teeth gaps. Demi's hair is also a mess, reminding us more of a balding middle-aged man instead of a 3-year-old. Her outfit is also concerning, as it looks to be a periwinkle striped onesie. Could anyone but a toddler get away with this? No. And thank goodness, because it's nowhere close to being cute. Maybe it's that silly smile, but we're not convinced that this plump little plum of a person could ever be Demi Lovato. She's too cute for words nowadays, with hair and eyebrows that are totally on point, and a smile that has brightened a magazine cover or two. Without a doubt, they are the same person though. Good luck wrapping your mind around that!

    7 Idina Menzel

    Who's that kid with the big nose and slicked-back hair? This shot of childhood Idina Menzel has her looking like she means business, and it's great to see. This lady has had tons of success and knows how to get what she wants. It's no surprise we see this in baby Menzel too, who has a determined face and a cheeky grin. What could be going on behind that smile? We certainly don't know. It looks like she's in her sports gear here, which is no surprise to us. This kid looks like she prefers to run around on the playground than sit inside listening to people talk, and we respect that. Idina Menzel is still a firecracker, but we're glad that she's grown into her looks. She's now a powerful, take-no-bull woman, who uses her art to comment on the state of the world. Thanks for keeping your spark alive, Idina!

    6 Fergie

    Okay, maybe she's not quite a baby in this photo. And maaaybe she's not quite the ugliest. But it's certainly ridiculous. This gem of a kid's pic could only exist in the Fergie memory banks. The mullet-style hair and full sequin outfit make for a dramatic, stomach turning look. While we know it was for a performance, it doesn't excuse the fact that it's really, really not good. Not to mention the fact that she looks almost nothing like who she is now. Adult Fergie certainly cleaned up well, dropping the full sequin, headband-topped garb and opting for sexy, tight, and subtly sparkly outfits when she's onstage. Her face has filled in too, and she no longer looks like a dorky tween. Her eyebrows make a ton of difference, and it's nice to see that she's going for the confident, powerful woman aura instead of the “I'm a supposedly-adorable-kid” look. Thank goodness that's over!

    5 Katie Holmes

    This dead-eyed kid kind of looks like she's staring into your soul. It's not like she is, but those big eyes and wide-set face give us the idea that she can see more than is humanly possible. Her flat, wide nose adds to that impression, and the large ears add to our confusion about the scale of her facial features. Is her mouth really tiny, or is her chin really big? Are her eyebrows sparse, or is her face just wide? It's a confusing mass of human. She has, however, grown into a beautiful woman, with posture that's much better than we see here. In this photo we wouldn't be surprised if she was folded over, grabbing her feet. She looks caved in like you would be if you were reaching down. We haven't seen that posture since this shot though, and thank goodness. Bad posture can do a lot of damage to a person, and we're very thankful she grew out of that.

    4 Drake Bell

    And the award for ugliest baby goes to… Well, it could go to any of the ones on this list, as they're all terrible in different ways. From aliens to bridge trolls, we keep seeing ugly baby after ugly baby, and no two are exactly alike. This photo, however, looks like it combines all the ugliest aspects of all the ugly babies here and turns it into one human. It's not photoshop though! It's actually Drake Bell. The teen heartthrob (who's recently lost a fair bit of that chubby baby weight) used to be this remarkably gross wee babe. His smile is empty, and his eyes are cold and a little dead… Almost like Katie Holmes. His eyebrows are weirder than Megan Fox's, and these cheeks could rival Demi Lovato easily. We're surprised he's grown up so well, considering this was his humble beginnings. Guess it just goes to show you can't judge a person by their childhood self.

    3 Justin Bieber

    We're getting alien redneck off of this kid, which you never in a million years would get off of Justin Bieber as an adult now. This child has weird hair, looking a little like Pippi Longstockings (but without the red tint). His eyes are much too big for his little face, and the mouth reminds us of a collapsed Yorkshire pudding. He's a little reminiscent of John Travolta in this shot, but with more hair. In fact, we wouldn't be surprised if someone told us that this was John Travolta a few months later than his ugly baby shot. We know that it's not him though, as this is undeniably Bieber. The blonde hair is a giveaway, and the little caterpillar eyebrows also aid in our recognition. There's nothing wrong with this photo other than the fact he's just so ugly. And while he might have grown up now, there's not much change in the hairstyle or look… Oh well! He's still a bit of a baby nowadays. Another few years and we'll see him change into a well-developed man… We hope.

    2 Britney Spears

    Yes, even the hottest, most famous woman of the early 2000s couldn't avoid being put on our list. This photo is proof that anyone can grow up and look hot, including babies that have skinny arms and puffy red dresses. While her smile is gorgeous (and hasn't changed a bit, outside of getting more teeth grown in), the rest of her face took a while to be grown into. It just seems a little too big for her body. Her eyes, mouth, and cheeks are really wide, and it's not proportional to her tiny little nose. While she grew into all of the features, we're glad she grew out of that haircut. While the short bangs are a trend now, they're only popular amongst the alternative art school types… Not so much the pop stars and Britneys of the world. That outfit we're not even going to talk about, as she looks like a strawberry shortcake crossed with a pumpkin. She's much better off without it… Trust us.

    1 George Clooney

    Whether you think he's a sexy machine or a gross old man, there's no denying that many people in the world have the hots for him. Often considered one of the sexiest men alive, he features on everything from high-class watch advertisements to movie trailers. He also has a hilarious past as a little kid, waddling around in oversized pants and grinning like a maniac. This little elf man looks like he's up to mischief, which we would totally believe. George Clooney here is more reminiscent of a stuffed animal than a boy and has the big, goofy grin to match. While he's certainly not the most attractive child, he does have the energy and zeal of an adorable toddler. No doubt part of his awkward charm in this picture is that he's totally happy. Oblivious to the fact that he's not the most attractive kid, George Clooney raised his confidence up to the level of a god. And now he matches it! The fact he wears pants that fit now is also a plus.