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    14 Photos Taylor Swift Wishes Never Made It To The Internet

    We all know that Taylor Swift is one of the most popular musicians on the planet. We're used to seeing her rocking elegant dresses on the red carpet and edgy numbers while performing on stage. Taylor always looks like total perfection from her signature hairstyle to her classic red lips and winged liner combo. Her sweet and bubbly personality make her the absolute best. It's safe to say that we're all jealous of how perfect Taylor Swift always seems. But these photos might help you see things in a new light. From awkward candid photos to tripping on stage, Taylor isn't immune to a bad picture or two. We're sure that all of these photos are ones Taylor could delete permanently from the Internet. Though Taylor is always perfectly made up on the red carpet and in magazine spread, these 15 photos show a side of Taylor that we're not used to seeing!

    14 Being Silly

    We've all taken pictures while making silly faces. And that includes Taylor Swift. Taylor's funny face isn't her prettiest, which we can totally relate to since we can definitely say the same thing. Though it may be hilarious, we doubt she'd pose on the red carpet like this. By the looks of it, this picture was taken when Taylor was still a teenager, so probably before she became a household name. The musician looks just like a regular teenager, laughing and goofing around with her friends. But the real question here is what's going on with Taylor's hair?! While half of her hair is down and curly like she always used to wear it, the top half is rolled up in curlers. Perhaps Taylor was on her way to a performance and was running late. Or maybe she was starting to try a new trend? We bet this is one photo that Taylor wishes the world never saw because it sure is silly.

    13 Childhood Career

    Is it just us… or does Taylor look like a child model in this photo? We're not sure why Taylor was posing for this photo, or who the boy putting his arms around her is. Taylor looks way too young to have a boyfriend in this picture, and we know this can't be her adorkable brother Austin. If we had to make a guess, we'd say Taylor tried her hand at modeling before succeeding as an international pop star. This photo looks like something you'd find in a Sears catalogue. Maybe Taylor did model children's clothing once upon a time. The former country singer participates in a variety of different photoshoots and media campaigns nowadays, so perhaps she got her modeling start early. Despite whatever is going on in this photo, we bet Taylor doesn't want to be seen with yet another guy on her arm. Taylor is notorious for being a serial dater, and maybe this is proof she started playing the dating game at a young age. We want answers!

    12 Costume Slip

    Whoops! Taylor was victim to a wardrobe malfunction while on tour a few years back. While dancing and twirling around, Taylor's dress flew up and revealed what she was wearing underneath. Tons of fans got pictures of the mishap, and not before long photos like this were circling the Internet. We bet she was pretty embarrassed when this incident was fresh in everybody's mind. As embarrassing as this would be, this type of blunder could happen to anyone. With the amount of times Taylor has performed for a packed audience, you would think it would happen more often. The ever-graceful Taylor was able to successfully pull herself together after the brief slip-up, and she carried on with the show like a total pro. With the amount of money and popularity Taylor gains from her booming career, we doubt a little wardrobe malfunction like this would bring Taylor's confidence down.

    11 Buck-Toothed Beauty

    Well this sure is not the Taylor we know. Taylor has been revered for her undeniably beauty, including her symmetrical facial features, and luscious blonde locks. But Taylor dawned this completely different look for a commercial for her 2010 album Speak Now. In the brief ad, Taylor makes fun of growing up. Fans see her transform on the screen from an ugly, (buck-toothed) duckling to the gorgeous girl we know and love. The songstress had to wear everything from ugly fake teeth to a bunch of wigs. It is safe to say that Taylor was not looking like her pristine self during this shoot, so we're glad that this transformation was only temporary. Screen shots from the ad make Taylor look unrecognizable, and we're sure she still gets a lot of questions about what was going on with her look back then. If we didn't know better, we'd be asking, too!

    10 Smile For The Camera

    Everyone gets caught in an awkward candid pose once in a while. That's what happened to Taylor when this laughable photo was taken. The musician was spending a beautiful day at the beach, hanging out with her friends and playing in the surf. Of course the paparazzi had to show up to take some shots of the famous country/pop singer. And one of the photographers managed to capture this legendary look. In the photo, Taylor is only revealing her top set of teeth, which makes her look like she has buckteeth. She was probably about to flash a big smile, and the photo was just taken too early. Either that, or she was trying to growl at the camera and this was the result. Taylor always looks sophisticated and poised on the red carpet, so it's hilarious to see her with such a kooky facial expression. Maybe Taylor's next career should be that of a comedian.

    9 Taking a Tumble

    Just like Taylor's wardrobe malfunction, there's a lot that can go wrong while performing on stage. In one of her more recent concert tours, Taylor took a nasty tumble while dancing down a flight of stairs. Tons of cameras managed to catch her in the moment, and it led to dozens of epic photos like this. Taylor looks a bit surprised and fearful as she's literally falling to the ground, but she still managed to keep herself poised. As she always does, once she got back up she continued on with the show like a true professional. As they say, the show must go on. Knowing Taylor's good humour, she probably laughed about the whole incident once her concert was over. We're surprised she didn't share a photo on Instagram commemorating the epic fail. But, more importantly, even though Taylor was in the middle of tripping, she still managed to look glamorous. And that's the sign of a true icon.

    8 Weary-Eyed

    We're pretty sure that Taylor Swift has an absolutely packed schedule. Between touring, working in the studio, and maintaining somewhat of a personal life, the starlet has a lot on her plate. We struggle to get out of bed in the morning and put on pants just to spend the day watching Netflix. So we can't imagine how chaotic and tiring living as Taylor for a day would be. We've got to give her props for that! This photo caught Taylor looking weary eyed and tired. She seems like she's desperately in need of some serious rest and relaxation. To be honest, this isn't Taylor's best look. But no one looks great when all they want to do is curl up in bed. And, with that being said, Taylor definitely looks better than us no matter what she's wearing. We're glad the singer had a coffee in hand when this picture was snapped, since it hopefully gave her a boost of energy.

    7 The Cheesy Christmas Sweater

    Leave it to T. Swift to take an epically cheesy Christmas sweater photo. The musician isn't above taking silly selfies with ridiculous faces and striking seriously cheesy poses. And we love her all the more for it! A couple holiday seasons back, this photo started circling the Internet that shows Taylor in an oversized Christmas sweater (and matching holiday earrings!). She looks as cute as a button, but that does little to negate the cringe factor of this outfit. We would do almost anything to escape a cheesy Christmas sweater photo, even if it meant hiding from our family or faking an illness (okay, that might be taking it a bit far). But everyone knows these photos are notoriously embarrassing. Just wait until your mom tries to show them to your new significant other when they meet your family for the first time. Then you'll know what we mean. Taylor's face seems unsure about this look, just like we are. We bet this is one photo she wishes wasn't making the rounds on social media.

    6 Back From Vacation

    If you were a little girl and went on vacation to Mexico with your family, chances are you came back with these cornrow-inspired braids in your hair. Taylor must have gone on a fun, exotic vacation. But rocking this hairstyle when you have returned home does not mean the fun is going to last. It looks like Taylor rocked these braid for her school's picture day, and we bet the photo did not turn out the way she was hoping for. The embarrassing factor about this hairstyle is that it screams “tourist.” Everyone will know you just came back from some sort of trip, but bragging about your travels is never cool. Add this hairstyle to a bad sunburn and tropical button-down, and you will look like a touristy dad (you know the type). We are glad Taylor has since traded in this 'do for her signature short blonde cut and cute bangs.

    5 What's That Smell?

    Just like us, Taylor will make a disgusted face when something smells. Even though her facial expression is accurate, it is just not that cute. Taylor struck this pose alongside her friend and fellow musician Ellie Goulding. It seems like the girls were just goofing around, and wanted to share their silliness to the world when they shared this on social media. We are used to seeing Taylor rock silly faces before, but she still always manages to be cute in them. Since the musician is gorgeous, it is hard for her to not look good in pictures. But, in this photo, her face looks more realistic than hilarious, in the sense that it seems Taylor actually smelt something funky. Compared to all of her other beautiful facial expressions, this is one of our least favorite of Taylor. And we are pretty certain she probably feels the same way.

    4 Nerd For A Day

    Here's another photo taken of Taylor dressing up in character. The musician portrayed a high school nerd for a skit on Saturday Night Live. While we loved her comical, geeky persona on the show, we can't really say the same about this look. Taylor used to rock similar nerdy looks for music videos and performances back in her early days. But, she's come a long way from her high school-era days. She's ditched the princess like dresses and big bouncy curls for a more refined look. And it's all been for the better. We shuttered when we watched her appearance on SNL because we're loving the current Taylor a lot more than her “You Belong With Me” music videos days. Taylor is cringing in this photo, just like we're doing in our heads. Luckily since this episode, Taylor has retired the geeky look and continues to impress Hollywood with her Fashionista styling skills.

    3 Scream Queen

    It looks like Taylor was being questioned about one of her (many) exes during this interview with Ellen DeGeneres if her face is any indicator. Taylor looks like she's about to burst at the seams or boil over. We can only imagine what was being said to her when she decided to break out into this face. This was most likely actually a candid screenshot caught at an unlucky moment, not Taylor beginning to scream because she doesn't like being interviewed. The bubbly blonde is known for being a people person, and she continually nails interviews. Plus we would've heard if she had some sort of meltdown on live T.V. Regardless of what was happening when Taylor made this face, we bet she wishes she'd paid more attention to her facial features. Needless to say this isn't Taylor's angle. But scrunched up eyes and nose is never really a good look on anyone.

    2 The True Teeth

    Most adults have had braces or a retainer at some point in their life, whether it was during childhood or later on in life. So it should be no surprise that Taylor Swift has had some dental work done over the years. Especially since she's in the limelight and Hollywood is notorious for having high beauty standards, it should only be expected that Taylor would strive to have a perfect smile. These side-by-side photos show how much Taylor's teeth have changed over the years. It seems like she probably got veneers, or got braces when she was a lot younger. Also, her top teeth look whiter than her bottom set, which is an indicator the top teeth might not be natural. She went from having crooked teeth to a perfect smile. While Taylor might not like us looking at her “before” pictures, all that matters is she's got a smile to die for now.

    1 Tongue Out

    Taylor has always been known for making silly faces, proving not that much has changed throughout the years. This photo of Tay looks like it was taken when she was a lot younger, probably at the start of her career. She still has her famous long, curly blonde hair, but the curls are a lot messier than usual. But the real focus of this shock is that crazy face Taylor is making! The singer crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out to achieve this hilarious look. This isn't the most attractive photo of Taylor we've ever seen, but it might just be the funniest. Taylor looks like she still might have been in high school when this photo was snapped. The real shock factor of this photo is how long it must have been since it was snapped. It could literally be a decade old, proving just how long Taylor has been topping the charts.