Laman » Hiburan » 15 Amazing Moments From '10 Things I Hate About You' You Forgot About

    15 Amazing Moments From '10 Things I Hate About You' You Forgot About

    10 Things About You was released in 1999, making it 18 years old in 2017. That is a seriously hard fact for us millennials to get our heads around! It seems like only yesterday that Julia Stiles and the late Heath Ledger starred together as Kat Stratford and Patrick Verona, our fave 90s couple ever. No matter how much time passes since this Shakespeare-inspired work of art was made, we will never forget the famous climax scene in which Kat reads Patrick (and the rest of the class) the poem entitled '10 Things I Hate About You', and makes everybody cry for days. That's hands down the best scene, followed closely by the part where Patrick hijacks the school P.A. for Kat and destroys our standards for men eternally. But other than that, the film still had plenty of brilliance. Do you remember these 15 moments from 10 Things I Hate About You?

    15 When Kat Crashed Into Joey's Car

    Just to set the scene in case you forgot (it has been a while!) Kat Stratford is our feminist heroine and Joey Donner is the misogynistic tool who took advantage of her, and now the two are entwined in a web of hatred. As Kat is trying to back her car away from the music store, Joey pulls up and leaves his car right behind her. Kat asks him to move it and he doesn't listen, so with Kat being the ultimate chick who DGAF about what anybody thinks, you can guess what happens next, right? That's right! She backs straight into his car and leaves a nasty dent. Actually, it's really more of a hole. And he can call her all the names under the sun in retaliation, but all she has to say back is, “Whoops!” We never had the nerve to do this, but boy did we fantasize about it!

    14 When Kat Said This

    Kat delivered quite a few quotes that we're more than happy to live our lives by! One of our favorites has to be this one: “I don't like to do what other people expect. Why should I live up to other people's expectations instead of my own?” Too true, girl! Living up to your own expectations and not worrying about what other people think sounds simple in theory, but we all know that it's much more complicated than that. The truth is that even though most of us do try and please other people, at the end of the day, we really don't need to be. You can't please everyone anyway, so why worry about it? Kat is a super interesting character because she's the type of person that might be inclined to do things BECAUSE other people disapprove. She's definitely a brave person who isn't afraid to do whatever she wants!

    13 When Patrick Played Hard To Get

    In his pursuit of Kat, Patrick Verona attends a rock bar where bands like Letters to Cleo play and a largely female-only audience frequents. He is so out of place in the bar it's funny, but the whole scene is made even more hilarious by Patrick's attempts to play hard to get, even though he's trying to win her over. To impress her, he comes prepared with knowledge about musicians she likes, such as the Raincoats, and even tells her that she's “ruining it” for him as she talks to him while he's trying to listen to the band. Although cringey, the whole scene is pretty cute because of how much effort Patrick goes to, and because he likes what he sees when he gets to know the real Kat. The best moment here is when Patrick yells at Kat to tell her she looks sexy over the music, just as it turns off. Classic.

    12 When Joey Got His Butt Handed To Him

    No matter what specific details you've forgotten, you definitely remember rooting the whole movie for Joey to get his butt kicked, and it finally happens at prom, by the most unlikely of people! Kat's little sister Bianca spends most of the plot lusting over Joey, however, once she goes to prom with Cameron and finds out what Joey's really like from Kat, she gets over him. To say the least. After Joey punches Cameron, Bianca reads everyone's mind and punches Joey straight in the face, to which he replies “I'm shooting a nose spray ad tomorrow!” Yep, we don't think you are, Joey! The best part about this is that even though Kat moves on from Joey and doesn't need revenge to feel better, Bianca gets that revenge for her by punching him twice and kicking him once in the crotch-one of the most satisfying moments of the film, easily!

    11 When Kat Flashed Mr. Chapin

    Okay, so this bit was highly unrealistic, but what the hey. We still hold it dear! The detention teacher Mr. Chapin is a bit of weirdo, first sitting on the bell on his desk and then accusing the kids in detention of having illegal substances (even though they do), and confiscating their food. While she's in detention, Kat tries to create a diversion so Patrick can sneak out the window. In her defense, she doesn't jump straight to flashing him. First, she tries to talk about the girls' soccer team, and then she tries to compliment him on his biceps. The conversation then leads to his package, and at this point, it's so uncomfortable that Kat probably figures she may as well go all the way and flash the dude. IRL this would get someone arrested and someone else expelled, but this is a '90s rom-com, and real life doesn't belong here at all!

    10 When Bianca And Chastity Had This Conversation

    This conversation between Bianca and her friend Chastity wasn't as meaningful as the other dialogue in the film. In fact, we're not sure that it meant anything at all. But it did provide some laughs and some deep thinking that eventually led to nowhere. As Bianca and Chastity are chatting, Chastity casually says, “I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?” The first time we saw this, we really had to stop and think. At this point in the film, you realize that maybe Bianca is the smarter of the two friends. But then Bianca answers Chastity like this: “I think you can in Europe.” Yikes. these two lines are some of the most iconic of the movie, and we don't quite know why, but we aren't arguing! Also, the fact that there's a character called Chastity is amazing in itself.

    9 When They Played Paint Ball

    This scene might have been one of the most unforgettable in the film, had it not been overshadowed by Patrick's performance and Kat's poem. Guess that's what happens when too much amazingness is packed into one movie! Anyways, after they romantically boat across the lake together, Patrick and Kat move their date to paintball territory and try to destroy each other. This is one of the cutest dates we've ever seen, and we secretly are still waiting for someone to take us paintballing and then kiss us in the hay while we're all covered in paint. Sigh. This is one of the first moments in the film where Kat is actually nice to Patrick-well, she's more than nice to him. She kisses him here, after all! So it's the first time we get to see how much chemistry the two have, and it makes us melt every time we re-watch it.

    8 When Mr. Morgan Told Off Joey

    Mr. Morgan has to be the best English teacher in the history of English teachers! He tells his class the cold, hard truth, and like a good teacher, he has no favorites; he hates all his students equally. Even though he tries (and fails) to take Kat down a few pegs, he also has plenty to say to Joey, and we never get tired of hearing it. The best thing that he says to Joey is definitely early on in the film when Joey provokes him by being a douche and saying, “Mr. Morgan, is there any chance we could get Kat to take her Midol *before* she comes to class?” Mr. Morgan doesn't even justify his question with a real answer. Instead, he simply says, “Someday, you gonna get b*!ch-slapped and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it.” At this point, we still cheer for Mr. M. every time.

    7 When Patrick Followed Kat To The Bookstore

    Patrick makes several attempts to get Kat to give him a chance, and one of them involves following her to the bookstore. To be honest, this whole scene is underrated. Patrick begins by asking Kat if she knows where he can find “The Feminine Mystique”, and the image of Patrick seriously reading that book induces some giggles. The two argue for a while, leading Patrick to tell her that she isn't as mean as she thinks she is, which is true. It's so cute how he can read her straight away, even though she puts up a bit of a wall! Even if you don't remember this scene in detail, you have to remember Kat telling Patrick that he's unwelcome, and to not for one minute think that he had any effect whatsoever on her panties. She ends this like a boss by shoving “The Feminine Mystique” into his hands.

    6 When Mr. Morgan Put Everyone In Their Place

    Yes, okay, fine. Mr. Morgan is our favorite character. He not only has some amazing truths to deliver to Joey but also sheds some light on issues of discrimination. At one point in the film, he says this, “I know how difficult it must be for you to overcome all those years of upper-middle-class suburban oppression. Must be tough. But the next time you storm the PTA crusading for better… lunch meat, or whatever it is you white girls complain about, ask them WHY they can't buy a book written by a black man!” You go, Mr. Morgan! We don't agree that Kat's issues aren't real because there are people out there who have it worse than her, but it is important to remember that there are all kinds of discrimination in the world, and often, we forget to be grateful for the ways that we are blessed, even if we're disadvantaged in other ways!

    5 When Cameron Said This

    The character of Cameron is super cute, though he kind of fades into obscurity besides Kat and Patrick. Still though, he delivers one or two very smart lines that we should all take on board! Our favorite has to be when he puts Bianca in her place. “You know,” he says to her, “just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you can treat people like they don't matter.” Aaaaaaaand our hearts are breaking! Cameron genuinely likes Bianca and goes to so much effort to try and get her to notice him, but even though they suit each other, she spends way too much time chasing Joey, who makes us want to gag. Poor Cameron does have a point here-looks don't give somebody the right to treat others badly. In actual fact, nothing gives somebody the right to treat others badly! And good on Cameron for standing up for himself, even though he likes Bianca!

    4 When Patrick Said This

    Patrick delivers a few of his own very wise lines in the film, and they're just part of the reason why we still love him and think about him to this day. When Cameron believes that he should just give up because Joey is going to get Bianca anyway, Patrick totally instills a shot of confidence in him. He asks Cameron if Bianca is worth it, and then says this to him: “Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.” Come on, guys-a gem like that deserves a round of applause! The truth is if Cameron had given up at that point, it would be because he was standing in his own way. He deserved and had a shot with Bianca more so than Joey, so it's a good thing he didn't end up letting Joey make him feel inferior. We should all take note!

    3 When Walter Stratford Made Bianca Wear The Baby Bump

    Bless Walter Stratford! You definitely remember this guy-Kat and Bianca's paranoid obstetrician father who forbids Bianca from dating until Kat does. He comes out with some amazing lines during the movie, but our favorite Walter Stratford moment is when he forces Bianca to put on a prosthetic baby bump prior to going out to a party, just to remind her what could happen if she felt like sleeping with somebody. This has to be one of the funniest scenes in the whole movie! Walter's rules for said party are as follows: "No drinking, no drugs, no kissing, no tattoos, no piercings and no ritual animal slaughter of any kind." Look, although he is an intense sort of dad, it comes from a place of love. He doesn't want to see his daughters in a sticky spot, that's all! Plus, he definitely comes around by the end of the movie!

    2 When Kat Got Drunk And Danced On The Table

    One of our favorite parts of the whole movie had to be when Kat ended up getting drunk at the party and lost her cool a little. After enough drinks, she hops on the table and starts getting down to Biggie's "Hypnotize", and we can't help but cheer her on every time we watch! Really, who hasn't had too much to drink and danced inappropriately on a table? This scene offers us a glimpse into a few of Kat's insecurities and shows us that she is just a regular high school girl who doesn't really have everything figured out like she pretends to. She is totally witty, but that doesn't mean she can't make mistakes. And although she probably regretted it the next day when her head was throbbing, we're pretty sure Kat had fun dancing on the table. We also have to give it up for the '90s party outfits in this scene!

    1 When Patrick Took Kat To The Swing

    The single most amazing moment that you probably forgot about takes place directly after Kat dances on the table. So Patrick rescues her from said table and takes her out for some fresh air, and even though she doesn't know what's going on, the whole thing is kind of romantic. He puts her on the swing and tries to have a serious conversation with her before she passes out. When she does black out for a second, he is clearly worried about her, and this makes us fall in love with Patrick even more! When Kat opens her eyes again, she tells him that his eyes have a little green in them. This is very romantic and exciting because up until now, Kat has only insulted him, though she's only being nice to him because she's hammered. At the end of this sparkly exchange, Kat does a completely realistic thing and vomits on his shoe. Standard.