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    15 Celeb Bikini Bodies That Will Make You Feel Better About Yours

    You might be thinking that this is another one of those articles about bad celebrity beach bodies but you would be wrong. There are enough articles in magazines and on the internet that body-shame celebs for not being slim, tall, and perfect. Who needs another one? Though there are those glossy magazines that you pass in the checkout lane at the grocery store with supermodels and beautiful actresses and musicians with the flawless body and no imperfections to be seen. No one looks like that in real life. It's time we start celebrating bodies that have cellulite, stretch marks, uneven tans, wrinkles, curves, or no curves at all. The first and only step to getting a bikini body is to put on a bikini. That's it. There is no right or wrong way to look in a swimsuit.

    These celebs are all different sizes, shapes, ages, ethnicities but they have one thing in common: they're all beautiful. These celeb beach bodies should make you feel better about yourself because they are untouched and not Photoshopped at all. When you put on a bikini this summer before you hit the beach, you may look in the mirror and see a million things that you hate about yourself. These women should help you to realize that having the "perfect body" isn't the most important thing in the world. These women have talent, success, and motivation and they are all very different and beautiful in their own way.

    15 Iskra Lawrence

    Iskra Lawrence has said again and again that she does not want to be classified as a plus-size model and why should she be? Why can't all models be called exactly what they are: models. Your size shouldn't matter! Iskra does not edit or retouch any photos on her Instagram and she is also the National Eating Disorder Association's brand ambassador. This gal does not stand for any body shaming of any kind and she actively speaks out against it. Not only is she a model but she is also a contributor to Self , she founded her own magazine Runway Riot, and she had her own TEDTalk called Ending the Pursuit of Perfection. She is also full of body-positivity quotes: "Your body is your home, your vessel in life. It needs to be respected and loved." Get it, girl.

    14 Lady Gaga

    This talented songstress was born this way, curves and all. Lady Gaga has said that she has struggled with anorexia and bulimia throughout her life which she admitted when she was called "meaty" and "chubby" by the media. She posted photos of herself on her website with the caption, "Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15." She has been shamed by the media for her body but she has never let that get in her way which makes her a great role model. She is always body positive. In this photo, she looks healthy and happy which are way more important qualities than being thin. When most people look at this photo, they see a beautiful woman while the media describes her as "nasty." A little chubbiness isn't a bad thing and the word "fat" is not the opposite of beautiful. There are all types of beauty in the world and Lady Gaga's figure and bright smile in this photo is one of them.

    13 Ashley Graham

    Ashley Graham is a beautiful model that may not fit the supermodel mold but she has never let that stop her. She has said that she has cellulite, back fat, and a thick stomach but she knows that just because she's not thin doesn't mean that she is not beautiful. Can't argue with her there! Ashley is a breath of fresh air because she is beautiful in a way that isn't often shown on the cover of magazines. The fact that there aren't more girls in magazines who look like Ashley which is a shame because she looks amazing! She is also full of inspirational quotes: “I look at myself naked in the mirror and say, 'You know what, awkward butt shape? You're not gonna get higher or rounder but it's OK, because I've got Spanx for you.' Your words have so much power.”

    12 America Ferrara

    We first fell in love with her in Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants and she still has continued to win our hearts years later. Though there are many female celebrities who have said that they have been asked to lose weight for a role, America has said that no one has ever asked her to lose weight for a role before and that if they felt that way, they simply didn't offer her the role and she never found out why. However, she prefers it that way because she would never take a role that required her to do that anyway. She has said that she would rather be happy and healthy than star in a movie. However, she's achieved a lot of success in her career with shows like Ugly Betty and Superstore and she also stars in movies directed by her super cute husband. She's a beautiful girl with a whole lotta talent!

    11 Tyra Banks

    To quote the legendary Tyra Banks, "Girls can be all kinds of beautiful--from thin, plus-sized, short, very tall, ebony to porcelain-skinned; the quirky, clumsy, shy, outgoing, and all in between." She's totally right. There are many different kinds of beauty in the world and trying to fit into the only one that society recognizes will drive you crazy. It's not worth it. Tyra is gorgeous as always in the photos above but she is not a size zero and she doesn't want to be one anyway. She has said that she didn't even know that size zero even existed when she started modeling but now every model is expected to be that size. It's exhausting looking through magazines and every woman you see looks like a stick figure! It's not realistic for a lot of girls and there is nothing wrong with that.

    10 Scarlett Johansson

    Scarlett Johansson is one of the biggest movie stars today who is known for her acting chops, her beautiful smile, and her curvy figure. However, not even the highest paid actress in Hollywood is immune to cellulite. The thing about cellulite is that many women have it and it doesn't matter if you're skinny or not. Cellulite is a part of life and it's nothing to be embarrassed about--no matter what the media says. However, Scarlett doesn't seem too bothered by it as she stands proudly in her blue bikini. Seeing this beautiful star with some imperfections really helps to gain confidence in your own. She has said that she is never going to be as tall and thin as a Victoria Secret model but she feels lucky to have her curves. No matter her size or height, ScarJo is healthy, happy, successful, and beautiful which is the ultimate goal.

    9 Serena Williams

    We all wish that we could have Serena William's athletic bod, that's just a fact, but there are still articles all over the internet that deem her body as unappealing and imperfect. It just proves that you can have killer abs, muscles, and an amazing figure and the media will still try to bring you down just because you're not a size 0. There's nothing wrong with being size 0 but why is that the symbol of beauty and perfection in the media? Serena has said that she feels confident and that she loves the way she looks. She said in an interview "I am a full woman and I'm strong and I'm powerful and I'm beautiful at the same time." Can't argue with her there. We love Serena for her tenacity, motivation, and her beautiful smile. Strong is beautiful and she proves it.

    8 Demi Lovato

    Demi Lovato has been criticized for her weight for a long time and she has struggled with mental health for years. Though there were times when she was in a bad place, she is at a healthy place now--both physically and mentally. She has plenty of inspirational quotes too such as "I'm not going to sacrifice my mental health to have the perfect body." Well said, Demi. Though she has a lovely figure, some photos of this particular day show her sitting on her knees which makes her legs look a little bigger than they actually are. It's easy to be disappointed and to feel down when you sit down and you look at your legs when they do the squish thing. Everyone's legs do that--even Demi's. It doesn't matter what you look like, everyone's legs do the squish thing.

    7 Danielle Brooks

    The Orange is the New Black actress not only has an amazing figure but she also has a great collection of swimsuits. Besides being a talented and successful actress, Danielle Brooks has also become an icon of body positivity. She is a spokesperson for Refinery29's 67% Project and she appeared in Lane Bryant's #ThisBody campaign. She was featured on billboards, magazines, and in videos looking great in some sexy lingerie. She has spoken about how important representation is in the media and said that when she saw plus-size women on the TV and in magazines for Lane Bryan's #I'mNoAngel campaign, she saw herself in those women and it made her feel more confident. There is nothing more refreshing than being a beautiful and talented lady with curves on billboards and in magazines. Danielle Brooks is the hero we need.

    6 Penelope Cruz

    Penelope Cruz is one of the most beautiful women in the world and not only is she gorgeous and talented, she has also got a great bikini body. Penelope has said in interviews that she believes that beauty is more than just black and white and that it doesn't have to fit within the parameters that society has created for it. There are no rules when it comes to beauty. Though, in this photo, she may not look like she does in the magazines but she is still beautiful! There is no Photoshop or retouching here and why should there be? She is an inspiration because she loves life, loves her curves, and isn't afraid of aging, even in a business that devalues older women. There is just no stopping this woman and we love her for it.

    5 Kristen Wiig

    Kristen Wiig has been making us laugh for years on Saturday Night Live, Bridesmaids, and tons of other movies and TV shows because she is good in everything. She is known for her quick wit and quirkiness that we can all love and can totally relate to. When it comes to her career, she has been very vocal about being true to herself and never letting what other people think dictate what she does with her life and work. This doesn't just go for her work however, she also never lets the media get down about herself or her body. While she may have a small frame, the media has deemed her bikini body to be not so hot but the Ghostbusters actress doesn't seem to care about what anyone thinks. No matter what anyone may say, this talented actress looks great in her bikini and we love her for her confidence and her down-to-earth persona. Keep it up, Kristen.

    4 Rihanna

    Rihanna is just perfect no matter what. When she first arrived on the scene with her catch song "Umbrella", she seemed shy and meek but ultra talented. However, ten years later, she has turned into a bold and confident songstress with a bunch of awards and hit singles. We all hope that we can grow up to be Rihanna some day. She has also been very honest about her body and she has stated that she feels like being a size 0 is a career in and of itself so it's not a realistic goal. However, just because you're not a size 0 doesn't mean you're not beautiful--though the media may want you to believe that. Rihanna looks great no matter what and she always has the best style. No one can tell you how to feel about your body--it's yours and it's incredibly important to accept it and feel comfortable with it.

    3 Alicia Keys

    Alicia Keys has said that when you compare yourself to others, you stop being who you are naturally and we agree completely. The "Girl on Fire" singer made waves in the media when she decided that she wanted to be completely natural and stop wearing makeup. She looks great even without makeup but every woman wears makeup on the red carpet and on TV but Alicia refuses. She doesn't let anyone tell her what to look like or who to be and that is truly empowering for women everywhere. She is a beacon of female empowerment and she is full of amazing quotes that will make you feel like a new woman such as this one: "Females are the most beautiful, gorgeous creatures in the whole world and I think that we are gorgeous no matter what size we are." Well said, Alicia.

    2 Reese Witherspoon

    Though she may have been known for her roles in feel-good movies and romantic comedies, Witherspoon has decided to turn the tables on Hollywood by creating her own female-driven production company which produced her movie Wild. She is also starring in Disney's adaptation of A Wrinkle In Time which will be directed by Ava DuVernay. Besides being extremely talented, she also has a great figure which she loves. She even said that she loves her body even more after she had kids and it made her feel more "womanly" and "sexier." A woman's body is amazing because of all of the things it can do--it doesn't matte what it looks like. It's your body and you should love it for what it is. There is no use trying to fit into the standards and parameters that society sets for us. Who needs them?

    1 Marilyn Monroe

    The size zero beauty standard of today has not always been the standard. In the 1950s and 60s, women were expected to have curvaceous figures. Even when the beautiful and slim Audrey Hepburn came on the scene, many deemed her too thin for the movies. In Marilyn Monroe's case, her body was the ideal figure for the time. She was the most beautiful woman of her time, curves and all. However, these beauty ideals come and go with time. It just goes to show that no woman should let society's standards dictate the way that they look and feel. The media is fickle when it comes to attractiveness and the standards are always changing so trying to chase after each one is just a waste of time.