Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celeb Men Who Got Better With Age

    15 Celeb Men Who Got Better With Age

    While many of us fear getting older some humans actually age really well. More specifically, some male, CELEBRITY (you knew that was coming, right?!) humans are actually even more attractive now that they're in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, than they were when they were just young. You know it's true! Women can absolutely get better with age too and of course there are tons of gorgeous older females out there, both in Hollywood and in the real world. But there is something especially alluring about an established man with slivers of grey in his hair. Since we women are genetically programmed to be attracted to men who can provide protection and security, it's only natural that we're digging the following mature fellas, even if they hadn't aged like fine wine. We can only hope that we age as well as these guys, and if not, we certainly hope that we end up with people who do!

    15 Mel Gibson

    Jay-Z is one of the superstars of the music industry who has definitely become more attractive as he's aged! This might have something to do with his marriage to Beyoncé; now he's photographed beside her more often than not, and she just makes anybody look better! We've also noticed that Jay has improved his sense of style and his overall attitude, and those things undoubtedly make somebody more attractive. It isn't just about having a pretty face, you know! Before, Jay would dress like your typical rapper, but now that he's such a VIP, running an empire and whatnot, he dresses the part. He always looks suave and sophisticated, and he's cleaned up his act a little. Back in the day Jay got himself in trouble beefing with all kinds of people in the industry, but he's a lot more chilled and mature now. The boy is gone, and the man is here!

    13 David Beckham

    Hell to the yes! Soccer super god David Beckham has always had a cute thing going on. Blonde, athletic, successful, British accent-what more could you want? But since making the transition from young soccer star to established middle-aged dad, Becks has become a whole lot hotter! Unlike many other sporting stars, David has been groomed for the spotlight, and ticks all the boxes. From how he should dress in public to what he should say, David gets it right every time, and would be every PR person's dream client! Today he's famously married to Victoria “Posh” Beckham, and the power couple are a brand all on their own. They have a cute brood of kids who are very likely going to be stars one day, and who were also lucky enough to inherit their father's good looks. Here's hoping they take after dad and ascend to a Greek-god level of attractiveness in future years!

    12 Bradley Cooper

    To be fair, there isn't too much footage available of Bradley Cooper before he turned 30. He did have one of his questions aired on Inside the Actor's Studio, but nobody even noticed until after he became a huge star. From what we can tell, though, Bradley has aged very well indeed! The first time he caught the attention of the world was probably in the movie The Hangover, in which he played easy-going Phil, who was kind of a douche but also a loving father. After that, we were all very much aware of Bradley's presence in the industry, and how good men can look in their late 30s and early 40s. If you compare Bradley in The Hangover, which came out in 2009, to him in Wedding Crashers, which came out in 2005, you can tell that the actor became ten times as handsome in the space of four short years!

    11 Robert Downey Jr.

    We can't have a conversation about men who age well and not bring up Robert Downey Jr! It's clear that this actor is naturally blessed when it comes to good looks, however his earlier years were plagued with obstacles that stole some of his handsomeness away. He may have looked good enough to eat in '90s flicks like Only You, but all throughout his 20s, Robert struggled with substance abuse problems. Rather than reaping all the rewards of wealth and success (and good looks!) in a healthy way, he was constantly going to and from rehab, and sadly, prison. This sort of lifestyle obviously leaves a mark on anybody's appearance, so Robert wasn't looking so hot during the time. However, now at the age of 52, the actor is looking better than he ever has before! This is partly because he's naturally aged well, but also because he's now sober and healthy.

    10 Ryan Gosling

    Ryan Gosling is the perfect example of a cute looking boy evolving into a hot AF man. Some guys are always hot, some are always cute, but men like Ryan make the transition from one to the other once they reach a certain age, and it's seriously something we should all gather to reverently observe, like a lunar eclipse. Ryan always had that innocent sort of vibe, and it's probably because we first noticed him when he was a Mouseketeer in the Mickey Mouse Club. In his early 20s, as he was just getting a feel for the film industry, he seemed like the type of guy who would ask your parents if he could take you on a date. You know-adorable, but firmly in the “cute, not hot” lane. If you look at him now, with his much more muscular body and facial hair, he's clearly the kind of guy who asks nobody's permission.

    9 Hugh Jackman

    We think Hugh Jackman has become even better to look at in recent years, and this could be due to a number of reasons. Firstly, he's taken on a lot more roles and he's a lot more famous than he once was, so maybe we're starting to get a feel for how talented he really is. Somebody's skill or talent can subconsciously make us think they're more attractive, so that could be it. His increase in good looks can also be because as we've gotten to know him in the media, we can clearly see that he's a really nice guy. Contrary to popular belief, nice guys who won't screw you around or waste your time are actually really hot! But having said all that, we think we know the real reason why Hugh is hotter these days, and we can sum it up in two words: that beard. Facial hair is a magical thing!

    8 Will Smith

    Will Smith honestly doesn't look like he's aged at all, but we've included him in this list because although his face has hardly changed, he's grown up in other ways which have made him even more attractive! Like David Beckham, Will is part of a power couple and the head of his own famous family. He's married to Jada Pinkett Smith, is the dad of Hollywood it-kids Jaden and Willow, and also knows a thing or two about presenting himself charismatically in public. He dresses well, speaks confidently, and says all the right things-that right there, in addition to his natural good looks, charm and the way he carries himself like a superstar, is enough to get us hooked! Plus, we have a soft spot for Will because even after all this time, he is still the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, so we know he's hilarious and talented beneath that chic ultra-famous exterior.

    7 Joseph Gordon-Levitt

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt wasn't exactly what you'd call a hunk when he was a teenager. He appeared in '90s rom-coms like 10 Things I Hate About You, playing super geeky characters, and we never thought of him as a dream guy. Cute? Perhaps. Charming? Yes. But not hot. However, since turning 30 and becoming a proper grown up, Joseph has chosen roles that are generally a little more authoritative, and they totally suit him. Now that he's no longer hiding behind those old quirky roles he used to, we can clearly see that he has great natural looks! He will never be the bad boy; his style much more reflects a gentleman. But who doesn't like a sophisticated and self-assured gentleman? He's really like the guy you went to school with whom you never looked twice at, but totally regret it since you ran into him and discovered that he's become a huge catch.

    6 Paul Rudd

    Paul Rudd has really come a long way since starring on Friends as Phoebe's beau, Mike Hannigan. Don't get us wrong-we loved him on that show! He was almost as hilarious as the main cast themselves, and we couldn't think of a better person for Phoebe to end up with. But he wasn't what you'd call mind-numbingly attractive. He certainly had nothing on Joey Tribbiani! Today though, he is attractive enough to make you stop for another look! Like so many of the other men on this list, we think that it has to be the maturity he has about him now. As women, we generally flock towards men who seem like they can provide for us, and who seem like they'd be good dads, so it does make sense. Not that we need a man to do that for us, but that's just the way we tend to be biologically set up!

    5 Johnny Depp

    We think that Johnny Depp's appeal has to do with the fact that he's comfortable enough with himself now to be open about who he is. At the beginning of his career, he tried out roles that weren't for him and struggled to find a place in the industry he would fit into. Then he realized that he wasn't like every other actor, and he'd have to carve his own lane. Today he plays eccentric roles that few others could pull off, and that confidence and skill is very alluring, to say the least. We're aware that Johnny has allegedly been involved in a few things that would make us a lot less inclined to accept a date with him, but as far as looks go, there's no denying that he's been blessed! In addition to his unique style and unapologetic persona, he's also got the best pair of cheekbones to ever occur on planet earth.

    4 Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise is another actor who has been involved in a few incidents that make us a little less enthusiastic about actually considering him as a partner (we're still not over the whole jumping on Oprah's couch thing). But strictly talking about looks, he's definitely gotten better as the years have passed! He's never been ugly, but he did have that boyish vibe before, whereas now he's got the mature man thing going on. We've said it once but we'll say it again-beards are magical! They definitely have the ability to completely change someone's whole look, and instil a sense of sophisticated, rugged, handsomeness when there may not have been as much of that before. Despite some of the things that are written about Tom Cruise, and his past antics, he is always polite and kind in interviews. Good manners are seriously understated when it comes to how attractive we find men!

    3 Denzel Washington

    We've never found Denzel Washington to be anything less than amazing. The man is handsome and crazily talented, and the more we think about it, the more we fail to find anything wrong with him! The only thing we can possibly say is that he wasn't as fine back when he was younger as he is now. And trust us-he was still fine! But now, the man is great. It's the way he dresses and the way he conducts himself in public. He's the height of maturity and sophistication, and even in his 60s, the man is serious husband material. He also happens to be one of the most skilled actors of his generation, and he could even give Liam Neeson a run for his money when it comes to his ability to chase down bad guys. Us independent gals can take care of ourselves, but we also love some strong heroes!

    2 Justin Timberlake

    Justin Timberlake may only be just starting to approach 40, but he's been famous for so long that we feel we can make a fair call about the way he's aged. The verdict is that he is much better today than he was back in his boyband and Britney-dating days. Even his blue eyes couldn't make up for those frosted curly hair tips he had, or the oversized hip hop gear he used to wear. In his defence, it was the '90s, and almost every celebrity had moments that they probably wish would stay buried. But since around 2006, Justin has been a much more appealing and charismatic superstar. When he said that he was bringing sexy back, you can bet that he meant it! The suit and tie and well-groomed hairstyle work much better for Justin than the boyband thing. Being a dad also suits him well, as does being a husband!

    1 George Clooney

    What can we say? We love a silver fox! The top man on our list is George Clooney for his insane ability to become a little better looking each and every year. His brown eyes are about three times the size of everyone else's, and his face is symmetrical and perfect, but as he's gotten older, a few things have changed. He's put on a bit of weight, transforming his bony frame into something a little musclier, and of course, his dark curly hair has become the kind of silver that we can't get enough of! It even makes his skin look that much more tanned. George is now married to Amal Clooney, a.k.a. the envy of women all over the world, and the fact that he's off the market makes him even more desirable. On top of being attractive, George is talented and seems like a nice guy-it just doesn't get any better!