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    15 Celebrities And Their Surprising BFFs

    It is no surprise that those who live in La La Land tend to shack up with one other in terms of becoming friends. Because they are all in the same world, being a celebrity has its benefits - including meeting fellow celebs - and the celebrity world is full of friendships, frenemies, and relationships. However, some celebrities create the unlikeliest of friendships, sometimes with other celebrities and sometimes with non-celebrities, and these are the relationships that make you say "how can they possibly be friends?!" As the saying goes, opposites attract and differences can creating the best friendships. After all, true friendships transcend all boundaries including wealth, fame, and the nature of the celebrity world.

    Here are 15 celebrities and their unlikely best friends for life who are a lot closer than you think.

    15 Gwyneth Paltrow and Beyonce

    This might seem like the oddest pairing ever but Beyonce and Gwyneth Paltrow have been best buddies since the early nineties when they met each other at a charity event. They have often supported each other at award shows and concerts, such as the time Beyonce and Jay-Z went to see Coldplay perform at the music event Glastonbury (Gwyneth Paltrow's ex-husband Chris Martin is the lead singer) and the time when Beyonce performed her own set at the same event in a different year. They constantly praise each other on a public scale, with Beyonce calling Gwyneth “a great friend on every level” and Gwyneth saying that Beyonce has “more power than any woman I've ever seen” whenever she performs on stage. Something tells us that these two will be best buds for life.

    14 Mariah Carey and Will Ferrell

    You might need a minute for this one here because how on earth are these two even friends?! She's a music icon and a first-class diva (she literally treats her staff like crap, how can she hold a friendship with anyone, especially someone as amazing as Will Ferrell) and he's an actor and comedian, yet they are the best of pals and they love hanging out with each other. Last year Mariah Carey posted a series of snaps on her Instagram page, showing herself doing Will Ferrell's makeup, giving him a "touch up" after he attended her Las Vegas concert. She also revealed that she is a huge fan of the 2003 Christmas movie Elf, which Will Ferrell appears in as the main character. We're not entirely sure how these two met, but it seems as though they are the strongest BFFs ever.

    13 50 Cent and Bette Midler

    This pairing is almost as strange as Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg, but at least those two have something in common (cough being a felon cough). Strangely enough, rapper 50 Cent and singer-songwriter Bette Midler are the best of friends. However, these two have a lot in common, most notably for charitable causes (aw ok we take back our previous statement). In 2008 they teamed up to restore a community garden in New York, as part of Bette Midler's New york Restoration Project and 50 Cent's G-Unity Foundation. It just goes to show that combined team efforts can lead to the unlikeliest of friendships, especially when a community cause is a priority. Since then, they have remained friends, so the chances are that they will continue to reunite for the best causes close to their hearts.

    12 Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong-un

    What does an American professional basketball player have in common with one of the world's most brutal dictators? Well, to be honest, no one is sure about this but one thing is for sure: retired basketball player Dennis Rodman and North Korea's totalitarian leader Kim Jong-un are the best BBFs, which is, quite frankly, bizarre. Dennis Rodman once described the authoritarian ruler as a “friend for life.” He has even gone as far as describing Kim Jong-un as an “awesome guy” and a “great leader.” In 2014 he took a trip to North Korea to celebrate Kim Jong-un's 31st birthday, and he did this by playing a basketball game and singing his own rendition of Happy Birthday to the leader. Not many people would choose to be friends with an authoritarian leader - and to say that it's unlikely and unusual is a huge understatement - but Dennis Rodman is clearly the exception to that rule.

    11 Teresa Giudice and Dina Manzo

    Reality TV is extremely notorious for destroying friendships and showcasing feuding families, but one friendship has stood the test of time. Despite all the drama that comes with appearing on The Real Housewives - and the issue of family politics on the New Jersey show - Teresa Giudice and Dina Manzo (cast member and former cast member of the New Jersey franchise) have still remained best friends. They may have experienced challenging situations since appearing on the show - such as Teresa's time in jail and Dina's divorce - but their friendship remains intact and unscathed, which is not very common in the world of The Real Housewives. The fact that Dina and Teresa have been friends since their early twenties - they met whilst working in the beauty and fashion industries - also helps.

    10 Leighton Meester and Zuzanna Szadkowski

    If you were a fan of the hit TV show Gossip Girl, then you'd probably remember Leighton Meester as Blair Waldorf and the character's maid, Dorota Kishlovsky, who was played by Zuzanna Szadkowski. However, since the final episode of the show was aired in 2012, Leighton Meester and Zuzanna Szadkowski have remained best friends, as revealed by Meester's husband Adam Brody. On the show, Dorota was Blair's close and loyal confidant, and off-screen it is clear that not much has changed, we totally love this. There is something so sweet about the friendship, and we also love when characters from our favorite shows are actual friends in real life! Most people wouldn't be friends with their maids and house help whether it's fictional or real life, but we realize that the friendship between Zuzanna and Leighton is the exception to that belief.

    9 Eminem and Elton John

    Eminem and Elton John are music artists that could not be any more different from each other if they tried, but the two friends - who have been very well acquainted since 2001 - have stood the test of time and their friendship is still going from strength to strength. The pair first met when they performed together at the 2001 Grammy awards show, and it's Elton John's unwavering support for Eminem whenever he has gone through rough times. Elton John defended Eminem when he was accused of being homophobic, and Elton John helped Eminem to quit his drug habit. It just goes to show that no matter how different celebrity friends are, a friendship can thrive as love as the important components of a friendship - trust, care, loyalty and support - are present. Plus, the unwavering support from Elton John has allowed this unusual friendship to prosper for a very long time.

    8 Snoop Dogg and David Beckham

    Being a top footballer and moving to America - especially Los Angeles - means that you will be able to mingle with the rich and famous. This can lead you to form friendships which otherwise may not have been possible. That leads to exhibit A: the friendship between Snoop Dogg and David Beckham. The friendship between the two blossomed in 2007 after David Beckham moved to Los Angeles to play for the football team LA Galaxy. After the move, David Beckham appeared on Snoop Dogg's reality TV show, Snoop Dogg's Father Hood, and since then the pair have remained best buddies. In 2011, Snoop Dogg spoke fondly about the footballer in an interview with a British tabloid newspaper The Daily Mirror, saying: “Whenever I make a record, I give him a copy before it's done. He's like a brother. He's my boy. I love soccer just as he loves hip-hop.”

    7 Prince William, Prince Harry, and Joss Stone

    Being in the celebrity world means that you have the chance of possibly rubbing shoulders with royalty. While she chooses to completely shun the limelight, British soul singer Joss Stone has always been great pals with the future heirs of the British throne since the height of her career. She often performs for the royals and she performed at a tribute concert in honor of the princes' mother, Diana, Princess of Wales. She has described Prince Harry as a “fun human being” who's also “sweet and soft,” and she has described both Prince William and Prince Harry as “good, completely down-to-earth, beautiful human beings. It shines out of them every time you see them.” Associating with certain social circles is extremely difficult to do in Britain, but this friendship between Joss Stone, Prince Harry, and Prince William shows that that is not entirely impossible.

    6 Rihanna and Jim Parsons

    Put a pop princess together with an actor who plays a geeky character on a comedy show and what do you get? A friendship between Rihanna and Jim Parsons! Can you say this is possibly the weirdest friendship of all time? The chart-topper is really good friends with The Big Bang Theory cast member. Perhaps Rihanna is into physics? Maybe she's a huge fan of the hit comedy show? Perhaps he likes pop music? Whatever the reason is, it seems as though they are pretty chummy with each other, as seen in this picture where they are taking a selfie together. He could teach her the theory of relativity and she could teach him how to twerk or to work, work, work, work, work, work!

    5 Michael Jackson and Macaulay Culkin

    A friendship between two people with a significant age gap between them (especially an adult's friendship with a child) may seem unusual, but nothing is that unusual in the world of Hollywood, especially if you are a pop icon or a top child star, and Michael Jackson's life was quite extraordinary. However, in the early 1990s, pop star Michael Jackson and Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin were very close friends. At the time, Michael Jackson was 32 years old and Macaulay Culkin was only 10 years of age, so there was a 22-year age gap. Macaulay appeared in the music video for Jackson's song Black or White in 1991, and he even visited the Neverland ranch. The friendship ended after three years because Culkin had stopped acting for a number of years and was therefore not a part of the Hollywood set anymore.

    4 Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne

    She was a child star who now tops the pop charts. She's a former catwalk model who's now become a major star of the big screen. When Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne were pictured frequently hanging out together in 2014, the rumor mill regarding the "relationship" between the two went into total overdrive. However, Selena Gomez claimed she didn't mind it at all and she “loved” hearing the rumors because Cara is “incredible and very open and she just makes me open. She's so fun and she's just extremely adventurous and sometimes I just want that in my life.” But between the singer and former Disney star and the model and film actress, they are both just really great friends, and they're both beautiful too!

    3 Ashton Kutcher and P Diddy

    Ashton Kutcher may be a film star from Iowa and Sean “P Diddy” Combs may be a rapper from Harlem, New York, but they are very much the best of buddies. The friendship received judgment and disapproval from some people, with Ashton Kutcher stating that: “when I was hanging out with Sean, people did not understand why this Iowa farm kid went out with this hip-hop mogul from New York. But it wasn't that he was a hip-hop mogul and I was a farm kid; it was because he was black and I was white. It was that simple.” Ashton Kutcher admitted that his friendship with Sean Combs made him aware of the issue of racism in the USA, but true friendships transcend all boundaries, including racial ones, and that is the case for Ashton Kutcher and Sean Combs.

    2 Courtney Love and Drew Barrymore

    They are both ladies with checkered pasts, and they both met and bonded during their wild party girl phases. In an interview, Courtney said that she met Drew Barrymore when she was aged 19 and Drew was eight years old and “in a bathroom, smoking” - which is indicative of Drew's child star troubles. But despite the significant age difference when they met, the party lifestyles that are now a thing of the past and troubled times in their lives, the bond between these two has always stayed strong and they have remained such good pals. Also, Drew Barrymore is the godmother of Frances Bean, the daughter Courtney Love had with the late musician Kurt Cobain. A friendship that has weathered many storms is definitely a sign of strength.

    1 Kanye West and Mary-Kate Olsen

    This friendship seems like a strange pairing because the Olsen sisters - once famous for their roles in the hit teen show So Little Time - like to shun the spotlight and Kanye West is one of the top hip-hop rappers of all time (and husband to reality TV star Kim Kardashian), but then again, this is Kanye West we're talking about here - anything is strange, out there, and a little bit unusual. When Kanye West and Mary-Kate Olsen started hanging out (especially at catwalk shows and events) some people were quite baffled and they thought it was weird, but they do have one thing in common: fashion. Mary-Kate Olsen is a successful fashion designer in her own right and Kanye West has his own fashion line, so perhaps a collection range created by the two is a future possibility? Or perhaps a TV show in homage of Mary-Kate and Ashley's beginnings? You never know.