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    15 Celebrities Who Hate Their Own Movies

    When you think of some of the world's most successful actors and actresses, you probably think of their latest red carpet fashions, power couples, Oscars won, and interesting, gut wrenching, or quirky performances. But even those who seem like they can do no wrong have worked on some projects that they'd rather we'd all forget, from box office flops, to bad movie choices, to cringeworthy movies they signed onto when they were young and were just striving to make a name for themselves. Here are 15 celebrities who hate their own movies- some may not be that surprising, and some seem to make no sense at all.

    15 Shia LaBeouf

    Shia has certainly been in the press lately, more for his crazy performance projects and art installations than his movies. Did you catch any of the live stream of him watching ALL of his movies? You may have caught him cringing at a few of his performances- it may come as no surprise that the Transformers movies were some of the cringiest. While the movies were box office hits, Shia has publicly stated how bad they were and that he wasn't impressed with what happened in the second movie, saying that a lot of the story was lost. He also thinks he, and others, dropped the ball on Indiana Jones 4.

    14 Robert Pattinson

    While Robert Pattison has been in a wide range of well-known movies, from Harry Potter to Water for Elephants, perhaps he's best known, for better or for worse, as Edward in Twilight. While millions love him for this, Pattison himself is not such a fan. He's said of the book 'When I read it, it just seems like a book that wasn't supposed to be published,' and that if he met Edward in real life 'he'd be one of those guys who's an axe murderer.' He's joked that his entire performance is based on the extreme discomfort of having contact lenses in his eyes and squinting. You can find clips of him discussing the movies on YouTube.

    13 Daniel Radcliffe

    It's not so much that he hates the movie itself, but his performance. Daniel says of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: “I'm just not very good in it. I hate it… My acting is very one-note and I can see I got complacent and what I was trying to do just didn't come across. My best film is the fifth one, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because I can see a progression.” He truly thinks his performance is unbearable to watch.

    12 Ben Affleck

    Ben Affleck starred alongside Jennifer Garner in 2003's Daredevil as a blind attorney with heightened senses who fights crime at night. Despite meeting Garner, who would become his wife and mother to his children, Affleck regrets starring in the movie, saying that the movie didn't work at all and that "there was a cynical sense of 'Put a red leather outfit on a guy, have him run around, hunt some bad guys, and cash the check.'" Hopefully he doesn't regret his upcoming performance as Batman.

    11 George Clooney

    Speaking of Batman… While we all now think of George Clooney as one of those who can do no wrong, with the gorgeous and intelligent Amal on his arm, and starring in intelligent and interesting movies, Clooney starred in this cheesy 1997 version of Batman in Batman and Robin, along with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman, and Alicia Silverstone. Clooney hilariously still apologizes for it, especially for the nipples on the batsuit. He's also called the movie a disaster, and thought he'd destroyed the franchise. He's come a long way since then.

    10 Arnold Schwarzenegger

    This is a man who must not take his roles too seriously, as we've seen him star in numerous cheesy or questionable roles, but there is one performance in particular he dislikes. When speaking of the 1985 film Red Sonja, based on a Marvel comic, he has said it's the worst film he's ever made, and that he uses it as a punishment, saying he keeps his kids in line by threatening to make them sit and watch the movie 10 times.

    9 Sylvester Stallone

    Like Schwarzenegger, action hero Stallone is a man who knows how not to take themselves too seriously, as they've both starred together in The Expendables (and the sequels), along with basically every other action star there is. But Stallone regrets 1992's Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, which has a 4% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. He's said it's his worst film, and maybe one of the worst in the entire solar system, even going so far as saying “If you ever want someone to confess to murder, just make him or her sit through that film. They will confess to anything after 15 minutes.”

    8 Jim Carrey

    Jim Carrey is another who hates the superhero movie he starred in, although for a completely different reason than most. After filming Kick Ass 2 he completely withdrew his support from the film, not because he was ashamed, but condemning the amount of gun violence in a direct response to the shootings at Sandy Hook. While this was understandable in one sense, particularly given Carrey's stance on gun control, others involved with the film were perplexed, saying he could have spread his message more effectively while promoting the film.

    7 Jessica Alba

    Continuing the superhero theme, Jessica Alba wasn't a fan of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, to the point where she stopped caring about film altogether, and seriously considered giving up acting. She's said her career low point was when the director said they would CGI her tears in, because hers weren't pretty enough, and were too real and painful looking.

    6 Katherine Heigl

    Maybe a bit surprising, but out of all the movies she's worked on, the one Heigl dislikes is Knocked Up. Despite saying she liked working with Seth Rogan and Judd Apatow, she dislikes the film, saying it was sexist, portraying all the women as uptight shrews, while the men are lovable and goofy. The movie's portrayal of women made it hard for her to work on the project sometimes, wondering why she was playing such a killjoy. While that may be true to some extent, it's interesting that this is the move she picks out for being sexist and full of stereotypes…

    5 Ben Affleck… again

    Daredevil isn't the only movie Ben Affleck might have some regrets over, or maybe it's his co-workers that regret it more? Either way, Affleck had a spell where most of his movies could end up on this list, including Gigli with Jennifer Lopez who acknowledged that it sucked, and with both stars saying the year of filming, and of Bennifer, were low points in their lives. Gigli has been called the worst movie of all time by some. Another is Reindeer Games with Charlize Theron, who has simply said that it was a very bad movie.

    4 Matt Damon

    Best friend of Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, also has some career regrets, but not because they were box office flops. Surprisingly, Damon has some strong words for the third Bourne film, Bourne Ultimatum, given that it was his highest growing film as a leading man, and won three Academy Awards. He said “I don't blame Tony for taking a boatload of money and handing in what he handed in. It's just that it was unreadable… This is a career ender… It's terrible. It's really embarrassing. He was having a go, basically, and he took his money and left.”

    3 Michelle Pfeiffer

    One of Pfeiffer's least favourite projects was Grease 2, saying she hated the film with a vengeance, and couldn't believe how bad it was. Considering the movie came out more than three decades ago, at the beginning of her career, she can probably get a pass for this one. She wasn't the only one who was disappointed- there were originally supposed to be several sequels and a television series, all scrapped after poor performance of the second movie at the box office.

    2 Bruce Willis

    No one knows exactly which movies of his he hates, as Bruce Willis has generally been too diplomatic to come out and say, but he has said that there are more than a few in the list of more than 60 films he's made- there's about a dozen, with some hints that Hudson Hawk an The Bonfire of the Vanities might be on that list. Any guesses which others make his list of regrets? Maybe he refuses to say because he can't pick any over that record he released in the 80s…

    1 Matthew Goode

    Matthew Goode is completely different from everyone else on this list- he had a feeling he wasn't signing up for a great project when he went to work on Leap Year with Amy Adams, but chose to work on it so that he could spend time at home: “The main reason I took it- so that I could come home at the weekends. It wasn't because of the script, trust me. Do I feel I let myself down? No. Was it a bad job? Yes, it was. But, you know, I had a nice time and I got paid.”