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    15 Celebrities Who Know How To Rock Social Media

    Pretty much everyone is on social media these days, and that definitely goes for famous people as well. It is super fickle because one minute you are hot, the next you are not, and people are on to the next person. It is exciting yet constantly changing and evolving, and your social media accounts become your brand. It is basically a given that all of your favorite celebrities are on social media (or at least one form of it). It is a practical way that you can keep up with them and learn their thoughts on super important issues (like what they had for breakfast… just kidding). Celebs also endorse products online and want to build their brand and increase their exposure and followers. So which famous figures are the best at social media? Here are 15 celebrities who are really doing an amazing job tweeting, posting, and sharing.

    15 Beyonce

    Queen Bey is a smart and shrewd businesswoman who knows how to manage paparazzi, put a positive spin on things, and, for the most part, keep her dirty laundry out of the media. Well, except when she was ready to share it through her visual album “Lemonade." The album's release, marketing, and reception proved that she and her team are social media masters. Her voice, dancing, and artistic talent are all pretty awe-inspiring. She has evolved from the young girl she was, into a woman not afraid to speak about difficult topics that are controversial like gender issues racism, and struggles with orientation, fertility, and motherhood. Love her or hate her, she knows how to get the media all worked up and ready to explode when she releases albums or other products. And she definitely rocks social media. Just look at her latest post where she announced to the world that she is famous with twins!

    14 Taylor Swift

    Here's another lady you either love or hate. Whether you think she only dates guys to write about them later and find her whole aura kind of weird, or you're her biggest fan, you can't deny that Taylor Swift knows how to craft an air of mystery, innocence, and ingenuity in her public image and music. Everything from the way she dresses and talks is polished, precise and, let's face it, even if her music is not your thing, you can't deny how catchy it is. Whether she's driving the press crazy with her casual pics with her latest boyfriend, making them wonder if he's The One, or out with her girl squad, Taylor knows how to stay in the news. She definitely knows how to make waves with her brand of being a good girl and the girl next door (who is now super famous). Her Instagram is also beloved since she posts photos of her famous friends on a regular basis.

    13 Selena Gomez

    Selena Gomez is a star many of us have grown up with. She has had her ups and downs with the media, had some bizarre incidents with partying and acting strangely, and of course, some social media fights with her ex Justin Bieber. But for the most part, she has managed to build her brand online and win over most of the paparazzi. When she publicly disclosed her fight with Lupus and depression, asking for time off from the media for privacy and space as she healed, she was granted it. And guess what? She came back in January stronger than ever, giving interviews, becoming a spokesperson for Coach, and moving forward with a positive message for young women about being yourself, taking care of yourself which sometimes means disconnecting from technology and people who could be toxic and going on from there to rebuild yourself better than ever. She's amazing!

    12 Angelina Jolie

    Now here is a controversial actress. Love her, hate her, or love to hate her, you have to admit that it seems like she planned her whole divorce to a tee from the very beginning. She seemed to plan exactly how it would all unfold in the media. Sure, maybe they had their problems behind closed doors, but she seems so composed in terms of how she speaks and how she looks at all her public appearances. When she grants the media access, it is because she wants them to see what she wants them to. She made sure when she and her family were being photographed or interviewed that she chose how the photos would be used, and in the case of her three biological children, where the proceeds from the money made off those pictures would go, in other words, which charity they would go to. Whatever it is, she knows what she's doing.

    11 Jennifer Aniston

    Jennifer Aniston has been plagued by so many rumors about Brad Pitt, false pregnancies, and possibly being called to testify in the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie divorce. But though it all, Jen has held her composure. She's been professional, kind, and showed the world that she's moving in her life in terms of her love life and her career. She talked openly about her desire to have a family but how no woman should think that being a mother defines them. She's an inspiring businesswoman who runs things efficiently, and when she is out in the public eye, she is gracious, accommodating and polite to all reporters and people she meets. As a result, her star has only continued to climb, and many women have seen her as the good girl through her relationship issues with not only Brad Pitt, but the other men she was connected to prior to her happy marriage to Justin Theroux.

    10 Oprah Winfrey

    Whether you find Oprah over the top or amazing, she knows how to work a room, a microphone, a magazine or a television station. She is smart, she knows how to laugh at herself, and she has found a way to relate to us non-billionaires. Oprah is like your aunt or your best friend's mother sitting down with you at the kitchen table and having a cup of coffee. She is positive, asks hard questions, and gets down to business. In the public eye, she knows what to say and who to say it to. She has called out individuals who were uncouth and defended the media when need be. She knows just what will get positive attention, and when she occasionally makes a mistake, she owns it and shows the public how she learns from it. This, in turn, reminds us to learn and grow from our mistakes, and if we have to sweat it out in the public eye, keep our sense of humor and composure intact while asking ourselves what we need to learn from the experience.

    9 Kim Kardashian

    This one woman show is all about her brand of beauty, fun, fashion, and being over the top. When she was attacked in Paris in October and robbed, she wisely stopped posting on social media so she could heal and stay positive about her brand which is all about fashion and fame and everything in between. She had some ups and downs with social media in the past, but has learned to navigate the trenches quite well, who to talk to and who to just smile at, and has learned how to play the game of never let them seeing you sweat and cry. She posts everything from family photos to date nights with Kanye West and fans love getting a glimpse at her private life. She knows that everyone is always waiting for her to post and so she gives fans what they want. She knows how to put a positive face on her life and show everyone that she and her family are moving on.

    8 Madonna

    This lady defined a generation of young girls who emulated her every move when she first became famous in the 1980s. She admitted once that although voice isn't the best, she strives for perfection in everything she does, so she took voice lessons for it to get stronger. More than thirty years later, she is still significant in many ways. Madonna is known for morphing into various women as she continually changes her brand and grows as a woman and artist. She has shown us how a brand can be built throughout her different looks from her Marilyn Monroe tribe to her old and new religious roots to her pop looks and so on. Now she is known for her Instagram account and has 8.7 million followers. It's a private account, however. Last fall, when she was trying to get her son to live with her, she posted on Facebook about it, so she knows that social media is a powerful platform.

    7 Rihanna

    Rihanna has used social media to craft her sultry bad girl image. There was a time when things were not exactly super friendly, but she was civil with the paparazzi and the media in general, and her music and persona have continued to grow in importance and excitement. Let's face it, we all absolutely adore her music and we can't stop hearing her lyrics in our head all the time. She is not only a musician, songwriter, and actress, but is now endorsing many products, and of course, she loves to play with the media in terms of her love life. The press attention alone for her and Drake simply skyrocketed both these top talents even further. More records were sold as their very obvious chemistry was captured in every picture take on every channel out there. She's just so cool that there is no doubt that her social media would rock just as much as she does.

    6 Katy Perry

    Katy Perry is another celebrity that really understands the power of social media. Through all of her artistic transformations, since she came on the music scene a while ago, she has learned to go with the flow when branding herself with her next album. With plenty of attention paid to her love life and in-between, Katy still manages to rise above all the negativity being thrown her way. She is always the winner. She now endorses many products, like Cover Girl, and has used social media to showcase many of her charitable causes or events where she wanted to help spread love and joy of music and believing in oneself. She often posts pictures of herself and whoever she is dating on Instagram but is always super careful about the message that she is sending. Her posts are always about positivity, love, and growth. And we think that there is no better way to rock social media!

    5 Alicia Keys

    Alicia Keys is super talented and what is cool about her is that she seems like a really good person. She has always been gracious in interviews and in any public appearances. We are all super interested in her music videos, performances, personal posts about her husband's son, and her recent talk about choosing not to wear makeup. She first wowed us with her beautiful piano ballad "Fallen" and has been through some rough times but has learned to use her money, power, and clout to help bring about change through various charity work and causes. We love how frank she is about issues like gender issues, racism, and motherhood. It is super refreshing to see a young woman who uses the system of social media and the media in general for good and who actually cares about things that are important. It is definitely a relief.

    4 Demi Lovato

    Demi Lovato has had a lot of ups and downs with the media, paparazzi, and fame in general, but through it all, she has come back strong and fighting. She is open and honest about her mental health issues and is all about standing out with your own voice. She has spoken openly about her poor self-esteem growing up, as well as getting bullied. She uses whatever platform she is on to talk about bringing about change, helping women feel comfortable in their bodies and souls, and letting them have a voice in their own life. She is a really positive and inspiring famous figure and uses social media for good, which we really love and respect. Her music has touched on this numerous times and she continues to try and put on a positive face and attitude to show other young girls that there is a light at the end of the tunnel of mental health issues.

    3 Dwayne Johnson

    "The Rock" is successful thanks to hard work and believing in himself and he uses social media to talk about self-improvement, never giving up, and knowing that if you reach rock bottom, you have nowhere to go but up. He is inspiring because it's true that you have to take risks every day and dream big. Hey, his social media photos aren't too hard on the eyes either. He is not afraid to portray his life and his struggles and the way he has turned it all around. Since he always has a lot of positive things to say, reporters seem super eager to interview him. From his beginnings as a pro wrestler to his television and movie career and his philanthropic efforts, the media loves to follow him around and document his message to fans and the rest of the world who may still be getting to know him. Most important, he has appeared in the media in a positive way and wants to help others learn the same thing.

    2 Jennifer Garner

    An accomplished actress and beautiful woman, wife, and mom, she is always full of smiles and positive energy in the media. When she and husband Ben Affleck separated a year ago, she spoke openly of the struggles of being with someone who has issues while trying to raise a family and move on with one's own career. She deliberately chose to stay home and raise the couple's three children, and even now, the couple live and travel together to make the separation easier on the children. Lately, Jennifer has allowed cameras to capture her and her family attending church together, her and husband Ben Affleck with their children on errands and family excursions, and even a few of her and her husband out alone together. Last year, in spite of the pain she was in filing for divorce when the media shared pictures of the family on holiday with a very tense Jennifer and Ben, she did not get angry. She came right out and said that her marriage was strained and that they needed some help.

    1 Ben Affleck

    The actor admits his struggles with addiction and talks honestly about Hollywood and his marital issues. He is nothing but a gentleman off screen and shows that he is doing his best to be there for his kids and give them a happy and healthy upbringing. At public events both with and without wife Jennifer Garner, he has appeared for the most part composed, kind, and smiling. He has a hard work ethic and treats paparazzi and other individuals in the media and movie business with respect. As a result, he has seen his star shine even brighter recently. He is still quite in demand as an actor and is very supportive of other actors who are up and coming in the business. His only demand is that the paparazzi respect his children's privacy as much as possible. And we think that is a super commendable thing. You still rock in our eyes!