Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celebrities With The Worst Pedicures

    15 Celebrities With The Worst Pedicures

    When you have the type of cash that celebrities do, which they spend on lavish vacations, luxury cars, state-of-the-art homes, and hot-off-the-runway fashions, we naturally assume that they take as much care with the rest of their image, all the way down to their feet.

    As these 15 celebrities will show you, that is definitely not the case! In fact, some of these women are the most recognized faces on the planet, and yet they can't be bothered to keep up the general hygiene needed to have their feet in tip-top shape. Since they're being photographed almost 24/7, and posing in open-toed shoes and teetering heels, we'd assume that no detail was left untouched, all the way down to their pinky toenail. But nope! Instead, we've got scabby feet, blistered toes, cracked and ashy heels, and nails on the verge of falling off (excuse us while we go and barf). Even the most beautiful people in the world are human, and they have human flaws. While we can definitely understand some of those, the feet on this list simply have no excuse for looking as nasty as they do! If you're at all squeamish or feet-phobic, we're telling you now: look away!

    15 Paris Hilton

    Serious question: are Paris Hilton's toes freakishly long, or do they just look that way because she's wearing high-heeled sandals that are a touch too small? It may be due to her perpetually slim figure, but Paris's toes look long and skinny, with hot pink polish that's just starting to chip, especially when you look to her little toe and the one beside it. Also, if you're going to wear shoes that put so much of your feet on display, you definitely want to make sure that they're looking picture-perfect, because when you're in the spotlight, no part of you is immune to a photographer's glare, even your little piggies. Her heels look dry and the heels she's wearing are too tight in addition to being a size too small (for your reference, your toes shouldn't be hanging over the ends of your shoes). You can see the marks they've left on her left foot, and the blemishes of dry skin or an old cut as well. To adjust Paris's trademarked catchphrase: that's not hot!

    14 Kim Kardashian

    Speaking of feet being squeezed into too-small shoes against their will, we have the very pregnant Kim Kardashian trying to strut her stuff when she was carrying daughter North West! Kim was famous (or infamous, depending on your perspective) for refusing to let her taste for high fashion be hindered by being something as pedestrian as pregnant, even if it was at the risk of her own discomfort and even safety.

    While we have to admire the fact that Kim has her piggies painted - especially since most women can hardly see, let alone reach, that part of their body when they're that far along - we can't excuse the fact that we're worried her feet fell asleep while wearing these plastic, sweat-inducing heels! They squeeze her feet in a way that looks majorly painful, and the neon pink polish only draws more intention to her swollen feet in a way that is anything but flattering.

    13 Eva Herzigova

    She may be a supermodel, but even the most beautiful aren't safe from having some truly ugly feet. With prominent veins, too-tight shoes, and uneven nails, Eva Herzigova's hooves don't do justice to the legendary beauty. The darkened color of the models' feet doesn't look too healthy either, but it could be because she's spent much of her life strutting the runway in high heels and posing for fashion magazines - not exactly a good career choice if you're looking to give your tootsies a bit of a break!

    Her nails, like the next celebrity, are kept pretty natural, clean, and relatively short (even though they aren't all quite the same length), but while they've all been clipped nicely, they don't do much to distract from how worn-in her feet look. A little bit of brightness - or even a brighter shoe - could've offered a visual lift to her clearly exhausted feet!

    12 Jennifer Aniston

    Maybe it's all the yoga and Pilates she's famous for doing, or perhaps running around the streets of LA, but holy cow does Jennifer Aniston need a pedicure and massage to her tootsies! Her feet are incredibly veiny, and it points more to her health care routine than her age, and when they're strapped into those golden sandals, the width of her veins resembles the width of the strings keeping the shoes together!

    Her nails are short but more or less well-groomed, although from the looks of her toes, she's no stranger to bunions. The way she bunches her toes up to get a better grip in her heels means that those babies just aren't fitting and are probably even more painful than they look. Keeping with her golden goddess look and natural aesthetic, Jen's kept her toenails bare, but she might have benefited from a shot of color to draw our attention away from the rest of her gnarly feet!

    11 Jennifer Garner

    The OTHER Jen on this list, Jennifer Garner can almost be forgiven for her feet fails since she's so often running around after her three kids, Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel. Almost. While we have to salute Jen for relaxing in flat sandals as opposed to the Hollywood heels, we have to wonder what the hell is going on with her toes! In addition to the baby toe on her right foot crossing over her other toes, it looks like Jen got a little over-eager with her cuticle pushing, since the roots of those big toenails look as though they've been pushed painfully far back! Even though her big toenail appears pretty massive, every other little piggy has a tiny, baby-sized nail, which may be the result of chronic ingrown nails (although we have no proof of that). Since Jen has made a career of being an a**-kicking action hero, we can understand why her feet might look a little worse for wear.

    10 Kate Moss

    Another supermodel who has made a name for herself walking the biggest runways for the most major designers in fashion, Kate Moss's feet are certainly showing her years of success! Unfortunately for her, that's not a good thing. While she's clearly working her very British all black look here (at least on the bottom half of her), she's neglected her nails in a way that is anything but sleek. Her nails look raw and painful, and the way those toes are scrunched up seems like proof that she's no stranger to bunions (and will probably suffer a few more in her lifetime). While we can't imagine Kate gnawing on her toenails, the roughness of them certainly looks like it! Combine those gross toes with a veiny foot and obvious blemishes, and you're getting a pair of hooves that do a major disservice to the world renowned supermodel and '90s fashion icon.

    9 Penelope Cruz

    She's an international beauty who snagged the heart and hand of major-league hottie Javier Bardem, but Penelope Cruz's good looks seem to stop at her ankle, according to these photos. Like too many women on this list, Penelope has fallen victim to wearing shoes that are a tad too small or are too slippery, so that her toes have slid forward and over the end of the shoe. There's no better way to show off a beautiful new pedicure, but Penelope didn't seem to get that memo! Instead, her bare nails are in marked contrast to her architectural shoes, and while her nails could rock a nice natural look, the yellow tinge to them makes them look unhealthy and, quite frankly, kinda gross. While she's certainly not the worst on this list (and we'll definitely get to those ladies!), Penelope is no innocent when it comes to a pair of feet that are obviously being neglected.

    8 Shailene Woodley

    She's walking on a dirty street in her bare feet, so you can't really expect an A-list pedicure from actress Shailene Woodley! A hippie at heart, Shailene abides by eating clay to clear out toxins and giving your lady bits a daily dose of vitamin D (no, not that kind, you dirty girl), so she's not the kind of woman we're really relying on for beauty advice. That being said, no amount of earth goddess attitude can let us excuse these feet!

    Unlike some other women on this list, Shailene does in fact have nice feet, healthy nails, and few blemishes that would qualify her as a member of the Ugly Feet Club. However, we can only imagine how dry and ashy those heels are, and what kind of nastiness might be lurking on the soles of her feet and in between her toes! We assume that gunk on her leftt foot is only the beginning.

    7 Michelle Yeoh

    Michelle, what is going on with your feet?! While pedicures can't remove the apparent extra bone that actress Michelle Yeoh has growing out of the sides of her feet, they can probably at least show her what it's like to care for your tootsies - and that involves putting them in shoes that don't require you to twist your toes to the side! Fortunately for Michelle, her nails do look buffed and shiny, even though they're without a coat of polish, but it's the shining skin that looks like a bunion in the making that has us really worried for her foot health.

    Michelle is often killing it in the style game, both on and off the red carpet, but if she really wants to wow us, she should schedule a spa appointment ASAP and return to dressing her gorgeous self without neglecting the feet that are holding her up throughout all those high-profile appearances.

    6 Elizabeth Hurley

    She's considered an ageless British beauty, but actress Elizabeth Hurley does not give the same attention to her feet as she does to the rest of her body! While there's definitely a lack of prominent veins, which have afflicted many of the other women on this list, Elizabeth is clearly in need of a good skin sloughing because the dryness on the bottoms of her feet is making us thirsty just looking at it! Her parched skin has even begun to creep up around her toes, which are unfortunately showing off uneven, yellowed nails that looks like they've endured a gross bit of picking around the edges. The dry skin, painful-looking nails, and unhealthy color are a far worse crime than her ill-fitting heels, and while her shoes may be looking a little dated, we've gotta remind Elizabeth that indulging in a regular pedicure appointment to refresh her feet is something that never goes out of style.

    5 Oprah

    We used to think that Oprah couldn't do anything wrong, but that was before we saw her feet! As one of the richest women in the world, you'd think that the most famous and successful woman in television could shell out the cash to hire someone to take care of that enormous bunion!

    We've got to give her credit for polishing her little piggies in a beautiful metallic coffee shade, but we can't ignore the insane level her bunion has grown to. Maybe that's why she chose sandals instead of shoes, for more comfort without adding pressure to her bunions, but it's also put them on display for all to see (and we'd really rather not see them). And, even though her left foot is hidden behind her right in this photo, while Oprah has a bunion about the size of a toe on her front foot, she actually has an extra toe on her back foot! (There's no nail on that one, though, so it missed out on the pretty color!)

    4 Audrina Patridge

    Finally, we've got a woman who's rocking heels that actually fit her feet and don't look like they're causing her an extreme amount of pain. Unfortunately, the feet in those heels look pretty damn rough! We can totally allow bare nails, especially if it's in a season when you're usually wearing boots and simply don't want to be bothered. But, if you're going bare, at least make sure that your feet don't look like a war zone the way Audrina Patridge's do! In addition to trimming her nails a little too closely, the Hills alum and new mama seems to have stubbed her big toe a whole bunch, or gotten some schmutz on it, but either way, if your feet are looking that marked up, you might be better wearing something with a closed toe. Add what looks like an ingrown hair on her ankle and Audrina's feet look like they've been sufficiently dominated by her S&M-inspired shoes.

    3 Lisa Rinna

    You'd think that a woman who belongs to a franchise as image-focused as the Real Housewives would pay a little more attention to what her feet look like, because oh boy! (Also, can't you just imagine the catty remarks from the other ladies for Lisa Rinna wearing these orthopedic-style flat sandals?)

    Her toenails look infected, to the point of them falling off (we know, ew), which is probably why she hasn't tried to cover them up with nail polish - it most likely hurts too much! The nails covering her little piggies definitely look dead, with the smaller ones appearing to be rotting to the point of falling off. It seems to be an issue of only her right foot, however, with her left foot (not shown) seeming freshly clipped and well kept, so we can't blame her for being lazy or lackadaisical with her hygiene, but we will need to excuse ourselves while we go gag!

    2 Susan Boyle

    She has the voice of an angel, but singer Susan Boyle has never been considered beautiful or even attractive - and the same applies to her feet! Britain may have talent, but it definitely doesn't have nail clippers! The yellowed toenails on Susan's feet are way overgrown and discolored, the kind of thing that can be easily remedied with a normal pedicure, but even with her fame and money (however short-lived either have been), Susan seems unwilling to fork out any amount to take care of her tootsies!

    In addition to the nasty toenails, we've also got a lot of dry skin happening on the balls of her feet, which means she needs a good skin sloughing and some moisturizer slapped on there to refresh those feet. Another tip we have to give: maybe vacuum that carpet before you decide to walk around in your bare feet, otherwise it's just gross + gross = yuck!

    1 Kirsten Dunst

    Girl, what happened to you? You don't even see her toes in this photo, but the rest of Kirsten Dunst's feet are doing the talking for them, and that talking is actually just one long scream of pain. We can totally understand a rash on your feet, from allergies or a skin condition or whatever, but maybe when it's flaring up, those are the days you put on some opaque tights or slip into a pair of leggings instead of flashing your rash-covered stems. We can only imagine how painful and itchy her feet probably are, and we used to think that razor burn sucked! This is razor burn on steroids. Her blistered and bloodied feet look like she's more in need of a medical professional than a pedicure, which is why she's at the very top of our list of the worst celeb pedicures - because no amount of nail polish and good grooming can fix this disaster!