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    15 Celebs And Their Amazing Makeunders

    We are so here for a good makeover. We love that part in the movie when a great song starts playing and the wall flower gal or sketchy looking guy comes under the helpful wing of a hairdresser, manicurist, stylist or just a kind BFF. By the end of the song, our leading lady or leading man is looking dynamite. You find yourself saying, "This was hiding underneath all of that?" Yes, we love a good makeover! But do you know what we love even more? A makeunder.

    Now, hear us out. A makeunder is so much better than a makeover. Why? Because a makeunder means you were just naturally pretty to start with. It means you didn't need any of that extra stuff because you are gorgeous without it. A makeunder means you don't have to try so hard. It is permission for you to give it a break and try something a bit more natural. Anyone could look good with a makeover - if you put on enough fancy crap, you'll eventually look great. But only the truly beautiful can rock a makeunder. Plus, think of all the money you'll save on that extra stuff you were wearing! You can now sleep in since you don't have to spend hours getting all made up.

    15 Pamela Anderson

    Pamela Anderson first came on the scene as a hot lifeguard on Baywatch. She had it all with the long flowing blonde hair and large chest. All the beach boys were swooning. But sometime after that, Pam seemed to have lost her way. She traded in her fresh face for tons of trashy makeup, bad highlights, and scary dresses. Things were looking very sad for Ms. Anderson. She was having issues with her marriages, yes multiple marriages, and it was all over her face. But then in recent years, Pamela Anderson has debuted a whole new look. Gone is the Barbie Doll Baywatch image with overdone makeup and sleazy get ups. Pamela Anderson now looks like a put together woman. We are loving the pixie haircut on her! Not every woman could pull this off but Pamela is killing it. She is finally embracing her natural beauty. We hate when older women try to act and look all young by putting on pounds of makeup and short skirts. Has no one told them that look actually makes them appear much older? Well, Pamela definitely got the memo and she is doing her age right!

    14 Nicole Richie

    We don't hear much from Nicole Richie these days. Probably because she is a busy mom of two with a budding clothing and jewelry line. The woman has things to do! And boy has she come a long way since her party days with Paris Hilton. Remember when Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie starred on the Simple Life? Nicole spent most episodes with a face full of makeup, full body orange spray tan, and some terrifying hair extensions. We learned later that she was dealing with some drug issues and a party girl attitude. Things were looking a little scary for Nicole at that point. But then her life took a turn for the better. She stopped hanging out with Paris Hilton, cleaned up her act, left the nightclubs, and found true love with Joel Madden from Good Charlotte. And now she's a mom with a powerful business empire. Her look is way more refined and graceful now. Purple hair would usually not be considered a makeunder but it is in Nicole's case.

    13 Christina Aguilera

    Christina Aguilera has been all over the map with her fashion and beauty choices in her years of stardom. She started out as a young sweet girl on the Mickey Mouse Club with Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and Ryan Gosling. She put out some sweet pop songs like "Genie In A Bottle" and looked like a cute teeny bopper. And then things took a turn when she came out with "Dirrty" and was all about the makeup, crazy outfits, and hair. Christina took a turn to the wild side and couldn't get enough of her spray tans, makeup bag, and crazy outfits. She was starting to look a little plastic if we're being honest. Her weight was fluctuating and it seemed like her life was a bit of a mess. But Christina pulled it together! Sure, the woman is always going to be a fan of a bold red lip and bleached blonde hair but she's looking way more naturally beautiful these days. She is embracing a vintage beauty and staying away from the spray tanner. Good for you, Christina!

    12 Angelina Jolie

    Angelina Jolie is another Hollywood celebrity who has bounced around when it comes to fashion, makeup, and lifestyle. Like Nicole Richie, Angelina entered the scene as a young girl with a famous father. We can still remember the pictures of Angelina in a cute little ballgown going to an awards show with her father. But then things got a little bit crazy. Angelina got married to Billy Bob Thorton and was all tattoos, crazy makeup, and weird antics like kissing her brother or wearing her hubby's blood in a vial around her neck. It was really weird. But then Angelina rebounded. She left Billy Bob and started anew with some serious movies, adopting a brood of children, and finding new love with Brad Pitt. She was the glamor gal we all knew she could be. Seriously, she was stunning when she was pregnant with those twins. But then people got nervous again when Angelina got scary thin and had some health scares. But now she is on the up and up again! She's done with Brad and she is embracing her natural beauty.

    11 Nicki Minaj

    Nicki Minaj has always been a wild child. As soon as she burst on the scene, Nicki was stealing all the spotlight with crazy big hair, wild makeup, and even wilder outfits. We are talking bright pink lips, giant wigs, and whatever else the costume department could dream up. It was a lot to deal with! And she really did not need it. Nicki, we were loving your music and style without all that extra crazy drama. You do not have to hide behind layers of makeup and all that stuff. Luckily, Nicki got the message and started to tone it down. She is still into the makeup but it is a much more refined and graceful look. She is a new woman! But she is still the bad b***h of rap music! The makeup and hair were not making her career - she did not need any of that!

    10 Ke$ha

    Ke$ha was a force to be reckoned with when she burst onto the music scene. Everyone and their mom was singing along to "Tik Tok" and confused about why someone would put a dollar sign in her name. But it worked for her! In that, she became an overnight sensation with that song and people could not get enough. But we were very confused by her look. Sure, your song says that you brush your teeth with a bottle of Jack but Ke$ha looked like she showered in it. Seriously, her look was just hungover trash. And that is us being polite. So you can imagine how surprised we were when the new and improved Kesha (no dollar sign) appeared. She is actually a gorgeous young woman! She could look polished and put together. We could not be more proud! She deserves this, especially after everything she has been going through.

    9 Pink

    Pink has had quite the transformation. Like some other celebs on this list, Pink started things out as a tough girl who liked to party. She rejected all the mainstream pretty girly girl stuff that her peers, like Britney and Christina, embraced. Pink was her own woman! But her looks were not always hits. In fact, for most of her early career, Pink was a big fashion miss. Cargo pants and pointy black boots? That's a hard no, Pink. All of her looks were just washed up party girl. And while we loved her music, the red carpet looks were too scary. But then Pink turned it around! She emerged and came back with amazing new music, an athletic bod with killer acrobatic routines, and a gorgeous red carpet look. The girl who hated dresses was finally embracing her pretty side and showing off her natural beauty. We are loving this new Pink!

    8 Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga may have been the craziest dresser in the history of Hollywood. We honestly can't believe that the stunning Superbowl halftime singer was once a woman who wore meat. Or a woman who wore Kermit the Frog stuffed animals all over herself. Or a lace crown. Or a plastic bubble. Or any number of crazy Gaga outfits. Her style used to be so wild! We tuned into award shows just to see what Gaga would wear on the red carpet. But then things turned around. We realized that under all of that costume, Lady Gaga was a gorgeous woman with a really impressive voice. Remember when she sang at the Oscars in a simple white dress? All she added was a pair of gloves and that was it! We are loving this new Gaga because her music is still awesome but she's doing it with a fresh face and beautiful red carpet style.

    7 Kim Kardashian

    When is Kim Kardashian not in celebrity news? She is always a topic of conversation. And usually that conversation has something to do with her endorsements, her fashion sense, her kids, her wild hubby or her crazy family. But remember when Kim K first appeared on the scene? She was backpacking off the fame of her close friends from The Hills and in Hollywood, like Paris Hilton. In fact, she's on an episode of The Hills when she shows up to organize Heidi's closet. This was the beginning of the Kardashian empire, that took off after Kim's "leaked" adult video. Kim K back in the day was all about the heavy spray tan, the crazy makeup, and super tight outfits with leopard print and high heels. Now current Kim still loves her makeup and tight outfits, but she has definitely toned it down. Maybe motherhood and marriage has helped her embrace her more natural side.

    6 Kelly Osbourne

    Kelly Osbourne might be the winner of the official Celebrity Makeunder Contest. The woman has absolutely had one of the most impressive transformations in Hollywood history. Just look at her! Do you remember old Kelly Osbourne? She had a starring role on her family's reality TV show, The Osbournes where she spent most of her time cussing with her brother, mom, and dad. Kelly was a fashion disaster. She struggled with her weight and addiction issues and was taking all of that out on her fashion choices. Like her outfit above, which is just goth gone bad. It would be enough if she was just doing the goth look but Kelly decided to add a tiara and then show up in flip flops. Not a good look! Luckily, Kelly totally turned things around. She beat her demons, got healthy, and came back to Hollywood with a gorgeous fresh faced look. Yet another example of a young trainwreck making it work as a reformed adult with purple hair. We are loving the new and improved Kelly!

    5 Emilia Clarke

    It hurts our hearts to put the majestic Khaleesi on this list but yes, even Emilia Clarke was once a fashion disaster. Don't believe us? Just take a look at that photo on the left. What was she thinking? And this isn't even a photo from the 80's when you could try and justify blue eye shadow and orange lips. That look is just sad. Emilia, you are so stunning! Why are you covering all of that up with insane amounts of makeup? Just because you have access to the Game of Thrones makeup trailer does not mean you need to raid it. Luckily, it appears that Emilia quickly learned that lesson. She figured out that less is more and natural beauty trumps overly made up any day. We are loving her new look with a soft smoky eye, natural brow, and nicely contoured skin. Sure, it still probably takes a lot of time and product to achieve that, but at least her new look is highlighting her natural beauty, instead of hiding it behind heaps of color.

    4 Gwen Stefani

    Back in the day, Gwen Stefani was the funky cool chick who was the only girl in the band No Doubt. The band wasn't exactly pop so Gwen decided to make her look a little less mainstream. But we think she went way too far. What is happening to your face Gwenie? What is with those awful little hair knobs? And why is your lipstick such a scary shade of red? Once she left No Doubt and started on her solo career, Gwen changed up her look a little bit but it was still wild. Her fashion choices were bold and she ended up on a lot of worst dressed lists. But finally, in her 40s (can you believe this woman is 47 years old?), Gwen has come into her look. She looks half her age and not like a middle aged mom of three. We are loving this more natural look but that she is still rocking the fierce fashion and bold red lip. She still has a Barbie look but much more Sophisticated Barbie than Scary Barbie.

    3 Avril Lavigne

    Avril Lavigne is Canada's little rocker chick who took over the world in the 2000s. She made punk pop music more accessible and started a horrendous fashion trend: ties over t-shirts. Why in the world did we all think that was a good look? What is so punk rock and bad a** about wearing your dad's tie over a band t-shirt your mom bought you from Walmart? Nothing. But it happened. Avril was rocking the band t-shirts, sloppy cargo pants, tie, flat ironed long hair, and super dark eyeliner. Why so much eyeliner? It was all a bit scary. But then Avril Lavigne came back and absolutely blossomed. Sure, there were some rumors that she had some plastic surgery work done but Avril also just started embracing her natural beauty. She wiped off a few layers of makeup, got a nice blowout and traded in her ties for nice dresses. It was a win!

    2 Snooki

    Snooki burst onto the scene as one of the crazy castmates from The Jersey Shore. Her whole thing was heavy tans, short dresses, and big hair. Oh, plus a ton of booze and yelling. Girlfriend was literally scooped up off the side of the road multiple times. It was not a good look for Snooki. But people were loving her wild antics and buying into the Snooki pouff hairstyle. Luckily, it didn't last forever. No one wants to see Snooki crawling home from a club on the Jersey Shore year after year. Especially now that she is a wife, mom, and author! That's right, Snooki has a book. And she also has a brand new look. She said goodbye to her signature bump and opted for something more glamorous with red curls. And we're loving her dress and heels that are not clubwear. And we gotta give her props for not posing with a bottle of vodka anymore. Congrats, Snooki!

    1 Alicia Keys

    Alicia Keys is an interesting Hollywood makeunder. Why is she so interesting? Because she didn't need a makeunder, like some of the scarier people on this list. Alicia has never been the type to wear crazy costumes, piles of makeup. and big hair. She has been known to glam it up but she never went too extreme. For Alicia, it was all about the music. But these days, it really is all about the music and making a statement. Last year, Alicia came out and announced that she would no longer wear makeup. Hollywood largely ignored her. We all assumed that would last for a filtered Instagram picture or two and then would be over. Maybe she would adopt a "natural" makeup look that still takes hours to achieve. But no! Alicia is sticking to her guns. She has not worn a hint of makeup and is still proudly showing her face all around town and on screens around the world. And why shouldn't she? Alicia is a true natural beauty!