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    15 Celebs That Should NEVER Be Role Models

    When we constantly see the celebrities bright and dazzling smiles while they walk across the red carpet, speaking about inspirational goals they have and how much they adore their fans, it's easy to get caught up in all the BS. They make it seem so personal and make the connection between celebrity and viewer seem genuine. While of course, some celebs out there in the world use their spotlight for good, it's very common to come across an opposite situation, where all that dazzle just turns out to be a facade!

    It's hard to know which celeb has had it worse compared to others since everyone has their own experience unique to them, but from what others have said in the business, some celebs are divas behind the scenes. Asking for water at a specific temperature and have chaotic meltdowns when the studio is just a degree hotter than normal. This list of celebs are on different points of the diva scale, but they all have had their fair share of outrageous moments. At Least we'll all know who to stay clear from!

    From Madonna to Kanye, these individuals have had quite a bit of a nasty streak, from ignorance, racism, homophobic remarks, and just overall being a pain to work with. I know I wouldn't want to be in the same room as these people, fame or not. Hopefully, by bringing up the mistakes they've made, they can hopefully change for the future and possibly evolve into role models later down the road!

    15 Mariah Carey

    The one we love to hate, Mariah Carey. Her singing career, especially recently as a single mother has been on the rise. She's shown us all what real independence means, but she's also given us a glimpse that might turn super fans into super haters. From needing a specific brand of Apple TV on her tour bus so she can sleep at night to needing her assistants to not date for a year while working for her. It's pretty safe to say that she's a little bit of a drama queen. While I do give her major props for being a single mother and still pushing as hard if not harder than ever before, there is a line that can and has been crossed. Hopefully, she can learn to keep up with the acceptance her fans constantly spread, learn to be a bit more humble, and finally learn to forgo the Apple TV! She's nowhere near the worst on this list and usually her quirks are what make her so fab! But sometimes people look to her who are also in the spotlight and take it too far.

    14 Christina Aguilera

    One of the biggest divas of them all.

    Not only has she put her music career on hold, she's made a point to pursue other career opportunities, while of course, that's one hundred percent her choice, we all have to wonder why she seems to put herself on a high pedestal. He constant cattiness rumors from backstage assistants has followed her no matter where she goes, the red carpet, The Voice, and film. Maybe it's time she steps back and realizes the damage she's constantly bringing on herself. She's ruining her career because of the lack of compassion she poses for her fans and supporters. She constantly makes remarks towards her supporters that are not very nice, failing to realize they are who put her in the position she's in now! Maybe one day soon she'll realize just how lucky she's been and will stop taking all this glam for granted!

    13 Chelsea Handler

    Chelsea Handler has constantly pushed many buttons in the entertainment industry, from casual racism and homophobic remarks, to constantly overselling the edgy female comic card. From her show, Chelsea Lately Handler has grown her fan base from the bottom to where it is now. Her recent switch over to hosting a late night show exclusive to Netflix was a big plunge and has had many people talking. Talking not just about the exciting new show Chelsea will be hosting, but the fact that people are just plain sick of seeing her success. She's been reamed for many reasons, but the casual racism has been one of the biggest complaints. It's never okay to use comedy as an excuse to continue pushing stereotypes that actually do hurt people in the society we live in. Chelsea Handler has been hateful towards many groups except her own, marketing her success on this kind of 'edgy' comedy! Just stop already!

    12 Justin Bieber

    Constantly stories have been written about his life story, his rebel filled past which didn't even focus on his music. I don't even know where to begin! This is so much more than complaining about his voice, too many people have taken that route but have failed to remember that everyone has different tastes! The main reasons Justin Bieber should never be a role model are his misuse of money, aka his 800 dollar haircuts, overall being rude to his fans, aka spitting on them from his hotel balcony, and finally this utter disrespect for the opportunities he's been luckily presented. From making his visit to the Anne Frank house completely about himself, to even peeing in a mop bucket in a restaurant because he simply knew he could get away with it. While he might be doing a bit better than the last few years, the things that have happened were his choice and he has to deal with the stigma he's created while trying to come off as a rebel. Instead coming off as an ungrateful brat.

    11 Kelly Osbourne

    Casual racism is never okay, even if you're known to be a style queen!

    There have been plenty of times where Kelly Osbourne has caused celebrity feuds and drama, but it doesn't help that her attitude has been not so great from the beginning. Whether it's because she was born into this lifestyle of Hollywood drama because of her parents and family, or because she wants to shape out her own celeb life away from the shadow of her parents. Either way, it's no excuse for the sad behavior she's shown on multiple occasions. From calling Xtina fat to trying to blame her racist behavior on her own self-hate. She's shown she's just full of excuses to escape her fate whenever she gets called out on something she was a bit too ignorant on. To make it worse, she doesn't even try to learn from her mistakes, from her place on The View to Fashion Police, she's constantly made remarks that are ignorant and hateful, not constructive criticism.

    10 Madonna

    Madonna has constantly surprised us, not always in a good way either. From exploiting her children, forcing them in the spotlight in her public child custody battle to calling her ex a c-word on stage in front of millions, she's racked up enough stories to make anyone not feel that keen about her and her work. She's gone on many tangents discussing how she doesn't care how people think of her and what they say, but once again she seems to be another celeb who thinks they've reached a new level of stardom and doesn't need people to support her, even though that's what has built her fame in the first place. Of course, all the stars on this list aren't totally evil but they've got an extra handful of problems to deal with. Not to mention her many times performing drunk and wasting people's time and money. Maybe 2017 will be her year and she'll be able to pull herself out from the hate.

    9 Kanye West

    Kanye West has made a huge impact on celeb culture and the music world, but is that an excuse to do whatever he wants? No, no it's not. From his cool guy attitude to his multiple ego trips in front of millions during his concerts and during fan interactions on the street, Kanye has built up a reputation that's not exactly perfect. Even Barack Obama called him a “jack***”! With his ego constantly telling him he's the voice of this generation, he's simultaneously making impressionable kids believe he really is, all the while shutting out anyone else who wants to voice their opinion on something. Constantly bragging about how much he spends, what his clothes cost, overpricing his own fashion line, as well as using brainwashing-like tactics to really get under everyone's skin. It's like he constantly plans when the drama should be shown to the spotlight so it actually benefits the numbers of how many people tune in out of curiosity. There is manipulation and god complex, neither are good or humble.

    8 Charlie Sheen

    From illegal substances to messing around with multiple women, this star has been pretty quiet in recent years, but his influence has spread to those in the spotlight today. From Charlie Sheen's troubled past, ever since he was a teen he's been under the microscope of Hollywood. It's compelled him to keep up this bad boy reputation, continuously getting in more and more trouble throughout the years. From multiple substance issues, domestic violence, multiple hospital stays, legal issues regarding money and other complications that he's hidden from the public, it's all there, it's all too much and it's ruined his career in the process. Around 2013 it was popular to gawk at his Hollywood meltdowns, it was all a joke to kids and other individuals that were very easily influenced. But this lifelong pain he's been struggling with has made him suffer from manic depression and bipolar disorder, which continues to influence his not so great decisions. Let's just hope he gets the help he needs.

    7 Mike Myers

    Mike Myers has been on every single list similar to this and for good reason, he's a major diva that needs what he wants when he wants it. Many have wondered where the amazing comic genius has gone. We never see his work anymore and he seemingly has just disappeared. Unfortunately, his reputation since Austin Powers has become not so befitting. Mike Myers has slowly built up a very solid reputation for taking perfectionism to the next level, sparking bitterness from everyone he encounters. Now no one really is supporting his work or him as a starving artist. From the very awkward performance, his last in fact, standing next to Kanye West in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina supposed to be the comic relief, while Kanye goes off script claiming that “George Bush doesn't care about black people.” Everything has just sort of fell apart since then. Ever since his starring roles people have claimed that he is one of the most difficult people to work with because everything needs to be exact for him to pull off his comedy.

    6 Lindsay Lohan

    Do I really even need to write an introduction? From her multiple arrests to being always known as that one child star that went too far. I can see why her frustration has been a major reason as to why she's rebelled so much. But at the same time, there's such a thing as crossing the line which she has multiple times. Her very vast pattern of behavior when it came to substance abuse really does show her lack of self-love, something that of course takes time to work on but it also most importantly takes some sort of effort. One of the biggest reasons she was arrested so many times was from her issues with drunk driving. Whether this was all for publicity or if she really did have that many issues with drunk driving, it made me so angry! So many individuals could suffer from her mistake of getting in that car, that's not something someone in the spotlight should do, or anyone for that matter. That's simply failure as a role model.

    5 Paris Hilton

    Caught being racist and constantly ignorant despite her family name, Paris Hilton has been one of the worst divas on this list! From being accused of having STIS while trying to survive in the spotlight known as Hollywood is a tough gig to come out alive from, but Paris Hilton seemed to have found a way to dig a hole even deeper. Making sure people know she's racist and homophobic! She's made multiple comments on how she can't stand other races and how gay individuals are just making it up. Her idea on this part of life that doesn't even concern her is so devastating she's pretty much erased herself from the Hollywood scene. Her friend Brandon Davis even came forward about multiple things she's said that were very offensive to many groups of people, he came to the press to expose the harm she's been causing the communities that have supported her to where she is now. It's about time!

    4 Taylor Swift

    While she constantly tries to be the social justice warrior we women have needed for decades, Taylor Swift fails to realize that she has yet to be inclusive for even a moment during her fame and claim of feminism. She constantly ignores the important issues whenever she speaks on women's rights, it's simply a case where you find someone scared to change their rhetoric because of how well it's working for them in terms of money and gaining fans. Taylor Swift has shown that she only shows her feminist values when it involves her love life, not when it actually makes a difference which is why she has been on everyone's worst celebrity lists in the recent years. She's shown how selfish she can be and how much she will take for granted until it starts to play against her, then she'll be forced to say something to save her back. It's manipulation at it's finest and it clearly shows why she shouldn't be a role model for us or the next generation.

    3 Katherine Heigl

    Known for her very overwhelming diva antics, Katherine Heigl has done a fine job making a not so great name for herself in Hollywood. Many people don't understand why she's such a diva when she hasn't been one of the most famous actresses from the start, but apparently, she has always thought she is. From staying in her trailer and refusing to leave until her demands are met, to questioning the script everyday on set while trying to rewrite it when that's not even her job! She's proven multiple times that her extremely high demands are just not worth it to many producers out there, there was even one incident where she basically forced a producer to start a fundraiser because she demanded so much money to finish the movie she has already agreed to be in from the start. How can someone like that flourish in Hollywood? Who knows, but I do know one thing. Katherine Heigl will never be on my inspirational celebrities list!

    2 Iggy Azalea

    Where do I even begin? Her craving for public drama has been the only thing holding up her crumbling career in the last 3 years, the controversy and never ending tabloid articles about her latest issue. From not being able to actually rap even though she's lied about it multiple times, claiming she can freestyle and proving otherwise on a radio show where she stole lyrics from another famous artist, to constantly sabotaging her own music career by the large amounts of tweets that have been deemed hateful and unforgivable. From calling herself a runaway slave master in her music and even her 'opinion' on why she rather hear southern accents instead of Mexican accents. Her hate speech while also appropriating black culture is just one of many things she's continued to do until her career fell to the ground, very quickly in fact. Maybe one day she'll apologize and use her fame for good in this world.

    1 Amy Schumer

    Many feminists have come forward on the issue known as Amy Schumer. She's proven multiple times how lib-pop feminism is more important than what feminism really is. Her ego has convinced her that she can redefine feminism into something it's not, keeping it something for the higher class because that's what matters right? Wrong.

    Amy Schumer has made sure that everyone knows she's a feminist and that feminism only really applies to women who have the money, are maybe a little bit chubby, and make edgy comedy sketches. All the while the rest of the world understands the true meaning of feminism, the fact that it's important because it includes all women no matter what size or shape, color or creed. On top of claiming to be a 'feminist' she constantly makes very sexist jokes in her sketches to grow her audience. What she has said is dehumanizing to many people and that's why I wouldn't want a future child of mine to deem her as a feminist icon or role model because it's simply not what she is.