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    15 Celebs We Think Need To Hook Up

    If there is one thing we love, it is following along with our favorite celebrity couples. When we see two hot and successful people together, it is like the stars have aligned and no one has ever looked better. We have major relationship envy and think that a lot of couples are literally the definition of #goals. Sure, we might have some love in our lives and maybe we are even living out our very own epic love story that we never even thought would happen in real life and not the movies. But we can't help but think that celebs just have much better romances. But what about those celebrity couples that do not even exist? The two people that we just know would be basically Romeo and Juliet (without that whole tragic dying thing)?

    Here are 15 celebs that we think should totally date each other or just hook up.

    15 Mandy Moore And Milo Ventimiglia

    Okay, so Milo has said a few times that he does not want to date a co-star ever again, but a hook up never hurt anyone… And okay, we get that Mandy Moore is in a happy relationship with musician Taylor Goldsmith. They are pretty cute. But honestly, we love Jess, and that automatically means that we love the gorgeous brand behind him, Milo. And we want Milo to find everlasting love. It's honestly our biggest goal for 2017 (even though we don't personally know him so maybe this is becoming a bit creepy… ). We think that Mandy is the best bet because a.) they are adorable together on This Is Us and b.) they are adorable together on This Is Us. They really seem to be a great couple so imagine the chemistry they would have in the bedroom. Sure, they have their ups and downs, and okay, so something majorly tragic happens (this is totally a spoiler-free zone) but they are still hopelessly in love.

    14 Katie Holmes And Joshua Jackson

    Perfect timing, right?! Wouldn't it be so cool if Joey and Pacey were together in real life? After all, their chemistry was through the roof on Dawson's Creek and they really seemed like they were a couple designed to last. That is the perfect recipe for a great hook up too. Now that Katie has moved on from her very public marriage and divorce from Tom Cruise and now that Joshua has broken up with Diane Kruger, we think that it's time that these two took their romance off the screen and into their real life bedrooms. It would honestly be great. Just think about all the good press that they would get. Fans of the show (and fans of Joshua Jackson in general since he's super hot) would honestly go crazy. It would be tabloid gold. Maybe their new romance could even force a Dawson's Creek reunion into existence?! We can dream. We're going to dream a whole lot, actually, because we think they should date and we're not going to let this one go.

    13 Justin Bieber And Vanessa Hudgens

    Sorry Selena Gomez fans. But we have to admit that the ship has sailed for Justin and Selena to end up together… or at least that is what it seems like from their recent Instagram drama. Seriously, that really proved that they are too immature when they are together and that they should go their separate ways and move on. We think that Justin Bieber should totally hook up with none other than Vanessa Hudgens. Why? Because she was also a child star who had something to do with the music industry -- High School Musical in particular. She knows what it is like to grow up too fast and to have the demands of fame and fortune staring down on you. It would honestly be a match made in Hollywood heaven, or at least that's what we like to think. Come on guys. Make this happen. You would both be super happy.

    12 Hilary Duff And Zac Efron

    Okay, so these two might seem like a totally odd couple (but in the bedroom, there are no rules… kinda), but really when you think about it, it's all kinds of perfect. She's a pop star/actress and he's adorable. Okay, he's an actor who can sing. That's a better description (but he is pretty easy on the eyes). They would really be a great match. They're both in the Hollywood industry and they both have some experience with both singing and acting so they could definitely swap stories. They would definitely have a ton in common. After all, that's what all couples want, right? You have to have at least something in common so you can build a strong foundation. It's just a thing. We think they would be perfect for another reason: they're exactly the same age. Yup, they're both 29 years old. We wonder if their paths have crossed and if they've thought the other one was cute?!

    11 Emma Stone And Ryan Gosling

    Seriously, why can't these two be a thing?! They have so much chemistry it's crazy! Yeah, yeah. They're co-stars and that doesn't automatically mean that romance is happening off-screen as well. And okay, so he's married and a dad now too. Details. Details. We think that Emma and Ryan have so much movie chemistry and create such movie magic together, it would only make sense for them to try their hand at a real-life relationship. Call us hopeless romantics (okay, we totally are) but we just think this would be the best thing ever. Since there's literally no chance of this ever happening (at least, that's what reality would tell us), we're going to keep this celeb couple exactly where they belong: in our dreams. Because the idea of them together is too amazing to give up on completely. Sigh. If only we could snap our fingers and make this a thing.

    10 Carly Rae Jepsen And Micheal Cera

    Okay so we think that these two should date for a pretty simple (but still totally legit reason): they are super cute. So if two people are cute separately, they would look pretty cute together, right? Right. Makes sense to us. Plus -- and this is the best part -- they are both Canadian. We know. That's why we think that they should already be married by now, they're so perfect together. He's 28 and she's 31 so they're pretty close in age, too. So really, there's kind of no good reason for them not to give a romance a try. They both work in the entertainment industry -- she's a super fun pop singer and he's an adorable indie film and TV actor, of course -- and so they would understand each other's crazy busy schedules. We wonder if they're ever met and what they thought about each other? We really want to know.

    9 James Franco And Brie Larson

    James Franco is, of course, a triple threat -- or even more. He's an actor, a writer, a filmmaker, and more. Brie Larson is a super awesome actress who has been in some really interesting projects from The United States Of Tara to Short Term 12. She's definitely cool enough to date James Franco. Or just a hook up would be enough for us. We think that they both need to be with someone who is equally cool in a hipster way. Think about how cute they would look together. They could hang out on Sunday afternoons writing poetry and short stories and they could even star in a few movies together. We think it would be pretty great. Sure, there's a bit of an age difference, but Brie definitely seems a whole lot older than her 27 years. So we don't think that would be too big of an issue. Sure, this may seem like an odd pairing but it makes sense since they both refuse to play a cookie-cutter Hollywood role.

    8 Nat Wolff And Shailene Woodley

    Nat Wolff is the adorable actor from the film Paper Towns (based on the bestselling YA novel by John Green) and Shailene Woodley is an equally adorable and sweet actress. Sure, she is a bit of an older woman -- she is 25 to his 22 -- but come on. In Hollywood, age is truly just a number since you grow up pretty quickly and have to be really sophisticated. And anyway, who cares about age if these two decide just to hook up?! Of course, the two of them co-starred in The Fault In Our Stars, also based on a John Green book, so they already know each other. It's always better to form a relationship based on a foundation of friendship, right? So really, it's crazy that they're not already dating. We're going to pretend that they're harboring super secret crushes on each other and that it's only a matter of time. Just think about the possibilities. It would be truly great.

    7 Hailee Steinfeld And Joe Jonas

    Talk about a perfect and musical match. Hailee Steinfeld is an actress-turned-signer who is currently getting rave reviews for the teen drama Edge Of Seventeen and for her beautiful and inspiring girl power pop songs like "Love Myself." Joe Jonas has broken away from his Jonas Brothers past and is now part of the awesome band DCNE. We think that they would be great together because while she's 20 and he's 27, she is super mature. Like super mature. Seriously, take one look at her and read one interview with her or watch her speak. We think she's more like a thirtysomething. Since they both had to deal with growing up in the spotlight and figuring out who they really are, we think that they would be able to relate to each other and get along really well. Plus they could even go on tour together. OMG how awesome would that be?!

    6 Ashley Benson And Tyler Blackburn

    We're super confused about whether or not these two Pretty Little Liars lovebirds are a thing or not. Seriously, just look it up online. We've been told that they are only good friends and then we've also seen pictures of them kissing and cuddling and hanging out. If they did date, it seems like that ship has long since sailed, and we think that is something that needs to change ASAP. or maybe they are just friends who casually hook up with each other, which we totally are not against anyway! Their real-life chemistry must be really on fire. They just look so great together. Since they're definitely best friends, which is just another reason that they should become a real couple. It can be really hard to maintain a relationship sometimes and if you were friends first, you have a much better shot at success since you have that strong bond to fall back on when things get tough. Come on guys, just do us a favor and try your hand at romance. We swear it would work out.

    5 Ariana Grande And Charlie Puth

    We love Ariana Grande and her awesome romantic songs, and we think that she needs a really cute boyfriend that she can write lovey-dovey tunes about. Or a spicy hook up for our more wild nights out. It just seems like something that needs to happen and preferably as soon as possible. Charlie Puth is also a singer and he would definitely fit the bill since, well, just look at him. He's super cute. They could write songs together and even do some duets. It's so cool when couples can be creative together and work on some cool projects as a team, and we think that there's no better time than the present for these two to admit that they should totally be the next big celebrity couple. They may have no idea how perfect they would be together, but we're hoping they figure it out soon. Maybe they're even friends or at least know each other and have big crushes on each other and we just have no idea.

    4 Bella Hadid And Harry Styles

    We have no idea if Harry Styles is single or not -- his dating life can be more than a little complicated -- but we think that these two would make a pretty stylish and beautiful pair. And the heat they both bring out will make some pretty hot hook up if you ask us. Just think about it. Bella Hadid, of course, is Gigi's sister and a famous model in her own right. Harry really needs no introduction or no explanation. We think that both of them need a stable relationship since the worlds of modeling, fashion, and music can be pretty tumultuous and difficult. It definitely helps to have a strong and stable relationship to fall back on during those rough times. Plus they would just look really good and really pretty together. We're only human, we can't not admit that. We think they would take the best couple selfies on Instagram and we would love to follow along with their awesome hang-outs.

    3 Emma Watson And Daniel Radcliffe

    We knew this one was coming, right? It's pretty much impossible to watch the Harry Potter movies and not ship these two. Okay, okay, so Hermione was obviously in love with Ron, and their adorable romantic storyline was a huge part of the whole thing. But we can dream. We think that Emma Watson is such an amazing person. She would be the best BFF ever and she's just so smart and so motivated. The same thing goes for Daniel Radcliffe. We love that he has managed to avoid being pigeonholed as Harry for his entire life (even though, of course, that wouldn't be a horrible thing at all) and that he has branded out into theater and more serious film roles. Pretty awesome. Seriously, let's just imagine for a second that this celebrity couple actually existed. How would the media and the Internet take it? We think it would be pretty crazy.

    2 Britney Spears And Drake

    Okay, so Drake has been recently romantically linked to none other than Taylor Swift (which turned out to be nothing more than a rumor) and Jennifer Lopez. But we're thinking that Britney Spears and Drake could make some super beautiful music together. The age difference is not really that crazy: he is 30 and she is 35. Totally okay, right? It is not like it is illegal or anything. It would be pretty awesome to see these two musical stars fall in love. Plus there is another reason that we (selfishly) want them to be together: just think of all the duet possibilities. OMG they would have some awesome duets that would definitely become our all-time favorite songs. We are now kind of depressed and miserable that they are aren't really a thing because we think they could be our new favorite celeb couple. Are you listening, Brit and Drake?!

    1 Taylor Swift And Ed Sheeran

    Sure, these two are supposedly only platonic (okay, they're definitely only platonic) but we have higher hopes for them. And who said you can't be platonic (aka friendly) and hook up every now and then? We already know that they are good friends and that they get along. They also write amazing music together. That's half the battle, right? At least in the music business. We really, really, really want to see Taylor Swift settle down. We want nothing more than for her to fall in love -- like truly and actually in love -- and be able to have something positive in her life. Just think of all the lovely dovey songs she would write. Okay, so maybe that's not her style, but it could be. It could be a whole new career for her. It's really not such a crazy idea, right? They already know each other, they look great together, and they're also super close in age since he's 25 and she's 27. We're calling it. Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran could totally be the next great celeb couple of 2017.