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    15 Celebs Who Are Dirty AF

    When you stare at beautiful celebrities in magazines or on your television screen, it's hard to imagine that they aren't physically perfect in real life. They usually look radiant and refreshed. Celebs have access to so many resources to make themselves tidy and presentable, but not every famous person takes advantage of this. Some of them don't even take basic steps to stay clean. Unfortunately, lots of celebrities have bad hygiene and would probably gross you out if you met them in person. You would be surprised at how many famous people are known for having body odor or bad breath. From skipping showers to skipping deodorant, these stars aren't putting much effort into staying clean. Maybe being rich and famous makes some people not care about hygiene. Next time you're feeling jealous of a celebrity, just remember, they might smell bad.

    Here are 15 celebrities with a bad hygiene reputation:

    15 Jessica Simpson

    Jessica Simpson is a gorgeous pop star, so it's a little shocking to hear her discuss her gross oral hygiene. On an appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, the singer told the audience that she only brushes her teeth roughly three times a week! When asked why she replied, “because my teeth are so white and I don't like them to feel too slippery.” We've all been guilty of lying to our dentist about flossing every day, but to admit to a live audience that you don't brush your teeth daily is appalling. Jessica continued to say that she wipes her teeth with a t-shirt and insisted that her breath is always fresh. I'm not sure how hygienic it is to use a shirt to rub off dirt on your teeth, but it seems like a terrible idea. She also said that she flosses and uses mouthwash daily, which begs the question, why not just brush your teeth while you're at it?

    14 Kourtney Kardashian

    Kourtney is definitely the most hippie Kardashian sister. She is known for doing things the natural and organic way, especially when it comes to eating and how she raises her children. When she was breastfeeding, Kourtney decided to give up deodorant. Her natural body odor was so bad that Scott Disick and Khloe Kardashian had to step in and let her know she smelled terrible. There was a whole episode of Kourtney and Kim take Miami devoted to how Khloe and Scott were going to let her know that she reeked. She did not even seem too surprised or embarrassed to hear the news. It is weird that the reality star does not wear deodorant, especially considering that her sister Kim has her own line of perfume. At least she was trying to protect her baby from possibly harmful chemicals. Hopefully she got back to wearing deodorant after she stopped breastfeeding, or chose a more natural option.

    13 Shia LaBeouf

    Shia LaBeouf has definitely strayed far from his Disney persona. The actor has been known to do some strange things, so we are actually not surprised to hear about his bad hygiene. Poor little Maddie Ziegler, who starred in Sia's "Elastic Heart" music video with Shia, said the actor had serious body odor, which I'm sure made him a rough dance partner. Shia also refused to shower when filming the movie Fury, which takes place during World War II. He said it was part of what helped him get into character, but the cast and crew did not appreciate it. Going weeks without showering made him smell so bad that people stayed far away from him while the movie was being shot. Rumor has it that some of the cast didn't even want to stay in the same hotel as him. I wouldn't want to be associated with him either!

    12 Megan Fox

    Megan Fox is arguably one of the hottest actresses around, but you may find her less attractive after learning about her hygiene habits. Warning: if Megan is on your list of celebrity crushes, this will probably change that. The actress has admitted that she often forgets to flush the toilet after using it. She even forgets to flush at her friends' houses, and we're not talking about just going number 1. She also has discussed farting in detail in a GQ interview. In the same interview, she went on to say “My wardrobe on Transformers always smells like farts, and I have no idea why.” Needless to say, the actress is pretty candid, and I guess we appreciate her honesty? Megan also claims to be a total slob at home and says she never cleans up after herself, which isn't surprising if she can't even remember to flush a toilet.

    11 Ke$ha

    Ke$ha got famous for her song "Tik Tok", and the lyrics accurately made us think that the singer was a hot mess- brushing your teeth with a bottle of jack, probably not as good as brushing them with toothpaste. In an interview with BBC, Ke$ha said that she has been told she smells bad on several occasions. She described herself as smelling like a hobo and said that someone told her she smelled like a shrimp on a diaper - gross! As if smelling bad wasn't enough, the singer has also tried drinking her own urine. On the MTV special, Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life, the singer is told that drinking urine can help you get fit, so she pees in a water bottle and takes a sip. Not surprisingly, she said it tasted nasty and that she wouldn't try it again. Trying it just once is enough to get Ke$ha on this list.

    10 Matthew McConaughey

    Matthew McConaughey has a chill, beachy vibe, but unfortunately, that laid back mentality also means he does not care much about how he smells. Despite being a heartthrob on the screen, he may not be as big of a hit with the ladies in person due to his body odor. He has reportedly stayed away from deodorant or cologne for over twenty years. Kate Hudson, who co-starred in Fool's Gold with Matthew, reportedly couldn't handle his stench during his multiple shirtless scenes. The actor admitted that the actress asked him to use a salt rock to help hide the smell since she knew he was against wearing deodorant. Matthew also reportedly stunk up the car he was driving in his Lincoln commercial - he has starred in the brand's ads for the past few years. The vehicle apparently had a lingering scent that wasn't pleasant after the actor sat in it.

    9 Britney Spears

    Britney Spears may be filthy rich, but she's also apparently just filthy. The singer that captured our hearts in the 90s has gone through many ups and downs since then, and she has definitely made some questionable hygiene decisions. Although she has had many successful fragrances, the singer reportedly smells bad because she doesn't wash her clothes or hair often. There have also been many paparazzi photos taken of her where she is walking around barefoot - even at a gas station! There was also an incident on a flight where Britney took her shoes off and the stench was so foul that an attendant had to come by and ask her to please put her shoes back on. It's also been reported that Britney will eat her meals in bed and leaves whatever food falls off her plate in her sheets. Many sources say she's an all around slob.

    8 Christina Aguilera

    It seems like Christina Aguilera would be more prissy than messy, but apparently she smells weird. A reporter made a note of her strange smell after interviewing her and described it as reminding her of a 12-year-old girl's bedroom. Also, Hannah Hooper from the band Grouplove claims her friends who grew up around Christina in Pittsburgh say the singer smells like hot dogs, which is weirdly specific. Maybe the hot dog rumors helped fuel her desire to launch her own line of perfume. Let us also not forget about the strange substance that ran down her legs while she performed at Etta James' funeral. We are not sure what that gross stuff was, but Christina claims it was her spray tan. Seems fishy that it would just drip like that though. Maybe it was partly sweat due to her nerves? Whatever it was, it was nasty. We can't help but cringe.

    7 Anderson Cooper

    Anderson Cooper may be the son of heiress and designer Gloria Vanderbilt, but apparently his wealthy upbringing didn't help out his hygiene. The famous news reporter has worn the same jeans everyday for long stretches of time and avoided washing them for months. He had heard that you weren't supposed to wash jeans often, which is kind of true to his credit, but if you're wearing the same pair every day, you obviously have to wash them! It's also fair to assume that he had the budget to buy a few pairs of the jeans and could have switched them up instead of wearing the same pair. Anderson's coworkers noticed that he stunk, so he reportedly got candles in his office to cover up the smell of his non-washed clothes, but his staff hated the smell of the candles just as much. The least he could have done was picked out fresh candles!

    6 Johnny Depp

    Johnny Depp has a sexy disheveled look that a lot of women like, but apparently, he achieves this look by avoiding the shower. The actor is notorious for skipping showers and reeking of cigarettes. Johnny has admitted to avoiding baths for days at a time and even said he missed a few days of brushing his teeth to get into character when filming Pirates of the Caribbean. We understand doing something for the art, but really? Perhaps the grease in his hair helps him style it the way he wants, or maybe he just doesn't have time to shower daily. When shooting The Tourist with Angelina Jolie, the actress dreaded filming kissing scenes and often insisted that Johnny pop a mint or use some mouthwash beforehand. The actor has reportedly stopped smoking, so his breath may not be as bad anymore, although it's still pretty likely that he's not showering every day.

    5 Brad Pitt

    I'm sad to say it, but there have been multiple reports that Brad Pitt smells bad. Yes, even people that pretty can have poor hygiene. Apparently the perfect looking actor decided to stop using soap, and instead whipped up his own concoction of lemons and apple cider vinegar to use in the shower. Angelina Jolie and his children have noticed that he smells terrible and have called him out on it, but he's convinced that the chemicals in soap should be avoided. Needless to say, he doesn't wear deodorant either. The actor is also known to skip showering altogether - soap or no soap. Instead, he cleans himself by wiping his body with baby wipes. Brad used to be the face of a Chanel fragrance, so we know he used to smell just like you would imagine. Unfortunately, those days are long gone - it seems like stinky Brad is here to stay.

    4 Cameron Diaz

    Cameron Diaz is another celebrity that is against deodorant. The stunning actress claims to not have used any form of antiperspirant in the past twenty years. I can understand not wanting to use traditional deodorants because of the chemicals, but there are plenty of other natural options she could have tried. Instead, Cameron is constantly spotted wearing clothes with stains around her underarms. To make matters worse, she admits that she wears the same clothing multiple days in a row, which I am sure does not help her body odor. Cameron believes that using an antiperspirant clogs your underarms and makes you smell worse. She thinks the best thing to do is to keep your underarm hair minimal and to keep your pits product free. Cameron may be hot enough to get away with smelling unpleasant, but I think most women would need to wear some form of antiperspirant.

    3 Nicole Polizzi

    Nicole Polizzi, aka Snooki, has always been pretty open about her life, so we were not surprised when she admitted to US Weekly that her breath smells bad. Apparently her husband, Jionni LaValle, has told the reality star that her breath can get rough, so she tries to always keep minty gum handy. At least she is mindful! On an appearance on Conan, Nicole also came out about using cat litter on her face as an exfoliator, which seems like it can't be good for you. Of course, we have also seen Nicole get pretty gross on the Jersey Shore. On one episode, before getting lucky, she douses herself in perfume and calls it a “shore shower”, which is even worse than a baby wipe “shower”. She also has run around New Jersey streets with no shoes on, which is super dirty. Now that she is a mom, we are hoping Nicole's hygiene has improved.

    2 Zac Efron

    Zac Efron often plays the role of hot college guy, and it seems like his hygiene in real life is similar to that of a frat boy. The actor stays pretty active between workouts and playing basketball, but he rarely showers after these sweat-inducing activities. A High School Musical cast member reportedly complained about the actor's stench, but it doesn't seem like his habits have changed since then. Zac is known for freshening up with a baby wipe, which we all know can't hold up to the challenge of cleaning a man who just hit the gym. Why do so many celebrities like Zac opt to skip the shower? We may never know. As far as I can tell, Zac isn't opposed to the chemicals found in ordinary soap - he just prefers not to shower. Maybe he likes the smell of his sweat, but clearly the people around him aren't enjoying it.

    1 Alicia Silverstone

    Alicia Silverstone is most known for her iconic role in Clueless, where she plays a rich girl who would surely have good hygiene. In real life, Alicia is far from prim and proper. She made headlines when she shared that she feeds her son from her own mouth. Yes birds do this, but people don't. I'm hoping she at least takes care of her oral health if she thinks it's okay to do this. Alicia also started an unregulated breastmilk exchange on her website, which despite good intentions, could have lead to babies getting diseases from donors. Like many others on this list, Alicia is also anti deodorant, which has caused people around her to complain about her smell. She attended a yoga class and many students were distracted by her stench. She does claim to use an organic antiperspirant, which she could have forgotten to wear that day.