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    15 Celebs Who Cheated Down

    Finding out that your partner cheated on you has got to be one of the worst feelings in the world…  and the revelation often tricks you into wondering what you did wrong. It's totally normal to wonder, “Am I pretty/smart/funny enough?” when you learn that bae turned to another. But we're here to tell you that you are totally enough, and the decision to cheat is all about the other person! Don't believe us? We've done a little research, and the following 15 people had affairs while they had exceedingly beautiful, successful and famous partners waiting at home. Not only were these people unfaithful, but they cheated with those who didn't tick half as many boxes as their famous partners. This tells us that not even Halle Berry's talent, Eva Longoria's humor, and Liz Hurley's body can make an unfaithful person faithful, so don't feel bad about yourself for one second!

    15 Josh Duhamel

    Actor Josh Duhamel and singer Fergie were only married for nine months before cheating rumors began to swirl. In 2009, Duhamel was accused of sleeping with Nicole Forrester, a dancer from Atlanta. He publicly denied the allegations, but Fergie finally responded on Oprah's Next Chapter, saying that finding out about the rumors was “difficult”, though it wasn't enough to destroy her marriage. “When you go through difficult times, it really makes you stronger as a unit, as a partnership. It does for us, anyway,” she told Oprah. “Our love today is a deeper love, definitely. We're stronger today definitely because of anything difficult that's happened with us. We deal with it, we communicate; communicating's the most important thing.” We won't ever know exactly what went down here, but cheating on your wife of nine months has got to be all about you and your issues, not her! Especially if she's Fergie-Ferg.

    14 Lamar Odom

    We saw Lamar Odom and Khloé Kardashian tie the knot on her family's hit TV show, but Koko has since revealed that while the wedding may have been glamorous, the marriage was anything but. During their four-year marriage, Odom was cheating on Kardashian with a number of women, and she never suspected a thing until rumors began to surface. "Lamar was so great at making me feel like I was the only one and I was this princess, so I never speculated about his cheating,” she said. “All of these rumors were coming out in the weeklies… and I was like, 'Where there's smoke, there's fire.' Something has to be right here.” It turns out that Odom wanted to keep his wife from learning the truth so badly that he lied when he was confronted and even used his assistant's phone. So if somebody is a cheater, all the money in the world won't stop them!

    13 Ryan Phillippe

    Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon seemed like the perfect couple while they were married. In 2006, Witherspoon filed for divorce after it was whispered that Phillippe was cheating on her with actress and rapper Abbie Cornish. Fans of the actor swore it couldn't possibly be true until Phillippe began dating Cornish after his divorce from Witherspoon. Yikes! The two met while starring in the movie Stop-Loss, and their love caused Cornish to move from her native Australia to the United States. We're sure that Cornish is a talented actress and she is beautiful, but more so than Reese Witherspoon? Have you seen that Oscar and those cheekbones? So it's pretty clear that this was all about Phillippe, and if it can happen to Witherspoon, it can happen to anybody! Cornish and Phillippe have since decided to part ways, and as Rachel Green put it, that is what you call closure.

    12 Ray J

    Before Kim Kardashian was a wife to Kanye West, a mom to North and Saint and the most iconic figure in pop culture, she was with Ray J. Although it was like a million years ago, it's hard to forget since the latter likes to remind the public about his famous relationship every chance he gets. Kardashian may not have been anywhere near as famous or styled as she is now, but she was still a knockout! Seriously, you can say what you like about Kim Kardashian, but the girl is naturally beautiful. Anyways, natural beauty isn't enough to sway somebody from cheating, since Ray J did the dirty on her. Despite admitting this, Ray J has since stated that Kim cheated on her first husband with him. Now, not only was he unfaithful, but it's said he cheated on her on her birthday! And you thought your last birthday was a disaster…

    11 Jay-Z

    Jay-Z and Beyoncé are so private that something tells us we'll never know the exact details of the alleged infidelity in their marriage. We just have the evidence we can see in front of us to work with, and when you piece it all together, the picture certainly seems like Jay has strayed in the past. First there were rumors for years that Jay was with unknown mistresses, the young pop stars on his label like Rihanna and Rita Ora, and other rap artists. Then there was the footage of B's sister Solange kicking Jay in the elevator. And finally, songs from B's Lemonade record like "Sorry" and "Don't Hurt Yourself" alluded to the fact that somebody aka“Becky with the good hair” had come between the power couple. If B can get cheated on, you know that it isn't about how well you sing, how popular you are or how amazing your booty is!

    10 Jesse James

    Jesse James was married to Sandra Bullock from 2005 to 2010 when things fell apart due to his infidelity. Bullock is the walking definition of a hard-working and powerful woman who exudes talent and elegance, but this wasn't enough to keep James from turning to Michelle McGee. Their split was public and messy, mainly because fans couldn't understand why James would choose McGee over Bullock. “If I had cheated on her with a supermodel, I imagine things would have been different. But what the public perceives as bad, visually, is bad on every level,” he said. He has since opened up about his motivations, and as predicted, they were all his issues. “I think it was several factors: ego, loneliness, distrust, which probably led to resentment. When you have a certain amount of shame and guilt in your life that spurs from other stuff, you can manufacture resentment in any situation… ”

    9 Eric Benét

    Halle Berry divorced her husband, R&B singer and composer Eric Benét, in 2003 after he cheated on her. He admitted that during his time with the Oscar-winning actress, he had slept with at least 10 other women. One was a woman he knew for years, and he even slept with her mere days before Berry won the Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in Monster's Ball. The marriage continued a while after this incident, as the couple received counseling and Benét agreed to enter a rehabilitation clinic in Arizona. However, it was clear that he was no good for Berry, and she eventually left him. He later said, "I have made some terrible mistakes but the truth is, I love my wife." That's almost sweet enough to garner some sympathy, but then we think about the fact that two of the women he cheated with were Berry's close friends… and there goes any ounce of sympathy that we might have had. Jerk!

    8 David Lucado

    Britney Spears's romantic past is definitely filled with rocky relationships, so fans were thrilled when it seemed like she'd finally found a nice, normal guy in David Lucado. Unfortunately, TMZ reported that Spears found a video in which Lucado was “making out with a woman and dancing with her.” Shortly after, Brit took to Twitter to confirm that she and Lucado had in fact split. “Ahhhh the single life!” she wrote before her representative confirmed that she was single. One of Lucado's representative's told TMZ that “David is very, very in love with Britney. This is unfortunate and he hopes that it all works out.” That was kind of hard to believe after Lucado was allegedly spotted not long after dancing with another woman in West Hollywood. Brit didn't have time to mourn the relationship though because at the time she was in the middle of a Vegas residency at Planet Hollywood.

    7 Tony Parker

    Eva Longoria may come in a tiny package, but she's still one of the most adored women on the planet. Not only is she gorgeous, but she's proven she has a huge heart with all her charity efforts, you can see from her work that she's a talented actress, and she's downright hilarious (seriously, add her on Snapchat). She was married to basketballer Tony Parker in 2007, and this was a fairytale wedding for the ages. There was a European castle, a huge bridal party, and white flowers everywhere. But just three years later, Longoria filed for divorce after Parker was unfaithful. And like it does with many women in the same position, the situation left Longoria feeling totally insecure. "It wasn't about who he chose. I mean, I had moments of, 'Am I not sexy enough? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not smart enough?'” You are plenty, miss Eva!

    6 Jude Law

    Not only do people cheat on partners who have beauty, intelligence, talent, and success, but they also cheat on families with children. Jude Law made quite a name for himself when he admitted to cheating on Sienna Miller with the 26-year-old caregiver of his three children, Daisy Wright. In a statement to the British Press Association, Law said, “Following the reports in today's papers, I just want to say I am deeply ashamed and upset that I've hurt Sienna and the people most close to us… I want to publicly apologize to Sienna and our respective families for the pain that I have caused. There is no defense for my actions which I sincerely regret and I ask that you respect our privacy at this very difficult time.” Everybody makes mistakes, but to do that to somebody you love, especially when there are children involved, indicates that you need to find a way to expand your tiny heart ASAP!

    5 Hugh Grant

    Hugh Grant is the other British actor who slipped into notoriety through his infidelity. In June of 1995, while he was with Elizabeth Hurley, Grant was arrested after he was caught with a woman named Devine Brown on the Sunset Strip. He soon released a statement saying, “Last night I did something completely insane. I have hurt people I love and embarrassed people I work with. For both things I am more sorry than I can ever possibly say.” He later went on to say, “I've done an abominable thing, and she's [Liz Hurley] been amazing about it, and contrary to what I read in the paper today, she's been very supportive, and we're going to try to work it out."Unfortunately for Grant, the two weren't able to work it out and they eventually split up. The world is still trying to make sense of his actions, but at least Hurley has moved on!

    4 Kristen Stewart

    Kristen Stewart was caught cheating on partner Robert Pattinson in 2012 after photos emerged of her intimate rendezvous with director Rupert Sanders. Pattinson brought Twilight's Edward Cullen to life on the big screen, and his photo was pinned to the walls of girls all over the world, but it couldn't save him from infidelity. Of course, both Stewart and Sanders soon released statements of regret. “I'm deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I've caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected,” said Stewart. “This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I'm so sorry." Saunders, who has two children with his now ex-wife, said, “I am utterly distraught about the pain I have caused my family. My beautiful wife and heavenly children are all I have in this world… "

    3 Ashton Kutcher

    Ashton Kutcher has maintained a relatively clean reputation in Hollywood, but that all came crashing down when Scott Eastwood said that Kutcher slept with one of his ex-girlfriends, during the time he was with Demi Moore. There was a bit of speculation prior to the revelation, as Kutcher was reported to have spent his sixth wedding anniversary in 2011 away from Moore. It was claimed that he cheated on her with Sara Leal and her friend in the hot tub of a hotel, but nothing was confirmed until Eastwood shed some light on the subject. “I think it was the catalyst that broke him and Demi up,” he said of the incident. Eastwood also made it clear that the girl in question was his current girlfriend at the time, so this whole thing was just a huge mess on behalf of everybody involved! Kutcher went on to marry long-time friend Mila Kunis.

    2 Prince Charles

    Not even royalty is above infidelity, and rest assured that if somebody really wants to cheat, the pressure of a nation looking up to them won't be able to stop it. It's clear that the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana wasn't a happy one, and tapes recorded by the Princess prior to her death reveal that the Prince wasn't dedicated to his bride from day one. Princess Diana said that at her wedding she felt like a “lamb to the slaughter” and found out on her honeymoon that Prince Charles was having an affair with Camilla Parker Bowles. "My wedding day, I think that was the worst day of my life. If I could write my own script I would have my husband go away with his woman and never come back," she can be heard uttering. Their marriage lasted until 1996, but it seems it was doomed from the beginning.

    1 Britney Spears

    Britney Spears was cheated on, but was that karma for being a cheater years before? The break-up between Spears and Justin Timberlake when the two were still young pop stars was plagued with rumors that Brit had cheated on him with a choreographer named Wade Robson. Timberlake released "Cry Me A River" which includes lyrics like “You don't have to say, what you did, I already know, I found out from him, Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be.” After this, fans were fairly sure that there was a little truth to the rumors! Recently, prior to performing the song on stage, Justin said, “Sometimes in life, you think you found the one. But then one day you find out, that she is just some b**ch!” Cheating on JT has to be the ultimate sign that there's nothing you can do to stop a cheater!