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    15 Celebs Who Haven't Changed Much From Their Baby Pictures

    It's always fun to see what your favorite celebrities looked like when growing up… and the more awkward the photos are, the better. Hey, you're not ashamed of this fact. You definitely had your awkward moments when you were a kid and a teenager and it can be super comforting to know that the stars that you look up to had the same rough fashion and hair-related moments. But what about the stars who literally look exactly the way they did as babies… as in super cute and absolutely adorable? Yup, there are celebrities out there who have pretty much been attractive since birth. What's their secret? Is there something in the water in Hollywood? Who knows?! All you know is that you love the following 15 photos of celebrities who haven't changed much from their baby pictures. You love seeing how sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. First these stars were adorable babies… and now they're good-looking celebs.

    15 George Clooney

    How adorable does George Clooney look in this baby photo?! This is basically how you feel about him these days. It's no secret that Clooney is pretty much the most attractive male celebrity. There isn't a single person that would disagree with that. Yeah, he's a really talented actor and seems like a good guy too, but he often gets the most attention for his appearance. He's got style, he's got the moves, and he can make you weak in the knees with just one look. Sure, he's taken (with twins on the way, which is super excited). But he's still probably your fake boyfriend… and you're not alone there. You love this photo because it just proves that the Clooney charm is something that has literally been there since birth. It's like he left his mother's womb smiling and being cute. Seriously, just look at the grin on this baby. It's unreal.

    14 Hilary Duff

    Another seriously adorable picture. Hilary Duff really has not changed much from when she was a blonde haired baby. She has got a sweet smile on her face and just seems very open and friendly. That is exactly what she is like these days. You have always loved Hilary Duff. You watched her early movies like Raise Your Voice and A Cinderella Story, you've listened to all of her pop songs from "Fly" to "Sparks" and you love watching her on the hilarious millennial show Younger. You feel like you know her and like you could definitely be the very best of friends. Sure, that's a total dream but that's okay. It's awesome to see that Hilary has always been as sweet and adorable as she is these days. She's also always been fashionable -- just look at that awesome magenta-colored sweater. That's a bold fashion choice and you love it.

    13 Kendall Jenner

    Kendall Jenner is known for being a.) super stylish and b.) serious/not into being in the public eye 24/7. Those two qualities are evident in this baby photo, so it is totally clear that these things have always been in the cards for her. Just look at this outfit. She totally deserves a baby style award of some kind. She has got a hat, a pearl necklace, and a ballerina-inspired skirt. She just needs a shirt and she would have the best outfit ever. This even seems like something Kendall would wear today (well, with a shirt, of course… ). Kendall also still has the same adorable face, so this is a pretty awesome baby picture to find. Actually, all of the Kardashians and Jenners have really cute baby pictures too (especially Kylie and Kim). But you would not expect anything less from this fabulous and fashionable family, would you?

    12 Beyonce

    The Queen as a baby. Super cute, right? This is such an epic photo because it proves that Beyonce was destined to be totally fabulous and to look at her life in total and complete awe. You can just tell that someday, she's going to rule the world and she's going to convince other girls to do the same thing (via an amazing song, of course). She's also a very attractive baby, you have to admit. She's got awesome curly hair, beautiful big brown eyes, a cute expression on her face, and that's not even talking about her fashion choices. She's rocking some earrings and a beautiful light pink dress and you're loving it. You can just tell that she's going to grow up to be the awesome woman that she is today. Yup, you can just tell. If you were a baby at the same time as Beyonce, you would have totally wanted to be BFFs.

    11 Brooke Shields

    How sweet is this baby picture of Brooke Shields?! It's so many things at once from adorable to elegant to sophisticated… and that's exactly what you think about the actress. You love her in TV shows like Lipstick Jungle and movies like The Blue Lagoon and you think that she was an awesome and cool supermodel. But now you're totally obsessed with this baby picture. You can't even deal with it. It's just that good. You love her big brown eyes, her adorable lips, her nice hair, and her pretty bow headband. She just looks like someone who knows exactly what's going on and how to get where she wants to go in life. You think that you could learn a thing or two from young Brooke Shields. You even kind of wish that you could go back in time and meet her and get some of her young and awesome wisdom. Sigh.

    10 Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez is a toddler in this photo and she is seriously cute. She's every single definition of the word cute. It's like she's thinking really hard about something and is about to give her opinion, and that's an awesome quality to have. She looks just as beautiful as she does these days and it's clear that she's going to be a fabulous celebrity one day. You probably grew up listening to Jennifer Lopez's awesome music and have seen her in awesome movies like The Wedding Planner (which is one of the best romantic comedies ever -- just a fact). If you haven't seen her baby picture before right now, you're probably wondering what took you so long. Because you are so glad that you have seen this total and utter adorableness. Before she was J. Lo or even Jenny from the Block, Jennifer Lopez was a really sweet toddler.

    9 Brad Pitt

    Aren't these two photos so cute?! Sure, Brad's baby picture is a bit goofier than the way that he looks now… but in a really good way. You can just tell that the kid is going to grow up to be a Hollywood hunk. It seems like he can tell too, don't you think? He's got part of a smile, huge dimples (which are really cute) and a thoughtful look in his eyes. If Brad is one of your favorite actors, you probably never even thought to look up his baby pictures because let's be real here, he looks so good as an adult it's easy to get caught up with his more recent snaps. But this baby photo proves that you can go from a cute and a bit goofy baby to an absolutely smoking hot adult. The truth, though, is that baby Brad is rocking some awesome hair, and so it was only a matter of time until he grew into the heartthrob that he has been in his grown-up years.

    8 Leonardo DiCaprio

    If you didn't already think that Leo was super cute, you would definitely think so after glancing at this baby picture. He has got the same face. Literally the same face. You love his big eyes and the somber, serious, thoughtful look on his face and his wispy light blonde hair. You really can see a huge resemblance. It is like he is plotting how to take over Hollywood and become the success that he has become today. It's also like he's deciding that it's okay if he doesn't win an Oscar for a long time because eventually, he will and everything will be right with the world. It's impossible not to look at Leo's baby face in this particular photo and not just totally and completely melt. If you didn't already want kids, maybe you have totally changed your mind thanks to looking at this photo for a few minutes.

    7 Seth Rogen

    You love Seth Rogen's baby picture because he's got a goofy charm that he definitely still has today, and that's what makes him so unique and awesome. You really respect his comedic talents and love seeing him in every movie that he stars in. While he's not rocking the awesome hair that looks like a wispy baby hair version of a mullet, you think that choice was probably for the best. You also love the outfit that he's wearing in his baby photo because, well, come on. Just look at it. You really have no words about this clothing choice. You can definitely tell that this baby is Seth Rogen because you totally can see the resemblance when you import his picture to one of him as an adult. Now you want to watch all of his movies all over again because you have a newfound love for Seth Rogen (but you don't need to be convinced since his films are so awesome).

    6 Ellen DeGeneres

    How sweet is Ellen as a baby?! It's seriously unreal and it's seriously amazing. She's got the same big blue eyes and blonde hair and friendly face that she has today, and that's really awesome to see. You can also tell that this baby has an epic sense of humor. Yes, it's' totally possible for a baby to have a sense of humor. Of course it is. You know how some babies seem to be smiling with their eyes and laughing whereas other ones seem to be in a constant bad mood? Exactly. Ellen totally looks like she's plotting how to take over the comedy world and how to become a famous comedian and talk show host. Yup, that's definitely what she's doing in this picture. She has a really sweet look on her face that just proves that she's super smart and a deep thinker. You didn't think that you could love Ellen more, but this photo does just that.

    5 Ariana Grande

    Doesn't Ariana Grande look exactly the same as she did as a baby?! She totally does. It is crazy amazing. She really has the exact same face. Sometimes you look at someone's baby pictures and can't believe that this is the same person because their faces are so totally different, but that is not what is happening here. Ariana is a sweetheart and that is why you're a fan. Yeah, you love her music, you think she has an incredible voice and you like that she's a pretty good role model for young girls… but you also love her because she just seems so nice. You totally believe that little Ariana Grande would be friendly and nice to everyone on the playground and was always in a good mood. And she definitely always seems pretty happy these days. Well, at least that's what you can tell from her social media accounts.

    4 Harry Styles

    Are you sitting down? Just look at this baby photo of Harry Styles. Just look at it. This is an awesome example of a celebrity who has looked the exact same since their days as a baby because you can just picture all the future screaming fan girls. Look at his dimples. His smile. His big blue eyes. OMG. He's the cutest thing you've ever seen. He looks like he totally knows what's up (that he's the cutest baby ever) and that he can tell just how awesome his life is going to be thanks to his good looks. Sure, you think that Harry is super talented (and you love that Taylor Swift's epic song "Style" is probably/definitely/100 percent about him) but you also think he's super cute. It would be impossible not to notice his good looks. That's why One Direction has always had such a crazy massive fan base, right?

    3 Justin Timberlake

    Can you deal with this? No really, can you? Justin Timberlake has been rocking the entire same blonde curls since his baby days and you could not possibly love this more. You love his hair because it is classic Justin. You have followed him since his days as part of the massive boy band *NSYNC and you have been proud of his transition to solo artist/actor/husband and dad. Also, let's be real here, you can't stop singing "Can't Stop The Feeling" in your head (or out loud). Yup, that is definitely one of your favorite songs. It is also fun to see what your fave celebs looked like back in the day (way, way back) and JT is just one example of someone who has always been adorable. You are super glad you saw this photo, right? Doesn't it just cheer you up and make your life 1000 percent better?

    2 Justin Bieber

    Awwwww. That's really the only reaction that you could possibly have after looking at this baby photo of none other than The Biebs. He's holding his teddy bear for dear life and has a sweet smile on his face. Just look at those big eyes. He's got a bit of a mischievous look on his face going on at the same time, and that really sums up Justin Bieber, don't you think? While you think that he's a good guy and that the bad press is really unfortunate, you also wonder why he has needed to apologize so many times and why he's had so many so-called comebacks. When you compare this baby photo to pictures of the star today, you might think that he looks different, but the core of who he is has remained the same: that mix of being sweet and having some fun at the same time. Doesn't this just make you love him even more?!

    1 Taylor Swift

    OMG. Can you even deal with this baby picture of Taylor Swift?! You just want to hug her and hang out with her because you can tell that T-Swift would have been a really cute and fun baby to know. She looks really wide-eyed and innocent in this shot, and that's really how you view her these days. Sure, not everyone would agree with that, especially since she has gotten some bad press lately for her girl squad and views on feminism and various celebrity feuds. But you totally believe that at her core, Taylor Swift is a good girl and all the bad things that surround her are just going to go away. This picture proves that she's a sweetheart and she's always going to be charming and adorable. That's something to remember when you're a.) wondering why everyone seems to be a Taylor hater and b.) when her new album is finally going to come out…