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    15 Celebs Who Killed Their Careers In A Matter Of Seconds

    We all know that it's tough to become a celebrity but it's even harder to keep your celebrity once you have it. One wrong tweet or one bad interview and a celebrity's career can end before it even begins. In the case of these celebs, they had everything looking up for them until they made wrong move and it ruined their careers never recovered from it. Sure there are celebs who ruined their careers overtime by choosing bad roles, going to too many parties, or trying to launch a music career. Just look at Lindsay Lohan, Mischa Barton, and Tara Reid--they slowly destroyed their careers by making bad decision after bad decision. However, this list contains only the celebs who had everything going for them and they destroyed their career in seconds because of one bad decision.

    You'll never guess the dumb things that celebs have done to lose their fame in a single day. On this list there is a celeb who was at the top of her game… until she got a nose job. There is everyone from Ashlee Simpson and her infamous hoedown dance on Saturday Night Live to one meme that destroyed the reputation of a once-beloved fixture of television. If you think that you have regrets that keep you up at night, you'll be glad that you didn't have these awful mistakes to look back on. These are the celebs who completely destroyed their careers in just seconds.

    15 Ashlee Simpson

    It's hard to believe that it's been 13 years since Ashlee Simpson's infamous lip-sync fail on Saturday Night Live occurred. It was 2004 when Simpson performed her first song "Pieces of Me" with no problems but the second performance was a different story. The vocals for "Pieces of Me" began playing again and Simpson panicked and started to do an awkward hoedown dance before she just walked off stage during the song. The worst part was when she joined Jude Law on the stage at the end of the episode and "apologized" but she really blamed the band for the whole thing stating that they, "started playing the wrong song and I had no excuse so I had to do a hoedown." Simpson's chance to make a career for herself by latching onto her sister's fame ended tragically in one night and her career never recovered from the incident.

    14 Gary Busey

    Nowadays when you think of Gary Busey, you think of that kooky old dude with the crazy eyes but back in the day, he was known as a successful actor. He appeared in films such as Lethal Weapon and Thunderbolt and Lightfoot and was even nominated for an Oscar in 1978. However, in 1988, he was in a severe motorcycle accident and was not wearing a helmet which left him in a coma for 33 days. According to the actor, the accident had split his skull and, in 2008, a psychiatrist determined that the accident had caused severe brain damage. It was not obvious immediately after the accident that Busey had head trauma but as the years have gone by, it has become a lot more obvious that the accident had something to do with his bizarre persona today. He also had an overdose in the 1990s which is never a good thing to happen especially if you have brain damage.

    13 Natalia Kills

    You probably never even heard of Natalia Kills until the video of her bullying an X Factor contestant in 2015. Though she now goes by the name Teddy Sinclair, at the time, she was Natalia Kills and she was a judge on X Factor in New Zealand. In the video that destroyed her career, she cruelly insulted the contestant and also accused him of copying her husband, Willy Moon. Considering that nobody knows who Willy Moon is and he looks like Slender man, this was a particularly harsh criticism. When the video went viral, people all over the world were outraged and the singer left the show and New Zealand in disgrace. In just a few minutes, Natalia Kills was dead but now Teddy Sinclair has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes. She and Moon have a new band called Cruel Youth which released their first single last year.

    12 B.o.B

    B.o.B thinks the earth is flat. That alone should be reason enough to kill a career but it gets better. In 2016, the "Airplanes" rapper Tweeted in 2016 that if the earth were round that it would be obvious just by looking at the horizon. He went on a long rant complete with pics of the horizon and one of the tweets read: "The cities in the background are approx. 16 miles apart… where is the curve ? please explain this." Neil deGrasse Tyson rose to the challenge and dropped some much-needed knowledge on the rapper. Still, none of this deterred B.o.B who is still tweeting about the earth being flat, human cloning, and how the moon landing was fake. It's hard to take someone seriously as an artist when they say such dumb things and won't even listen to an actual astrophysicist.

    11 Bill Cosby

    To be fair, Bill Cosby has been in the process of ruining his career and reputation for a long time. The earliest accusation happened all the way back in 1965 when Kristina Ruelhi accused Cosby of drugging her and assaulting her in his Beverly Hills home. The allegations have not stopped since then but they had all been quietly pushed under the rug for decades. All of these allegations came up again when Cosby's team started a social media campaign that called for fans to "meme" him. This backfired immediately when people started to use the memes to bring up the many accusations against Cosby over the years. This helped to bring the accusations out into the open so that everyone is aware that he is a vile human being. The entire situation destroyed his reputation and ruined his career forever.

    10 Jennifer Grey

    Jennifer Grey was at the top of her game in the 80s when she was the charming and talented star of Dirty Dancing. However, her career completely tanked in the early 90s when she underwent a rhinoplasty procedure. She later described the procedure as the "nose job from hell" because it ruined her career by making her completely unrecognizable, even to her friends. She had a second nose job done to fix it but it didn't help her situation. She said that it was like she went from being a celebrity to being invisible. Grey continued acting but would never again see the success she saw when she was in Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Dirty Dancing. She did, however, appear on Dancing with the Stars and won in 2012 but this particular reality show is exactly where careers go to die. With one nose job, Grey's career was over.

    9 Paula Deen

    Paula Deen has been a figure in the world of celebrity chefs for a long time and has been serving up carb and fat-filled southern dishes on TV since 2002. She had always been a subject of jokes on the internet because of her fatty and buttery meals but there was never any ill will toward her until she became the target of a lawsuit in 2013. Lisa Jackson filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against the chef after she had voiced her wedding plan ideas for her brother which involved a "true Southern plantation-style theme." Basically she wanted black servers at the wedding like they were slaves but then said that she wouldn't do it because the media would be all over it. Wow. After all of this went down and Deen cried about it on TV, she had deals cancelled with The Food Network, QVC, Walmart, Target, and many others. She still appears on TV and sells cookbooks but her reputation has been tarnished for good.

    8 Billy Bush

    Sure, Billy Bush has always been at least a little bit annoying but he became absolutely despised when the infamous video of him and Donald Trump was leaked in 2016. The recording was from 2005 when Trump and Bush were filming an episode of Access Hollywood. In the recording, Trump said some truly vile and lewd things about women, stating "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women-I just start kissing them." Bush agreed with Trump and made a few lewd comments of his own. Because of the controversy surrounding the recording, NBC announced that Bush had resigned from Today. His career was essentially over. Too bad we can't say the same for Trump. Apparently, it was Bush's coworkers who leaked the recording in the first place in an attempt to get him fired because they disliked him so much. This story seems very believable.

    7 Brian Williams

    If there is one thing you should never do as a journalist, it's lie to the public but apparently Brian Williams missed that section of Journalism 101. Over the years, The NBC Nightly News anchor has told the story of a 2003 reporting trip in Iraq. The story goes that he was riding in a Chinook helicopter which came under fire resulting in an emergency landing. He told the story again in 2015 and this time, he was caught. The part about the helicopter coming under fire and making an emergency landing was all true but, here's the thing, Williams wasn't on it. Soldiers who were actually on the helicopter called him out and he admitted that he had lied. As a result, he was suspended from NBC for sixth months without pay. He returned to NBC but his reputation and integrity has been tarnished.

    6 Michael Richards

    Seinfeld is one of the most beloved and successful TV shows ever but it can be hard for any actor on a popular TV shows to move on. Michael Richards won more Emmy's than any other actor on the show and after the end of Seinfeld, he had his own show on NBC called The Michael Richards Show which was cancelled after only a few weeks on the air. This sort of thing generally happens to big TV shows, remember Joey's spin-off after Friends ended? However, despite the bad spin-off, what really killed his career for good was an incident that took place in 2006 at The Laugh Factory, where Richards yelled at a black audience member who was heckling him. Richards also used the n-word and referred to lynching. Yikes. When the news got out, he apologized but his career could never recover from the scandal.

    5 Azaelia Banks

    Azealia Banks was a promising young rapper and was launched in the mainstream with her song "212" but the public eventually realized that she was not the best person. She is known now for her homophobic and racist tweets and her beefs with everyone from Perez Hilton to Skye Jackson. The moment that her career really fell apart was when she tweeted at Zayn Malik for "stealing" her ideas and was mad that he tweeted something in the past that she thought was directed at her. She tweeted, "“Keep sucking this young rapuxel d**k u hairy curry scented b**ch. Imma start calling you Punjab you dirty b***h." Twitter does not take this kind of racism lying down and they came at her with a vengeance. The public outcry against her has never swayed her, however, and she still continues to post hateful things on social media to the point where no one wants to listen to her music anymore. Her career is dead. Good riddance.

    4 Meek Mill

    Speaking of Twitter feuds, the Meek Mill vs Drake is absolutely legendary, especially since it appeared to be completely one-sided. It all started when Meek tweeted, "Stop comparing Drake to me too… He doesn't even write his own raps!" He tweeted this because Drake didn't promote his new album. Petty. Drake fans were not having any of it, however, and it became clear that Drake had many more people on his side than Meek whose only claim to fame is dating Nicki Minaj. Drake released two diss tracks, the first was "Charged Up" and the second was "Back to Back", and the ball was in Meek's court. He served up "Wanna Know" which was very weak compared to Drake's tracks. Meek Mill ruined his career by going up against one of the biggest artists in the world and expecting everyone to be on his side. Now that he and Minaj are broken up, his career is definitely over.

    3 Dani Mathers

    As far as Playboy models go, Dani Mathers had a skyrocketing career when she became Playmate of the Year. However, she ruined her career when she sent a Snapchat of a naked elderly woman taking a shower at her gym with the caption "If I can't unsee this then you can't either." Not only was she criticized for the photo but she was also charged with invasion of privacy which is a misdemeanor. She initially faced a sentence of 45 days in jail but instead she was sentenced to 30 days of community service, during which she cleaned up graffiti, along with three years probation. In a recent interview, Mathers opened up about the incident and said that she was currently hiding out at her mother's house. She does seem sorry about what she did but she also comes across as one of the snobby popular girl from high school who talked about people behind their backs. Career over.

    2 CeeLo Green

    CeeLo Green's career has suffered in the past few years since he left The Voice after four seasons, which was definitely not the best idea. He went from making $20 million in 2011 to pleading no contest to slipping a pill into a woman's drink in 2012. Yikes. After the trial, Green decided to go to Twitter to speak his mind, tweeting, "If someone is passed out they're not even WITH you! The WITH implies consent." This immediately blew up all over the internet and all goodwill was lost for the singer. His career had suffered one too many blows and his career probably is not going to recover. He disappeared for awhile until he reappeared at the Grammys this year wearing a gold ensemble that included a mask. Probably not the best way to try and jumpstart your career but at this point, he's probably getting pretty desperate.

    1 Kathy Griffin

    Kathy Griffin upset a lot of people recently when she posted a gruesome photo of herself with a stern look while holding Donald Trump's head covered in blood. Griffin apologized for the disturbing photo and also said, "I made a mistake and I was wrong." Griffin has always had strong opinions that she voices loudly but this wasn't the best way to voice them. Her lawyer, Lisa Bloom, has said that Griffin "never imagined it could be interpreted as a threat of violence toward Trump." Maybe ease up on the blood next time, Kathy. She was fired from her gig on CNN's New Years Eve program and lost her endorsement deal with Squatty Potty. None of this will keep Griffin silent than ever but her career definitely took a big hit from the whole ordeal. Time will tell if it ever recovers.