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    15 Celebs Who NEED Their Own Reality Show

    From the stylish and entertaining Kardashian clan to all of those real Housewives, there are tons of reality shows to choose from when you want to kick back and relax. Whether you want a handful of reality series and are a total addict or you just watch one (while trying to pretend that you're not that obsessed), you're probably a pretty big fan of the genre. Sure, you know that not everything that you see on these shows is totally and completely 100 percent real -- but that's okay. That doesn't stop you from enjoying these shows. You definitely have friends or family members who don't get your reality TV love and say that you should watch more high-brow fare like HBO dramas. You think they're just jealous that you have found such fun and entertaining shows to watch. And you definitely think that they should get on board with the reality TV train already. Of course, you can't control what shows are on the air or on streaming services, but if you could choose which celebrities got their own reality television show, you have a few ideas. Here are 15 celebs who really NEED their own reality show. Think about how epic these would be!

    15 Beyonce

    Mariah Carey has her own reality TV show called Mariah's World, so isn't it about time that Beyonce had her own as well?! It's actually kind of crazy that there is no reality show about Queen Bey. There is just so much to work with here from her epic performances, her current twin pregnancy, her high-profile marriage, and just her awesome personality. You would love to get an inside look at her real life. Of course, you're a super fan so you would love to watch literally anything that Beyonce does or says, so you wouldn't be the most discerning critic. You would watch her do her nails or get her hair done for sure -- even if she was filmed doing that for two hours straight. Yup, you totally would. You really think that this needs to happen, so what is the entertainment industry waiting for? Let's make this happen!

    14 Lauren Graham

    Yes, you definitely need a reality show about the woman who brought Lorelai Gilmore to life! Lauren Graham is just as hilarious as her TV alter ego, as she proved in her amazing memoir Talking As Fast As I Can. You would love to see her life behind-the-scenes. You would love to learn more about what she does in her free time, what her relationship with the adorable Peter Krause is really like, and how she balances her movie roles with the fact that she's now playing Lorelai once again. You would also love to see her deal with fans since she's clearly the sweetest person ever and knows how important Lorelai is to most people's lives. Since it's pretty obvious that there are going to be more Netflix revival episodes of Gilmore Girls, you think that there needs to be a reality show that focuses on how Lauren is handling playing this infamous role once again. And if the show could feature her on the set, you would definitely be okay with that.

    13 Daphne Oz

    Daphne Oz is a really cool chick. She's a host on the daytime food talk show The Chew, she's the author of two fun cookbooks The Happy Cook and Relish, and she's all about food. She seriously loves food. Like a lot. It's impossible not to become inspired by her infectious energy when you read one of her books or see her on TV or even just check out her Instagram account. She's basically obsessed with any kind of food and will turn you into a foodie ASAP. She's got a pretty fabulous life since she's from a super close and fabulous family (Dr. Oz is her dad, just in case you didn't know!), she's got a sweet husband and two adorable kids, and she's often traveling (and eating, of course). So she would be perfect reality TV fodder. You might even come away from her show feeling like you should get your butt into the kitchen and start cooking. Okay, okay, maybe not. Let's not get too crazy.

    12 Michelle Branch

    The lovely singer is finally in the midst of her big comeback after years of everyone wondering where she went and when she was finally going to release a new album. Thankfully, that day is almost here since her new record, Hopeless Romantic is coming out in early April 2017. Michelle's got a fun life that is totally perfect for reality television. She lives in Nashville with her adorable daughter named Owen (and that alone would be a great show) and she's also in a happy new relationship with Patrick Carney after going through a divorce. Of course, as you probably already know, Michelle made her recent record with Patrick (and they fell in love while creating beautiful music together -- super epic). When you think about it, a former pop star who is now forging her own identity and figuring out who she is in the music industry today would be an awesome reality show. So why isn't this happening yet?!

    11 Justin Bieber

    Wouldn't a reality show starring The Biebs be pretty much the coolest thing ever?! Yes, definitely! You would love to know who he really is -- a kid who loves pranks and seems to get into trouble all the time or a sweetheart who is totally misunderstood and deserves to be forgiven. Plus there's the fact that Justin has gotten really, really hot and so you wouldn't mind seeing him your TV on a regular basis. You would also just love the chance to see what he gets up to all the time. He must have really fun times traveling and performing and doing interviews, right? He also has a pretty cool relationship with his manager, Scooter Braun, and so you think that bromance would make a fun show too. You also think that Justin would be great on a reality show since he's got the best voice ever. You would love to watch him record his next album.

    10 Emma Watson

    Is there a bigger star than Emma Watson currently? It definitely doesn't seem like it! Since Emma is of course in the live action film adaptation of Beauty and the Beast, she's getting all sorts of press and attention (and for good reason). Emma is just totally and completely awesome. She's smart, she's a feminist, and she cares about a variety of causes. She's not one to mince words or care what other people think about her and she always speaks her mind. That alone would make her an awesome reality TV fodder. Sure, this isn't really very likely to happen since Emma is a notoriously private celebrity and doesn't even want to take photos with fans (although she has a legit and safety-related reason for that since she doesn't want people to know her location -- which is fair enough). But hey, you love Emma and so you're going to keep dreaming.

    9 Selena Gomez

    Don't you want to know what really went down with Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber? What about what is up with her and The Weeknd and Bella Hadid? Selena would totally star in the best reality show ever! There is so much drama surrounding her at all times, it is like this show would create and make itself. You also think that Selena is a super cool person since she has been able to successfully and gracefully transition from a child star to a more mature singer and actress. That is definitely not easy to do and she probably has a really fascinating personal and professional life. Come on, why isn't a reality show about Selena Gomez a, well, reality? You definitely would watch every single week and would even get your girlfriends to come over and make an entire night of it. It would be the best thing ever.

    8 Carly Rae Jepsen

    Carly Rae Jepsen is sweet and adorable, no doubt about it, and she has also got an amazing singing voice. Her songs are fun and all about love and dating and heartache and you can totally relate. You would love to know more about the girl behind the massive hit pop tune "Call Me Maybe" (which you still love even though it's not 2012 anymore… ). She's got a pretty interesting career going on since besides her regular recording and performing, she also starred in Grease Live and was even in Cinderella on BroadwayShe was also pretty much discovered by Justin Bieber if you don't already know the awesome and famous story. Here goes: he was home in Canada listening to the radio and heard her famous single and made a YouTube lip-syncing video with some famous pals. Cool, right?! Yup, Carly would definitely be in a pretty great reality show.

    7 Channing Tatum

    The man behind Magic Mike is super hot and fit, no doubt about it, but he has also got an awesome family life. He is married to the beautiful Jenna Dewan and they have an adorable daughter named Everly (which is really the best name ever). So they would definitely make an awesome and even relatable TV show. Because even though they are rich and famous and gorgeous, they are pretty down-to-earth. Their love story is epic, sure, but they really care about each other and just want to live a happy, peaceful family life. It would also be cool to see Channing and Jenna's professional worlds since they are both talented actors. This show would be a great balance of family, love, and the crazy world of Hollywood, and that would be incredibly entertaining. You really think you are onto something here. Channing Tatum really needs a show.

    6 Gigi And Bella Hadid

    The Hadid sisters are amazing. They are beautiful, stylish, and they are both absolutely killing it in the fashion industry. You would love to get a peek at their epic lives as models. They are also really great role models since they are such sweethearts. It's awesome to see young girls who aren't all about looking good but really care about being good people too. The world needs more of that (and the world of reality television needs more of that, too). Sure, you want to see more about the Bella/Selena/The Weeknd drama, there's no doubt about that, but you also want to see more of Gigi's everyday life. You love her so much. You especially love that she's all about a good cheeseburger and believes in living a healthy, balanced lifestyle. You're all about that, too, so you think that you could pick up some super useful and inspiring tips.

    5 Kendall Jenner

    So it's kind of wishful thinking to want Kendall Jenner to have her own reality show since it's no secret that she's the most private of the Kardashian/Jenner clan. But you still think she would make a great reality show subject! Kendall is really awesome. She's a model and so that alone would make great TV. She's also got her own unique and amazing sense of style, and you would love to get a peek into her closet or at least get to see how she develops her stylish self. There just seems to be a lot behind the surface with Kendall and you think that would translate really well to a show. Again, this will probably pretty much never happen, but you can't help but wish that a show about Kendall and Kendall alone was a thing. There would probably be some cameos from her famous family and you would be down with that too since of course, her relatives would totally bring the drama and the laughs on a regular basis.

    4 Mandy Moore

    Mandy Moore is a sweetheart and chances are, you've been a fan of her since your childhood or teenage years. You loved her early pop music and her albums that lean more towards the folk genre. You loved her movies, too, like The Princess Diaries and Saved. And now that she's starring as the lovely singer, wife, and mom Rebecca Pearson on This Is Us, you are all in. You definitely need to see Mandy Moore on her own reality television show since she's got the best of both worlds going on right now: she's the star of one of the hottest new TV shows from the 2016 fall season and she's also an amazing person to follow on Instagram. Just look at her IG account and picture that on your TV screen. She often shares insights and jokes and stories from the set of This Is Us and she's usually out to lunch at fabulous places, traveling or at a super cool concert. Mandy's world is fun and trendy and thoughtful and it would translate super well to a reality television show. Plus she just seems like a really, really good person, and we need to see more of that for sure!

    3 Milo Ventimiglia

    Okay, so thinking that Milo Ventimiglia needs his own reality show is partly for totally selfish reasons since, well, that would mean seeing more of his beautiful face on a regular basis. And there's definitely nothing wrong with that! On a more serious note, Milo is a really good, really cool guy. He's caring, he's kind, and he's also got the most gorgeous, deepest voice ever. So he would be great on his own reality show. You would love to get a look into his everyday life since he definitely has a lot of interesting hobbies -- you can just tell. He probably also lives in a super cool mansion and travels a lot and hangs out with really fascinating, intelligent people. You also can't help but want to see his behind-the-scenes life as Jack on This Is Us and what it's really like to reprise his role as Jess on Gilmore Girls.

    2 Taylor Swift

    Doesn't everyone want to see what T-Swift is actually like?! She can be a bit impossible to figure out, at least these days since she's not performing as much as usual and we're still waiting for new music. You would love to see what she's like in her free time (well, whatever spare time she has since she probably doesn't have a whole lot!) and just get to know her on another, deeper level. You would also love to see her songwriting process and what it's like when she records an album, so maybe the show could feature her working on her next album. There's also the obvious fact that maybe you could get a glimpse into her sometimes crazy and always super entertaining dating life. Yeah, that's pretty much why you want Taylor to have her own reality show, so you might as well just be honest and admit it.

    1 Teresa Giudice

    Sure, Teresa stars on The Real Housewives Of New Jersey and is pretty much that show's most famous face, but that's not enough for fans! She would be amazing if she had her very own reality show. Just think about it for a second. She clearly brings the drama and the humor to each and every season of RHONJ, and those are two really important components of any successful and entertaining reality show. When Teresa was in prison, Bravo aired a three-part special called The Real Housewives Of New Jersey: Teresa Checks In. And it was epic! You got to see how Joe and the girls were doing in Teresa's absence and, okay, it made you cry more than a few times. But it just proved that Teresa is enough for an entire reality show. It would be awesome if she would star in her own spin-off. You definitely think this is in the cards for her. Hey, maybe it's already in the works?! No doubt about it, this would be your new favorite show!