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    15 Celebs Who Still Look Hot WITHOUT Eyebrows

    Eyebrows: they've been all over our Instagrams lately. From thick to thin we've got tons of eyebrow inspiration around us, which gives us hope for our own bushy brows. Some people, however, decide to forget about eyebrows all together. They wipe them clean off, and surprisingly it sometimes works. Wait… You didn't believe that, did you? No one would really take off their eyebrows and not draw on a replacement. We did, however, find pictures of all the hottest celebs without eyebrows, though done for our entertainment purposes only, of course. We worked hard to find the best of the best, and what a list we've compiled. Some of these folks actually look better without their eyebrows, and some look really, really weird. We didn't realize how essential eyebrows are to the balance of a face until they were gone! Flip through and take a look at this assortment of eyebrowless beauties, and let us know if there's anyone we missed!

    15 Russell Brand

    No matter how you feel (and you should feel pretty angry) about the prank call to the crisis line case he was involved in, you have to admit he looks pretty stupid without eyebrows. This comedian's look gets funnier and funnier as time goes on, from this weird straight-up-and-down hair style to his long, beach wave locks. This style is no different. While we don't always agree with the things he says, his delivery of them makes us laugh (sometimes), and he's got a look that makes us think that he's either lost it, losing it or about to lose it. And can we talk about how Katy Perry still hasn't talked to him since their marriage broke up? Maybe he should adopt this style permanently; it's always a good idea to change something if you're not happy with the way life is going. And it's not the worst thing in the world… He's got so much hair already, and this really shows off his jawline.

    14 The Biebs

    Yes, none other than Justin Bieber himself has made his way onto our list. This ridiculous look gets even sillier when you think about the fact he's probably got baggy jeans and a skateboard, and maybe some puffy, oversized sneakers. It almost feels like another poor style choice (like those dreadlocks… Though at least this doesn't involve any cultural appropriation) if we didn't know better. For whatever reason, his lack of eyebrows makes his too-white teeth stand out even more, and it's a little off-putting. We'd also never noticed just how overset his brow is. The eyebrows covered it when he had them, but by taking them away you can see just how cavemany it is. His lips look incredible, though, and as long as you ignore that brow he's really not that bad looking without eyebrows. If it would make our lips look that good, we'd shave our brows off too.

    13 Miley Cyrus

    Do you even notice the lack of eyebrows on this one? We didn't. Maybe it's because of the bleach blonde hair, but we don't actually mind her lack of brows. Her face is nicely proportioned, and her brows are already pretty light and small. If anything, it looks more natural for her to not have brows. She's an attractive person already, and it's no surprise that she's still attractive without these essential, face-balancing pieces of hair. We will say that her forehead is surprisingly big. Maybe that's just when her hair is straight up like that, though without checking we can't be sure. And let's be real… Miley Cyrus will never entirely shave off her eyebrows. With her bangs down we'd probably not even be able to see them anyway. Let's just say that while she looks best with eyebrows, she still totally pulls off the no eyebrows look. While it might be because of her hair color and style, let's say it's actually because of how attractive she is. 

    12 Kim Kardashian

    Remember our last article about Kim K? The Queen is back and brought even more sexy with her new look. She has got the hair, the lashes, and the lips. All she is missing is the eyebrows, but we do not even really notice they are gone, to be honest. It actually looks like the same picture side by side, we would definitely lose in a game of spot the differences. Her cheekbones more than makeup for them, as do her eyelashes. We almost prefer her without her brows since it makes her eyes the focus of her face. And she's got such gorgeous eyes! Can we also talk about that luxurious hair? Who needs weird strips of face hair when you've got long, luscious waves like that? She's attractive no matter what, no questions asked. For conventionality's sake, we hope she keeps her brows, but you never know… The next big trend could be taking off eyebrows. Either way, Kim's got sexy locked down. 

    11 Julie Bowen

    We love her work on Modern Family, but we do not super love her eyebrows. Especially in this picture. While her character's eyebrows are almost always on point, for some reason her personal brows are often just a little crooked. It could be the angle, or it could be where they peak. We are not sure, but we know it isn't helping her. She's so pretty, though! This is why we prefer her without the brows. Blondes tend to pull off the no brows look better; maybe it's because we're used to seeing light brows on blonde haired people, or maybe it's just because we're distracted by their lovely hair. Either way, she looks cute without the eyebrows. Her expression is a little harder to read without the expressiveness of her brows, but we think that's a small price to pay for the bragging rights of being attractive without eyebrows.

    10 Esme Bianco

    Game of Thrones makes their actors do weird things. While we have not seen anyone without eyebrows yet, it does not mean it will not happen. No spoilers! We will say, however, that if anyone is going to sacrifice their eyebrows for their art, it would be Esme Bianco. This lovely lady plays one of the main entertainer of men type character in the early seasons of Game of Thrones, and she looks fabulous no matter how much (or how little) she has on. Including eyebrows! While we are not entirely sure, we think that she has normally got thicker eyebrows in the show. When we look at the comparison between these thin eyebrow lines and no eyebrows, there is almost no difference. Her brilliant smile and gorgeous hair covers the fact that they have erased her eyebrows. While it might not be a day-to-day look, she can definitely pull it off. 

    9 Martin Freeman

    Finally, a free man from his oppressive, hairy face slugs. We think Martin Freeman is a cutie with and without the eyebrows, which is something that is easily achievable when his brows are pretty non-existent in his day-to-day life. Makeup artists on the sets he works on must fill them in for his roles, as we do not remember them being so sparse. It is a sign that the universe wants him to adopt this style permanently since he looks so dashing! The hair does help him, though, as it covers some of his forehead. It is not just the fact he is gorgeous, but also the fact that he knows how to style himself to make him look the best. He could definitely rock the no eyebrows style everyday, but let us be real: why go through so much effort when he is such a cutie already? Either way works though.

    8 Paris Hilton

    Another blondie who does not look amiss without eyebrows. While we would not say she is one of the hottest celebrities out there, her face does not look all that changed when we take away the eyebrows. She has still got a vacuous expression in her eyes (at least in this photo), and a slight smile that we are not entirely convinced is genuine. While the drawn on eyebrows do suit her face shape, we can't really tell if they are her natural eyebrow shape or not. Her face looks the same with or without them, which makes us think that maybe she does shave her eyebrows off. It is not so much that the lack of eyebrows is weird, and more that conventionality states she needs to have them for photo shoots and we are only now seeing her in her natural form… Who knows! You look good either way, Paris!

    7 George Clooney

    This man is consistently the hottest celebrity out there. We don't know how he's done it for so long, but even as a young guy he was hot hot hot. Nowadays he's still got the power to make us quiver and quake, but it's surprising how quickly that disappears when we take away his eyebrows. He looks like a new man. Still good, but incredibly different. Eyebrows can easily become a trademark for people, especially actors. Those with bigger eyebrows, like Clooney, easily get sucked into working with their eyebrows. Often getting cast as a brooding man or sexy hunk, they've aided his acting career in a huge way. Seeing him without them is almost like seeing him naked. It's fascinating and intimate, but we're not sure we actually like it. It's just not him anymore without those two expressive curves. Definitely keep your eyebrows, George. Your career will thank you.

    6 Amanda Bynes

    Did she even have eyebrows in the first place? They were so thin it was hard to find them before they were gone. They did a good job of hiding her slightly overset brow and made her forehead look a little smaller. While they weren't the most fashion-forward or Instagram-worthy brows out there, they definitely served a purpose on her face. We think she's better off keeping them, but she doesn't look terrible without those two lines helping to balance out her facial proportions. In a similar way to Bieber, her lips and teeth pop a little more without the eyebrows. We don't know why that is, but it's helping to highlight her sweet smile and girl-next-door persona. While that might not be what she's going for in this image specifically, she certainly had it when she was first starting out. Maybe taking off the eyebrows is a good step; new year, new you, Amanda! 

    5 Taylor Swift

    She looks a little like an elf here, or maybe some sort of weird Danish Troll Doll. While she does not look bad, it has definitely got an otherworldly quality to it. Her sharp, pointed features and smooth skin give us the idea that she might be more magic than we thought. Her hair has seen many changes since this shot, and no doubt if we had found any other photo we would never have been able to tell that her eyebrows were erased. Her heavy bangs and side swept hair hide not only her forehead but most of her face! We will count ourselves lucky that we get to experience this side of Taylor. Our lives are made so much better knowing that she could pass as a fantasy elf, and it is all thanks to a lack of eyebrows. Who knew that they would have such an impact? 

    4 Emma Watson

    Also jumping on this strange and magical creature train is Emma Watson. Having grown up as a magical being, we are used to seeing her with spells and incantations coming out of her wand. We're not entirely used to seeing her looking like a gorgeous fairy creature, as she does in this shot. Someone had the brilliant idea to edit Emma Watson's eyebrows off, but little did they know the genius they would produce. This shot looks like she could fly off the screen and land in our palms, whispering secrets of the universe and sprinkling fairy dust over our eyelids. The pixie cut she's rocking certainly helps with that image, and we think she should consider making this an everyday choice. At the very least we'd like her to make another movie, but only if she gets to star as an all-powerful creature. What do you say, Emma? Please?

    3 Sarah Silverman

    She is another actor/comedian who has used her eyebrows as a point of pride and identity. Her straight-cut, thick brows give her a no-nonsense look, which makes it perfect for her comic timing and sketch comedy delivery. She looks sweet and innocent, and almost like she could be a lawyer (or some other generically boring job). Take away those puppies though and you have got a ridiculous, expressive face with amazing bone structure. Sarah Silverman is gorgeous, and who knew we would only see it when the eyebrows disappeared. Don't judge a book by its cover, as she has got tons in store after her comedy routine is over. That is not to say she should make this a permanent change. We love her just the way she is, and those eyebrows are too perfect to give up. Go ahead, put them back on! We don't want to see them disappear yet.

    2 Literally ALL of the Spice Girls

    These ladies could do no wrong when we were kids. Remember that weird movie they put out, Spice World? Absolutely none of us batted an eye at it, even when Meatloaf started yelling and the aliens appeared. If we had it our way these beauties would still be making movies and music together. Unfortunately, it is time for all of us to move on. Some of them have found success other ways, like judging America's Got Talent or marrying David Beckham. They have paved their way in this world, and they have done it with eyebrows intact. That does not mean they need them, though! These ladies are just as fabulous without their eyebrows, though Posh Spice certainly looks more like a department store mannequin than she usually does. Something about the lack of eyebrows makes her stare all the more… Dead. Either way their lack of brows goes almost unnoticed and we love it!

    1 George Whipple

    Did you really think we would forget the king of eyebrows? George Whipple III has done incredible things with these babies. These eyebrows are the basis for many of his characters and were often a point of discussion in the celebrity/tv star news. Seriously, how can you not even realize them, they are literally the only things we can't stop staring at. While he never really hit the big, Kim Kardashian level of stardom we're used to seeing now, he's recognizable in many movies. And always with his fabulous eyebrows! Seeing him without them is a little off putting. Erasing the eyebrows from this man's face is like if someone graffitied on a gravestone, or used Obama's name in vain. It's just not morally sound, and generally unacceptable to do. That being said, it's interesting to see what he looks like. Who knew his forehead would be so smooth underneath those babies?