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    15 Celebs Who Used To Be Hot But Then Aged Horribly

    Time isn't always kind to us. Sure, the aging process has a lot to do with genetics but it's also affected by our lifestyle choices. We're not all able to escape receding hairlines or slowing metabolisms. Once we see the first signs of aging, it's pretty hard to accept. It's only normal to want to slow down the process with anti-aging treatments or, in more extreme cases, getting extreme work done. The more rich and famous you are, the more resources you have at your disposal to spend on cosmetic alterations. Of course, the richer you are, the more you can afford lofty substances to support your addiction (which is why this list of celebs aged horribly in the first place).

    Celebrities are not the immortal beings that we think that they are when we see them looking fabulous on the red carpet. Time takes its toll on them just as it does for everyone else. When it's clear that fame has gone to a celebrity's head, they can start living an extremely unhealthy lifestyle and suffer from terrible substance addictions. They then spend ungodly amounts of cash on extreme alterations to undo the aesthetic damage of aging. We remember these stars in their prime as attractive and we had crushes on them. Unfortunately, those days have passed and they now look washed-up. Here are 15 celebs who used to be hot but didn't age quite so well.

    15 Russell Crowe

    Russell Crowe was one of the most ripped men we have ever laid eyes on when he starred in 2000's Gladiator. Even to this day when that movie is being broadcasted on a movie channel such as TNT or AMC, we can't help but wait for the scene where he comes out with the light behind him. Even after 17 years, we can't help but stare and bask in the glory that used to be Russell Crowe. These days, he has definitely developed that dad bod. Let's cut this guy some slack, though. He was in his 30s when he starred in Gladiator and now he is in his 50s. Wait until we are all middle-aged and let's see if we look exactly the same as we did when we were in our prime. It is highly (if not 100% likely) that we won't. It would nice to see him back a comeback as a silver fox starring as another Greek hero alongside some new up and coming actor. Russell Crowe just looks like a regular dude walking down the street now and it's time to accept that.

    14 Mickey Rourke

    We millennials are used to seeing Mickey Rourke as a tough guy in Sin City or the washed-up, "has been" professional athlete in The Wrestler. If you go back to the year you were born and find a Mickey Rourke movie that was released around that time, you think to yourself, "Damn, that is one good looking dude." He was at the peak of his career in the late '80s and starred in films like Angel Heart, Rumble Fish, 9 1/2 Weeks and Barfly. Then crystal meth got the better of him and he took a break from acting for a very long time. After nearly 15 years of avoiding the spotlight and several rehab stints, Mickey Rourke made an amazing comeback with his Oscar-nominated role in The Wrestler. It's always empowering to see a legendary actor reclaim his fame after a huge setback. Although the years have not been kind to him in terms of appearance, they have given him more interesting acting opportunities.

    13 Lindsay Lohan

    Lindsay Lohan is a perfect specimen of a Hollywood starlet turned total trainwreck. The public is pretty sympathetic toward her because she still manages to get our attention through the tabloids. She is only 30 but looks like she is over 40 due to a rough streak of alcohol and cocaine abuse throughout almost the entire duration of her 20s. She became famous after playing twins in The Parent Trap and then had the lead role in Mean Girls alongside Rachel McAdams and Amanda Seyfried. After that film premiered, she was on an upward trajectory to a promising career. Then she became a hardcore party girl and then became a full blown drug addict. She had scored some seemingly promising roles but gave herself a bad name by not showing up to set on time… or just not showing up at all. It's a tragedy, but definitely a self-inflicted one. We are all secretly waiting for her to get her sh** together and make a comeback, if that will ever happen.

    12 Val Kilmer

    No doubt about it, Val Kilmer was the It Dude in Hollywood starting in the mid 1980s throughout the 1990s. He got his big break, along with other big name actors like Tom Cruise and Patrick Swayze, in Francis Coppola's The Outsiders. He was also the rugged stud that was cast in Batman Forever. He proved his versatile acting talents by starring as Tom Cruise's buddy in the military action flick Top Gun and as Jim Morrison in The Doors. Although it's safe to say that he is no longer at the peak of his career, his acting roles haven't completely fizzled out. In fact, he doesn't have a history with drugs or alcohol abuse per se. He just hasn't aged very well. He still gets many smaller supporting roles and he doesn't seem to have burnt out, but damn he just doesn't seem to have it going on anymore.

    11 Pamela Anderson

    Pamela Anderson was the talk of the entire nation when she first starred in Home Improvement and then Baywatch. She was the prime example of the Hollywood Barbie doll blonde with a sweet face, golden locks and, yes, big boobs. Then she started dating rock star Tommy Lee and it all seemed to go downhill from there. Her tape was leaked to the public and never was able to take on any acting roles that were thoughtful or serious. She was pretty much just stuck playing whatever bimbo role she could get her hands on. She contracted Hepatitis from Tommy Lee and her health took a swan dive. This just proves that dating the wrong dude can really mess up all aspects of your life. Nowadays, she is looking pretty rough. She is no longer fresh-faced and it looks like the years have done a number on her skin.

    10 Edward Furlong

    Edward Furlong was a child star and a teen heartthrob in the '90s. He had a unique face and while he wasn't conventionally attractive, his look was quirky in a good way. His breakout role was in Terminator 2: Judgement Day alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger. This was quickly followed by roles in American Heart, Pet Sematary Two, and A Home of Our Own. After he matured a bit more, he starred alongside Edward Norton in the controversial and critically acclaimed American History X about a gang of Neo Nazis. His last significant role was in Detroit Rock City in 1999 and he has been out of the spotlight ever since. In 2000, he was admitted into rehab for drug and alcohol addiction. In December 2006, the actor told People that from 22 to 26 he was "on and off" hard drugs, adding that, "I was a heroin and cocaine addict. It was really scary." He also said, "I don't even think about [partying] anymore. It seems lonely now: running and clubbing and doing coke. I have nightmares about doing hard drugs. I'll wake up and I'm like, 'Did I relapse?'"

    9 Sylvester Stallone

    Like many big stars in Hollywood, Sylvester Stallone has succumbed to the temptation of excessive plastic surgery to beat the signs of aging. Although he has always stayed healthy thanks to regular exercise and following a healthy diet (hello, he was Rocky Balboa after all), he just didn't want to accept what nature gave him throughout the years. Whether you know a lot about Stallone or not, you will always hear about him since he is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood. He is that textbook action hero dude. People have said that he has gotten some plastic surgery done: an eyebrow lift, a face lift, a jaw line job and several Botox injections. This makes him look more like a clown and less of an action hero . It's a shame. Fun fact: before he was famous, he starred in an adult film called Italian Stallion. 

    8 Al Pacino

    Al Pacino is another formerly handsome Italian actor who everybody knows and loves. His quirky looks and unconventional good looks have landed him a lot of hit roles. The Godfather, Dog Day Afternoon, Scarface, and The Devil's Advocate are just a few of his movies that are total classics. Although he seemed more polished and well put together in his Godfather days as a young Michael Corleone, he has a much more unkempt physical appearance now. Unlike Sylvester Stallone, he doesn't seem to have had any plastic surgery done. It could be said that he has gotten the shaft when it comes to the genetics of aging. He was known to be a heavier drinker in his early days so that might have something to do with it. Sometimes, age just doesn't do a person any kind of justice no matter how much you take care of yourself. Regardless, Al Pacino is arguably one of the best actors in Hollywood, hands down.

    7 Courtney Love

    Let's all be honest: Courtney Love has always had that rough around the edges type of demeanor. That is what she is famous for. In the '90s back when her husband Kurt Cobain was alive, her appearance was rough in a sexy, grungy kind of way. She still had smooth skin and a presentable appearance with some dignity. Maybe it was Cobain's passing that made her fall off the edge into oblivion, but she definitely looks gnarlier over the years. She described her two-year marriage to Cobain as "not fun" as they fed into each other's drug addiction. After his death, she has experienced rapid weight fluctuations from a 45 lb weight gain to a drastic 60 lbs weight loss (leaving her '5"10 and 118 lbs). She has also undergone several plastic surgeries with breast augmentation (which she later reversed), and lip injections. It definitely looks like drugs and plastic surgery have claimed yet another victim.

    6 Ozzy Osbourne

    Back in the day, Ozzy Osbourne was not only boyishly cute but also fairly articulate in interviews. Since he was the frontman of Black Sabbath, his piercing voice and poetic lyrics put them on the map as one of the best metal bands of all time. Fast forward about 30 plus years… and the MTV reality show The Osbournes premiered featuring his entire family. Fans were not used to seeing Ozzy in this light as his speech patterns were blurred and he couldn't seem to finish a sentence that was fully comprehensible. It's hard to forget the fact that most of his words were bleeped out. Not to mention that he looked like a mess. It seemed that Sharon was the sharp-witted one in the family while he stood in the background mumbling. Regardless, we will always remember Ozzy as the Prince of Darkness and no one can take that away from him.

    5 Kirstie Alley

    We all know Kirstie Alley from the Jenny Craig commercials and her role on HBO's Fat Actress. She has admitted to struggling with her weight and has even embraced it, which makes her relatable to women who share the same plight. What we don't know about her is that when she was young, she was an absolute fox. She doesn't even look like she had a frame that could even carry a lot of weight. It looks like after having kids and getting older, her metabolism left the building and she started packing on the pounds. Throughout the '80s, she was an attractive young vixen who played roles that were sultry. Starring as Rebecca Howe on Cheers from 1987-1993, she turned down many advances from male characters. Her character was frequently seen on dates with many rich men around Boston. Now, she is that warm-hearted soccer mom that most middle-aged women can relate to.

    4 Axl Rose

    So many teenage girls had an Axl Rose poster in their bedrooms in the late '80s and nearly '90s. Not only was he the lead singer of glam rock band Guns N' Roses, but he had that baby face and long blond locks that you just wanted to run your fingers through. Like many rock stars, he dated supermodels and almost got engaged to Victoria's Secret beauty Stephanie Seymour. They even starred in a music video together to commemorate their romance. But damn, he doesn't look like the dreamboat that he once was. When he made his big comeback, it was clear that he had put on weight and had these ugly cornrows to boot. He went from being that adorable bad boy with a secret soft side to a nasty looking red neck that has one too many Hungry Man meals. It's a shame to see, but that seems to be the reality of the rock star lifestyle for some.

    3 Keith Richards

    At this point, we are used to seeing Keith Richards look like a pirate that has washed up on the shore. In fact, Johnny Depp handpicked him to star as Jack Sparrow's father in Pirates of the Carribean: At World's End. In fact, he has cited Keith Richards as the inspiration behind Jack's character in the entire series. Though the Rolling Stone's former guitarist has seen his fair share of sex, drugs and rock and roll, he used to be a fresh-faced handsome lad back in the day. In fact, this Englishman sported the famous Beatle's hair cut and had that schoolboy with an edge thing going on. This was the time of the British Invasion when girls swooned over the Brit boys who sported that type of style. It's funny how those musicians went from looking like fine British chaps to Americanized drug-addicted rock stars. That is what rock and roll fame will do to you after a long period of time!

    2 Tara Reid

    Tara Reid was every teenage boy's fantasy after the release of American Pie in 1999. She went on to star in racy comedies and seemed to having a hot streak for a while in the early 2000s. She was the It Girl, appearing on magazine covers and rocking her skinny-yet-huge-boobs body. So what the hell happened? Her career veered far off course because she was never able to break out of that hot-blonde teen bombshell image. In other words, she was pigeonholed since her career had meant starring in teen movies until she was clearly no longer a teenager. The movies she starred in such as Josie and the Pussycats were huge flops. After that, she became known as a hardcore partier and even got her own reality TV show and everyone could see her party girl antics on E!'s Wild On… . After that, she only became famous for being a party girl. Then the plastic surgery happened. Today, she looks like a washed-up star from the "other industry".

    1 Britney Spears

    Britney Spears was America's Sweetheart (with a little bit of a naughty Catholic school girl vibe) when she first became famous. You saw her everywhere from music videos to small roles in movies. Girls admired her by copying her dance moves and boys had the biggest crushes on her. You could see the same poster of her on her knees staring at the camera with an adorable pink background on every 12-year-old boy's bedroom wall. As her career progressed, her persona became more and more risqué with provocative attire and dance moves. After she married Kevin Federline for a hot minute and starting having kids, it was like her mental faculties went downhill and she had a very public breakdown. Her behavior became extremely erratic. She shaved her head, attacked a paparazzi vehicle with an umbrella and eventually went into treatment. Although she cleaned her act up and is now touring and making music once again, we will never forget her dark moments.