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    15 Celebs Who Were Caught Publicly Intoxicated

    A lot of people go through messy phases in their lives, and sometimes it is compounded with alcohol. Normally, this stage occurs when we are younger, and we usually grow out of it as we get older. Luckily for us private citizens, the world isn't watching and waiting with anticipation to watch us fall. But for these celebs, some of their drunk shenanigans are caught by the paps and subsequently broadcast for all the world to see. As much as they want society to forget their antics, sadly they are all broadcasted. But the point is celebrities are human, and they go through the same stuff we do. With all the party invites and basically anything they could want, and combine that with the pressure of being under the public scrutiny, it comes as no surprise that a lot of them tend to take partying a bit too far. Some people, like Kiefer Sutherland, inadvertently expose themselves instead of a paparazzi catching them on the act. And you better believe that paps love to catch celebrities looking sloppy. After all, that is the money shot for them. A lot of the celebrities on this made it pretty easy for paps to catch them after a night of partying, only because they did it so much (here's looking at you LiLo and Paris Hilton). So the next time you are feeling embarrassed and having a massive hangover, just be happy that there isn't a picture of you lying in the street that could viewed by anyone that wants to. Here are 15 celebrities who got caught being publicly intoxicated.

    15 Kiefer Sutherland Attacks an Innocent Christmas Tree

    The footage of the moment Kiefer Sutherland drunkenly decides to attack a Christmas tree became one of the most famous scenes from the documentary 'I Trust You to Kill Me.' The documentary came out in 2006 and was centered on the band Rocco DeLuca and The Burden going to Europe on tour. Kiefer Sutherland happened to be their manager, so he was featured in the documentary, and thank goodness he was with them because we now have this gem forever. In this clip, someone tells Kiefer that he is a pirate, to which Kiefer slurs that that would explain everything in his life. Then he decides to drive the point home by jumping on the Christmas tree. That could not have felt good both for the tree or Kiefer. He is not the first or last person to drunkenly attack an inanimate object.

    14 Tara Reid Takes a Tumble

    Honestly, Tara Reid has very many instances of being in public while intoxicated. What can we say, the girl likes to have a good time and be merry! In this one instance of many, Tara was leaving a party hosted by Treats magazine in L.A. While leaving the club, she unfortunately showed the rest of us just how hard she was partying in there. Most girls learn pretty early on the hard way to never wear heels when you are going to be drinking heavily. Luckily for Tara in this case, she had a friend to help her up before she even fell to the ground and or sprained an ankle. She was led to the car by her good pal. Where would any of our drunk selves be if we didn't have our friends? We'd probably be sleeping on the pavement.

    13 Skater Girl Drunk in the Backseat

    Like Tara, Avril has a bit of a reputation for enjoying a night out and drinking lots of booze. Who can blame them? They're attractive, rich, and famous. Because of that, they get access to some great parties! Who hasn't been young and too drunk to deal with at the back of a car? Avril definitely seems to have calmed down in the last few years. You would be hard pressed to find any instances of her publicly intoxicated recently. The Skater Girl has been through a lot, though. She has been married and divorced twice now and she's had to battle with Lyme disease. Great to see she is not taking the self-destructive route so many celebrities do when things get tough. Now she just needs to get one with making some new music! God knows how long it's been since she's released an album.

    12 Amanda Seyfried Celebrates a Bit Too Hard

    Amanda Seyfriend stole all our hearts as the dumb but sweet girl who just wants to make out with her cousin, Karen Smith, in Mean Girls. Since then, her career has totally taken off and she has added some very impressive credits to her acting resume, including Les Miserables and Mamma Mia. Well, she shed her serious actress image at the premiere after party for Mamma Mia and, as you can tell from the sloppy backseat love fest she is having with her pal, she really enjoyed herself, which is a situation most of us can relate to. If we had to guess the conversation between the two, we assume it went something like this:

    Amanda Seyfried: I love you soooo much you are so pretty and my best friend!

    Best friend: No, I love you more and you're MY best friend!

    *Sigh* Drunk girls…

    11 Paris Hilton Imitates a Corpse

    Paris basically became famous because she was a huge party girl. She would hit up all the coolest spots in the major cities. Remember when people could not get enough of her and her antics? At one point, Paris was pretty synonymous with clubbing. Even at 36 years old, she still likes to hit the clubs. But these days, she even 'DJ's' too, and you'd rarely catch her looking like she did in the above photo, so she's definitely matured since her Simple Life days. In this particular photo, Paris is being carried out of the bar looking like she'll have a massive hangover the next day. It must be nice to have bodyguards that will carry you out of the club and take you home. Oh to be rich and famous. But, hey, at least she's doing well in life now.

    10 Brit Brit's Weave Looks as Drunk as Her

    Britney is a pop Queen. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about it. She has given the world a lot, her music, talent, as well as her wild personality. While it did eventually get really dark before she got better and took over the world again, there were some kind of hilarious moments from Britney's crazy party days. These were the days she was running around with other infamous party girls, like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. Oh to be a fly on the wall on one of their nights out. This picture was taken around the time that Britney really could care less about anything else, including her hair. So we were subject to some really bad weave moments and some truly questionable fashion choices. Even with all the money in the world, Britney could still rock the rattiest looking extensions.

    9 Not so Surprising, Lindsay Lohan Falls Down

    Is it really a mystery that Lindsay Lohan on this list? I mean, she might have even given Britney and Paris a run for their money as the biggest Hollywood party train wreck. The girl is her own worst enemy! Like her old partners in crime, Britney and Paris, there is no shortage of footage of her having a bit too much to drink. This instance is a little different because it was shot right outside of a club as she was leaving, but a very classy and glamorous Italian Film Festival, the Ischia Film Festival. Her outfit and hair look great and definitely suit the event she is attending. And while she claimed that she fell simply due to her shoes, her track record does not work in her favor. Lindsay Lohan, proving you can look classy but never truly achieve it.

    8 Christina Ricci Drinks a Bit Too Much

    Finally! This is an entry that you may actually be surprised about seeing here! For some of us, it's like seeing Wednesday Adams grown up and partying, and we all know Wednesday Adams does not party! At least not in the traditional sense that Christina is enjoying in this case. Her pal in the photo can't contain his giggles at the situation, which is something that is pretty universally relatable. When your friend gets way too drunk, it is up to you to make sure they are okay first and then proceed to laugh at their expense and document everything. That way, so you can make fun of them the next day when they wake up sober, hungover, and in pain. Friends are the best. On another note, Christina Ricci went on to have a prestigious career in film and television.

    7 Courtney Love Crashes Madonna's Interview and Makes it so Awkward

    Have you ever had a bit too much to drink, woke up the next day, and laid there remembering and cringing at every embarrassing thing you said and did? Yes, most of us have been there. Sometimes, the embarrassment you feel the next day feels like it will kill you a lot faster than the hang over and alcohol ever will. Well, next time just remember that you've never drunkenly crashed a live interview and then continued to make it super weird and awkward. This moment is brought to us from the 1995 MTV awards, which is considered an oldie but a goodie. Madonna was being interviewed when Courtney Love walked by and noticed and felt inclined to jump in. She took over the interview, accused Madonna of talking badly about her and being mean, and it was all just horrifically awkward and embarrassing. If you have never watched it, click here because it is a must see.

    6 Christina Aguilera's Boyfriend Helps Her Home

    Christina, like most celebrities (and most people, too, if we're being honest), had a period of time where she was definitely enjoying the night life and the libations that come along with it. Christina has been in the public eye long enough that we have really seen her grow up and mature. Going from the dirrrrty girl who enjoyed a good party to being a Mama. These days, you would rarely find a recent photo of Christina in this state. After all, the girl is too busy hosting The Voice. This picture is so old, in fact, that the guy holding her up is her ex-husband, Jordan Bratman. The two share son Max together, but they got divorced 6 years ago! It's always nice to take a walk down memory lane, though. However, this picture of hers is relatively tame compared to some of the more ridiculous shenanigans other celebrities have done while they were drunk.

    5 Cheryl Cole Tries to Get a Grip

    Before she was Liam Payne's baby mama, before she was host of UK's X Factor, she was just like any other public figure stumbling out of a club being supported by her friends. The Girls Aloud singer, turned very successful solo artist, proved that she likes to have a drink and some fun just like us regular folk. She even tweets about her drunken excursions to her fans the next day. Clearly, the singer knows a thing or two about having fun. Now, Cheryl Cole is too loved up with her One Direction boy toy and baby to be hitting the clubs, so there's a chance that we may never get to see her in this state again. But you never know what will happen when the baby grows up. Cheryl could feel like hitting the clubs once more when that happens.

    4 Courtney Stodden Has A Drink

    Courtney Stodden took the world by storm when, at 16-years-old, she got married to Doug Hutchinson, who at 50-years-old, is 24 years her senior. Since then, she has managed to stay in the headlines at pretty much any cost to her dignity and self-esteem. But in this picture, we see Courtney in her natural element, wearing heels that are so high that wearing then should not even be possible, a dress that seems ready to let it all hang out, lots of fake blonde hair, and a tragic spray tan. With the length of her heels, she would not have lasted a second being drunk in them without her handlers there to help make sure she doesn't fall and smash her face. Remember kids, don't drink and wear 10 inch heels. You will end up paying for it with either your face or ankles.

    3 Ed Sheehan Re-enacts A Marionette Doll

    The ginger wonder of the music world is seen here basically being handled like a marionette doll after he hit the sweet nectar a bit too hard. The glazed look in his eyes shows he is not focused in this world at all, and is in a very different state of mind. He has been pretty open about his penchant for drinking through his interviews and his music. After all, one of his most popular songs is called "Drunk!", and the first line is 'I wanna be drunk when I wake up.' He claims to have slowed down, and the proof is in the pudding, as he you can see it in his weight loss, which he credits with cutting down on drinking. But every now and again, good ol' Ed won't resist having a pint or two, so we'll likely see him in this state sooner or later.

    2 Cameron Diaz Does Not Want You to See Her

    Cameron Diaz seems like one of the most fun people to hang out with in Hollywood. Before she finally settled down and got married to one half of the Good Charlotte twins, Benjie Madden, it seemed like she might be a single party girl for life a la Samantha Jones in Sex and the City. Cameron just wanted to have a good time, but as you can see in this picture she would appreciate not having cameras flash in her face when she just wants to get home and eat some pizza. We kid, Cameron does not eat pizza. Alas, while the party life is fun, it can get empty, and it's been awhile since the paps have caught Cam in this state. But she still lives a colorful life and she isn't afraid to share that with the world.

    1 RiRi Hits The Club

    Rihanna makes it no secret that she loves to have a good time, and you could just look at her countless music videos to see her enjoying the party lifestyle. As you can tell from her short hair, this is an old picture, but it shows Rihanna in the club chugging various drinks pretty hard. Rihanna just seems so fun and energetic, so we can just imagine how much fun it would be to go out with her for a night. Although, we are sure few could actually keep up with the stunning singer! Normally we get pictures of celebs when they are leaving the club and exposing just how much they had to drink. Not RiRi, though. We just see her straight up chugging from a glass. There should be a contest where the winner gets to party with Rihanna, PLEASE!