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    15 Celebs With The WORST Hair

    Looking at stars can give us serious hair envy. Even just opening a magazine can leave us feeling inadequate because our locks don't bounce like Gigi Hadid's, we can't quite pull off the edgy looks that Rihanna does, and our Dutch braids never look as good as Kim Kardashian's (why?!). But for our own self-esteem, it's helpful to remember that EVERYBODY has bad hair days. People often think of celebrities as super-humans who have runway-ready hair every time they step through their front door, and while that may be true some of the time, it certainly isn't always the case! All celebs have been caught with their hair looking less than perfect at some stage, whether they were just having a bad hair day or whether they were sporting a style for a while that didn't flatter them. The next time you're feeling crappy about your hair, check out these 15 celebs who have been through it too!

    15 DJ Pauly D

    Pauly DelVecchio was probably our favorite male character on Jersey Shore. You have to admire his carefree approach to life and ability to not stress about anything except when the cab is going to arrive to take him to the club. But we have to admit that the whole time Pauly was on the show, we weren't feeling his hair. It was just a little too stiff and looked like it was a little too high maintenance. Realistically, we'd have serious problems if we were dating a guy who hogged the bathroom mirror and cabinet space for his plethora of hair products. Pauly ditched his classic style a few years after the show ended, and although he still runs a healthy amount of gel and product through it, it looks much less stiff. The best part about Pauly's new do is that now you can really appreciate how cute the guy is!

    14 Rihanna

    Rihanna is one of our style-gods, and criticizing her hair feels like blasphemy. But if we're being totally honest, we love every look she's had except this one. Knowing RiRi, the majorly out-of-control root color was intentional and definitely a statement, but we can't help automatically thinking that somebody with such a harsh contrast between their roots and the rest of their hair needs to visit a salon ASAP. We get that the whole look is meant to feature dark roots (that extend out further than we've ever seen them), but we just can't wrap our heads around this one! Rihanna's dabbled with dark roots and blonde hair before, and she can usually pull it off. We loved her dirty-blonde look at the Grammys in 2013. This is just taking it a bit too far, and we aren't fans. Give us her mohawk or her fire-engine red hair any day over this!

    13 Ariana Grande

    When Ariana Grande first made the transition from kids' TV star to pop sensation, her signature hairstyle helped millions of people to instantly place her. We knew Ariana as the pint-sized singer with Mariah-like singing chops and that hairstyle; for the longest time, Ariana only wore her hair combed over at the front and tied into a ponytail at the back. In the beginning, we loved her look and sat in awe of the thickness and volume before realizing she was wearing a sneaky extension or two. But we're so glad she's changed up her hair now. It's not that this hairstyle is ugly, it's just that we're so tired of seeing it! Thankfully, Ariana has swapped the half-pony for a few other looks, including an epic Amazonian princess pony, bangs, and casual sleek and straight with a middle part. Just like that, she's back to giving us total envy!

    12 Nicki Minaj

    Can we just say that we really appreciate Nicki Minaj for helping to make crazy hair colors a thing? As she was supporting her first record, Nicki was all about intense wigs in green, pink, purple, and orange, and we weren't complaining at all. The woman injected a dose of fun into the industry and taught us that we should wear whatever the heck we want. She also inspired thousands of girls to try and dye their real hair pink and green, and we're sure that bathrooms all across the world were stained with color for a good few months! The only Nicki wig that we just couldn't support was this one, featuring a blonde, black and leopard color scheme. Our issue with this is that it reminds us of Cruella De Ville, and Cruella reminds us of hurting puppies. Any other color scheme and we would have been down!

    11 Jared Leto

    Is it weird that when we get a treatment at the salon, we ask the hairdresser to make our hair feel like Jared Leto's? The 30 Seconds to Mars singer has given new meaning to the words silky, glossy, and smooth, and set new standards for men and women everywhere. But before he was rocking his long, blonde look, he had a few looks that were far less amazing. This cropped blonde style, in particular, is not something we can get behind. The white-blonde might suit some people, but we think Jared looks much better with a warmer blonde that might also be a light brown. Those blue eyes are enough to melt us under any circumstances, but we can't get behind the matching eyebrows. This whole style is just a little too intense, and after seeing how good Jared looks lately, we're going to be critical of just about all his other looks!

    10 The Entire Simpson Family

    They might be fictional, but you can't argue that the Simpsons aren't stars! And for stars, we have to say that they do have some of the worst hair we've seen to date. Look, we're sure it's all part of their charm, but you can't have a discussion about seriously horrible hair and not include this family. Homer has only two hairs (three if you include the one that zigzags around his neck). Even though he's able to sprout more when he is less stressed, it hardly makes a difference. Marge has hair thick enough to support various objects, stiff enough to defy gravity and, well, her hair is blue. Lisa, Bart, and Maggie appear to be blonde, but in the Simpson universe, their hair is the same color as their skin. Enough said. In one episode, the family was actually told that they all have hideous hair, and we can see why!

    9 Kelly Osbourne

    Kelly Osbourne has totally reinvented herself in recent years. She's advanced in her career and has starred on E!'s Fashion Police, so she's actually something of a style icon today. She's also one of the few people who can make pale purple hair look good! However, Kelly had a lot of looks before she settled on her current sophisticated, chic vibe, and we weren't fans of all of them! She went through a stage where her hair was jet-black, cut really short, and the bangs were always in her face or stuck to her forehead. We know that she's the daughter of a rock star, so you can't blame her for trying the punk look, but we don't think it suited her. For one thing, her face is too soft and pretty to have massive pieces of hair covering it-she has skin that most of us would die for, and she should show it off!

    8 Scarlett Johansson

    Gosh. Scarlett Johansson looks insanely gorgeous when she does classic Hollywood waves or an up-style for the red carpet, and she should stick to that. To be fair, she isn't alone in trying to rock the female mullet. But that still doesn't mean we love it! The only person who can sort of pull off this look is Rihanna, and that probably has something to do with her IDGAF attitude, the way she commands a stage and the fact that she is a fashion trendsetter. On anybody else, including somebody as beautiful as Scarlett Johansson, we're afraid this is a no-go. It's just so unflattering and so Carmela Soprano meets Ginger from Casino. Not cute. We know there was a time when women used to wear this hair like it was going out of style, and we're so thankful that it actually did go out of style. Now, may it grace our lives again.

    7 Nicole Richie

    We know that 2003 was another time, and most of the fashion from the early nineties makes us want to curl up and die. Nicole Richie's hair at the Billboard Music Awards that year just has to make our list. Nicole is a fashion icon, and we love most of the stuff she does, but not this. No matter how much long hair is the ultimate goal for many girls, we'll never be comfortable with extensions that are so obviously extensions. We also won't ever be on board with streaks that don't blend at all, or hair that looks greasy. Each era might have its own fashion rules, but there are also a few golden rules that you never break, regardless of what year it is. Nicole is another star whose face is so pretty that she should permanently stick to short hair, and we're glad she's since been a fan of bobs and lobs!

    6 Gwen Stefani

    Gwen is now a style icon and makes platinum blonde hair look easy (hint: it's not-get ready for ten thousand salon appointments!). Her combination of red lips, huge dark eyes, and classic blonde hair will never bore us, no matter how many times she wears it. But back before she was a fashion legend, she was a fan of the crazy colors, and they weren't nearly as flattering for her. Don't get us wrong-on the right person, we love a good purple or pink hair color. We just didn't love those colors on Gwen. We also weren't a fan of the styles that she used to do-her hair looks best when it's glossy and styled in a simple, sophisticated way, not sectioned off into teeny-tiny top knots. This might be another Jared Leto situation, where the star looks so good now that any of their past looks are automatically going to seem awful!

    5 Rachel McAdams

    We told Nicole Richie and we'll tell Rachel McAdams-streaks that don't blend in with the rest of the hair are seriously hard to love! Rachel usually has flawless hair, and since she brought us Regina George and Allie from The Notebook, we kind of see most of the things that she does through rose colored lenses. We love her as a blonde just as much as we love her brunette. This particular style isn't all bad; the base blonde color is fine and the actual sweetheart curls and side bangs are all cute. But we just won't ever be okay with harsh streaks, especially when those streaks are candy pink! We just feel that streaks like that seem like they aren't meant to be in there, or they're weird clip-in extensions or something. Thankfully Rachel didn't sport this strawberry-and-cream look permanently. She's now back to her usual, impeccable self, and the last we heard, rocking brunette locks!

    4 Justin Timberlake

    Oh JT! We're glad that Justin has finally found a style that works for him and sets him at a standard that's a cut above the rest. He's a man that looks really good with his hair cut super short, and not a lot of guys can say that-it takes some seriously lucky genetics to look amazing with little hair to back you up! Before Justin threw on his suit and tie and became one of the most successful male pop stars ever, he was in a boyband called NSYNC and he was a far cry from the refined gentleman we know today. It was the early 2000s, so we can't totally hold it against him because just about everybody else was rocking shocking hair as well, but Justin had some cuts that we can't get over. We weren't fans of the braids and headband, or of the frosty blonde tips on his curls.

    3 Beyoncé

    That's right-Beyoncé has had hair that isn't amazing. This is good news, guys, because the next time you're feeling bad about your hair not working out the way you want it to, you just have to remember that Queen B has also had hair issues! While we love most of her looks, in the past she's sported these weirdly cropped bangs on more than one occasion. In typical Beyoncé fashion, the actual hair looks luscious and thick, but the whole thing is ruined by the bangs. Of course, all we have to go on is a picture, but they seem like they start from really far back, and were chopped by somebody who was a little distracted. We're not sure if this look was inspired by Lady Gaga's 2011-era music videos, or medieval Franciscan monks maybe, but it just makes B's head seem like it's so much longer than it is.

    2 Christina Aguilera

    Really, who are you in Hollywood if you haven't experimented with styles that don't end up working out for you? At least our favorite celebrities have the confidence to try out new styles, because even if they end up being totally awful, at least the celebs will eventually discover how they can look their very best. For Christina Aguilera, we think her best is the whole classic Hollywood thing she had going on around 2006-the platinum blonde, medium length hair styled into shiny waves and accompanied by a classic red lip. The best! But before that, Christina went through a few looks that we didn't love. We weren't crazy about the long, grungy-looking extensions which she wore during her Dirrty era, and which inspired all the other women in Hollywood to do the same. Nor were we feeling the blue streaked braids all twisted up into a jumble on top of her head.

    1 Donald Trump

    Sorry, Mr. President, but you have unfortunately made the top of our list! A lot of people don't like Donald Trump, and other people do, but pro or anti-Trump, you'd be hard-pressed to find somebody who is a fan of the man's hair. Not that somebody's hair should have any impact on what we think of them as a leader, but we all know damn well that if the President were a woman, she'd be getting judged on her looks day in and day out, so we don't feel too bad! Like most people, we just don't know how to begin comprehending this look. Where does it ever start from? Is it a comb-over or does the hair sit forward like bangs? Is it white or blonde? He doesn't seem like a natural blonde, but his eyebrows match his hair. Mostly, we're just unsure about the whole style-it totally does our heads in!