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    15 Celebs You Didn't Realize Look Like Twins

    Ever been mistaken for someone else? Maybe you haven't had the experience, but you've mistaken someone for someone else. Even that is enough to make us think “Huh… We're not as unique as we've been told!” It's a funny feeling when you realize you have a doppelganger out in the world. It's even funnier when the two of you meet face to face. This has been the case with many of these celebrity doppelgangers. Some of them were used as stunt doubles, and some actually pose as each other for fan photos. A few of these doppelgangers are historical doppelgangers, where the picture or person has been found in the past, but are long dead. This makes for some interesting comparisons about who the characters from the past really were; not all of them were famous celebrities of their time, though a few were. Read on to find out what the internet has been blowing up about: Shia LaBeouf and Einstein, Scarlett and Amber, and… . These guys:

    15 Nicolas Cage and whoever this is

    The title photo is one of the most wild stories on this list and the perfect way to start off our mix of celeb twins. The story behind this one is just plain weird, and one of those stories that make you wonder if there is such a thing as time travelers. An antique collector was looking through photos and stumbled across this shot of what looks to be Nicolas Cage. While some might think it's actually just a doctored picture floating around the internet, we can assure you that the collector stamped it as actually from the Civil War era. It's a wacky coincidence but one that makes us go “hmmm”. The eyes are the same, the eyebrows are the same, and even the facial hair looks like they went to the same barber. No doubt if Nicolas Cage was dressed up like this for a part he and this guy (whoever he is) would pass for twins.

    14 Ellen Degeneres and Owen Wilson 

    It's crazy when you think about how many celebs probably look alike and you haven't even noticed. While we all know that Justin Bieber, Ellen Degeneres, and Miley Cyrus all share the same look, did these two celeb match ups ever cross your mind? Maybe it's something about that blonde moppy short hair look, but the resemblance between Ellen and Owen is crazy! While Ellen seems to be like one celebrity who has many different look alikes, we definitely think that these two are the best match! The more you look at the above photo, the more it becomes impossible to think that you never even thought about them resembling so much alike. They can actually be brother and sister if we didn't know better! Who would have thought? Not only do these two look alike, but their character is almost similar, both are loved by many and both have made their way up the comedy ladder. So maybe there is more to this resemblance than we know!

    13 Scarlett Johansson and Amber Heard

    Have you heard about Heard? More of a new-comer on the celebrity scene, at least compared to Scarlett Johansson, Amber Heard had breakout roles in both Magic Mike XXL and The Danish Girl. Johansson, we know and love, and have seen in many movies time and time again. A popular woman in the world of fame and fortune, she has more than enough fame to keep from getting confused for Heard… Which is better than the next set of ladies, whose identities often get swapped! And honestly, who can blame anyone, these two look so much alike it's so scary! With Heard's full lips, high, flat cheekbones, and pale white skin, she regularly passes for a young Johansson. They have both rocked the short hair look too, which makes it even more confusing for people looking at the two of them. While the styles have changed since it is still hard to not see the similarities.

    12 Scarlett Johansson and Hunter Johansson

    If we include Scarlett Johansson and Amber Heard as twins on this list, we have to include Scarlett's actual twin, Hunter Johansson. With the same winning smile and gorgeous cheekbones, Hunter has stayed primarily out of the celebrity stream. Having a few film and tv credits to his name, these are one set of twins that never seemed to get the childhood adorable twin roles. Is he upset? We do not know! There is very little information out there about him, other than a short bio on his IMDB account. Scarlett was definitely the most successful of the Johanssons (at least when it comes to acting). However, that is not for lack of trying. No doubt if Hunter kept pursuing it he would get his big break eventually, like his sister. As it stands now he is just the arm candy to all of Scarlett's red carpet appearances. Not a bad way to be!

    11 Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry

    Surprise! Bet you've never noticed this before. We were shocked the first time we saw a side by side comparison of these two. Zooey Deschanel has a very specific personal style. Heralded as the Queen of Quirk, she's made a career on being just a little bit awkward and super sweet. Her show is based on her being weird but lovable, and in control (or trying to keep the boys in line, at least.) Katy Perry, on the other hand, is the 50s-style desirable woman, with a penchant for humor and witty videos. Her storytelling skills are 10/10, and she's not afraid to look a little goofy in her overall life. They're more similar than any of us ever thought, if you think about it. Both a little silly and a little sexy, and totally unafraid to be themselves. Plus, with their dark hair, straight-across bangs, and wide eyes, their facial structures are easily considered very similar.

    10 Alec Baldwin and Millard Fillmore

    Anyone know who Millard Fillmore is? No? You better go back to history class, since Millard Fillmore (who has an awesome name) is none other than the 13th president of the United States. A large and imposing man, he ruled the states for only one presidency and was not invited back. One of those middle-ground presidents, nobody really hated him or loved him (which is probably why we never heard of him ever again). Alec Baldwin is also a large and rather imposing man, who has had both great successes and great failures. While he hasn't been a president, we're sure that he's played some sort of large man in power somewhere down the line. These two are not only both large, but they also have similar eyes, smiles, cheeks, and eyebrows. It really is an uncanny resemblance; we swear we haven't photoshopped a photo of Alec Baldwin. It really is Millard Fillmore, Baldwin's ancient doppelganger.

    9 Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley

    These two lovely ladies are of a similar stature, have a similar body type, and look almost identical when it comes to their features. They've got the brunette lob on lock, with sharp facial features that make bold expressions easily readable on the big screen. Their smiles are even wider than the average person's smiles, which makes it even more confusing in red carpet photos. They were even cast as doppelgangers when they were kids, with Keira Knightley getting picked as Portman's 12-year-old doppelganger for Star Wars Episode 1. The resemblance still bears, as Knightley reports getting chased through airports when traveling because people think she's Portman! Sometimes she poses as Portman, so as not to disappoint any fans. Knightley gets the short end of the stick with this one, though, as we haven't heard of anyone mistaking Portman for her. Who knows, though; maybe she's posed as Knightley in airports before too.

    8 Charlie Sheen and John Brown

    Do you know who John Brown is? Give him a Google because he's almost as wild as his modern-day twin, Charlie Sheen. This abolitionist was an avid supporter of breaking down slavery in the United States. While of course, this is a good thing, he decided to go about it by means not necessarily as peaceful as other abolitionists. He believed in the power of “action”, and was hot and wild with guns and violence. Does this remind you of Sheen yet? Charlie Sheen, the man who gets caught in the act of action. Not only did he have issues with illegal substances and questionable people, he also had issues with anger and ego. While we assume John Brown's only vice was gun-waving, we can't be sure based on looks. He looks exactly like Sheen, right down to the wild hair and pointy eyebrows. Who knows what that means, other than yet another old doppelganger.

    7 Stephen Colbert and Bob Saget

    It's not just the glasses that have us fooled. These two are both old white men with brown hair. While that's a generic description, it's also an accurate one. The resemblance these two have to each other is uncanny. It's hard to believe that they haven't been cast as twins in something yet! Their eyes have the same laugh lines, and the glasses highlight their similar styles too. The smiles they always have on their faces convince us that they're two fun loving guys, and we love them all the more for that. We would love to have Saget and Colbert meet for a humor-off. While unlikely to happen, it would be interesting to see if their comedic sense and timing is similar to each other too. And just imagine watching two doppelgangers do comedy with each other; the mind reading powers would be off the chart, and they would know exactly how to play off each other's strengths. Not to mention all the mistaken identity gags.

    6 Shia LaBeouf and Albert Einstein

    Yup. One of these men is a genius, and if you are like us, you can't tell who. The similarities are astonishing, and we can't even put our fingers on why. Shia seems to be such a distinctly generic face, which means he can look a little bit like many people. This also means that it can be hard to pin down an exact doppelganger. Despite his ability to look like people, he always retains his Shia LaBeoufyness. We have finally managed to find someone that looks just like him, though: Albert Einstein. This old genius has the same eyebrows, nose, cheeks, and downturned eyes (it's so crazy when you look at these two side by side). When Shia shaves off his beard and just leaves the mustache the resemblance gets even more ridiculous. All we need is Shia to start inventing new theories of the universe and we have got ourselves a pair of exact twins.

    5 Young Helen Mirren and Jennifer Lawrence

    We know what you're thinking. “Uh… What?” But it's not just us! The Daily Show was the first to really exclaim the similarities; we just put it on the list. Jennifer Lawrence, most famous for her role in the Hunger Games series, does resemble a young Helen Mirren. They're both broad, strong women with similar stature and body types. Lawrence has a bit of a rounder face, but their cheekbones match almost perfectly. And the stare! If Mirren was young today, we know that these two would have been cast opposite as arguing sisters. They have the same sort of energy in the eyes. It's low key until the time is right, and then BAM! It flashes and burns whoever is the recipient. We also love the fact that they've both got a beautiful smile and positive outlook in the world and that they're both so outspoken about issues close to their hearts. We need more Mirren twins in this world, don't you think?

    4 Glenn Close and George Washington

    Okay, this might be a stretch but we still love it. Glenn Close has experience in the looking-like-a-man department. Of course, we're referring to her performance in Albert Nobbs. No doubt neither the first or last time she's played a man, she also has a doppelganger in the form of George Washington. We think this would make a great Halloween costume for her, though she might have to curl her hair a little tighter. That's really the only difference between these two; they have similar noses, long and with a slight crook near the end. The eyes are the same (though Glenn Close looks to have a few more laugh lines than George Washington), and their mouths give the same stern, tight-lipped look when closed. Really, the only difference in their faces is their hair! Washington is rocking the tight-curled short style, all the rage when he was around, and Glenn has let her curls grow out. Even the color is the same!

    3 Sarah Hyland and Mila Kunis

    These petite ladies are totally aware of their similarities. They have got the long hair style, the pouty lips, and the deadpan delivery eyes for all the comedy gold they produce. Their acting style is similar too, getting cast in comparable roles and movies. Because of their penchant for comedy and mischievousness, they have talked a few times about how to use their similarities to their advantage. The result? At a party, once they discussed whether or not they could pretend to be each other when approached by fans (how fun is that?). The discussion resulted in a resounding “YES” from all sides, presumably, so they could not only boost the other's visibility but also have the opportunity for jokes and pranks on the other person. These saucy ladies are perfect twins, despite the age difference and the fact that it was just coincidence that made them look similar.

    2 Michael Phelps and Charles Lamb

    While we doubt Charles Lamb has the same sort of physique Olympian Michael Phelps has, we believe if Phelps was dressed up like this 200-year-old writer they'd pass as twins beyond doubt. The nose is the biggest (no pun intended) giveaway, with its blunt curved end and straight-down slope. The cheekbones and chin also aid in this comparison, but the part that we're really impressed by is the stare that they both have. If Charles Lamb wasn't an Olympian (and we're pretty sure he wasn't), he definitely looks like he could be. That stare is the same stare Phelps had after touching the poolside for the last time in the biggest round of his life. It's a stare full of hope, passion, and longing for things to work out in his favor. Charles Lamb and Michael Phelps certainly have more in common than we thought, which just aids in their similarities.

    1 Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

    Maybe it is cheating to put the twins on here, but how could we not? These two are indistinguishable from each other, even with different haircuts and outfits. We have loved these adorable two since their child star days, and we have enjoyed watching them show up in the news again and again. While there has been some sad struggles with eating disorders and mental health, we have admired how the two of them have stuck together throughout it all. Blonde, slim, and even having the same sort of posture, the two are interchangeable. This was a great benefit when they were kids and being cast in twin roles. Directors and agents took huge advantage of their outgoing, sparkly personalities, and how well they played off each other. While they do not do anything as adorable as twin work now, they certainly make a splash whenever their pictures are shown.