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    15 Comparisons That Make Us Miss The Hot Prince William

    The public has basically seen Prince William grow up right before their eyes. He was famous from his very birth, and everyone loved the tiny tot and his red-headed little brother, but when he entered his teen years was when he became an international sensation. Prince William became a heartthrob just like all the guys in boy bands and in movies, and women around the world plastered him all over their walls. Then, when he entered his 20s? Forget about it. He was well-behaved, as a royal should be, but he was also a little cheeky, a little playful, always with his hair a little bit tousled and his smile a little bit mischievous.

    Then, he grew up.

    Look, we get it-he's taken on more and more responsibilities over the years, he's now a married father of two, and he's got a schedule packed with appearances. He's a fantastic role model and great guy, but there's a small part of us that misses the old Prince William-the one you figured would be a good person to hit the pub with. He definitely carries an air of responsibility now rather than an air of reckless youth, and we sort of miss the fresh-faced William of years past.

    So, it's time to indulge your nostalgia a little bit, and remember the dreamy British prince you used to fantasize about.

    15 Boy Band Hair vs. Thinning Hair

    In his younger years, Prince William had absolutely fantastic hair - in fact, it was one of the things that people loved most about him. His lips were a bit plump, his nose was a bit prominent, but someone with the hair to top it all off, it just worked. Women absolutely swooned. And let's be honest - it would be hard not to, when faced with that tousled hair. However, now firmly in his mid 30s, Wills' hair is just not what it used to be - and while we still dig his playful smile, there's something about that lush hair that we definitely miss. I mean, honestly - the man has an absolutely insane amount of wealth, you think he would be able to find some type of product or procedure to bring that tousled mop back for good.

    14 Cocky Smirk vs. Uncomfortable Grimace

    See, we're not sure if we should blame teenage rebellion or what, but there's definitely a certain kind of cocky swagger in some of William's older pictures. Sure, he's still the buttoned up, uber polite Prince we all know and love - but there's a bit of a twinkle in his eye, a hint of mischievousness that proves Harry isn't the only sibling who likes to have a bit of fun. Unfortunately, nowadays, William seems far more bogged down by his day to day responsibilities and duties - and while he can grin on cue for the cameras during photo opportunities and in front of the press, we definitely miss that twinkle. And we're not even going to talk about the hair - it's just too painful to remember what used to be.

    13 Man With our Hearts vs. Man in a Uniform

    Okay, the photo on the left is from the same picture as the one above, but come on - how can you not be utterly obsessed with this British cutie? He's all dressed up like everyone else at the event he's attending, in a proper suit and tie, but he's got a certain amount of playfulness in his expression that drives us wild to this day. On the left, it's a bit of a different story. He seems like the perfect gentleman, and he's supporting his beautiful bride, but it's a whole lot more dutiful and a whole lot less delicious. Seriously - we need to take a minute to mourn the thinning of his locks, because it is truly a national tragedy. Even though there's something to be said for a man in a uniform, this just doesn't really scream sexy.

    12 Pro Athlete vs. Pro Dad Bod

    Prince William has always been aware he's in the public eye, so why on earth wouldn't he want to stay fit? Besides being good for your health, it helps ensure you're looking great whenever the paparazzi decide to steal a snap of you. Now, William has participated in quite a few sports over the years, and in both of these shots he's playing soccer. However, the sport is basically where the similarities between these two photos end - while he seems like an athlete capable of scoring a flawless goal in the first one, in the second, he looks kind of like a dorky dad who has been let onto the field. Sure, we can cut him some slack based on the fact that he's wearing a suit and dress shoes, but still.

    11 The Polo Prince

    If you're in Britain and you're a member of the royal family, it's pretty much a requirement that you be into polo. It's the posh sport of choice, and Prince William is no exception. The first picture here shows him alongside little brother Harry, both wearing black polo shirts, both looking devastatingly handsome and ever so dreamily tousled. In the second photo, he looks… a little bit less dreamy. Sure, he's not actually in the middle of playing in the first one, but it's hard to ignore the fact that he used to look like a casual babe on the sidelines, whereas in the later shot he looks like someone's awkward family member trying to figure out how to play polo. Maybe don't let the paparazzi take snaps when you're mid-game - that face isn't doing him any favours.

    10 The Good, The Bad and the Balding

    I mean, seriously? In the first picture, not only is he standing beside a supermodel, he also looks like the movie version of a dreamy prince. The polo outfit may not be the sexiest outfit in the world, with those crazy knee-high boots, but the tousled bedroom hair is to die for and his nonchalant expression is adorable. It's basically a complete 180 to the next photo, where you see him very serious, in a crisp shirt and jacket, balding hair on full display. Seriously - we know all the royal duties must be supremely stressful, but you would think the man could take a break every now and then to let his hair down! He just always looks so concerned about something, and he's definitely not rocking casual gear the way he used to.

    9 Love a Man in a Uniform?

    Okay, for real - does anyone remember Prince William looking this darn attractive? We've been so focused on monitoring his hairline lately that we've forgotten all about what an utter dreamboat he used to be. In this shot, taken during some type of training session for his army duties, he's basically the dictionary definition of a brooding babe. And then, the second shot. He looks totally happy, and his uniform is definitely cute, but the second guy has absolutely nothing on the first guy. We're beginning to think that 2017 Prince William could use a little bit of tousling - just a bit more relaxed, a bit more playful. Sure, it's not going to shave 15 years off his face, but it'll definitely help bring back that old mischievous vibe he used to rock.

    8 Suited Up For Business

    Prince William has been wearing suits pretty much from the time he started wearing clothes. He's always had a ton of important functions to attend, and those functions require perfectly tailored suits. It makes sense. In the first picture, we see a young William, rocking his princely best - a gorgeous navy suit that fits him like a glove. However, even in such a formal outfit, his sense of playfulness just can't be stifled. And then, the second shot. He's standing with his little brother Harry, but he almost seems like he could be Harry's dad, based on the fact that Harry is grinning and looking a bit more ruffled while William doesn't have a single hair out of place. It just goes to show that it's not always about what you wear - sometimes, it's about how you wear it.

    7 The Royal Polo

    Okay, let's just take a look at these two photos. In the first, he's got his collar popped, he's rocking a vibrant red and purple polo, and he's clutching a flask and bottle of Champagne simultaneously. In short, that version of Prince William DGAF and is ready to have a good time at the polo match. In the second short, sure he's smiling, and he's got a bit of mud on his trousers that proves he's been splashing around a bit on the field, but come on - if you had your pick of someone to hang out with, you'd 100% go with Prince William #1. He's obviously on his way to a killer party that you want to be there for (and you just know that Champagne has to be the good stuff).

    6 Party Like A Royal

    Prince William has always known he's under public scrutiny, so he's never really been the type to get absolutely hammered and be captured by the paparazzi slumped over on a curb after a wild night on the town. However, that absolutely doesn't mean the young Prince didn't know how to party - on the contrary, he definitely knew how to have a good time. The outfit here might be a little bit preppy, but that's kind of to be expected from a royal. The point is, he's got his jeans and casual shoes on, his sleeves are rolled up, and he's ready for a good time. In the second shot, while he's clutching a beer, he's very clearly there to mingle with people, and not to shrug off his responsibilities and have a great time. It's a shame - wherever Prince William is going in photo one, we definitely want to go.

    5 Save a Horse, Ride a Prince

    The fact that Kate Middleton is beside him in the first shot proves it isn't as old as some of the other ones featuring dreamy Prince William, but let's just take a moment to admire him. Sure, he may not quite be a romance novel cover-worthy cowboy quite yet, but there's definitely something sexy about the slight swagger he has going on in his plaid shirt, cowboy hat and jeans. In the second photo, he kind of just looks like someone's dad admiring a beautiful horse. Similar contexts, very different Williams. Honestly, though - if the paparazzi left him alone and everyone around him promised they wouldn't dish the dirt, can you just imagine what a fun time Wills would have getting in touch with his country side? Someone really needs to make that happen.

    4 Vacation Life Throughout Time

    I mean, in the first image here, Prince William basically looks like your stereotypical blonde, bronzed royal without a care in the world. He's surrounded by gorgeous women on a luxurious yacht, for crying out loud - that would make just about anyone jealous. That's a Prince William we want to hang out with. In the second photo, he's enjoying the water, but in an entirely different way - instead of reclining in his swimwear with a bunch of hotties, he's gone with a friend to hit the waves in a full wetsuit. Look, it's understandable that Wills is leading a bit of a different life now that he's older with more responsibilities and a family and all that, but would it be so hard to throw the odd glamorous yacht party from time to time?

    3 Black Tie Babe

    One of Prince William's classic looks is his navy suit, but he's also no stranger to the classic black and white tux with a bow tie look. It's a safe bet for any formal occasion, and the young prince has been captured in different versions of that look time and time again. In this first picture, he's leaning over and telling Camilla something, looking relaxed and super casual. In the second, while he's accompanied by his stunning wife, he's looking a little bit more nervous overall. His body language is a little stiffer, his formal outfit seems a little tighter, and he just seems like a different guy entirely. Where's Prince William's sense of casualness gone, and how can we get it back? The hair may be long gone, but how on earth do we retrieve that swagger?

    2 Wills the Athlete

    Let's just take a moment to admire William in photo one - the sunlight is hitting his full head of hair, his face looks worry-free and slightly tanned, and he seems ready to kick some major butt on the field. This is a guy you'd have no trouble cheering on from the sidelines as he competes on his beer league team. Then, there's the guy in the second photo. The one who looks like he's about two steps away from giving himself a hernia. The one running a race in a half-zip sweater and casual pants. It's a good thing Kate seems to have let him win this one, because who knows what kind of blow his ego would have taken? This is just another reason to never let yourself be captured while you're running - those faces are just not flattering on anyone (except Kate, who is always gorgeous.)

    1 The Studious Prince

    Okay, Prince William brooding while reading a book and relaxing in what looks to be a super casual room is our new favourite thing. His hair is tousled, he's wearing a hoodie (imagine! When's the last time you saw him in a hoodie?), and looks altogether adorable. He could literally be just about any regular guy in his '20s, chilling out. In the second photo, he has a similar scholarly vibe, but… it's a whole lot different. The glasses seem to be there for function rather than style, and he's politely watching some type of sporting event. Overall, it's pretty clear that we'd rather have the younger Prince - he's a total babe. In fact, if we were him, we probably wouldn't bother looking at old photos of ourselves - that's got to be tough to face.