Laman » Hiburan » 15 Craziest (And Maybe Worst) Celeb Pictures From 2016

    15 Craziest (And Maybe Worst) Celeb Pictures From 2016

    Celebrities have access to pretty much anything they want. Access to the best stylists in fashion industry, more money than they know what to do with, and a constant stream of attention. All of these factors serve to make celebrity lives very interesting for the rest of us to watch. Even though they have it all, they are still human and still make mistakes, which the rest of us regular people usually get to watch play out one way or another. Unfortunately, there are people that relish in seeing these celebrities in compromising situations. Some of them have been photographed wearing weird clothes now and again, but it's not like their fashion faux pas would stick in people's minds for long. All it takes is to nail one ensemble and they'll be back in everyone's good graces.

    Some of the celebrities in this article we're certainly caught donning some of the most ridiculous outfits. But some of them have done even crazier stuff in the past year. If there's anything we can learn from these incidents is that sometimes success can get to our heads, and this is exactly what happened to some of these celebs. Also, these celebrities are only human, so they also have their imperfections. With that said, take a look at how crazy some of these celebs were back in 2016.

    16 Ruining Santa For Everyone

    Oh Tara. How far she has fallen since her American Pie days. It seemingly could not get much worse for her than appearing in the cinematic classic Sharknado, and but then she continued to have roles in the 27 Sharknado's that followed the first one. In her defense, as cringe-worthy as those movies are, that cringe is exactly the reason those movies have such a cult following. Also, those movies are the most successful ones she's done for quite some time. So really, what choice does she have?

    If you look past her career, we have also watched her go through some bad plastic surgery and fashion choices. Back in 2016, she reminded us all of her questionable fashion by picking this costume for Halloween. Bet you didn't think how scary a Santa outfit could be, did you? Well, to be fair, at least she succeeded in picking a scary costume.

    15 The Friendzone Witnessed Around the World

    The 2016 MTV VMA's gave us so much crazy moments. This moment, in particular, is crazy and cringey because of what transpired! If you aren't aware of what happened here, let us break it down. For years, Rihanna and Drake dated on and off, leading the world to wonder if they'll ever end up together. Drake has been open about his feelings for Rihanna, and perhaps never more so when he presented her with the Video Vanguard Award.

    He showered her with praise and basically said he was in love with her. When he handed her the award, they embraced and Drake went in for the real deal kiss. But Rihanna did that thing almost every girl has had to do when they're about to get an unwanted kiss and gave him the cheek. And with the world watching, Rihanna friend zoned Drake and gave the rest of us a bad case of second hand embarrassment.

    14 Blac Chyna Gets Arrested

    Blac Chyna ruled 2016, and she did it by rubbing elbows with the Kardashian family. She started off the year with a bang by revealing that she and the elusive Rob Kardashian were dating. She shocked us all with that revelation. And then a short while after it came out she and Rob were together, on January 29 she was arrested at the Austin airport in Texas for public intoxication and drug possession.

    If there was any doubt how serious they were, Rob immediately jumped in the car and drove from California to Texas in a display of romantic heroism to save his lady love and pay her bail. The face she is making in her mugshot? That's the face of someone who knows she won't be spending very much time in jail. Alas, it was not meant to be for Blac Chyna and Rob, even though they moved in together, got engaged, and had a baby. After everything they've been through, the two broke up within a year. What a whirlwind romance.

    13 The Miss Piggy from Your Nightmares

    Colton Haynes proved last Halloween that he is much scarier as the beloved children's Muppet character Miss Piggy than he has ever been as a Teen Wolf. That mask is something you would see if you were to wake up in a basement, chained to the wall, and the person who brought you there to keep for their own is standing over you wearing that! While the outfit definitely would be Miss Piggy approved, it does not distract enough from whatever else is happening with that supposed Miss Piggy look.

    The nose seems to be some kind of combination of pig snout and human nose, and the result is pretty terrifying. Which for Halloween certainly works. It has to be said that Miss Piggy would probably be super jealous of his sculpted arms and how good they look in her outfit!

    12 Teen Mom Does Wonder Woman

    If you don't watch MTV's hit show “Teen Mom OG”, you are probably still aware of who Farrah Abraham is. Because if she's good at one thing, it is keeping herself in the news. And it doesn't matter what the price is to her dignity and self-respect, she is going to make sure you notice and talk about her. Considering the lengths she'll go to get attention, you could almost admire her shamelessness. Farrah chose to go dressed as Wonder Woman for the MTV VMA awards in 2016. Never one to forget her roots, she slapped on a temporary OG tattoo on her arm. Farrah had a totally rational reason for wearing this get up to the awards show, saying, “I actually had to turn into Wonder Woman, so I decided to customize it a bit.” Not because she knew it would get a ton of attention, that couldn't be.

    11 Rita Ora Channels Trash Bag

    It doesn't matter how much money you have or how much input you get from the top fashion minds, almost every celebrity ends up making a tragic fashion mistake. The worst part is they still end up looking like fools, even when they have a team of professional and talented stylists at their disposal. Rita Ora is a prime example of this, and she can't even blame it on Halloween. This is what she chose to wear to the MTV VMA red carpet. Yes, that's the same one that Wonder Woman Teen Mom Farrah went to. And to think that between the two of them, Farrah honestly looked better! From the jacket, to the granny panties, to the WHATEVER is happening at the bottom of her dress, this look needed to be retired before it ever saw a red carpet.

    10 Boy Bander Mugshot

    There is something so jarring about seeing someone with a squeaky clean and wholesome image in a mug shot. It's almost hard to wrap your head around that such people could even commit a crime. Boy bander and 90's heartthrob Nick Carter has managed to keep his image cleaner than that of his younger brother Aaron. But last year, he ended up getting into a spot of legal trouble. He got arrested in 2016 in Key West for allegedly getting into a fight in a bar. This is was pretty out of character for what the public perceived Nick to be, so you can just imagine the surprise of all the Backstreet Boys fans. Nick told Access Hollywood, “Well you know, sometimes things don't work out the way you plan it.” Um, yeah, Nick, most people who end up arrested don't plan it that way.


    8 Christina Milian Nips Out

    Christina Milian is one of the naturally prettiest Hollywood celebs and she does not get the credit she is due! On top of being gorgeous, she can sing and dance! Unfortunately, she's also made some mistakes. Like many of the celebs on this list, she also fell victim to trying too hard to get attention but not attracting it in the best way. Whilst bad fashion choices will always get the press talking, Christina took that extra mile by incorporating some bondage-esque aesthetic under her see through, skin tight one piece. This is what she chose to wear to celebrate her 35th birthday last year. Now listen, there is a time and place for everything, even nipple tape. Her birthday just doesn't feel like the best time. We imagine that tape was not super fun to take off. Like this outfit or not, she did look like she had a good time.

    7 Heidi Klum Dresses as Herself for Halloween x 5

    Heidi Klum is known for totally bringing it during Halloween. She has been hosting one of the biggest celebrity Halloween years annually for 17 now, and she usually blows everyone else's costumes out of the water. Nothing is too much! She goes above and beyond just using make up and clothes, too. She has no qualms using silicon as well and she always totally transforms herself. We have seen her as Jessica Rabbit, a golden Predator from the Alien movies, Forbidden Fruit, and the somewhat controversial but visually stunning Indian Goddess Kali. Last year, she took a different route and went as herself, and brought along 5 versions of herself, as well. It's creepy, kind of crazy, and awesome at the same time! Gorgeous super models can get away with making clones of themselves, even if the clones faces look like they are melting.

    6 Trump & Kanye Pose Together Like BFF'S

    2016's American Presidential Election was one of the most contentious, entertaining, and overall crazy elections that the world has seen in a while. There could be an entire list dedicated to just crazy pictures from the election from both parties! Trump certainly kept the news busy, especially when he started to meet with various random celebrities at his Trump Tower in New York. It was surprising enough when Family Feud host Steve Harvey went to go meet with him, but the media and people alike when crazy when Donald Trump met with Pablo, aka Mr. Kardashian, aka Kanye West. Most people never even associated these two in the same context, unless they're talking about people who maybe shouldn't have Twitter. But here they are, posing like they've been BFF's for quite some time. Their supposed bromance was discussed further when Yeezus admitted that he would've voted for Trump.

    5 Justin Bieber Attempts A Disguise

    Justin Bieber has had it rough, but, well, he definitely does bring some of his misfortune upon himself. No one can deny that the guy isn't hounded by media and fans wherever he goes. When he was in Amsterdam last year, he was determined to go incognito and donned a bad wig and a fake moustache that looks like he just drew in the dark. It's almost like Mr. Bieber actually does want to be recognized with such a poorly put together look. Of course, people realized it was him, especially when he rolled his sleeves up and showed off those trademark Bieber tattoos that any fan would know. There is a video from this outing of him asking a fan on the street, “Does this look real?” No, it does not, bud. Not at all. Better luck next time, Biebs.

    4 Gigi Hadid Gets Lifted Up By Crazy Guy

    During 2016 Milan Fashion Week, supermodels and sisters, Bella and Gigi Hadid, were leaving the Max Mara show, and, of course, they had to walk through the throngs of fans waiting to just grab a glimpse of them as they walk to their car. Well, one person in the crowd decided he wanted to get more than just a glimpse. He actually grabbed and lifted up Gigi! First off, this is scary, and not okay, and the guy is obviously crazy. It must be so unnerving for her to know that even with security flanking her, someone that is crazy is enough was still able to physically get to her. Luckily for Gigi (and not so lucky for the crazy who grabbed her), she boxes and works out, so she was able to totally defend herself by elbowing him while her security and sister reacted. She later tweeted out “GIRLS, prepare yourselves so if that you are ever in danger MUSCLE MEMORY can fight back for you. Thank you all so much for your support.” Good for her for standing up for herself!

    3 Madonna Pulls Down Fan's Top during Concert

    Okay, everything about this picture and the incident in question is just unethical. Madonna is known for always pushing the envelope and she is used to being in hot water for it. But this time, she may have gone too far, even for her standards. She was on her 2016 Rebel Heart tour and performing in Brisbane, Australia when this took place. She brought on a 17-year-old fan on stage, and while everyone was having a good ole time up there, she decided to pull down the 17-year-olds top, exposing the minor's bust to the crowd! Can you just imagine the outcry if a male artist Madonna's age, who was 57 at the time, doing this same thing? Madonna is a pop icon who has given the world so much through her music, but this situation does not look good for her at all. It's just a big NO!

    2 Lil' Kim Gets A… Makeover?

    Lil' Kim has always been known for being a little kooky. I mean, do you remember that time she went to the VMA's with one boob out? Why, even the legendary Diana Ross herself was so astonished that she couldn't resisting copping a feel. But when these photos of her came out last year, wherein she was basically unrecognizable, it raised some more questions about what is actually going on with the artist. Almost everyone in Hollywood gets plastic surgery, which is just a reality of living and working in Hollywood. But that extent of plastic surgery starts to raise alarms when someone looks like a totally different person. In Lil' Kim's case, not only does she look like a totally different person, but she also looks like she changed her ethnicity. Work that alters someone's appearance this much is usually indicative of some deeper issues. Hopefully Lil' Kim finds some self-love.

    1 Friends or Sworn Enemies?

    This Instagram picture was even more of a surprise than seeing Kanye West and Trump together. Here we have huge Hollywood celebrities Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian. In case you've lived under a rock for some time, let us break down why this picture is nuts: Amber used to be engaged to Kanye West, which is arguably what shot her to fame. Well last year, Kanye said some very rude things about Amber, making it clear that there was no love lost between the two. Amber is also bestie's with Blac Chyna, who, as we mentioned earlier, does not have the best relationship with the Kardashian family, especially now that she and Rob are no longer together. For all intents and purposes, it seemed like it was Amber & Chyna vs the Kardashian-Wests. When Kanye spoke rudely about Amber, she was not about to take it silently and went off on Twitter making some embarrassing accusations about the rappers preferences in the bedroom. Kim K was not about to allow a narrative in the media that she was not in total control of. She decided to reach out to Amber and we got this photo of their meeting, simply captioned “Tea anyone?”