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    15 Craziest Things Kendall Jenner Has Ever Said

    Being one of the most influential teenagers is probably a very stressful job because Kendall Jenner sometimes finds herself in some hot water. Let's understand her, people. She belongs to a family where the mom thought it would be great to make the life of everyone in the fam available for public consumption. As long as there's enough money on the table. Growing in that kind of environment is probably not easy. Well, we can spend the entire day dissecting the Kardashian-Jenner fam but one thing's for sure, they're wealthy and famous. Kendall is also part of Vogue Magazine's Instagirl Era or what Harper's Bazaar calls "Social Media Modeling." This is when models are chosen based on their social media following. Now if that sounds crazy to you, wait until you hear the craziest things Kendall Jenner ever said.

    15 I like this song. Is this Justin Bieber?

    When Kendall heard Pitbull's song "Timber", she didn't seem to know who the singer was. she asked if it was Justin Bieber. We're not sure how you could mistake those two singers. Maybe she was asking that because she was into JB. Well, that might not have been the case, although there have been tons of rumors flying around about  Kendall and JB being together. When you live a life where cameras are always scrutinizing you, it's best to be extra careful when it comes to what you're saying. Or in this case, what you're asking. But hey, you never know, maybe Kendall really liked this song. And maybe she just wanted to know who was signing it. And maybe she really didn't know who the song was by. Maybe she thought it was a Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus duo. She was just being a normal person who was unsure about something, okay?!

    14 Yes it does, it's paper.

    If you think Kendall and Kylie can get whatever they want because they're the youngest in the family, think again. Momager Kris Jenner was caught talking to Kendall, telling her to think about what she's asking for because money doesn't grow on trees. And for a moment there, we were pretty happy. Kris finally got the nerve to talk about money to her kids in a way that was not spoiling them, and she was teaching them a lesson and giving some wise advice. It seems like Kendall is totally advice-proof because her response was, “yes it does, it's paper.” Brat 101 for sure. Someone please tell Kendall that money is not just paper, it is composed of a lot more complicated materials so when you come to think of it, money really doesn't grow on trees. She really missed the point of the entire conversation, that's for sure.

    13 What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat. It's not a nice feeling.

    It's pretty comforting to know that the Jenners still have sensitivity in their systems. They don't function like robots and they're aware that what you say to other people can actually really hurt them. So when Kylie called out Kendall and forced her to discuss being skinny, Kendall replied “What people don't understand is that calling someone too skinny is the same as calling someone too fat. It's not a nice feeling.” Now that is something most people wouldn't expect from a celebrity like Kendall Jenner. She could simply bark at her sister for calling her out, especially since she was being called out for her appearance and body type. But she chose not to. Instead, she decided to talk about fat people and what is nice and what is not nice, and it seemed like she was pretty relatable, at least in this instance.

    12 When I turned 20, I remember being like, 'Sh!+! I'm in my 20s.'

    Okay, we know for a fact that being in your twenties is hella tricky. There's so much pressure out there and subsequently a ton of confusion as well. If only there was a manual on how to live your twenties with less stress and more cupcakes. That would be pretty awesome. Apparently, the Jenners are not spared from this twentysomething dilemma. Sort of. Because when Kendall once talked about turning 20, one of the first things that came to her mind was “Sh!+! I'm in my 20s.” That is some serious proof that even people like Kendall Jenner worry a lot about being in their twenties. But then again, we don't know what's going on in Kendall's mind here. It could be “sh!+! I'm in my 20's and I still haven't bought this and that” or maybe she really was worried about being in her twenties. Who knows?!

    11 Oh darn, I lost my scrunchie.

    Because when you lose your scrunchie, you will have to say “darn.” Especially if it's a Kendall Jenner scrunchie. Do you people have any idea how much her scrunchie cost? Well, we don't know, either. But we're pretty sure it was expensive and designer and only a few people have it. So the next time you buy a scrunchie, you know what expression to use when you lose it. A scrunchie is very important, you know. Scrunchies are life, especially when you're Kendall Jenner. Now if that's what she says when she loses a scrunchie, we're wondering what she would say if she lost her phone. She would probably ask for the public to help her find her phone and bring it back to her because her selfies are the most important and precious things. Or, you know, maybe she would just buy a new one. Yeah, that sounds like a better idea.

    10 I'm not exactly what you'd call normal.

    She didn't really have to say this because we already know she is not exactly what you would call normal. She is special. She is extraordinary. She is Kendall Jenner. Or at least that's what everyone is making her feel. Well people, now it is your great duty to your country to remember that Kendall Jenner is not exactly what you'd call normal. And now, all we can think of is (1) what the hell was going in her brain when she said this in an interview and (2) does she ever want to know what normal people her age feel like? How they live and how they make the most of their lives? We're not sure if Kendall wants us to pity her because she doesn't have a normal life or if she wants us to be in awe of her for the life she has. What we are all certain of is that living in front of the cameras has its own pros and cons.

    9 Let me speak to your manager.

    We're wondering how many times Kendall has said this in her life? She is not normal, remember? Maybe she can just speak to a manager of any store whenever she wants. If this is the case, you would never want to piss off Kendall Jenner. She is dangerous because she can speak to your manager anytime and even when the manager is out of the office, they will have to dash back in to talk to Jenner. And girl, you will probably lose your job if you piss Jenner off. Seriously though, this is not a good habit to maintain. We all know Kendall is a star and we're sure she knows that too, but hey, not everything will go your way. Sometimes, life can be crazy and when that happens you can either be pissed off or you can let it go. Someone send this to Jenner now because it's not great to always try to talk to the manager.

    8 Instead of spelling 'swimming' the normal way I spelled it S-M-I-W-W-I-N-G and I thought I nailed it.

    The good news is, at least Kendall is totally okay with making fun of herself. Unlike her other siblings who want to be picture perfect all the time and who refuse to entertain anything that makes them a laughing stock, Kendall is different. She shares the things that will make her a laughing stock and she is totally okay with that. Fine, maybe she's not 100% okay but this makes her a little more human. Like the time she shared with us that incident back when she was in elementary school when she joined a spelling bee contest, and we quote, “instead of spelling 'swimming' the normal way I spelled it S-M-I-W-W-I-N-G and I thought I nailed it.” There you have it people, something that makes this Jenner kid more human and something that proves she is not perfect. Good luck with the spelling. We hope she finds a better tutor.

    7 We were normal kids, the cameras barely even fazed us.

    She once claimed that she's not exactly when you'd call normal and then she said this. Apparently, Kendall Jenner want us to think that she is normal and not normal at the exact same time. Um, how exactly is that possible?! Well, in an interview, she told a story about how her family was always in front of the camera and that she grew up in this kind of  environment. But at the same time, she said “we were normal kids.” Okay, what exactly is normal about living in front of the cameras almost 24/7? What exactly is normal about having your daily life broadcasted on TV? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Also, she noted that the camera barely even fazed them. That is to say all the Kardashians and Jenners are not intimidated by the cameras. Does that sound normal? There's a hell lot of contradiction in this short statement, Kendall. We really do hope she clears things up.

    6 I was a huge tomboy

    Now this we can sort of agree with. If you're not a fan of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, chances are you won't be familiar with the moments where Kendall refused to be like her older sisters. She didn't want to wear makeup and sassy nails and luscious hair and show off her booty and all that jazz. There was a point in her life where she was more comfortable in baggy clothes and sweaters instead of dresses that barely cover her body at all. We're not sure if this phase would rise again in the future but if it does, we think Kendall would be able to handle it well. She's a model, remember? If she can wear the kind of clothes that barely cover her, she could definitely wear the tomboy clothes she once loved. We're not sure though why she grew out of that phase. Maybe she was influenced by her sisters or maybe she wasn't feeling it anymore. But yes, once in her life, Kendall was a huge tomboy.

    5 I mean I always go for like Ryan Gosling or something but honestly, I can't even really think of anybody else, let's just say Ryan Gosling.

    Well hello there, celebrity crush! Who would have thought that Kendall Jenner has a celebrity crush? The better question is, who would have thought that Kendall would have a crush at all? Don't all guys have a crush on her and reveal their love for her even before she realizes she has a crush because she's a queen like that? Well people, looks like that is not the situation here because apparently, Kendall Jenner has a huge crush on Ryan Gosling. Ryan Gosling, people! That's not just any celebrity! He's a Canadian actor and musician and he's been part of the best movies ever like the classic The Notebook and the more recent one, La La Land. This Jenner girl sure knows her men. Sad though since Ryan is already married to Eva Mendez. Now all Kendall Jenner can do is watch all his films, follow him on social media. And maybe hang out with the Gosling fam too.

    4 I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it.

    Now we're not quite sure who Jenner was talking to and what she was talking about when she said this but we're pretty sure it wasn't a baby. This line is so common in mothers especially when they get borderline mad to their kids, but Jenner is not a mother so we don't know for sure who or what she did brought into the world and why she thinks she can do this. This proves that despite the sweet girl we often see in front of the cameras, Kendall Jenner has a fierce side. But it's the kind of side that no one has seen much of. But why would she show it anyway when people would just be majorly confused? Why did she say something like this? We think this quote is honestly the craziest thing that she has said. Now a lot of people are wondering what she would be like when she becomes a mother, right?

    3 I'd say I'm more of a Jenner than a Kardashian.

    We hope this does not offend the Kardashian clan because this is something she said in a major interview with a big gigantic magazine. So, yeah, a lot of people read this interview and read this quote in particular. While Kendall did not say anything bad about the Kardashian clan, we aren't sure that she should be saying that she is more of a Jenner than a Kardashian. That must have hurt their feelings, don't you think?  That does not sound so cool, you know. We're hoping the Kardashians took this lightly or thought it was a joke. And we hope the Jenners aren't celebrating much. It's just Kendall, it's not the Queen of England. Oh wait, Kendall is as important as the Queen of England. Close enough. We're sensing some bigger family drama here.

    2 Hi, I'm Kendall Jenner, and I look hot even if I'm dressed like your mom in that family photo album from 1993.

    Okay, now this is just plain mean. We don't know who she said this to but we're pretty sure this is not a nice thing to say and whoever that person she's talking to, well, that person was probably disgusted by her crappy attitude. But then again, maybe Jenner was just tired. Or, of course, she could have just been a plain mean brat. One thing is for sure, she is a strong believer in her hotness and she thinks it will save her every time she screws up. If it doesn't save her, her mom/manager will, so either way, this young lady thinks she can be a brat all she wants. We hope that mentality will fade pretty soon because being a total mean girl is really not that attractive. A lot of little girls idolize her. And if we hear other little girls copying this line, we would be pretty upset about that, so let's hope that she stops saying things like this.

    1 It depends like what your relationship is with me and some people call me 'Ken' some people call me 'Kenny.'

    This is not that crazy… except it kind of is. This was when Kendall was super proud that she has tons of nickname. She had a long speech on this topics. She has a ranking system for the people that know her, it turns out. If you rank high on her list, or if you're in a good place with her, then you get to call her the best nickname of all, Kenny. If you're a stranger or an acquaintance or a reporter who camps out of her house, then you're not so lucky. You don't get to call her Kenny. Nope. No matter how much you want to. You better call her Kendall so she won't go all beast mode on you. And of course, if you're close to her, as in really close like her family, you can call her Ken. Now this is the epitome of an anything but normal life, that's for sure. This is how important names are in the life of Kendall Jenner.