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    15 Dirtiest Dirtbags In Hollywood

    Hollywood is full of people behaving badly. It's just the nature of the industry. Stars make too much money, have access to basically whatever they want, and often take advantage of their material wealth as well as the people around them to get what they want. This often results in stars getting involved in some less than savory activities. Now, there are plenty of women in Hollywood who aren't exactly the greatest role models, but there are lots of sleazy men, too. You can find them in any industry, from music to acting to entertainment blogs.

    Some men have earned a spot on this list simply because they're difficult to work with. Some of them have gotten a place because they're known for treating women with little respect. And some are here because they've been called out for some serious offenses, but still have a career. Here are the 15 dirtiest dirtbags in Hollywood.

    15 Johnny Depp

    Yes, we know everyone loves Johnny Depp. We all remember him for his epic portrayal of Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. But underneath his playful exterior, there's a dark side which was recently revealed. Depp's ex, Amber Heard, accused him of domestic violence. At first, many people were quick to dismiss these claims, unable to imagine that one of their favorite actors would stoop so low and do something like this. Even Depp's ex-wife came to his defense. But over time, Amber was able to produce photographic evidence of her bruises, and some people began to change their minds. The couple is now separated, and while Depp hasn't faced any serious repercussions in terms of his career, we need to be careful about glorifying men in Hollywood who have been accused of these crimes. People should take claims like this seriously and listen to the women involved.

    14 John Mayer

    Sure, we've all listened to “Your Body is a Wonderland” and imagined what it would be like to date a guy who spoke about women so beautifully. But behind all of John Mayer's adorable songs is… well, a total dirtbag. Around Hollywood, Mayer is known for treating the women he dates with little respect, and he has made many insensitive comments over the years about the women he does and doesn't date. In fact, it's surprising that Mayer writes such sweet songs about women because according to most of the women who have actually dated him, those songs could not be further from the truth. Mayer revealed inappropriate details about his relationship with Jessica Simpson to the press, and he also compared himself to a known white supremacist because he was only attracted to white women. However, he's still making music and his career is going strong, despite all of these major mishaps.

    13 Sean Penn

    Sean Penn has appeared in a variety of popular films, and many people are fans of his acting talents. But when it comes to relationships, he has proven himself to be little more than another Hollywood dirtbag, and even though he is now in his 50s, it does not seem that this has changed with age. Penn has appeared in films such as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Milk and Mystic River, so his resume is strong, but his record in terms of relationships is not. Penn used to be married to Madonna, who claimed that he hit her with a baseball bat. Although she has since retracted those claims, but it's not hard to believe he has gotten into other violent incidents such as a dispute with a photographer that quickly turned physical. We're going to go ahead and call it as we see it he may have grown up, but he's a dirtbag.

    12 Chris Brown

    You already know why Chris Brown belongs on this list. He's notorious for physically abusing Rihanna while they were dating. The photos of her face covered in bruises showed up in every major publication and website. It was awful to see what he had done, and since then, he has shown basically no remorse. After the incident with Rihanna, many people thought that his career would be over after all, who would support someone who was so blatantly in the wrong, and barely seemed to see a need to apologize for it? Well, plenty of people still happily support Chris Brown, despite the fact that another one of his ex-girlfriends also spoke out about the way he treated her. This guy is clearly a repeat offender. It doesn't matter how well he raps or how many records he sells, Chris Brown is, and always will be, one of Hollywood's dirtiest dirtbags.

    11 Kodak Black

    Kodak Black is another rapper who is known for his horrible treatment of women. Many people know that rap songs can be quite misogynistic when it comes to their lyrics, but the real problem occurs when the artist can't be separated from those lyrics. Kodak Black has been charged with so many offenses that it's tough to keep track, but here's a quick sample: robbery, battery, drug possession, and criminal physical assault. That's quite a list. His worst offense is his assault, where a woman reported that even though she rejected his advances, he would not take no for an answer. He was arrested and put in jail, but he was recently released. Some big fans of his were overjoyed that he would be making music again, but many others were extremely upset that someone who would commit such actions was allowed to re-enter society when he could still be dangerous.

    10 Woody Allen

    Woody Allen may be a talented director, but that does not excuse his actions towards women. Clearly, many men in Hollywood are able to treat women however they please without facing any consequences, which is very disappointing. Allen used to be married to Mia Farrow, and the two were raising her daughter together. After they broke up, Farrow reported that Allen has assaulted her daughter. While many people in Hollywood were quick to make excuses for him, Dylan Farrow, Mia's daughter, has since grown up and spoken out about the incident on her own. She stands by her original claims and states that Allen did treat her in an inappropriate manner while he was dating her mother. Despite this, Allen is still working in Hollywood, and many major stars have made it a point to defend him. Perhaps they could make an effort to listen to Dylan Farrow before doing so.

    9 Justin Bieber

    Justin Bieber may have a pretty face, but he's another one of Hollywood's resident dirtbags. Although he seems to have cleaned up his act recently, he had racked up quite a list of offenses in the past. The list ranges from adopting and then abandoning a pet monkey to getting a DUI to crashing an ATV. How in the world did this guy land Selena Gomez? We'll never understand that one. Yes, Justin Bieber seems to have calmed down over the past year or so, but it's clear that for a long time, fame really went to his head. He may have grown up as small town kid, but for a while, he definitely forgot who he was and where he came from. It seems that a lot of people who become famous at a young age go through a similar phase, however, that's still not an excuse for his behavior!

    8 Christian Bale

    Don't worry, Batman hasn't been called out for his behavior towards women, but he has been revealed as being very difficult to work with. Apparently, directors have said that he is very tough to work with on set and that he often engages in conflicts and can be rude to the other actors he is working with. There was also a rumor flying around that when a group of little girls who were big fans approached (yes, young girls can be huge Batman fans), he was so nasty to them that he made them cry! Uh, not a good look. Sure, we get that big stars get fans coming up to them all the time, and it probably makes leaving the house pretty stressful, but he should've cut those girls a break. Some people who have worked with him said he treated them so badly they ended up discussing it with a therapist!

    7 Casey Affleck

    Yes, Casey Affleck recently won an Oscar, so his talent here is not up for debate. But did you notice that some people in the audience were barely even looking at him, let alone clapping when his name was called? Why do some actors have a grudge against Affleck? Again, it has to do with his treatment of women. When will directors stop excusing these guys? One of Affleck's former coworkers, a producer named Amanda White, sued him for unwanted physical advances. A cinematographer named Amanda Gorka also sued Affleck for similar reasons. It seems that over the years, Affleck has acted inappropriately towards numerous women, and his exploits are well-known in the entertainment world. Of course, this has not stopped him from raking in money and winning various awards. It's very rare that men like this suffer any negative consequences, even when women dare to speak up about it.

    6 Kanye West

    Kanye has earned himself a spot on this list for multiple reasons. First of all, he has the biggest ego in Hollywood. We're literally talking about a man who once referred to himself as a God. Yeah, that big of an ego. Furthermore, he is known for going on reckless Twitter rants where he tends to talk about one of two things: how great and talented he is, or how horrible one of his ex-girlfriends is. This is a married man with two children that we're talking about. Can you imagine your dad fighting with people on Twitter? We sure hope not. Kanye also voiced his support for President Donald Trump and even met with him. Yes, people are completely entitled to their own political opinions, but after Trump's numerous racist statements, it seems a little odd, and he might have just been trying to stir up controversy for no reason.

    5 Russell Crowe

    Russell Crowe is notorious in Hollywood for his horrible temper. He has been involved in multiple physical altercations over the years, and his bad behavior is well documented. He has gotten into numerous fights that were caught by journalists and photographers, and his reputation suffered because of it. Once he realized how much bad press he was getting, he began making an effort to befriend journalists so that they would give him more favorable coverage. Shady! His worst offense was probably the time that he was charged with Second-Degree assault in New York City for throwing a telephone at someone who was working at a hotel front desk. For a while, he became known as “that actor who threw a telephone.” Well, that's gotta sting. Crowe has not gotten into a fight in a while, so maybe he has learned his lesson, but hurting innocent people will never be okay.

    4 Shia LaBeouf

    Shia LeBeouf can be a little strange, but that's not why he's on this list. He's actually gotten into some serious legal trouble before. He got into trouble for threatening a neighbor because they backed into his car. The police had to be called, and he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He also got in trouble for trespassing at a Walgreens after a security guard asked him to leave and he refused to do so. The charges were eventually dropped. He also skipped a court date for another charge that he had picked up, and to top it all off, he was also caught drunk driving at one point and had his license suspended for a year! Shia has entertained us in tons of television shows and movies, from his days on Even Stevens to the Transformers films, but he's also got quite a list of charges.

    3 Perez Hilton

    Perez Hilton is basically the most infamous blogger on the Internet. He has pushed so many celebrities over the years, and he's definitely angered some of the wrong people. Perez started out wanting to be an actor, but he got into blogging because he thought it would be easier. He ended up becoming one of the biggest celebrity bloggers in America, and he is known for publishing crucial photos before even the major gossip magazines and tabloids get a hold of them! Many people have spoken out against him because he has outed some celebrities before they were ready. People took offense to this because Perez himself is gay, and they think that he should show more respect to the LGBT community. He also published a picture of Miley Cyrus going commando when she was going commando. This generated a ton of controversy because it was technically illegal, total dirtbag move.

    2 Jared Leto

    Jared Leto is known around Hollywood for being a method actor. He's done roles that he's received a ton of positive recognition for, such as his portrayal of a transgender woman in Dallas Buyers Club and his role as an addict in Requiem for a Dream. But despite his acting talent, some of the methods that Leto has employed on set are just completely inappropriate and have earned him a spot in the dirtbag category. For example, his role as the Joker in Suicide Squad was widely panned, but in the process, he dragged the rest of the cast and crew into his “method acting.” He sent a dead pig to the crew, and he sent them several other items that were explicit in nature. Some cast members voiced their discomfort with these practices. Yes, Leto has had some great roles, but his methods failed him as the Joker.

    1 R. Kelly

    The number one dirtbag in Hollywood award goes to R. Kelly. R. Kelly is widely known for his assault of an underage girl, and for the fact that it did not really impact his career at all. His music is still very popular who doesn't still rock out to “Remix to Ignition” on their headphones every once in a while? We can always separate the art from the artist, but we should still hold the artist accountable for their actions. The fact is that R. Kelly is an abusive man, and he was found not guilty even though the events were caught on video. Only a rich, male celebrity could get away with something like this. Just a quick look at this list reveals how common these events are, and people who work in the entertainment industry, as well as their fans, need to do a better job holding these celebrities accountable.