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    15 Disgusting Things Rob Kardashian Has done

    Just a few years ago, you never really heard much about Rob Kardashian. Sure, you might have known that he was part of the famous family, but he wasn't really making the rounds in terms of Hollywood gossip or pop culture news. These days, that has all changed. Since he has been dating Blac Chyna on and off and they share a baby girl named Dream, Rob's name has stayed in the spotlight for a while now. But it turns out that the news is not always positive or good. There are celebrities who are always in the press for the right reasons and then there are famous people who never seem to be doing very well. Unfortunately, Rob seems to fall into the latter category, and the bad news doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Here are 15 disgusting things that Rob Kardashian has done.

    15 Got Upset Over Potato Chips

    Yes. This really happened. Last December, when Blac Chyna reportedly left Rob and brought their baby with her, Rob posted a video afterward to talk about the whole situation. It turned out that he seemed more upset over the food (and potato chips) that Blac Chyna apparently took than the fact that she was gone and his baby was gone too. He said, "She took all my food, like, all my food which is just crazy. Nope, she left me nothing. Took all my food. Everything, all my chips, everything. She took all my drinks… all the Eggos." He continued,"And then in the other fridge… she took all the Eggos, man, all my Eggos," he added. "But wait, where's my sugar? She took my sugar. She took my open bag of my favorite chips." Yup, it's pretty gross to talk about food (and junk food at that) in this kind of situation.

    14 Got Mad At Blac Chyna Over French Fries

    Apparently junk food is a pretty big deal and it's enough to fight with your partner over. At least that's true for Rob Kardashian. He and Blac Chyna got into a massive argument… over French fries. This moment was caught on camera and was part of their short-lived reality series. Rob asked Chyna, "You've got to choose one: the food or your phone. What's more important?" and she answered, "These are my fries. Those are your fries." He said, “Yeah, I know. I'm saying you've got to choose one - are you not going to help out?” Chyna then said that it was super annoying to her that Rob was making her hold his fries. She said, “He's going to tell me I have to choose between my phone and holding his food? I'm not your mother! Like, you better hold your own food or put it between your lap. He's going to get mad at me over some French fries and start yelling at me? Like, what?”

    13 Was Super Rude On His Instagram

    It's no secret that Rob Kardashian has had a body transformation and has lost some weight. He has reportedly lost a total of 50 pounds. Back in 2015, Rob posted on his Instagram account and said that he used to be "fat." It's definitely gross that he insulted himself and wasn't being super body confident because you should never talk about yourself like that. But it's also gross that he was pretty rude when posting. He said, "Last throwback of the day and yes I'm fat now so y'all haters can literally suck d***." Nice. Lovely. When you're in the spotlight and are a fixture of Hollywood, you really can't talk like that. You have to be polite and professional or you're just giving the haters something to talk about because, yes, you are going to have haters no matter what, and that's just the way that it goes.

    12 Might Have Threatened Blac Chyna's New Love Interest

    In October 2016, TMZ reported that Rob Kardashian had "psychically threatened" Pilot Jones, a singer and actor who had been seen kissing Rob's ex Chyna. There is definitely more to the story and it seems like it might have been a misunderstanding, at least according to Chyna. She said that she was merely friends with Pilot Jones and that nothing romantic happened between the two of them. She also said that he shouldn't have gotten involved with her fiancé aka Rob. So it seems like nothing might have actually happened. Then again, something might have happened. Rob really might have threatened him. There is no way to know and there has been so much other drama going on in their lives since last fall, the media has taken notice of other things. But if he did threaten this guy, that's definitely disgusting because that's just not the way that you should behave.

    11 Posted A Photo Of Kylie Jenner

    Rob once posted a photo of Kylie Jenner on his social media and wrote one word in the caption: "MEN." Yes, he actually did that and yes, he actually wrote that word in capital letters. Probably not the best idea. People thought that this move was even worse because Kylie was only sixteen at the time. Why did he do this? Who knows?! It doesn't really make any sense. He had to have known that this wouldn't go over very well and that people would have a negative reaction. It's not like he posted a photo of the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan, which would have been okay since everyone would have been in the picture. But no, he posted a photo of Kylie only and she was so young at the time. Just not a good move on his part and it's something that people still remember and still think was really gross.

    10 Yelled At His Family For Not Inviting Chyna To Her Baby Shower

    There has been some bad blood between Chyna and the Kardashians, that's for sure. No one really knows what the real story is since, of course, the cameras don't show everything that is happening in their lives. But what is known is that the family doesn't seem to get along with her. When they supposedly didn't invite her to the baby shower that they were throwing, Rob yelled at his family members. He said, “Didn't invite the Mother of my child to a baby shower you all were trying to throw for me!!? You all must have lost your damn minds." He finished up his rant with a lot of swear words. Family is always super complicated and there are some unhappy times, but it's always a good idea to talk about things in an open, honest, and polite way instead of yelling and swearing. That's just not the way to solve any problem.

    9 Thinks Kim K Is "Shallow" And "Heartless"

    Apparently, Rob has spoken out about Kim Kardashian and has called her both "shallow" and "heartless." If this is true, it's definitely mean, and it's definitely disgusting. Would he want his sisters and mom to say something like that about him? No, he wouldn't. Because he would feel super insulted and he would wonder why his family was talking about him to the press or dissing him on their social media accounts. Family business should stay within the family, right? No one knows if he really said these things since it can be hard to tell what is fact and what is fiction when celebrities are involved. But it seems like he might have said something along these lines in the heat of the moment. Or maybe he said this when he was fighting with his family since they are definitely said to have some moments of stress and tension.

    8 Got A Paternity Test

    It seems like Rob has gotten a paternity test recently because he wasn't sure if he really is Dream's dad. You can probably guess how well that has gone over with Blac Chyna. Imagine having your ex say something like this to you?! Who knows if that is true or false but it is the rumor that is currently going strong in the entertainment world. It's definitely not great if you say that you don't think that your baby is actually yours. It proves that you don't trust your partner. It's possible that this is just a rumor, but it keeps coming up so it seems like there might be some truth there. Their relationship is definitely pretty dramatic and negative and there have been so many problems and arguments, so if this really is true, it's not like it's a huge surprise. Oh man. Do you think that these two ever get back together?

    7 Skipped Out On Family Vacations

    Apparently, Rob Kardashian has decided not to go on several family vacations. But it's not like he told his family members that. Nope. They totally expected him to go because he had agreed and they even waited for him at the airport. This has reportedly happened a few times. There was one time when they kept calling him and he wouldn't even answer the phone, so they really didn't know where he was or what was going on or why he wouldn't go on the trip. That's definitely really disgusting behavior. That would be gross for anyone, whether they are a celebrity or not. It's stressful and mean and just not cool. You can imagine how frustrating this must have been for the rest of the Kardashian-Jenner family, especially since it must be tough to coordinate everyone's schedules and plan big family vacations in the first place.

    6 Was Estranged From Khloe K

    Rob seems to have been the closest with Khloe over any of his other sisters, but for a period of time, it seems like the two of them weren't hanging out at all, let alone even speaking. She once posted a photo of the two of them and said that she really missed him. It's definitely gross that he would have allowed that relationship to fall by the wayside because, come on, who wouldn't want to hang out with Khloe Kardashian?! She seems so awesome. In all seriousness, family is one of the most important things in life, if not the most important thing, and it doesn't make sense to act like you're taking that for granted and like you just don't care about maintaining that relationship. You definitely hope that things have changed for the better and that they are even closer now and all that drama is behind them.

    5 Supposedly Sued His Family

    Apparently, in 2015 people were talking about Rob suing his family for $50 million. Why? Because they talked about him on Keeping Up with the Kardashians despite the fact that he wasn't actually on the show. It seems like this might have really happened since there has been some conflict and drama between Rob and his family, and when people have a lot of money and fame, sometimes they do get the legal system involved. It's not like they are a normal family, after all, so why would they deal with their problems in a normal way? You have to wonder if this lawsuit was resolved or if he really got the money. It doesn't seem like he would have gotten that much money from his family. It could be seen as pretty disgusting to sue your own relatives instead of just talking to them about the issue and trying to move forward in a positive way.

    4 Tweeted Kylie Jenner's Phone Number

    Apparently Rob was mad at his family and decided to tweet Kylie Jenner's phone number. To his 7 million Twitter followers. What a good idea… not. It was pretty much the worst idea ever. Why would he decide to do this? Didn't he realize that this was not a good idea? It's pretty disgusting to say the least. If someone in the family had tweeted his phone number, he wouldn't have been happy. Celebrities can only keep so many things private and phone numbers are absolutely something that should be kept out of the spotlight. Since this family puts so much of their lives out there, they have to keep some things where they belong -- in their personal lives. Why is he always going after Kylie Jenner and no one else? Is there some serious bad blood between them that isn't actually public knowledge?

    3 Tweeted Nasty Stuff About His Ex Rita Ora

    A while ago, Rob Kardashian and Rita Ora were a thing, and it seems like it didn't end so well. Of course, break-ups are never pretty, but some are worse than others, and this seems like one of those bad ones. After the two of them went their separate ways, Rob tweeted, "She cheated on me with nearly 20 dudes while we were together." If that wasn't bad enough, he also said that she was pregnant with his baby. If that was true, then it was pretty disgusting that he would announce that so publicly. If it wasn't true, then it was still gross since that's a horrible thing to make up about someone. Rob didn't allow the tweets to stay up on his account, probably because he could tell that he had made a mistake. Rita Ora disagrees with the accusation that she cheated on him and she has said that she definitely didn't.

    2 Not Taking Care Of Himself Post-Breakup

    It's really tough to get over a breakup and that's true whether you are famous or not. But it's a shame and it's pretty gross that apparently, Rob is not taking care of himself after he and Blac Chyna broke up. For a while, it seemed like he was living a much healthier lifestyle and that he was heading to the gym and eating better and all that. He wanted to be happy and to change his life. But these days, people are saying that he's hanging out at his house and not getting out much and he's definitely not getting any exercise. That's not great news since this is going to affect his relationships with friends and family. He shouldn't be falling apart right now. He definitely seems to love his daughter and he seems like a great dad but beyond that, he needs to get his life on track again and start taking care of himself again.

    1 Attacked A Photographer

    This is definitely the worst thing on this list and so it deserved the number one spot. Back in 2013, Rob Kardashian was charged with "battery and petty theft" after he attacked a photographer who was working for TMZ. This made the rounds everywhere and it was definitely classified as a scandal. According to the news, he also took her camera and other equipment. It's a shame that this happened since this is definitely not the way that celebrities should approach the whole paparazzi thing. Yes, it sucks to have people take photos of you all the time and for the media to follow your every move. But that's what it's like when you live your life in the spotlight. Physical force is never, ever okay and it's never necessary. Neither is stealing someone's stuff. Hopefully from now on, the news about Rob Kardashian will only be super positive.