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    15 Facts About Ian Somerhalder That Make Him Even Dreamier

    If there's one thing that you know about Ian Somerhalder for sure, it's that he's insanely hot! However, there's a lot beneath the smoldering exterior that may surprise you, and if he wasn't already frequenting your dreams every night, be prepared to never be able to get him out of your head. These facts might just prove that Ian is everybody's dream man because he seriously doesn't have a single flaw. Is he a human… or an angel? We'll leave that to you to decide! But we can totally guess your answer! He's more than just an actor, he's an animal-loving feminist who knows how to cook (and probably knows some other stuff, too, if you catch our drift… ) If it was possible to clone Ian Somerhalder, every woman totally would. Here are 15 facts about Ian Somerhalder that make him even dreamier than you thought possible. And now you'll understand why they call him the Smolderhalder!

    15 He Loves Nature

    You've heard of Ian Somerhalder, but have you heard of the Ian Somerhalder Foundation? Probably not. But it's one of the many reasons that this man is a dream come true. He started his own foundation with the singular purpose of saving the planet because that's how much he loves the environment. He cares about the planet and caters his lifestyle to helping it, which shows how passionate he is about everything. That's a serious must-have for a man -- they've got to have a big heart! His might be the biggest ever because while his website lists him as an actor, he's also considered an environmentalist and a humanitarian, as well as a United Nations Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador. It's hard to believe a man this charitable is real, let alone this handsome. Every woman ought to have an Ian Somerhalder, but it looks like only Nikki Reed and Mother Nature herself could ever capture his heart.

    14 He Believes All Women Are Beautiful

    His mesmerizing blue eyes are enough to leave every woman breathless, but it's when Ian actually starts to speak that he seems even hotter (if that's even possible!). Ian is full of beautiful sentiments that appeal to a wisdom that most men never achieve in their entire lifetimes. When a journalist asked him his opinion about Vogue putting an age limit on their magazine models, he said that he was totally against it. He considers aging to be one of the most beautiful processes on Earth, and a direct quote from him proves this: “You know, I have friends of mine who are maybe 35 to 45-year-old women who are stunning and aging beautifully and perfectly and naturally and yet they agonize over this weird obsession we have of staying in one age." Yup, that's what he said when asked about natural beauty, and it makes him too dreamy to handle. Yeah, Ian we will still love you when you're no longer young, but he will still think you're beautiful. Swoon!

    13 You Can Watch Him Dance In His Underwear

    This is not a joke. Seriously, you can go watch the video right now! If you've already seen the movie Rules of Attraction, then you know that this is true, but your heart might be thundering at a dangerous pace just thinking about it if you haven't. Yup, he's in bed dancing totally naked, and you can see all of his muscles in their pure glory. The cute innocence of his jig in the sheets will totally melt your heart and he's practically smoldering. It's easy to wish this video was hours and hours long, but hey, at least we got this! The flawless, adorable man in the scene is the man of your dreams, we guarantee it. There's nothing that you can't possibly love about this actor, and this totally proves it if all the other facts don't. Who doesn't want to watch this total hunk dance completely carefree and almost nude?!

    12 He's A Wedding Officiator

    You might want to think twice about having Ian at your wedding… because you might accidentally say his name instead of the groom's. Oh well, you've been dreaming about marrying Ian for years now! He officiated the wedding of two of his closest friends, and he even almost teared up during the ceremony. Was he thinking about Nikki Reed or Nina Dobrev? Whichever beautiful lady was on his mind at the time, it's fair to say that this totally reveals what a sweetheart he is. Between dedicating his life to nature and the animals, he's also pledging himself to love, and that makes it literally impossible to not fall head over heels for. If you're lucky, maybe you'll spot him at your wedding… but then again, that might make your future husband a little too jealous to handle. It feels like men like Ian are so unattainable and that he might as well be a dream.

    11 His Spirit Animal Is Hot

    If you were wondering what type of animal Ian might be in bed, we have the answer for you. Is it a ferocious tiger, or a ravenous wolf? Nope, it's a black panther - “calm and sleek”. Yeah, Ian just got a whole lot hotter. We're all basically blushing after hearing this revealing information. That isn't the only illuminating facts that were delivered by Women's Health in this smoldering interview -- he spilled the beans on how exactly a woman can seduce him. If you've got the moves, then save them for Ian, because he believes it's really hot when someone has rhythm and can dance with him. If it works like that for all men, it might be time to start investing in some jazz lessons. He also disclosed that he knows he's attracted to someone when he's standing next to them and he feels the electricity, and with all this information about Ian's love life, it's totally possible that it made all of us melt.

    10 He Defends His Loved Ones

    Ian definitely isn't the type to leave it all open for display on social media like some celebrities, but when it come to defending the people he loves, and particularly his wife, he has their backs. A lot of crazy Vampire Diaries fans haven't blown out the flame of hope for him and Nina Dobrev to find their way back to each other, but considering the fact that he married another woman, it's not going to happen! This led to a few fans being really mean about Nikki Reed, and he came to her defense on Instagram. His post reads, “You HATE NIKKI REED? Really? Do you know her? Hmmmm, I'm not sure that you do. Look on her Instagram feed or twitter and all you will see is a compassionate and beautiful human being. Please put your negative energy elsewhere. You don't even know the person you're talking about.” He continues on, slamming the haters, and with this kind of dedication to his loved ones, Ian just got a whole lot dreamier.

    9 He's A Southern Man

    If you like your men from the south, then you are in luck! Ian grew up in Louisiana. He has mentioned that thanks to the extensive time he spent in nature during his childhood, he has chosen to dedicate his life to the environment. He has learned valuable lessons from the beauty of nature down south, and we have learned that we seriously love his beauty. Does this mean he can whip up a serious batch of delicious Cajun food for you? Probably, and you will be dreaming of that for the rest of your life. All of the best men come from the south, and if you are looking for one ripe for the picking like the peaches you will find down there too, you might get lucky and pick yourself an Ian Somerhalder. If you want to find a duplicate of this sweet soul, look down there.

    8 He Has Puppies

    To say this man is an animal lover is a total understatement. Not only is he the biggest heartthrob in Hollywood, but he is the Dad to a lot of animals, including a horse named Eagle. He participates in dog walk fundraisers and advocates against dog fighting, which might just make him the most caring human being on the planet. What might be the most adorable part, however, is the countless photos of him with puppies and his four dogs that are his absolute babies named Enzo, Ira, Nietzsche, and Gerty. Of course, an animal activist has to have a ton of puppies, and he seriously loves all of them more than anything. He seriously connects to the world and nature on a profoundly emotional level because he cried when he helped release pelicans back into the wild. Handsome, caring, and loves puppies? This man is definitely an angel!

    7 He's A Chocolate Lover

    Does anybody else dream of drizzling chocolate over this man? He would be into it because one of his most guilty pleasures is chocolate. Dark, organic, sustainably made chocolate, he says. A man that can appreciate the beauty of dark chocolate is definitely a man that you want. What else is he, other than a serious chocolate lover? Well, his hobbies include trying to save the world but envisioning him doing just that while indulging in some delicious chocolate is almost too much to handle. He won't take sweets for granted, which says a lot about a man that can appreciate the finer things in life. Yup, he definitely knows that a way to a girl's heart isn't diamonds, it's food. We bet he knows how to cook, too, because any man this perfect knows his way around a frying pan. You'll be dreaming about him cooking with chocolate shirtless, that's for sure.

    6 His Family Owns A Pizza Place

    If you're in Sun Valley, Idaho, anytime soon, you might get lucky and find Ian Somerhalder at a pizza place. Whose pizza place? His sister's, brother in law's, and his! That's right, if you're on a date with Ian, he might treat you to some delicious gourmet pizza, and a boyfriend with an endless supply of pizza is a boyfriend that you seriously need in your life. Ian is becoming painfully perfect like he doesn't have a single flaw, and that's going to become problematic when he's the only thing you're thinking about day and night. Between his chocolate obsession and his pizza family, it's difficult to not cry knowing he can never be yours. Who knows, maybe you're already crying, and you haven't even gotten all the way through this list yet. How can a man like him be possible? We're asking the same question, but maybe there's more out there like him, with an endless pizza supply.

    5 He's Selfless And Passionate

    One of the best qualities in a boyfriend is selflessness and passion, and Ian is practically bubbling with both. Can't you see that in his mesmerizing blue eyes? Besides running his own charity, he donates to others as well, and his dedication to saving the animals makes it difficult to believe he's real. Who is that talented, successful, and handsome and kind, too?! If there were a million Ians out there, aka one for every lady, that would be the greatest. But he's also totally selfless! On his birthday, the only thing he asked for was for you to make the world a better place for all the trees, oceans, and creatures, and to put an end to deforestation and oil spills. That sounds like what only the sweetest man in the world might ask for! On the other hand, you'll be wishing for an Ian Somerhalder for your birthday, and you're not even sorry about it.

    4 He's Been Modeling Since He Was 10

    Nobody is surprised here. We mean, just look at him! One of the dreamiest features about Ian, besides his beautiful heart, is his face. Everything about it is perfect, and he keeps getting better looking the older he gets. Can you believe he's in his late thirties? He looks better now than when he was in his early twenties… well, at least he has better hair. In some of his modeling photos from his teenage days, he even has dirty blonde hair. Most people would agree he looks perfect with his tall, dark and handsome aura. He was a major model for huge fashion spreads like Guess, Nautica, and Versace, and it's hard to dispute that having a boyfriend as a model would be pretty cool. Fame and fortune have obviously been in his future since a young age, and his early modeling debut displays that. Go ahead, go stare at a young Ian Somerhalder modeling with seductive expressions, we won't blame you.

    3 He's Into Meditation

    A man this in tune with nature definitely has to be zen, and he is exactly that. You're probably rolling your eyes in disbelief because, after all, these shocking facts that make him the most dreamy man to exist, the list keeps getting bigger? That's right, Ian Somerhalder meditates, and you wish you could join him. Why can't all men be that mature and calm that they address their issues through the healing process that is meditation? He has a majorly high-pressure lifestyle with all the things he adds to his plate, between being super sexy Damon Salvatore and saving all the cute fuzzy animals in the world, anyone with his schedule would require some meditation. Everybody should cater their lifestyle to one like Ian's because the world would be a much better place. He should definitely start leading a worldwide meditation class. You would definitely sign up!

    2 He's A Hardcore Feminist

    Being a humanitarian is one thing, but being aware of the issues that women face every day, and caring enough to try and change them? That's not something you often see in a man. Ian strongly supports that the youth in our world are the most under utilized means of change we have on this planet, and especially the young women of the world. Many of the things he says are impassioned with a desire to change society, such as his beautiful quote “It is beyond important that girls speak up, that they act fearlessly, that they fall in love with the timbre of their powerful voices - but that isn't the complete solution.” He went on to speak about men changing their patriarchal roles, and how the world can't celebrate both genders until the progress of both is recognized. He is truly an inspirational feminist, and his desire to change the world is shockingly dreamy.

    1 He Sleeps In His Birthday Suit

    When Ian was interviewed once, he revealed that his favorite meal is wild quail, white truffle corn meal and that he prefers lingerie… but only when it's crumpled up on the floor. What would you guess Ian sleeps in? You were probably hoping it was absolutely nothing, and you're in for a treat. When asked about pajamas, he answered with “Nothing. Sheets.” That might be the most swoon-worthy thing he ever said, and it's a little too hot to handle. There are a lot of things that make Ian beyond dreamy, but this information totally pushes it over the edge - he is totally the dreamiest man in all of Hollywood. You'll be wishing for him on every occasion of the year, and a night won't go by when he isn't in your head, probably in nothing but sheets. These facts prove that Ian is a hell of a lot dreamier than you initially thought!