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    15 Facts That Prove Mariah Carey Is The Worst

    It's hard to believe that 27 years ago the world was introduced to Mariah Carey. When her debut single "Vision of Love" was released, she became an instant powerhouse with the most angelic, tower-belting voice anyone has ever heard. Entertainment Weekly described her as possessing an "astonishing vocal range and high ideals". Every one of her songs on the radio turned into a classic, even surpassing Elvis Presley's record of most #1 hits.

    Many young singers who entered Hollywood have been compared to the Grammy Award-winning star as she has set the bar for recording artists, including Christina Aguilera and Ariana Grande.

    However, while we agree that Mariah is undoubtedly talented, she is also known for her diva ways. Anywhere she goes, she is followed by cameras and many get to capture her outrageous requests. Her most recent reality TV series Mariah's World definitely doesn't contradict us as America witnessed the drama, frustration, and arguments that seem pretty normal in her day-to-day life. Her princess-like behaviors over the years have overshadowed the R&B singer's one-of-a-kind vocal gift which we all first knew her for. To work with her, she demands a lot and it takes an army to please the long-time singer.

    Let's dive into some examples of Mariah's actions that prove she is just the worst.

    15 She Is Lazy

    Mariah is always surrounded by an entourage. And not just security guards to protect her in public. Her reality show displays maybe 20 people each with their own duty from personal assistants and nannies to even someone that will push her around in a wheelchair. While it's normal for celebrities to hire maids, she has a housekeeper follow her around the world to make her bed the way she specifically wants it. There is always a person that helps her with the easiest human task including holding her drink and feeding it to her with a straw.

    When she goes to the salon, forget it… there is no way she's going to lift her manicured hands for anything. Need the door open? Someone will do it. Nails still drying? There better be a good fan in the car.

    Last year, TMZ claimed that Mariah planned on making a permanent "bedazzled" wheelchair so her feet are not hurt by her shoes. Wow! Now that's lazy.

    14 She Doesn't Care For Her Family

    With a net worth of over half a billion dollars, Mariah can afford anything she touches. According to The Daily Mail, her brother Morgan Carey called her an "evil witch" for not helping to pay medical expenses for their dying sister Allison, who was diagnosed with HIV. Despite the family's fall-out, they asked Mariah for financial assistance and were devastated that she chose to ignore their request. Allison had a near-death experience in Hawaii and survived the incident, but still required brain and spine surgery. Mariah never visited her in the hospital while their brother flew from Italy to be by her side. He told The Sun: "She probably spends more on dog food than it would cost to make sure her sister gets properly cared for." I mean, come on… we're sure this medical expense would be chump change to Mariah.

    The singer has continuously disappointed her family even when planning get-togethers for the children. Allison has tried to schedule time so her teenagers can get to know their famous aunt, but ties were cut off with no real closure. “Decisions I've made in my life have hurt my children," she says. "We don't have enough food. I haven't been able to pay the rent this month… I can't buy my daughter, who's on her school's honors list, the clothes she needs.” So sad! It looks like fame is more important to the singer than family.

    13 She's Ungrateful To Her Nanny

    In 2015, ABC Nightline aired an episode that revealed childcare struggles of Simonette DeCosta, Mariah's former live-in nanny. She had filed a lawsuit against the singer and ex-husband Nick Cannon for “unpaid overtime wages, premium wages, liquidated damages”. Simonette provided full-time care with 100 hours a week for their twins who were 3 at the time. She was responsible for bathing the twins, preparing food, and offering comfort as needed. But unfortunately she was fired for being too comforting.

    According to the lawsuit, the 100 hours Simonette worked involved seven days a week with 12-hour shifts and five days a week on 24-hour shifts. And overtime compensation was not paid for working passed the 40-hour legal standard. In addition, Mariah demanded urgent care in the middle of the night along with trips overseas to watch the children.

    It's hard enough being a working mom as many average families cannot afford childcare. If you're one of the highest paid celebrities, at least be appreciative of the help you can get.

    12 She Demanded An 'Inconvenience Fee' After Her Failed Engagement reported details of Mariah's recent breakup with ex-fiance James Packer. Supposedly the couple discussed a prenup with a $50 million settlement if they divorced, but Mariah and James never officially signed the documents. A source told the website "He felt that ultimately he didn't need a prenup. He was going to marry her without a prenup… He loved her so much and wanted to make her happy."

    But after the couple went splitsville before walking down the aisle, the singer still wanted the $50 million as an "inconvenience fee". The source claimed: “He moved her across the country and relocated her and her kids. He made promises to her that weren't fulfilled." And believe it or not, she demanded more! Mariah wanted to keep her $10 million engagement ring and requested that James buy her a house in Calabasas. With all the money she already has in the world, it's amazing what lengths she'll go to for added finances and material things.

    11 She Is Selfish And Possessive In Relationships

    Last year, Star and OK! Magazine discovered Mariah's dating rules in which we found most, if not all, to be quite ridiculous. So what does the singer require of her beaus? First off, if you have a go-with-the-flow type of drive, Mariah is not for you. She allows intimacy once a week and only on Mondays! There was no explanation why that day in particular, but that's her rule. Additionally, surprises in the bedroom ruin her mood and she pretty much expects her lover to do all the work. She prepares a routine beforehand including candles lit and music playing in the background. Well, at least there's some romance.

    It's normal for some women to be a little paranoid of their partners drifting off, but in Mariah's case, she defines the meaning of possessiveness. OK! reported that she went out of her way to find out where her ex James Packer would be and made certain that he's not lying about his whereabouts. We're not sure if she hired detectives to follow him, but somehow she had eyes on him at all times. And while this would scare away the average man, James had no problem with this. Who knows if her past relationships ended for the same reasons, but we can see likelihood.

    10 She Books Hotel Rooms To Store Her Luggage

    Mariah definitely doesn't travel light, but to require an extra room JUST for bags is absurd. A source told Naughty Gossip: "She travels with at least 15-30 bags, and that is just for a short visit. If she's going for a long trip… .she might need two extra rooms." To London's Heathrow Airport last year, she brought so much luggage that two porters used large trolleys to transport it all to her limousine. She was there for three days to perform at the World Music Awards as well as X Factor where it was claimed she wanted an entire floor of the X Factor studios to herself.

    Life & Style also reported that she booked two suites at the Beverly Hills Hotel, again one for her and one for her luggage. And each room cost $10,000! Not only does she overload when traveling, but she makes her entourage unpack all of her bags. And if she doesn't like how the room looks, an insider said that “she made her team repack her belongings, then place them exactly the same way in another suite that she chose.” That 10 grand could've been useful for her sister's medical expenses, don't you think? We're just saying…

    9 She Pulled A Photoshop Fail

    Instagrammers certainly have good eyes as Mariah's fans quickly noticed a mishap in her post on Thanksgiving. Innocently posing for the camera, she held a pie on her left hand and captioned the photo "#festivating !! #happythanksgiving". Her 5 million followers called her out on some clear alterations in the pic including an awkwardly-shaped shoulder and a bent cabinet behind her leg. We're guessing the mirror she stood in front of originally showed the person taking the photo, which explains the odd shoulder. And the cabinet was probably bent to make her thigh look thinner. Or could it have been something else? Only Mariah knows.

    The post was bombarded with comments on the photoshop fail with one follower joking, "her body is sooooo perfect it's bending cabinets and mirrors". Another said, "I don't think it was necessary to Photoshop your left shoulder and your inner right thigh!!! You're a diva and you don't need any Photoshop!" Really, what else would you expect of the biggest diva in the world?

    8 She Requests Too Much In Her Dressing Room

    Many stars are known to demand a lot in their dressing rooms, but Mariah's got to be extra special. A list of requirements found by several reports have included fruit, cheese, pretzels, a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, three bottles of Chardonnay, and Gatorade… Not just any Gatorade but the melon-flavored kind. She must also have "bendy straws" for her drinks, air purifiers, and an assistant to help throw away her gum. The living room area should not display harsh lighting and have a temperature of 75 degrees. When she dated former backup singer Bryan Tanaka, the dressing rooms had to be furnished with a very specific couch set: one three-seater and one two-seater… Oh, and no "busy patterns".

    In 2009, Marie Claire Magazine stated her need for "100 doves and 20 white kittens to surround her when she turned on the Christmas lights in Westfield." That's the way to get into the holiday spirit.

    7 She Makes Everyone Work While She Naps

    It seems like everything is revolved around Mariah's naps and her staff has to abide. While getting ready for the GLAAD Awards in New York City, Life & Style was informed that her glam squad did her hair and make-up as she dozed off. In order to not distract her, they had to quietly beautify her and surprisingly pulled it off. "When Mariah woke up, she had her nails done, fake lashes on, and hair curled," said the source.

    Even during a Hallmark movie she directed in 2015, A Christmas Melody, she set aside time to sleep so often that the crew had to rearrange their schedules. One source complained to InTouch Weekly: "She's constantly napping and doesn't like to be woken up. That would be understandable if she were performing, but she's been driven to set every day and not doing much [physical] activity." Mariah is no stranger to starring in films, but since this was her directorial debut, perhaps she should've taken the job more seriously.

    6 She Throws Shade On Live TV

    The world was quite entertained when the 2013 season of American Idol cast Mariah and Nicki Minaj as new judges. After just a few weeks of filming, a TMZ video of Nicki cussing out Mariah went viral, and this was before the show even aired. It became the feud of the year, and to be honest, most of us tuned in just to see these ladies lash out at each other. The showed filmed them throwing verbal jabs, sometimes starting as jokes (remember the Mean Girls reference?) but growing quickly to heated arguments. The comebacks never stopped with Mariah continuously going at it.

    "Just continue to shine regardless of the dirt that gets splattered around you," she said during a live taping. "This is what I deal with coming into my job," she complained while Nicki was complimenting a contestant during an audition. And in another live episode, she critiques a female contestant with "Back to the Billboard Hot 100 #1 song which you just performed, which is difficult to get, not everybody has that," of course referring to Nicki.

    Mariah claimed later on in an interview with Barbara Walters that she felt so "unsafe" she hired more security guards. Geez, can't everyone just get along?

    5 She Complains About Bad Lighting And Camera Angles

    To Mariah, bad lighting is like an unwanted illness calling it "toxic". In 2011, she made an appearance on HSN to promote her line of products including jewelry and fragrances. But instead of really selling her designs, her focus was more on how she looked. She gave orders to the camera crew and directed them to remove the camera from her if she was seen in a bad angle.

    For radio shows or other TV interviews, she requires her team to set up lighting according to her preference. Any meeting she attends, her people are obliged to adjust the area she's sitting at until it's fit to her standards. Even in her own home, there must be specific kinds of chandeliers and candles. Mariah admitted on her reality TV show: "I have a rule which states that I will not be seen in fluorescent lighting without sunglasses. I know it's very '90s. But who doesn't love the '90s?"

    4 She Always Wants A Grand Entrance

    During a trip to Italy, Mariah and her ex James decided to have dinner at a quiet restaurant located in Capri. Like all of her diva moments, it's not Mariah Carey unless there's an exciting, attention-grabbing entrance. Page Six was informed that her entourage gave the restaurant a list of her songs to play when she walked in. This interrupted the mood of the environment as the business usually liked to provide a peaceful dining experience. But for the probability of large tips from a celebrity, obviously they bent the rules a bit.

    On top of her grand entrances, her own children get some of the benefits as well. She revealed in a 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters that a live performance of her '90s hit  “Fantasy” played while she gave birth to her twins… Just so "they could hear the applause as they entered the world." It's only a matter of time that Little Monroe and Moroccan will possess their mother's diva-like behaviors.

    3 She Will Not Speak Before Her Performance

    Another rule that any one of Mariah's people must follow is to not speak to her before she performs. Months before her reality TV show aired, E!'s executive vice president for program development - Jeff Olde - spoke with the New York Times about the docu-series in which he oversees. "She cannot speak the day before a performance," Jeff mentioned. "She knows exactly what she wants but she has to communicate through writing or sign language… because she has to preserve her voice." Mariah added: "I thought it would be a good opportunity to kind of, like, show my personality and who I am, even though I feel like my real fans have an idea of who I am.”

    While we understand the need to save your voice before going on stage, not making a peep for an entire day seems extreme. Who then talks to the kids when they need mom's attention??

    2 She Thinks She's Equal To The President

    We all know Mariah expects to be treated like royalty, but throwing a hissy fit at President Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009 almost tops all of her diva moments. The singer performed at the Neighbourhood Ball when history was marked in the United States welcoming the first African-American President. But Mariah was surprised and enraged to learn where she was sitting. In the VIP area, she was among all the other famous Hollywood stars, including Jon Bon Jovi, Alicia Keys, and Bruce Springsteen. Clearly that wasn't enough. Who wouldn't love to sit in this area?? Only Mariah Carey of course. The New York Post revealed from a source that "somehow she thought she'd be up with the Obama family. When she realized she wasn't, she bailed." Mimi, if you want to trade places with us, we would be more than happy to sit next to your peers. Not everything is about you, honey.

    1 She Fails Her Lip-Synced Performance

    The ball definitely dropped this last New Year's Eve, but not in the way that you're thinking. The most talked-about moment of the night was Mariah's awkward live performance at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest. She initially started singing a New Year's Eve classic “Auld Lang Syne” which began the sound problems as she was unable to hear her backup vocals. And then while already agitated, she continued her second song - 1991 hit “Emotions” - but barely sang during the whole number. Instead, she's actually talking to the audience and letting her dancers do all the work as she walks up and down the stage. “Well, Happy New Year! We can't hear, but I'll just get through the moment,” she said during the song. America was probably cringing right about now, but she proceeds with the third number - her 2005 hit “We Belong Together”. As if it couldn't get any more uncomfortable, she basically gives no Fs trying to finish off the song and carelessly walks off the stage at the end. To make matters worse, she blamed the sound crew and claimed that they tried to make her look bad. Honey, you weren't even singing!

    It didn't matter if you were too drunk or sober during this performance as you probably just felt embarrassed for her. This definitely went down as Mariah's most memorable acts in history.