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    15 Famous Kim K Posts (And How We Really Feel About Them)

    The queen of social media and pop culture today, Kim Kardashian is one of the focal points of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. She's a loving mother, wife to Kanye, and caring daughter. She's also got a good sense of business and style, and is the perfect example of working pop culture to your advantage to become a star; this makes her smart, and one of the top social media posters of our time. Not only that, but she's so stunningly gorgeous it's hard to believe she's real. She's been open about her wearing of shapewear, but let's be real: with the amount of nude shots and bikini photos she posts, we know she's worked hard for her body. Here are some of her top photos from Instagram that she's posted, and some of the feelings we had when we saw them. Some are well known, and some are a little more obscure. But all are totally, undeniable Queen Kim.

    15  Her Vogue Cover

    Yes, she has a Vogue cover. More than that, she's also wearing Yeezy, which is part of her husband's brand. AND not only that, but it's also Australian Vogue. While you might not think that that makes a huge difference, all of us in North America know that Australia is like our much cooler older sister. It makes sense as to why Kim would be featured on that Vogue first and foremost. We're in awe of this shot. She's got a strong, quiet look, which gives us the chills. We really do feel it's one of her best photos, despite being one of the first big magazine covers she did. Her black hair is a great contrast on the white cover, and it looks like she's literally bursting off the page. Smoldering, sexy, while still staying glamorous, we can't help but love this shot. We also love that she shared it on her IG: casual and no-big-deal, which is totally Kim's style.

    14 The “Champagne Incident”

    Remember when Kim K “broke the internet”? Yeah, this is one of those times, and arguably one of the most famous instances. She and her photographer recreated a shoot that was done back in the 70s. The Champagne Incident is the title of the original photo that this cover was based on, and featured a nude model. Kim, however, chose to do this pic clothed, with her hair done in a similar style. And, of course, taking the same position. Our feelings when we saw this for the first time? WOAH! This shot combined everything that impresses us about Kim: her sense of humor, her glamor, and her fabulous body. This photo sparked a series of Halloween costumes mimicking this shot, which we simultaneously appreciate and make us go “Uhhh… What?” It's a weird shot, objectively, despite how impressive the mechanics of it are. We definitely feel that, though it's impressive, it's not something we need to try ourselves.

    13 Her OTHER Magazine Cover

    Yes, not just one cover, but two have made this list. This woman has not only been on the cover of Australian Vogue, but also on the cover of Forbes magazine! For those that do not know, Forbes is a magazine focused on business and work ethic, and very seldom features super stars and models on its cover. This just goes to show how versatile Kim is. We felt that this shot was necessary, and it makes us applaud her intelligence as well as her looks. The story itself discusses her process regarding how she hit it big in the game department. Valuable insight from her and her business style, which we don't often get; even from the business moguls who've devoted their lives to studying the ins and outs of it. Major claps for Kim K here, who inspires us to not only look better but think better too.

    12 Awareness Lunch

    YES was our feeling when we saw this shot. She looks fine, but that is not the feature of this photo. She posted this amidst a time of turmoil in the States regarding gun violence and unwarranted shootings. Our relief was palpable after seeing this photo. Not only does it say “hey, be aware of this issue”, but it also says “look, we care.” She shows us that things are being done to put an end to gun violence, and to bring about gun control in America. She has got great moral alignment on this one, and we appreciate how well she has used her powers for good instead of complacency. Too many celebs have Instagrams full of pretty pics, full body shots, and promos for their latest music video or movie. Kim is giving us hope, devoting IG space to issues she cares about. YES, Kim! You go girl. 

    11 Father's Day Pics

    One big “Awwwww” is our feeling on this one! Do not pretend like you are not touched by this shot. Kanye, Kim, and the kids are probably the most famous family out there right now, and seeing all the touching photos they post gives us all the warm tingly feelings. Deep down inside we know that they are not perfect; nobody is. And with the extreme pressure fame and fortune exerts on to a family, no doubt they have their fair share of issues. This photo of them surfing and hanging out on the beach is just a glimpse at one side of their lives. This is the type of shot that goes into the family photo album, and no doubt will feature prominently on their living room wall too. We love to get a genuine inside look at our favorite celebrity lives, it makes them feel "just like us" as they say. Thanks for sharing, Kim. We love, love, love these shots.

    10 Her Other Other Magazine Cover

    Yes, another one. Much sexier than her Forbes cover, and much more revealing than her Vogue cover, we can't believe how many cover shots she has under her name. This one does not have much of the same cover story value that the other ones had, but she sure looks good. What was our feeling when we saw this? Definitely a mix between “WOWZA” and “Another one?” She has left her mark on the magazine stands, and we love that. She has got her energetic eyes blasting out sexual power and a slight smile to tease us into picking up the magazine. Way to take charge and put yourself out there, Kim. She looks amazing, with her curves slightly covered by a leather (or possibly a faux leather) covering. We are not sure exactly what she is holding, but it certainly looks hot. You need to take a look at these pictures, there is so much sexiness oozing out of her, you can almost feel it!

    9 Her Nude Selfie

    This photo went viral quickly, which gives us mixed feelings. We don't know about you, but we were happy to see Kim K embracing herself and promoting the power of the nude selfie. She looks powerful, and posted it with a humorous caption. She's normalizing nudity, which we think is a great thing to support and go for. However, we also feel a little concerned that all isn't as it seems. While we love the fact she's going for the natural look, we can't help but wonder if there was any touching up done. It's worrying to think how pervasive airbrushing is our world if someone's Instagram account isn't immune from getting touched up. We're on the side of Kim being all natural; she works hard for her body, and no one can question that. She takes care of herself and her appearance, and we feel this shot is just more proof that she really is all about what's best for herself. Thanks for being brave Kim; normalizing and de-inherently-sexualizing them is a great thing to be promoting… If that is what your message is here.

    8 This adorable Mother's Day photo

    This photo made reality drop in for us. Most of us have mothers or mother figures in our lives, and more often than not they give us the sense of home we so desperately need. Celebrities, especially of the Kim K stature, often feel quite alien and supernatural. Seeing Kim and her Mom breaks down that I'm-too-famous shell that sometimes appears around celebs. It is exactly like what we mentioned above, how getting a genuine shot and a glimpse of their lives normalizes them. It gives her a history and a family, and a life normal before all the fame and fortune. It helps as well to see her and her Mom in matching acid-wash denim jumpsuits. Nobody can be imposing and powerful when they're a kid wearing the same outfit as their Mom. Adorable! We feel that this shot is just one more example of how brilliant Kim K is.

    7 Literally ANY pics of her babies

    OMG, so cute. You can't help but shout these word when Kim, or anyone for that matter, who posts a picture of their adorable babies. You can't deny, they are the most adorable kids on Instagram right now. Whenever we see a picture of one of them (or both of them), we can't help but feel our hearts melt. They're spunky and sassy, just like their parents, and she always manages to get their good sides. Her captions are by far the cutest too. Definitely, things they'd want to be shown in the slideshow at their weddings. One day when they're grown they'll know how lucky they were to have Kim K, social media master, as their Mom. Until then, we'll enjoy seeing all the pics of their adorable little faces, outfits, and activities. Here's hoping the kids grow up appreciating all this documentation rather than hating it. But knowing how cute everything is, how could anyone hate it?

    6 Kimojis

    Our feelings on this one? Lots of laughing out loud, and a little bit of incredulity. Are these seriously real?! Well, they obviously are, with a price, of course, you can download her Kimojis in the app store. How cool is it that she has a whole set of emojis created after her? And if you take a look at them they literally describe our feelings and all the emojis we wish our phones would normally have. The little pictures are modeled after her rocking body and signature looks. Little cartoon Kim faces make the bulk of this set of Kimojis, but there's also some other key players in the set. A small peach-esque shape of an emoji that looks suspiciously like a thong-clad Kardashian bum is one of the major stand outs, as is the three women doing handstands. These Kimojis definitely give us major want feelings, on top of the feelings of love and admiration we're already full of.

    5 Her Most Recent House Pics

    The string of images that broke the internet (again). Kim went on a break after the Paris incident from social media and came back with a new aesthetic. We don't know where or how these happened, but everyone sure looks cute and happy. The pics look like a throwback to the 90s, with an out of focus polaroid sort of feel to them. They give us a fun and funky feeling, though maybe have us all questioning the circumstances surrounding them. While it was probably one of their friends' houses, it seems a bit odd that they're all alone in a mostly-empty house. Knowing how rich these two are though, they could have also just rented out a house for a day in order to have a throwback Thursday style shoot. It's possible, as well, with the way they've been spending time together lately. No doubt the family wanted to do something exciting and fresh instead of working all the time.

    4 Presidential Posts

    Did you know they were all buddies? We didn't. No doubt it the most famous president and the most famous couple would be rubbing elbows regularly, but it didn't really sink in until we saw the photos. This shot is the best one on Kim's Instagram right now, especially due to the recent political climate. Obama has been taken out of the white house, and Trump has been officially inaugurated in. Despite all the crying, protest marches, and fear most of us have about the USA's president now, we're still happy to see this picture appear on Kim's Instagram. It gives us hope that things won't be destroyed too badly in the coming four years and that there are people out there who still fight for justice. Let's hope these two families stay friends, and that Kim and Kanye will still be working towards changing the world for the better.

    3 Ellen Time

    Ellen Degeneres is everyone's favorite TV celebrity. For someone who's been hosting a talk show for years, she never seems to get boring or repetitive. Her jokes are always funny, and she looks as good as ever, even in her close-ups. We love the fact she's not afraid to make fun of herself, and we appreciate when she talks about big world issues. She's an outspoken advocate for LGBT+ rights and she has a lot of great energy. When Kim K was on the show, it was probably the highlight of our day. Watching the two of them pal around and discuss new topics was the best thing we'd seen since Kim's last IG post, and this one is no different. It's also neat to see the behind the scenes look at how the celebs take selfies. We get to see the lighting and the equipment it takes to get the celebrity fresh selfie look-- So jealous!

    2 Cheetos

    Delicious. No, not Kim, though she does look adorable in each of these shots. This little collage isn't even an advertisement (we think) for Cheetos, but she still sells us on them. While the chip only features prominently in one or two of these shots, she certainly makes them look good. Her quirky little smile is too cute for words, and her eyes radiate such positive energy that we all fall in love as soon as we look at this collage. Like the shot with her and her mom in matching jean suits, this shot also gives us a sense of who she is as a person. She's got a wicked sense of humor and a charming smile, and she knows how to laugh at herself. It's important to not take yourself too seriously, and we see that in Kim's IG account. This photo, on top of giving us rumbly tummies, also gives us a sigh of relief that she's just as normal and silly as all of us.

    1 Glamor Pregnancy Shot

    She had posted quite a few shots while she was pregnant, but not all of them deserved to make this list. In fact, the only shot we wanted to include was this one, because it perfectly sums up the Kim Kardashian life: Glamour, glitz, nude body con dresses, and a life on display. Even when she is carrying a child she looks amazing! Both her stomach and her personal life have been in the limelight for many years now and being able to watch as she goes through pregnancy, birth, and other life events make us feel like we can handle anything. Especially with all her issues, she just felt so real and relatable for women going through the same struggles. She's brave enough to be several months pregnant and wearing a dress like this? Sure, we can put on jeans and leave the house. She's an inspiration, and thank goodness. We won't stop refreshing her Instagram, and you shouldn't either! No doubt there's more feelings to come.