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    15 Fun Facts About Zooey Deschanel

    Zooey Deschanel is quite possibly the most adorable actress in the world. And she definitely doesn't love being called adorable. But hey, if the shoe fits… You definitely know her from the fun sitcom New Girl. Or maybe you loved her role in 500 Days Of Summer. Or you're a huge fan of her amazing band She & Him. Or maybe you just wish you had her super awesome style and her bangs. Yeah, you definitely covet her bangs, because who doesn't?! It's pretty much impossible to get bangs that look legit and actually seem to fit your face and your style, and Zooey Deschanel does an amazing job with that. So no shame here. We're all lusting after her bangs (does that sound weird? Sorry about that). But how much do you really know about the actress and singer, besides the fact that she always looks super cute? Let's get to know her a little bit better. Here are 15 fun facts about Zooey Deschanel.

    15 She's Not A Happy Camper

    In the super fun 25 Things You Didn't Know About Me section of Us Weekly, Zooey shared  "I hate camping, but I love summer camp." So yeah, while you probably did not know that she is not big on camping, did you really think that she would be? Probably not. No, scratch that, definitely not. Honestly, who is though. Zooey is definitely not someone you would picture camping and absolutely loving it. It just does not seem like something that would ever happen. She is super girly and wears the prettiest clothes of any actress out there (seriously, we would love to raid her closet even for five minutes) and typically girly girls and camping doesn't exactly mix. But it's still a fun fact because now you know that the actress and singer is definitely not going camping anytime soon. Pretty random but still cool. The more you know, right?

    14 She's 36

    We know, we know, she doesn't look a day over 20. Seriously. Zooey is definitely drinking from the fountain of youth and we think that's pretty awesome. She seems to take amazing care of herself since she has really great skin and always looks amazing. We also think it's cool that Zooey is 36 because last year when she was 35, she had her first kid. Yes, really. So for all you girls out there who are freaking out over your biological clock ticking away more and more each day, don't worry. There's time. What's also interesting is that she had her baby with the second guy that she married. So again, you don't have to worry about anything because sometimes things just have a way of working out themselves. She proves that divorce isn't the end of the world, and you can still find love again and even start a family.

    13 She Has Food Allergies

    Yup, Zooey can't eat gluten, dairy or eggs. So if you suffer from food allergies, you can feel pretty normal because if this amazing and stylish actress and singer does too, it's really not a big deal. Just think about all the things that she's accomplished in her life -- and all with food allergies. So maybe that will inspire you and comfort you. She told, "I am the worst person ever to eat with because I have all these stupid food allergies… it was just all the things that are fun to eat -- everything that I enjoy, like bread." Everyone who is allergic to bread can totally and completely relate. We like how she calls them stupid because hey, she's got a great sense of humor and it's really the best way to look at anything difficult in this life. So if you ever thought that actresses had a perfect life with no problems whatsoever, remember Zooey and her food allergies.

    12 She Makes Good Money

    Okay, so, of course, Zooey makes a good living since she's a working actress and she seems to have done really well for herself in her career. But she makes good money, not an insane amount, at least from what we can tell from her New Girl salary. In 2011-2012, she was given $90,000 per episode, and then the following year it was upped to $95,000 and then it was $130,000 for the 2014-2015 season. This is worth noting since, for example, Kaley Cuoco reportedly makes 1 million per episode (along with other main cast members on The Big Bang Theory). But that just proves that Zooey is not the kind of actress who makes millions of dollars on a daily basis when she's working and so that just makes her pretty relatable. Okay, it makes her really relatable. You might not be making hundreds of thousand dollars every time you head to the office, but hey. Of course, all those episodes add up and apparently she makes $3 million a TV season now. So yeah, she's still a millionaire.

    11 She's Creative

    Zooey loved to sew back when she was a teenager, according to some interviews, and she also plays a lot of musical instruments. So, naturally, she's pretty creative. While you probably guessed that from her quick and adorable style and the parts that she plays, you never really know for sure if actors are ever anything like their characters. But now you know: Zooey Deschanel is a super artsy girl. Seriously, when you think about it, what can't she possibly do? She can sing, act, play instruments, sew, and probably has even more artistic activities up her sleeve that we just don't even know about. If we're ever bored, we're going to channel Zooey and try out a new creative pursuit. We think it's a really good idea. Zooey, we just want to be as amazing and cool as you. You are the best and we want to be your BFF, too.

    10 She Loves Joseph Gordon-Levitt As Much As You

    Of course, you love Joseph Gordon-Levitt. There's absolutely no way that you couldn't, right? He's super cute, talented, smart, sweet, funny… Yeah, he's pretty much your dream guy. Except for the fact that he's famous and married. Yup, he's taken (and they just had a baby, too). But you can't help but love watching him in such movies like 500 Days Of Summer (with Zooey, of course!) or 50/50 or The Night Before. And Zooey loves him too. The word on the street is that the two of them are really close friends, which we just think is the best news ever. We love hearing that celebs that we love are friendly because we love dreaming up their hang-outs. We're guessing that Zooey and Joseph hang out and look equally cute and adorable and probably play tons of musical instruments together. It must be so much fun. Hey, and maybe their kids will grow up together and be best friends and maybe even fall in love!

    9 She's Multi-Talented

    Sure, you know that Zooey Deschanel is a great singer and actress and that she has a bunch of other artistic talents up her sleeve, too. But she is also pretty multi-talented when it comes to the film and TV industry. She's now directing some episodes of New Girl and she's also been a producer on the series, too. We bet that all of these episodes are probably one of the most funniest and quirkiest episodes we will ever see. Because naturally that's how we picture Zooey to be and they do say that you show yourself in your art. We are also soo happy for Zooey because it's a great honor to be given this opportunity when working on a show! You go girl. So if you did not think that she could do more than act (but how could you?!), well, now you have been proven totally wrong.

    8 She's The Face Of Pantene

    Did you know that Zooey is the face of Pantene? Well, now you have that information, and it's a pretty fun fact since she seems like an unlikely candidate… and also the most obvious and best person for the job ever. That's because she doesn't seem like a cheesy celebrity who can do commercials just for the money. But she also has pretty much the greatest hair ever. It looks so soft and shiny and thick and you basically wish you could take it for your own. Okay, okay, you get how totally creepy that sounds. Sorry Zooey, we don't mean that in a creepy or weird way at all. We just really adore your hair. And everyone knows that if you don't feel good about your hair, you don't feel good about yourself, period. So we're contemplating whether or not we need to get some bangs. We've tried before and it wasn't successful, but hey, a girl can dream.

    7 She's A Kid At Heart

    Apparently, Zooey Deschanel is a huge, huge, huge board game player. She just loves them. And she also has had a birthday party at none other than an American Girl store. So we can be sure that no matter how old she might be (36, to be exact, believe it or not), she's still a kid at heart. And we love her for it. Because at the end of the day, we're all kids at heart (or at least the best ones among us are). Think about it: when you were a kid, life was just super amazing. You were absolutely thrilled to play with your friends, to watch your fave movie over and over again, and of course, to enjoy your fave type of ice cream or candy. It was like nothing else mattered expect exactly what you were doing. So you lived in the moment and you had fun and you really loved your life. We tend to take a lot of little things in life for granted but kids never did. So if we channel our inner childlike Zooey, we could be much happier.

    6 She Went To High School With Kate Hudson

    This is really cool, right? Just imagine that high school with Zooey Deschanel and Kate Hudson walking through those halls, making friends, meeting cute boys, dreaming of the future, trying to find themselves… Yeah, it sounds pretty dreamy. They should totally make a TV drama based on Zooey and Kate's high school experience. We would totally watch that show. We would obsess over it and it would be all that we ever wanted to watch. It is so interesting to think about what stars were like way before they were famous. In the case of Zooey Deschanel, we can be sure that she was pretty much exactly the same because she seems so real and so authentic, we can't imagine that being any other way. All we know is that it was probably a whole lot more fun and interesting than our high school experience. Ugh, what a dream to be in a school filled with celebs we love!

    5 She Wanted To Be A Princess

    Apparently Zooey used to wear princess clothes when she did her homework as a child. Just let that fun fact sink in for a minute. What that basically translates to is she always wanted to be a princess… because, well, pretty much every little girl wants that. And when you're a kid and you dress up like something and are basically wearing a costume in your everyday life, then you definitely want to be that person or thing. So if you dress up like a princess, you're dreaming of the princess life. So Zooey totally wanted to be one. And to be honest, we can't be sure about this, of course, but we think she probably still does. All we have to do is to take a look when she dresses up for a red carpet event or movie premiere, because come on, she always looks pretty princess-worthy. And yeah, we really do want her awesome girly style.

    4 She Has A Short Attention Span

    And we say this with love. But apparently, when she was interviewed for, she got distracted by literally everything and everyone around her and the reporter. So this was the only logical conclusion that we could draw. It is really interesting to think about since again, we tend to assume that celebrities have perfect lives. After all, they are famous and rich and successful, right? So how could they ever have any character flaws whatsoever? But she gets distracted a lot, so that is definitely something that is not perfect about her. But we love that about her, truly and honestly. We love the people in our lives because they are not perfect at all and we are not, either, so that bonds us since we are all just human at the end of the day. Plus when someone gets distracted a lot, let's be real, it is pretty adorable and funny.

    3 Her Fam Is All In The TV/Movie Business

    You probably already know that Zooey's sister Emily Deschanel stars on Bones, but did you know that their parents have also been in the film business? Now you do and it is pretty cool to find this out. Their mom acted on Twin Peaks and their dad was in the cinematography part of the business. It is always interesting to think that someone's career could have been literally set up from when they were a child, so we think that those family dinners must have been pretty fun… and also pretty telling. Maybe Zooey and Emily's parents told them all about their cool jobs and so the girls dreamed of someday being actresses. We have to assume that's what happened, anyway, since of course, we don't know them and we can't ever really know. But it seems pretty logical and it seems like a really magical way to grow up.

    2 She Founded Hello Giggles

    Do you know the fun website Hello Giggles? It's funny, it's fresh, and it's all about being a girl and how to deal with all the issues that we all have to handle on a regular basis. It talks about pop culture, boys, dating, friendships, and pretty much is the greatest. Well, did you know that Zooey Deschanel founded the website? Well, now you know. Isn't that just the coolest thing that you've ever heard? The tagline for the site is "a Positive Community for Women" and we couldn't possibly love that idea more. Back in October of 2015, the website was sold to Time Inc and what's cool about that is that Zooey and her two co-founders wanted to have a lot of videos and now they can totally do that. So if you haven't checked the site out, there's truly no time like the present. And remember that the magical Zooey was 1/3 of the brains behind it. So cool.

    1 She Is As Amazing As You Thought

    It's pretty disappointing when you idolize a celebrity and then read an interview with them or see them on a talk show and realize that, oops, you didn't need to love them so much after all. Because they're pretty horrible in real life and nothing like the characters that they play. They're not funny, they don't have much of a personality, and even worse, they just can't seem to crack a smile to save their lives. Yeah, that's an awful experience. But that's not the case with Zooey Deschanel. Seriously, she is just as amazing as you thought that she was, and we couldn't be happier about it. She has said that she doesn't pick films because she thinks they will be box office hits because she can't really tell if anything ever will be and that she wants to focus on her craft instead of how she looks. So yes, if you were ever wondering if she was as cool as you thought she was, now you have your answer. Phew.