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    15 Funny Things You Notice When You Rewatch 'Gilmore Girls'

    Season one of Gilmore Girls is pretty much perfect. You definitely count the mother/daughter dramedy as one of your favorite shows and that is something that will never change. You can never decide whether you are a bigger fan of Rory and her bookworm tendencies or Lorelai and her hilarious and clever quips. So it's probably safer to just say that you love both of them equally. Of course you're a fan of the entire show (well, maybe not season 7, but that's a story for another time) but you have to say that the first season has a special place in your heart. It's when you were introduced to Stars Hollow and its quirky and fabulous characters. It's when you learned about the hilarity and pain of Friday night dinners. And it's when you realized that you feel exactly the same way about snow as Lorelai. Here are 15 funny things you notice when you rewatch season one of Gilmore Girls.

    15 Dean Tells Rory He's Been Watching Her

    When Rory and Dean first meet, it's pretty adorable. She's leaving Stars Hollow High to embark on a new and exciting journey at Chilton, aka the fanciest and hardest school ever, and she's packing up her locker. Dean chats with her and then says that he's looking for a job. Rory suggests checking with Miss Patty since she knows what's going on in the town at all times and he asks if she wants to show him where her dance studio is. But after a while, their conversation turns absolutely hilarious, even though it might not have been intended that way. Dean literally tells Rory that he's been watching her. He says that it's not in a creepy way. It's just that she reads under a tree most days and he thinks that she has such concentration that he had to talk to her. He says that a fight broke out the other day and it was a big scene and she never even noticed since she was so absorbed in her book. He really wanted to meet her after that. Um, okay, Dean. Maybe don't tell a girl that you want to date that you were watching her.

    14 Rory And Lorelai Eat A Salad

    Once. They do this exactly once. In the pilot, when Rory and Lorelai meet at Luke's for dinner and have a big fight about how Rory doesn't want to go to Chilton anymore, they eat green salads before Luke puts burgers and fries on the table. OMG. This is something that you never thought happened on the show. You definitely didn't remember it. But if you rewatch the first season of Gilmore Girls, you will probably notice this little moment since it is so out of the ordinary. Luke often tells the girls that they should be eating healthier and they totally ignore him. That's why the scene when Luke is making dinner at the beginning of the revival's "Winter" episode is so funny. Lorelai and Rory are snacking before dinner and he's all, "I just made all this food, why are you eating before???" But he knows that's just the Gilmore Girl way.

    13 Sookie Is A Total Klutz

    Oh Sookie. She is truly one of the greatest television characters ever. That's why it was so heartbreaking when it seemed like she wouldn't be in the revival… and that's why it was so amazing when news broke that, yup, she would be in it after all. Phew. In the first season, Sookie is incredibly klutzy. She is seriously always getting in trouble in the kitchen. She sets things on fire. She hits her cooks on the head with a frying pan. She sends objects flying all over. It's seriously funny. She gets less klutzy as the series goes on, but in season one, she's definitely causing some havoc in the kitchen. It's really fun to watch. Another amazing Sookie moment is when she freaks out that a food critic didn't absolutely adore her "magic risotto." There are a lot of amazing Melissa McCarthy moments in the first season.

    12 Luke Is Super Obvious About His Love Of Lorelai

    In the first season, when Lorelai tells Luke that a Chilton dad asked her out and she said no, he says "good." She slowly starts to realize that he just might have a crush on her, although it seems like she doesn't really know that he likes her for a while. You can totally tell, though, if you rematch these episodes knowing that Luke has always loved Lorelai and that eventually, the two of them are going to end up together. Every line and every look becomes even more telling and obvious. Luke definitely cares a lot about her, whether he realizes how he truly feels or not. When Emily observes the two of them interacting, she asks how long they have been dating, and of course Lorelai denies it. But that is another moment that makes her wonder if there could be a romantic spark between them. Hmmm…

    11 Paris Is A Serious Mean Girl

    These days, you know Paris as a very Type A, very controlling, very funny friend of Rory's. You also remember the time when she went nuts as the editor of the Yale newspaper and hid under a fort that she had created. But do you remember that at the beginning of the show, Paris was a total jerk to Rory, and even bullied her? The truth is that these scenes are pretty hilarious since the things that Paris says are just so dorky. She literally gets right into Rory's face and says, "You're going down." She also makes fun of Rory getting a D on an English paper. Academic insults. Yup. The reason why this stuff is so funny is that Paris is so serious. She doesn't like that Rory is the new girl at school and she wants to see her suffer. Of course, they end up being good friends, and you learn that Paris does have a soft side.

    10 Rory Loves Golf

    Yeah, that hat is pretty hilarious. It's also pretty funny that Rory really does seem to genuinely love that hat. She also loves golf. In the third episode of the first season called "Kill Me Now", Rory has to fulfill a sports requirement at school and so she goes with Richard to his club so he can teach her golf. Lorelai is totally against this because she doesn't want Rory to enter the stuffy, wealthy world that she left behind. When Rory tells her that she actually had a good time, Lorelai is super pissed off, although she tries to hide her feelings from her daughter (which she isn't super good at). You have to laugh that Rory actually enjoys playing golf and that she likes the whole country club experience. You probably didn't expect that. Golf is never mentioned again, so this is pretty much the only time that it comes up, but it's a really great episode.

    9 Chad Michael Murray Is Creepy AF

    When Rory starts going to Chilton, Chad Michael Murray's character Tristan keeps calling her "Mary." At first, she just thinks that he doesn't know her actual name, but when Lorelai picks her up at the end of the school day, she tells her daughter that that's code for "Virgin Mary." Rory talks about how all of the students must be super smart since they use "biblical insults." But honestly, Tristan is absolutely creepy, and this is even more obvious when you go back and rewatch the first season. He keeps bugging her even though it's clear that she has no interest in talking to him and he even hits on her at the birthday party that Emily throws her. It seems like no matter where Rory goes, he's there, and it's seriously creepy. And kind of funny. Because it does feel fairly harmless and 90s/early 2000s teen show.

    8 Rory Carries Around 100 Backpacks

    Okay, so maybe 100 is a total exaggeration, but seriously, Rory Gilmore carries around a lot of bags in the first season. She definitely has to since she reads so much for school. It's actually pretty crazy. There's a hilarious moment when Rory walks into the kitchen at the inn and Lorelai says, "Behold, the thing that reads a lot." Since Rory always needs to carry around several books so she has lots of options -- hey, you never know if you will be in the mood for a novel or a memoir -- she must get serious shoulder and backaches all the time. As the series progresses, she seems to carry around just one backpack. Maybe she gets used to going to Chilton and can read quicker or gets her homework done at lunch or something. Or maybe the writers just wanted to prove that Rory really was working super hard at her fancy new private school.

    7 Rory Steals Cornstarch

    Remember when Dean kisses Rory for the first time in Dosie's Market? Before Dean plants one on her, Rory grabs a box of cornstarch to act like she's in the market for a reason other than visiting him. She tells him that she has "very important thickening needs" and when he kisses her, she says "thank you." But she ends up stealing the cornstarch because after she thanks him, she runs out of the store and over to Lane's house. It's a pretty hilarious scene since of all the things to steal from a grocery store, cornstarch is definitely a random one. This moment comes back in a super nostalgic way in the Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life revival when Rory bumps into Dean in the market and holds up a box of the stuff, asking if he remembers it. This is yet another unique, funny, quirky moment that makes Gilmore Girls the great show that it is.

    6 Emily And Richard Love Frozen Pizza

    In the first season episode called "Love And War And Snow", Rory sleeps over at her grandparents' house on a Friday night since a storm is preventing her from going back home to Stars Hollow after school. Since the cook isn't able to make it to the Gilmore house thanks to the storm, Rory takes charge of dinner. She finds a frozen pizza and decides to make it. At first Emily and Richard aren't thrilled with this idea, but once Rory grates some cheese onto Emily's slice, saying that it's a Lorelai Gilmore specialty, Emily is obsessed. She makes Richard try it and soon they are both super big fans of frozen pizza. It's just so funny since you would never expect these two to even eat something like this, let alone actually enjoy it. It just goes to show that people can surprise you, even if they seem stuck in their ways.

    5 Michel Is Against A Cat Funeral

    Michel is definitely one of the best characters on this show, and like everyone, he changes throughout the series. When Michel's beloved dog Chin-Chin passes away in the season seven episode "Farewell, My Pet", he is absolutely devastated and he makes sure that everyone says goodbye to his pet in style. So it's pretty funny to realize that in the first season, he is totally against Babette and Maury throwing a funeral for their own beloved pet, their cat Cinnamon. When Michel goes to their house to drop something off for Lorelai, he asks if a party is going on and when Lorelai tells him that it's a cat funeral, he thinks it's a pretty crazy idea. Of course, he changes his mind later on, probably because once he becomes a pet owner himself, he realizes how much you care about your pets and that they become a super big and important part of your life.

    4 Lorelai Hates Dean At First

    Do you remember that Lorelai absolutely hates Dean at first? At first, she hates him because Rory says that she doesn't want to go to Chilton after all and Lorelai figures out that it's because of Dean. Then Lorelai hates him when she learns that he kissed Rory and Rory didn't tell her about it. Lorelai talks to Luke about it and says that she's just not cool with it, and Luke says that, well, Rory is growing up and she has to get used to it. Luke is totally the voice of reason on this show. Well, at least some of the time. It's funny to see Lorelai so bent out of shape over something like this since let's be real, Rory and Dean's budding romance is super innocent. It's young love. Nothing super crazy is going to happen. What is Lorelai so afraid of? Oh right. She got pregnant at sixteen and doesn't want Rory to repeat that. Makes sense.

    3 Lorelai Hates Avocado

    Yes. This is true. Now you are at a crossroads in your Gilmore Girls fandom. You love the show. You love Lorelai. But you, of course, also love avocado. It's a staple of your diet. You love everything about it. It's amazing, it's filling, it's creamy, and it's the best topping for toast. And, naturally, you're a big fan of enjoying some guac and chips. But when you rewatch the first season of Gilmore Girls, you realize that Lorelai actually hates avocado. In one scene, she and Rory are having Friday night dinner at Emily and Richard's and Emily sees Lorelai pushing her salad around on her plate. Emily asks, "What are you doing?" and Lorelai says, "I'm taking out the avocado." Emily asks, "Since when don't you like avocado?" and Lorelai responds, "Since I said, 'Gross, what's that?' and you said 'Avocado'." Um, okay, Lorelai. You're totally wrong here. Avocado is the best.

    2 Lorelai Wants Emily To Buy Rory A Plastic Pink Guitar Purse

    Yes, this actually happens. In the sixth episode of the first season called "Rory's Birthday Parties", Emily asks Lorelai if she will go with her to the mall to help her get Rory a birthday present. Lorelai makes a beeline for a plastic pink guitar purse. Yes. A purse shaped like a plastic pink guitar. It's just as bright and ugly as it sounds. Emily, of course, is totally freaked out by this and doesn't think that it's a good gift idea. You don't either. You love Lorelai and you know that she's the fun, cool mom and all that, but you don't get why she thinks this is a good present idea. It's just not something that Rory would like. And she would look kind of weird carrying it around. Because anyone would. Because it's the worst. Thankfully, Emily picks out some bracelets instead, and Rory is happy with her gifts. Phew.

    1 Emily Is Sassy AF

    Emily Gilmore is probably one of your favorite characters on the show, and for good reason. She is absolutely hilarious. In the first season, she has a lot of really clever lines and for the most part, she is super sassy. In the fifth episode of the first season called "Cinnamon's Wake", Lorelai tells Emily over the phone that she is going to a cat's funeral. Emily says, "I'm looking up 'aneurysm' in our medical dictionary to see if I just had one." After Emily annoys Lorelai sufficiently, Lorelai says, "It's late, I have a big day tomorrow, Mom" and Emily responds, "Oh, what? You're going to a racoon's wedding?" Oh Emily. She does get softer and warmer throughout the course of the show, but in season one, she's very cold and very sassy. It's pretty funny to rewatch the first season and notice all of these things. Then you won't be able to stop and will end up watching the entire show, and there's nothing wrong with that.