Laman » Hiburan » 15 Genuinely Alarming Celebrity Moments You Won't Believe Happened

    15 Genuinely Alarming Celebrity Moments You Won't Believe Happened

    Hollywood is an interesting world. We see celebrities on the tabloids and we think we know them. We think we know their character, what goes through their minds, and what goes on in their lives. Of course, the media keeps the public updated regarding every move of our favorite celebrities. But still, we only actually get a glimpse of what really goes on in their lives.

    We see them blossom on our screens, be it because of their films, their music, or their athletic capacities. But no matter how much we admire them, and sometimes we can forget that even if they look all glossy, shiny and perfect, they are still human beings who make mistakes, have flaws, commit crimes, and carry personal burdens that make them mere mortals like the rest of us.

    Which is why it comes as a huge shock to the public when celebrities do something out of the ordinary. However, these 15 moments are truly disturbing. Some of them we couldn't even imagine doing ourselves. So seeing a celebrity perform these antics makes it even more shocking and disturbing. Maybe you remember some of these moments, or maybe you didn't even find out about them. But keep on reading because you'll realize that celebrities are far from perfect.

    15 Solange Vs Jay Z

    During The Met Gala of 2014, Solange Knowles got into a heated fight with brother-in-law Jay Z. During the video, we can see how everyone enters the elevator in a composed manner and the moment the doors close, Solange erupted and starts to physically assault Jay-Z. Jay-Z on the other hand, tried to keep it cool and softly pushes her away, but it seems like Solange won't let up. In the meantime, Beyoncé just stood there as an observer, while another unknown person (probably a member of their entourage) tried to remove Solange from assaulting Jay Z.

    Afterward, when they all exit The Metropolitan Museum, you can see that Beyoncé is smiling for the cameras like nothing happened, while Solange walks with an angry expression. We all know that Beyoncé is one of the queens of entertainment, but after watching this video and her calm reaction to the cameras afterward, we can certainly say she's also the queen of keeping appearances.

    14 Ray Rice Knocks Out His Fiancé

    Ray Rice was an NFL star until the moment that he punched his girlfriend unconscious in an elevator in Atlantic City. The cause of the fight is unknown, but what is known is that both were intoxicated at the moment of the altercation, even though this is not an excuse for domestic violence.

    In the video, we can see that his fiancé approached him angrily, and the NFL star automatically throws a punch, leaving her unconscious. When they arrive at their destined floor, Rice just drags her out of the elevator and leaves her there laying on the floor.

    This atrocious crime cost Rice his NFL career. From the moment that the video surfaced, the NFL star was suspended indefinitely from NFL, even though he still got a pretty good chunk of money. But what makes this moment even more shocking, is that his fiancé Janey Palmer went on to marry him six weeks after the incident!

    13 Young Miley Cyrus Giving a 45-Year-Old Producer a Lap Dance

    It's not exactly the behavior you would expect from a former Disney princess that was praised by millions of little girls. In the video, a then 16-year-old Cyrus is shown dirty dancing with a 45-year-old film producer named Adam Shankman, who is openly gay. So this sort of gives us an idea that there wasn't anything sexual. Nevertheless, the video left her fans and many others in shock. Why would a 16-year-old girl behave in such a manner?

    It was reported that neither of her parents were at the party. Still, Cyrus is a public figure, and when the video was shot, she was only 16 years old. So technically she was still a minor when she was dirty dancing with Shankman.

    It was a shock to her fans then mainly because she still had a squeaky clean image. Her fan base back in those days were still little girls who loved her for Hanna Montana, Which made the video even more disturbing for parents who were shocked to see what their kids' idol was doing.

    12 When Fergie Urinated on Stage

    The embarrassing moment happened back in 2005 during a Black Eyed Peas performance. So, yes, it happened like 12 years ago, but the world still remembers and this picture will most likely remain in the web for eternity.

    However, we can't be too harsh on the singer. What is she to do if she's in the middle of performing a song and really has to go? Actually, the singer came clean to explain why exactly she peed her pants. She said she had a full bladder and had to run to the stage to perform. They began with the “Let's Get It Started” song and she was jumping and running on the stage. She also went on to explain how incredibly embarrassed she was about the ordeal. But I think most of us can let it go pretty easily. Regardless of how mortifying the situation was, she was still doing her job. Besides, it was a little mishap that can happen to anyone.

    11 Kanye Ruins Taylor Swift's Moment

    This video is just cringe worthy to the highest level. Even former President Obama said that Kanye was a J*****s for his actions. During the VMAs of 2009 Taylor Swift was named as the winner for Best Video of the Year. She was in the middle of reciting her speech, thanking everyone for the honor of such an award, when suddenly Kanye West storms to the stages, takes the mic away from Taylor, and starts saying how Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time.

    In the meantime, Beyoncé is shocked and so is Taylor. Kanye hands over the mic to Taylor, but she seems completely out of it and she doesn't even get a chance to finish her speech. No one ever could have imagined that Kanye West could be capable of doing something so ridiculous and rude. He's known for being a jerk, but at that moment, he took it to an entirely different level.

    10 Donald Trump's Audio On Women

    CAUTION: Explicit language

    He's president now, but back when this audio was recorded, he was just another celebrity. The audio is shocking and I can't write a lot of the words that he uses, but generally speaking, he brags about how he can pretty much do anything he wants to women, and how women will let themselves be used in whichever way Trump wants.

    The audio surfaced when Trump was the Republican candidate for the presidential elections, and it fury and rage amongst Democrats and even Republicans. It was understandable that a lot of his supporters came out to his defense. Regardless, the audio is there on the web for everyone to hear.

    We also have to take into account that Trump was already a married man when this audio was recorded, so can you imagine Melania's reaction to it. No woman on the face of the earth would like to hear her husband talking that way about women, especially because he even talks about kissing someone else.

    9 Justin Bieber Punches a Fan in the Face

    Justin Bieber was on his way to his concert Venue in Barcelona. On their way there, his chauffeur was driving quite slowly and Bieber had his window rolled down. When all his fans saw him approaching the venue, they started going crazy, so much so that one male fan got his hand inside the car through the window to touch the star. How did Bieber react? By punching him in the face and leaving him with a bloody mouth. Afterward, you can hear the shocked fan saying, “He has punched me, like really deep in the face.” All his friends and the people around him are shocked to see that Bieber left him with a bloody mouth.

    We get it, the fan was sort of invading his space by getting his hand inside the car, but Bieber could have just moved to the other side of the seat or rolled his window up. There was no need to use physical violence, especially against someone who is there to see you perform. I wonder if the fan stayed for the show.

    8 Bjork Attacks a Reporter

    The Icelandic singer had just arrived at the airport in Bangkok when the press was waiting for her outside. One of the first people to greet her was a female reporter, who simply said to her, “Welcome to Bangkok.” Up to this day, we don't know what went through the singer's head, but she completely lost it. She rapidly stormed towards the reporter and started pulling her hair and assaulting her. You can hear several moans from the reporter who was completely caught off guard.

    The reporter was not injured, but she was shocked. I think what shocked us all is that Bjork didn't face any legal consequences after this unprovoked attack. It wasn't like she did it for self-defense, and she certainly didn't need to defend anyone. She just completely lost it. With the magnitude of the aggression, the reporter was lucky to not have sustained any injuries. But we can't say the same for Bjork, many of her fans didn't like the singer's aggression, and her popularity did suffer a bit as a consequence.

    7 Tom Cruise Jumps on Oprah's Couch

    Remember those really old days when Tom Cruise was madly in love with Katie Holmes? Well… . Cruise thought it would be a good idea to go to the Oprah Winfrey show to express in all its humiliating glory the love that he had for Katie.

    We could say that the most disturbing moment is Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah's couch, but in reality, the whole interview itself will make you cringe. Cruise just acts in a very erratic behavior that, well… . I suppose is how a man in love acts. Nevertheless, it is shocking because Cruise is generally a well behaved and sort of serious actor. He'll give out autographs, smile for the cameras and will make a few jokes. But this interview is just plain weird and sort of disturbing. One thing is for sure, since his relationship with Katie is over, we haven't seen Cruise act this way anymore, which I suppose is sort of sad. It is nice to be in love.

    6 Miley Cyrus Twerking Against Robin Thicke

    I think we all remember this shocking moment that made headlines worldwide, and not because Miley gave an amazing performance, but because of her extremely vulgar and inappropriate behavior onstage with Robin Thicke.

    At the start of her performance, everything seems alright and kind of fun. She's dancing and singing to her song “We can't stop”, along with teddy bears at the back, and even if some of her moves are kind of awkward, the performance up to that point was still tolerable. But fast-forward to minute 3:20 and things start getting heavy. Miley rips off the outer layer of her costume to reveal nude color shorts with a nude colored top. Then she takes out a big finger glove and starts doing some really weird and vulgar stuff that leaves everyone wondering, “Is this the VMAs or some dirty show in Amsterdam?” Let's also keep in mind that he was still married at the time, and Miley is twerking her butt against his… . you know what and then proceeds to lick him on the neck. I think this moment was disturbing to everyone, but more so Thicke's wife.

    5 When People Found Out Kim Kardashian Only Donates 10% to Charity

    Back in the year 2012, Kim Kardashian contributed to a charity auction supporting the Dream Foundation, which granted wishes for terminally ill adults. Each time any of her items are bought on eBay, a portion of the sales goes to the foundation. Some of the things she sold online include her clothes, purses, and accessories. However, the general public never imagined that only a measly 10% of the sales went to the foundation, which is the minimum percentage required by eBay's Giving Works operation. Needless to say, her fortune back in the year 2012 was 35 million dollars, so it's not like she was short on cash.

    This really gave the celebrity a bad name and reputation. Since her fans expected she would donate a lot more, especially because the money wasn't coming out of her pocket, but out of the auction of USED items. She might have a pretty face, but certainly not a generous heart.

    4 Amanda Bynes' Nasty Tweets

    Amanda Bynes gave the world several disturbing moments for a while. She went through a long series of bizarre behavior, DUIs, erratic behavior, and even wearing a weird blonde wig around New York City. But her behavior went a little bit too far when she just randomly started picking fights with other celebrities out of the blue. Like when she tweeted to Rihanna, “Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough. No one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother.” She also went on to insult Chrissy Teigen and Lance Bass by calling them “ugly”.

    However, her behavior can be attributed to battling mental illness. She was even on psychiatric hold several times. This became necessary after someone reported to the authorities that she started a fire on a stranger's driveway. Her mother denied that the actress had any mental illness, but the public still wonders that maybe she does. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, and it would actually create more empathy towards the actress rather than attributing her behavior to the use of drugs.

    3 Johnny Depp's Physical Aggression towards Amber Heard

    It came as a huge shock to everyone when Amber Heard revealed that she had suffered domestic violence at the hands of her new husband, and incredibly famous actor, Johnny Depp.

    Depp has been famous for portraying interesting characters in hit films. He was also previously in a long term relationship with French model Vanessa Paradis for over 10 years, but the difference is their separation ended on amicable terms. Depp was not known in the media to be a violent man. But Heard experienced firsthand how violent he could when as evidenced by the bruises on her face. That made it impossible to overlook that she had been the victim of domestic violence. Heard reported that the actor had serious anger issues and problems with alcohol. Mixed together they created a bomb which would explode against Heard.

    The public, in general, was shocked, not only because it meant the divorce between the couple was inevitable, but because they couldn't imagine such behavior could come from the actor. His reputation was severely tainted after this incident.

    2 Demi Lovato Attacks a Back-Up Dancer

    We all knew her as the sweet singer and actress from Disney. Her fans, who were mainly young girls, worshiped the starlet. So when Demi Lovato attacked a back-up dancer, NO ONE ever saw it coming that Lovato was actually human like the rest of us. She also happened to hide an angry beast within her that would explode in anger against one of her backup dancers on a flight from Peru to the States.

    It was later reported, that the outburst broke out because the backup dancer, Alex Welch, had told on Lovato. Welch told Lovato's stepfather that she had gone out partying while in Peru when she should have been resting. When Lovato found out that Welch was the one to tell on her, she lost it and physically assaulted the dancer. The starlet checked into rehab soon after the incident hit the media, she claimed that the reason was to seek “emotional and physical help”.

    1 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie File for Divorce

    They were Hollywood's golden couple. They had one of those relationships that the world envied but loved to admire. They seemed to get along great. Brad adopted Angelina's children Zahara and Maddox, and together they went on to adopt Pax and have three biological children.

    Brad Pitt shockingly left his previous wife Jennifer Anniston for Jolie in 2005, and the couple stayed solid for over a decade. They were in a partnership for 10 years and finally got married in August 2014 in a small ceremony in their chateau in France. Everyone thought they'd be together until death would tear them apart, but something else did it sooner.

    After only two years of marriage, the couple announced their divorce. According to the media, the final stroke was a fight that took place between Pitt and his older son Maddox on a private flight. There hasn't been much information regarding the split, only that Jolie is seeking custody of the kids. But both parties are remaining silent. Meanwhile, the world is dying to know what really happened for them to end it so soon after their marriage began.