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    15 Grey's Anatomy Moments You've Missed So Far

    If one thing is clear in this crazy world, it's that any Shonda Rhimes show is going to be EPIC. That's why we tune into shows like How To Get Away With MurderScandal, and of course the OG show, Grey's Anatomy. We just can't stop watching these TV shows because they are amazing, they keep us in total and complete suspense, and we never know what's going to happen next. Sure, you may be a Grey's fan (and maybe even a super fan!) but you can't remember absolutely EVERYTHING that has happened in each episode that has aired so far this year, right? After all, it's not the only show that you watch. As a TV addict, you have a lot of series on the go, and that's not even counting everything that you're dying to watch on Netflix. It's a rough life but someone has to do it.

    Here are 15 things you've missed so far in season 13 of Grey's Anatomy.

    15 Alex Doesn't Seem To Miss Jo

    Sure, Jo totally misses Alex ever since they broke up… but in her own way. She's got a super tough exterior (and is super sweet behind all the walls that she puts up, like a lot of people). So she may not be sobbing hysterically when walking around the hospital or anything. But you can tell that she wishes that she could change things and that it would be possible to be with Alex again. And she definitely wishes that she could have said a big fat YES to his marriage proposal. Alex, on the other hand, doesn't seem to really miss her. Okay, okay, so he's been a bit preoccupied now that he's gotten in trouble with the law for punching another doctor. But he really doesn't seem to care whether or not he works things out with Jo. It's kind of strange because you would expect him to try harder to be with her and yet it's like total radio silence. Hmmm.

    14 Bailey Is Super Unhappy

    Between her difficult job as Chief of the hospital and her crumbling marriage, it is safe to say that Bailey is not a happy camper this season. You might have missed this since it has not been focused on as much as the other drama and tension. And it is not like she has confessed that she is totally miserable to anyone on the show. But if you think about it, she is definitely one more job problem away from a breakdown. It is only natural that being the Chief would not be super simple, especially since she has been at the hospital for so long. She has her own ways of doing things but she has quickly discovered that those ways do not always work. And since Bailey had to essentially demote her lovely husband Ben, there has been trouble in paradise for several episodes now. Poor Bailey. Let's hope she learns to smile again.

    13 April And Jackson Are Basically A Couple Again

    Well, at least that is the way that they have been acting. No one seems to notice this, let alone them, so you might have missed this interesting development. But these two are definitely making eyes at each other and trying their best to raise their baby together. We think that they should just stop the charade and hook up already. Who even wants to see them apart? Definitely not us. The reasons that they broke up do not seem to matter anymore. After all, they now have a super healthy baby and oh yeah, April's not halfway across the world, Jackson. She's right here, right now, living with you and at the hospital. You see her all the time. What's the problem? You're still upset that she left you? Yeah, you probably need to get over yourself because she's not gone anymore. Oh, Jackson. Men are so frustrating sometimes.

    12 No One Even Mentions Callie

    NO ONE talks about Callie. Isn't that weird? If you were working at a job basically forever and then moved to NYC with your partner and kid, wouldn't you want people to remember you? You wouldn't want them to forget all about you, at least. You might not expect them to talk about you all the time but you would want a mention every now and then. Well, Callie would be super upset to know that literally, no one seems to care that she has gone and especially not Arizona (but more on that later). It's seriously weird… but we're not shocked since no one mentions Cristina either. And that's something that we're even more upset about because we still miss her. We miss the epic dance parties and the drinking and just her sassy self. Sorry, sometimes we get distracted by her. Back to Callie. Does this mean she's not coming back?!

    11 There Was An Entire Episode With NO Meredith

    In the prison episode, aka the winter premiere, three doctors -- Bailey, Arizona, and Jo -- drove to a prison to help a violent 16 year old deliver a baby. Not Meredith. And guess what? She wasn't in the episode at all. It was pretty shocking and we're still not over it. The truth is that sure, we like the other characters and sure, we like Bailey, Arizona, and Jo. We honestly have nothing against them. But we LOVE Meredith. She is the main character on the show. She's the voiceover at the beginning and end of every episode. And she's basically our moral compass. She tells us what to think and how to feel and we need that desperately since it can be such a sad show sometimes. Okay, it can be such a sad show most of the time. You might have missed that there was zero Meredith in this particular episode since the drama was pretty fascinating, but now you know.

    10 No New Interns This Season

    Yup, there were no new interns this season (aka season 13). Instead, a few new interns were introduced last year (aka season 12). You probably didn't even notice because, well, let's be real here: no one really cares about the interns. Since the OG interns are now actual doctors -- aka Meredith and Alex (since those are the only ones still on the show) -- no other interns matter. The thing is that you have been burned and badly by any new side characters aka new interns. You tried to like them, you really did, and you tried to learn their names and remember their faces and get invested in their storylines. But you just couldn't. It was a futile attempt and you had to admit that you just did not give a crap. Sorry Shonda Rhimes but the truth really does need to come out. Well, now you know that there were no new interns, and you can go back to thinking about literally any other characters on the show.

    9 Richard Is Being Replaced

    That Eliza is a super sneaky new character. Sure, she's pretty and seems to have a pretty strong personality, which means major drama and tension and that's always a good thing. But did you know that Richard is totally being replaced? Or at least that's a huge possibility? It's seriously annoying and frustrating and any other negative adjective that we could use. We LOVE Richard. He's adorable, he's funny (when he wants to be and especially when he has no idea how hilarious he is) and he's just the best. He's a staple of both the hospital AND the show so we can't imagine why phasing him out would ever be a good idea. We're just not into that. Sorry writers but you're going to have to figure something else out. We know you're full of amazing and dramatic ideas, so why do you have to make us think that Richard is being replaced?! Uncool.

    8 Amelia Totally Disappears

    In a recent episode, Amelia runs away. She hides in Stephanie's apartment (which is pretty adorable) and makes her swear not to tell Owen or anyone else where she is. It's not the biggest plot point in the episode or this season (or in the entire show, really) so maybe you totally forgot that this even happened. And maybe you barely even noticed because in the grand scheme of things, it's not really a big deal, is it? Amelia is exactly the kind of person who always runs away from her problems, from good things, from bad things, and from anything at all. It's not like this is super brand new behavior for her and to be honest, it's getting a bit old at this point. She's not a child, she's a grown up, and she really needs to start acting like one. Why did she even marry Owen if she was just going to go back to her old ways and act completely silly?

    7 No More Hope For Callie And Arizona

    This is true for two reasons: Callie is gone and Arizona seems to not care at all. Sure, she will randomly mention that her kid is in another city, but she's talking about her child, not about Callie. Sure, it's totally possible that she's pushing her pain deep down inside and doesn't want to talk about it… but Arizona is a pretty sunny person usually. She tries to see the good in people and in situations and she's usually in a great mood. There's a reason she works with kids. But the main reason that these two will probably never, ever get back together in the worlds of Taylor Swift is because Arizona and Eliza will DEFINITELY get together. Did you miss that? Probably. Because it's been kind of subtle and not really a big plot point yet. But it totally will be and maybe they will work out this time. Arizona definitely deserves an epic love story (but epic in a good way).

    6 Richard Is A Bada**

    Maybe you missed this because it was a super small moment in a recent episode. But Richard proved that he can dish it out. Now that Eliza is in charge of changing the way that the hospital runs and the way that medicine is taught (and now that she is annoying literally everyone except for Bailey), she is trying to take control of the OR board. Not so fast, Eliza. This is not your town (or your hospital). Richard claims that she can do whatever she wants and that it's totally cool… and then he walks away. She realizes that, oops, he has the OR board pen. Super sneaky, Richard, and super awesome. Who knew he had that sass in him?! Let's hope that we see more of this type of Richard in the coming episodes because he's much more interesting when he's kicking butt and taking names instead of being sad that he might be replaced. That's not the Richard that anyone wants to see.

    5 Leah's Back

    Why is Leah back? Well, she was hired once again. What was the point of that? No idea. It's not like she's stirring up all that much drama and if a character isn't causing all kinds of chaos and havoc on this show, we say they need to leave. We thought we already got rid of her and she's not our favorite, so it's a bit strange that she's back. You probably missed her return or totally blocked it out and we wouldn't blame you for that at all. Again, she's not super interesting and she just kind of stands there and says random stuff. She's not really worth remembering in our opinion. We're going to hope that she leaves soon because we can't take much more. No, we don't think that's being way too ridiculous or too overdramatic. Someone has to bring the drama since her character is just kind of "there." She's not all that fascinating to watch.

    4 People Think Alex And Meredith Will Hook Up

    When Shonda Rhimes gave an interview to Us Weekly back in December, people started FREAKING OUT because they thought that meant that these two would hook up. Do we think they will? We're on the fence. Not because we don't want them to. We do. Well, we think we do. But there's the whole Jo thing and so it's pretty complicated (which is exactly the way that we like our TV romances so that's cool with us). You might have missed that people think that Alex and Meredith will fall totally and completely in love, get married, have babies, and live happily ever after. Maybe you're upset about this because you don't want them to get together or maybe this is a dream come true for you and you've been shipping them since the first episode. Who knows?! All we know is that knowing this makes season 13 a lot more interesting.

    3 Owen Has NO Idea Who Amelia Is

    You would think that Amelia spilled her dark secrets to Owen before they got married, right? Wouldn't you tell your boyfriend/fiance/whatever he is all the dark stuff about you? It seems like something that would at least come up. Especially if you have suffered the way that this poor character has. But alas, that is not the case. You might have missed that recently, Amelia told Owen what happened to her… but only when she thought she was pregnant and then learned that she wasn't. She was super relieved and that meant that she had to finally come clean and tell him the truth. Of course, she should have told him this stuff a long time ago, but in true Amelia fashion, she wanted to ignore the past. The truth is that Owen has NO idea who Amelia really is and he's probably regretting getting involved with her in the first place.

    2 DeLuca's Totally In Love With Jo

    We can't deal with this, so we almost missed it and almost forgot that this even happened, so maybe you did too. But DeLuca definitely seems to be totally in love with Jo. That was basically the entire reason that Alex punched him, right? Oh, Alex. You were just doing what anyone else would do and we're not going to blame you for it. Plus we're super attached to you at this point and have been watching you for 13 SEASONS so the truth is that we are co-dependent at this point and that's just the way that it's going to go. This hospital is definitely a place where you fall in love with anyone and everywhere so it's not really a surprise that DeLuca would fall for Jo. And plus, Jo is pretty and smart and hilarious in her own way, so we're not that shocked that other guys would be into her. Of course, we're kind of hoping that Alex will end up with Meredith as we mentioned, so this is definitely a complicated issue for us.

    1 Alex Was THIS CLOSE To Jail

    Maybe you didn't really believe that Alex would really end up in prison. Or maybe you figured that what he did wasn't really that big a deal. But either way, you probably missed that Alex was actually super, super, super close to ending up in jail. He accepted a plea and didn't want to go to trial. In a recent episode, Meredith spends an entire day looking for him all over. She goes to tons of different jails and deals with the super frustrating system and still, nothing… until she goes home and he's in her bed. Hmmmm. See what we mean about the two of them hopefully and probably hooking up someday?! It's super interesting that that's where he would end up. You definitely didn't think he would go to jail but we were pretty convinced that he would because if we know anything about this show, it's that sometimes bad things happen to good people. But we're so glad that he's back since we need to see these two fall in love. Please and thank you, Shondaland!