Laman » Hiburan » 15 Instagram Models Hotter Than Gigi Hadid

    15 Instagram Models Hotter Than Gigi Hadid

    The lovely Gigi Hadid is probably who most people think of when they think of Instagram models, and while that's all perfectly fine, I think it's about time we maybe expand our horizons a bit when it comes to social media models that are just as valid and beautiful as the big names! Everyone is beautiful in their own way, but with this list specifically, we wanted to talk about some of the hot gals out there who are confident no matter what. They love their bodies and flaunt them flawlessly! This list of powerful women captures the idea of beauty and strength! The modeling industry is a rough world to be a part of when you're not very small, so that's why it's wonderful to celebrate diversity in many ways, which we hope to accomplish today with these stylish ladies!

    From stunning Tess Holliday to Karlie Kloss we have it all on this list and we're excited to share with you to hopefully inspire some body confidence and inspiration when it comes to fashion or even some innovative selfie poses!

    We'd love to know your thoughts when it comes to introducing more diversity into the modeling world, do you think there should be changes in the industry? I personally believe times are changing and it's way passed due for this kind of diversity! These Instagram gals are the top of the list when it comes to style and confidence, keep that inspiration flowing!

    15 @theashleygraham

    This body activist knows exactly how to flaunt her flawless looks as well as her amazing adventures as a model, designer, and more! This long haired bombshell has constantly kept her Instagram up to date with all her latest adventures, even her recent trip to the gym where she's all smiles as she keeps her body healthy. She even posted a recent lookbook of red carpet outfits that will literally make you gasp! She's curvy and not your average model size, but she has brought so much awareness to the plus-size modeling community and she's making a huge difference with each post she puts on Instagram! I can only hope to live up to her amazing confidence and I just need to know where she got some of these amazing and beautiful outfits that she's sporting in her recent IG pics! You do you girl! Check out her page and see if she inspires you too!

    14 @karliekloss

    Of course, Karlie Kloss would be on this ultimate list of amazing models! Six feet tall and no one is stopping her. She's constantly having fun and she's made sure no one can rain on her parade with the amount of confidence she constantly is releasing into the world around her. From posting about her new track shoes to a quick shot that looks to be taken on a vintage film camera, to her posing at the gym, nothing can stop her! She has over six and a half million followers on Instagram alone, and even though that's so many eyes on everything she does, she doesn't let herself get down or scared about what people will think. She even posted a picture with her family and she's the tallest one there, it's a great and funny picture while being loving and kind. She'll make your feed better, so go follow her!

    13 @curvycampbell

    We love her fun personality and her strong curves! She's a plus size model that's very well known in the lingerie industry. She brings so much representation to many types of diversity in the modeling industry. It's refreshing to see someone so beautiful really just living their life the best they can and taking care of themselves in every way. Not only does she post photos from her model work, she also posts interesting food pictures that look amazing, she could honestly be a food photographer!! She even shows us some peeks into her life when she's relaxing at home and even curling her hair with soda cans! How awesome is she? One of my favorite posts she's put up on her Instagram is her in a power suit that's light blue and her big curly hair. It really does capture her beauty and it needs to be on your feed!

    12 @isabel_hendrix

    Um, talk about amazing fashion and personality! I've spoken to Isabel Hendrix in the past and she's truly inspiring in everything she does! In all aspects of her life, she brings color and a fantastic imagination full of innovation and creativity. In every single photo she's ever taken she is sporting bright colors that might even make your eyes hurt! She's always seen with her blunt bob in all kinds of crazy colors, her modeling for various fashion brands in LA, and just being the best she can be. Her Instagram will always bring a smile to your face just because of how bright and colorful it is, you're always bound to see a surprise post every day from Isabel and it will brighten your day with a smile. Not to mention each post will make you feel insanely inspired to create and express yourself! Love her sense of fashion, amazing!

    11 @yoventura

    She's so full of body confidence, her very active Instagram is always surprising us! She's not afraid to show off her body and although she attracts a lot of negative attention from men and women, she doesn't let that stop her and she keeps up her positive attitude no matter what! No matter what anyone says to her she keeps her cool and doesn't let the negativity bring her down. Now that's something inspiring and we could all probably work on. She constantly is sharing pictures of her latest outfits, usually by the pool or shoots from her model work. She also discusses the importance of self-love and her plans for the future. She is always working hard to achieve her dreams and she seems like she's already accomplished a lot even though she's so young and just starting out in the modeling industry on Instagram! I think this calls for #goals!

    10 @ashley_moore_

    A complete curly haired beauty with tons of sass and fun energy that will brighten up your Instagram feed every day! She has gone through so many crazy drama rumors and continues to keep her calm, cool, and collected vibes. Always posting inspiring and beautiful images of her work as a model in Los Angeles, she's turning heads wherever she goes even if it's on the web, simply because of how naturally beautiful she is. She flaunts a vintage style that's hard to pull off without seeming too try hard and she does it with grace. Sporting big shades, flared jeans, and fun vintage hats, she isn't afraid of trying new things when they come her way. I know I need to find out where she got that all pink vintage pantsuit, it is totally goals and I'm jealous! Will you add her to your feed? I know I will!

    9 @haileybaldwin

    Her Instagram is complete art, she's constantly posting very vintage inspired model work, and very fun and crazy pictures from behind the scenes when it comes to shoots she's working on! A natural beauty that always tries new things such as a new makeup look or even some oversized wire frame glasses in her most recent vintage inspired shoot. She's sharing her clothes and makeup tips, even the kind of music she's in love with by talking about concerts and music festivals she's planning on attending. She has such a fabulous life that she is always on the go and nothing ever gets in her way. Not to mention her style is so versatile in every way, she is always switching it up and never staying in one specific fashion style. She's inspired women across the globe to be themselves and love their bodies no matter what color, size, or shape.

    8 @andrejapejic

    Of course I had to include Andreja, she's a beautiful individual that's come into who they really want to be in their life. They are the epitome of being true to themselves. They're an inspiring trans model who's been able to achieve her dream no matter what. Constantly posting new work from shoots and simple selfies with her favorite products, or even a night out in the city, no matter what Andreja is doing, there's always a sense of ethereal beauty making her glow! Will you be following her feed from now on, because you really should if you want quality outfit inspo and creative vibes sent your way any time of the day! I love just looking at her grid on Instagram for inspiration and creative flow when I'm working, it's a great way to stay inspired! She keeps it real and totally glam, kudos to her, work it!

    7 @caradelevingne

    I'm sure we all know of Cara Delevingne and her amazingly funny faces she always pulls, but there's more to her than just the faces she makes, she's an amazingly inspiring hard working model! Not only does she constantly share cool images from creative model shoots she's always working on. She also shows us insights into her life as a working model, time with her dog, fundraisers she's constantly involved in, and even video game live streams for GTA V! How rad is that she's always keeping us guessing with every post and I love how she doesn't stick to a certain theme when it comes to her Instagram. She just lets herself post whatever she feels like at the moment in her life and she shares it with almost 40 million people! Holy crap! Talk about having a role model, she's so inspiring it's almost overwhelming! Keep it going Cara!

    6 @essiegolden

    Essie Golden is an NYC model and blogger who documents her daily life when it comes to fashion and embracing her curvy body! She is posting amazing spring fashions right now every day for the past month, so if you ever need fashion inspiration Essie Golden is the girl for you! Hop over to her Instagram to follow and add her to your feed and get some major sassy vibes your way! It's so amazing to see how much she brings to the table, she's not afraid to show off the body she has and it's inspired women everywhere to embrace themselves in a way many probably didn't think was possible. This body positive advocate won't be stopping anytime soon either because she just reached 148K followers on Instagram that always show their love and support! Will you check out some of her amazing fashion choices, I know I will!

    5 @tessholliday

    How could I leave out Tess Holliday! She's one of the pioneers when it comes to bringing more awareness to curvy plus size models! She's an iconic woman who has made a true difference. Not only is she heavier than most “desirable” plus size women, she offers a representation for those who are larger than a 3x and that's something I can respect. Tess Holliday isn't lacking when it comes to amazing professional shots mixed in with cute selfies. She's always experimenting with more traditional vintage clothes and more modern pieces. She loves to push her style limits and wear items of clothing many people deem “not suitable” for heavier individuals. She's aggressive when it comes to body positivity and she doesn't let anyone tell her that she can't wear something or own a style simply because of her style. She's iconic and a woman that will not let anything get her down, can I get an amen!?

    4 @ilovebrucewillis

    One of my favorite individuals to see pop up on my feed! Amy aka Ilovebrucewillis is a huge fashion inspiration when it comes to embracing size and who she is expressing herself. She's always sharing her art and her creative selfies that have been garnering an abundance of attention. She's been growing her Instagram following because of how unique people seem to think she looks. She's very unique when it comes to her natural beauty and her style, she captures that aspect of her and posts it for her 174k followers to see! Even with all eyes on her, Amy is brushing off the haters like no tomorrow and that honest quality has brought her many followers that engage in her content and invoke actual conversation that's wholesome and inspiring. I can only hope she keeps this up because her whole aesthetic is inspiring and new! Will you be following her Instagram?

    3 @steqhs

    A minimalist dream, Stephanie has always shown off her unique body and fashion with the world to see and it is seriously inspiring. She fully embraces the minimalist vibe and shows us peeks into her daily life. Talk about a very unique woman! Her minimalist style compliments her small frame and she's been gaining tons of attention because her overall aesthetic is new and fresh. She pulls it off like no other and that's something I can totally get behind when it comes to finding more amazing women to support on my Instagram feed. I just love her recent selfie and even her amazing bikini she recently bought for summer coming up! Even her photography of various buildings in her cityscape seem so minimal and beautiful. Even a commenter said everything she touches turns to art, I honestly would have to agree! Check out her Instagram and see if you would too!

    2 @iamkareno

    A huge icon in the beauty industry this fashion blogger is constantly modeling new clothes and styles, pushing herself out of her comfort zone and always surprising her viewers, even herself! Karen Yeung is a beauty blogger, YouTuber, and all around fashion guru, always pushing the limits of her unique style and inspiring positivity you can see in all her videos and even her Instagram. Her favorite colors tend to be primary colors that have a bit of a vintage twist and they come into play quite often when it comes to her daily outfits, so if you love color and city fashion, this is the place for you. Karen is the kind of model that takes work into her own hands and all of her success is completely due to her own hard work. That's inspiring and truly speaks volumes about the work she puts out into the world around her.

    1 @barbienox

    Rocking vintage vibes and a love of body acceptance, Barbie Ferreira is really making a difference in the Instagram modeling world! You can almost always bet that this woman has tons of experience when it comes to pushing herself as hard as she can to get the job done. She's strong and doesn't put up with the BS that seems to follow her on every social media platform. She rocks so many different looks and experiments with fun makeup that's innovative and different from what you usually see from a model's Instagram feed. I follow her on Instagram because of her constant reminders that no matter what shape you are or size, you're valid and you should never let anyone take that away from you. She's a key component in the body positive world of Instagram and she's making even more waves this year when it comes to her modeling career.

    I'm proud of all these women for doing what they do, it takes guts. Here's to unconventional beauty and diversity in every way!