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    15 Life Lessons From 'Hockey Wives'

    It's rare to find a smart, sweet and funny reality show that doesn't make you feel totally and completely shamed for loving it. Hockey Wives fits the bill: it follows the lives and careers of several hockey plays and their wives. The women are the stars, which is awesome and the way it should be, of course, but you also get to see behind-the-scenes of the ups and downs of being an NHL star. If you're not watching, maybe because you hate hockey (if you live in Canada, your friends and family are gasping open-mouthed right now) or you think reality TV is beneath you, then you need to be change that ASAP. It's an inspiring and at times moving and beautiful show that can actually teach you a lot about living and loving, even if you have nothing to do with hockey. Here are 15 life lessons from Hockey Wives. Who knew that reality TV could teach you so much?

    15 Anything Can Happen

    Just watch an episode of Hockey Wives that features July 1st, the most important day for hockey players: it's when they find out where they will be for the upcoming season. Will they have to upfront everything and move once again and be part of a whole new team, or will they get to stay in the city or town they've gotten used to and the team they love? It's a total gamble and is always completely up in the air. One of the wives, Kodette, spent one especially nerve-racking summer wondering where her husband Jason would end up.

    14 Life Changes Super Fast

    Jaws dropped worldwide last summer when Brandon Prust was traded from his beloved Montreal Canadiens to the Vancouver Canuks. It was crazy and no one could believe that anyone dared to do that. Brandon's long-time girlfriend and now fiance, Maripier Morin, was absolutely devastated. She realized that no matter how great you think your life is, things can change in an absolute instant, and that life will never be the same again. It's a good lesson, even if you're not about to marry a famous (and super cute) hockey player.

    13 Love Stories Are Possible

    Every single couple on this show is absolutely adorable. They're romantic in their own way, they make you swoon, and they prove that even if life is hard and you don't always see your boyfriend/husband/person all the time, you can still maintain a healthy and happy relationship. Take Brandon and Maripier, for example -- they're just too cute together, especially in the season 2 premiere when you saw them take a romantic trip to the Amalfi Coast.

    12 Everyone Suffers Sometimes

    One of the new wives, Taylor Winnik, has been a super inspiring addition to the cast. She has been completely open about her struggles with depression in the past, and it's always really important to see someone who is in the public eye speak out about such a crucial issue. If you or someone you know have ever had some mental health problems, you can be inspired by Taylor's determination to live her life as much as she possibly can, and to move on from such a tough time.

    11 Style Is Important

    Maripier is quite possibly the most stylish woman on reality TV, if not all of TV in general. She's just got the coolest, most interesting style. She's French-Canadian so, of course, that helps, but she just knows how to pull an outfit together, whether she's strolling the streets of Old Montreal or celebrating something big. She and Brandon have even modelled for magazine shoots, and he's no slouch in the style department himself. So watch this show if your closet needs a spring update -- you might get some style inspo.

    10 Miracles Happen

    Kodette's story is particularly heartwarming and yet still really inspiring: she's been advocating for her son, Ryder, who is autistic. She's honestly the best mom you could ever find, let alone on reality TV, and she will make your heart ache in every single scene. She's trying to create the best life possible for her son, and she's seen him improve in ways she never even imagined. It's just beautiful to watch.

    9 Work/Life Balance Is Super Tough

    Noureen, who is a pretty successful actress who has appeared on shows like Two And A Half Man, is one of the wives that really proves how completely impossible it can be to achieve work/life balance. She recently gave birth to her first son, the adorable Bodhi, and has been trying to get back into the acting game… while being a devoted mother, of course. If you can't achieve your own work/life balance and you're still single and unmarried with no kids happening anytime soon, you can relate. If it's this tough for you when you're single, you can only imagine how much harder it becomes when you're starting a family.

    8 Moving Is The Worst

    Did you know that supposedly moving is the most stressful thing in life, or at least one of the top few? When you see how much these hockey wives have to move around, according to whatever teams their beloved husbands get traded to, you won't believe how hard moving is. You have to leave everyone you love behind and get used to a totally new place where you don't know anyone at all. For these wives, it's even harder because they have to move wherever their man does, so they can't even pick the place or make sure it works with their own career or job aspirations. Taylor Winnik, for example, had to move from her beloved San Francisco to Toronto, and she doesn't exactly love the cold winters.

    7 You Need Your Girls

    The best scenes in Hockey Wives? When the wives actually, you know, get together with each other and have total girl time. It's pretty relatable since you love grabbing your friends and meeting for coffee or lunch or drinks, too, and the wives definitely enjoy that as well. They adore each other because not everyone is married to an NHL star, of course, so they love having each other in their lives since they can relate to each other and support each other's specific journeys.

    6 You Need To Hustle

    Tiffany and George Paros are an adorable couple who have been together since forever, but they're also a totally interesting success story from a business perspective. Tiffany has started her own fashion business, Plain Threads, and her husband George also has his own line, Violent Gentleman. Since George retired pretty recently, the two have been working hard and hustling to make sure they have enough money and are as successful as possible. Basically, the lesson here is that you really need to hustle in order to make your dreams come true.

    5 Hang In There

    Kodette had a pretty rough year living in Calgary taking care of her children alone while her husband Jason was playing in another city, but now the entire family is together once again, which just warms the heart. They moved to Philadelphia as he's now playing for the Flyers. It just proves that no matter what you're going through and no matter how bad you think things are, just hang in there. Things truly will get better. If you don't believe me, just look at Kodette.

    4 You Can Make Your Goals Happen

    Sure, there's nothing wrong with being a wife and mother if that's the path that you have chosen, and to each her own. But it's also true that it can be great to have something for yourself, whether it's a job, a business that you started, or even a charity that you're involved with. Many of the hockey wives are totally happy to be following their dreams and creating their own goals. Take Maripier, for instance -- she's an amazing TV host in Montreal, a model, and has also basically become a successful lifestyle figure and Tiffany has her clothing line, as mentioned previously.

    3 Life Is Worth Celebrating

    Although Brandon and Maripier were pretty upset that he was moving to Vancouver and leaving her behind, the two still celebrated his leaving. They partied with family friends last summer, and even though it was tough to say goodbye, since they didn't know when they would see each other again, they proved that you just have to celebrate what you can.

    2 Being The New Girl Is Hard

    Remember being in junior high and not knowing who to eat lunch with, since the cafeteria was so segregated according to clique? Or starting a new school when you were a teenager and not knowing a single soul? Terrifying, right? Well, that's what some of the hockey wives go through when why join the group of wives after their husband gets traded to a new team. The new girl this season is definitely Ashley so we'll have to see how she does.

    1 It's Okay To Cry

    Lately, it seems like everyone is trying so hard to pretend that every thing is perfect and amazing. Maybe it's our collective Instagram obsession -- we tend to believe that everything from our breakfast to our dinner to our outfit has to look absolutely beautiful. Or maybe it's just a fact of modern life. But Hockey Wives proves that it's totally okay to cry. If you're sad, don't be afraid to just let your emotions out. You'll feel better. And hey, you probably look just as pretty as Maripier when you cry, so go ahead and let out the waterworks.