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    15 MORE TV Shows That Need To Be Canceled Immediately

    There is nothing worse than the moment when you learn that your favorite show was canceled. The pain is so intense, it's like nothing you've ever felt before. You wonder if you wasted time watching the episodes that have aired so far and then you remind yourself that, no, of course you enjoyed the time that you spent on the couch. You basically go through all the five stages of grief within five minutes. It's not a fun time. But sometimes, you find that you have the opposite problem. Instead of hoping against hope that your fave show won't get the ax, you find yourself wishing that some shows would be put out of their misery. You have to admit that not every show needs to go beyond a few seasons and that sometimes, the storylines and characters just don't seem like they can go the distance. Here are 15 MORE TV shows that need to be cancelled immediately.

    15 Survivor

    This show has been on the air for so long, you probably feel like it's been around for your entire life. The first season premiered in May of 2000 and that means that the show has been on the air for 17 years at this point. Yup. 17 years. And there have been 34 seasons. Can you think of a single show that has been on the air for 34 seasons? No, you probably can't. It doesn't really happen. Not to sitcoms, not to dramas, not to reality shows. You have to admit that even if you still watch this show or know some people who do, this show is long past its prime and probably should be canceled pretty soon. At the beginning, the concept was fun and fresh and original, and that was what kept people tuning in. But by now, you totally get the idea behind the show and it doesn't seem quite as exciting and thrilling.

    14 The Voice

    The singing competition reality series has been on the air for 12 whole seasons, which is definitely a long time, and it's been around since 2011. This show has a similar problem to that of long-running reality shows like Survivor: The novelty has totally worn off. At first, this show seemed really cool, and you were always excited to tune into the latest episode. Sometimes the behind-the-scenes drama kind of ruins the whole viewing experience since you always wonder which judges are getting along, which judges are fighting, and who's hooking up with who. Even if no one is dating, you figure that they probably are and you can't help but get caught up in the juicy gossip. Of course, that takes away from the actual content of the show and even makes you forget that the whole point of the show is to watch people compete.

    13 Nashville

    Oh Nashville. You used to love this show but since it killed off its main character, Rayna James, aka the amazing Connie Britton, it's kind of tough to keep tuning in. You keep remembering how much you hate the fact that Rayna is gone and it's hard to move past that. The truth is that even before Rayna passed away and even before the current and fifth season started airing, you were wondering why this show hadn't been canceled already. Sure, you love the characters and the premise, but this show has been struggling a bit for a while now. It's just not the same as it was and you can't deny that. A lot of fans think that this show should have been canceled after the fourth season… because it kind of was. After four seasons, ABC canceled the show, and then CMT picked it up. At the time, fans' opinion was totally divided. Some thought that it was great to see more episodes and others thought that the show should have ended.

    12 How To Get Away With Murder

    While you hate to say anything negative about #Shondaland, because you're definitely a fan and of course you're still watching Grey's Anatomy, you have to admit that the promise of How To Get Away With Murder is kind of over. The first season was super enjoyable to watch and the mystery was really exciting. You texted your best friends after every single episode and you all had your own theory about what was really going on. But then, by the time you were halfway through the second season, you had to admit that you weren't super thrilled with the series anymore. These days, the characters just seem harsh and mean and cold, and you can't really relate to any of them. You definitely can't say that you enjoy watching them. Now that one of your fave characters, Wes, has been killed off, you think that it's time that the show was canceled, and you don't think that you're the only one.

    11 Mom

    At first, a sitcom starring Anna Faris and Alison Janey seemed like a really awesome idea. You're a big fan of both of these women and you were excited to watch them play a mom and daughter duo. But then… you watched the show and you didn't think that it was as funny as it should be. The problem is that there are so many sitcoms out there and not all of them are hilarious, let alone even kind of funny. This is unfortunately one of them, and you hate admitting that. You really wanted to like this show and you tried really hard, but you just can't bring yourself to get excited about watching it anymore. The show premiered in September of 2013 and there have been four seasons. You figure that it's time that it was canceled so you can free up your TV watching schedule for other sitcoms that are hopefully much more humorous.

    10 House Of Cards

    Chances are, you watched this show back when its first season started streaming on Netflix. You were just as obsessed as everyone else with the power-hungry couple Frank and Claire Underwood, played by the super talented Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright. Then… Zoe was killed in the season two premiere and that was it. You were done. She was most likely your favorite character since she was more relatable than a lot of the other ones, even though of course she did some pretty shady things sometimes. But hey, that was okay with you because you really liked her. Of course, you don't think that Netflix is going to cancel this show anytime soon since it's super popular. There are even tons of celebrities who watch and love this show. You really want to love it as much as your friends and family do, but you probably gave up a few seasons ago, and it would make sense if it was canceled.

    9 Dancing With The Stars

    This reality show premiered in 2005 and there have been 24 seasons. Yup. 24 seasons. If you're thinking "OMG how is this show still on?" then that's exactly why this show should be canceled. You would even be okay with it being canceled and then getting some kind of spin-off or new version because let's face it, the concept is still pretty cool. You definitely want to see celebrities become dancers… for better or for worse. You know that people tune into this show to see famous people fail to learn to dance. Because that's just mean enough for the world of reality television. Just being honest here. The problem with this show is that you don't always know who these so-called celebrities are… or they're people that you haven't heard of in forever and you don't really want to watch them. Again, just being honest here. You would love a show like this that feature celebs that you are huge fans of. Is that too much to ask for?!

    8 Hawaii Five-0

    Have you ever seen this show? Do you even know anyone who watches it? It doesn't seem like a super popular show and yet it keeps getting renewed, year after year. It's kind of confusing. You might have caught the pilot back in 2010 but it didn't capture your interest beyond watching one episode. So what's the problem with this show? Well, it's a remake. Yup. The original TV show premiered in 1968 and ran until 1980, which means that it had 12 seasons. Come on guys, wasn't 12 seasons enough?! You don't mean that in a horrible way. You mean that in the best way possible. If you get the chance to watch one of your favorite shows for 12 entire seasons, you come away feeling super satisfied because you feel like that was a long enough run. You are okay with saying goodbye. You get the feeling that's how fans of the original series feel. It's not like your parents or relatives who watched the original are tuning into the new one because they're not.

    7 Wayward Pines

    Maybe you read the novel that this TV show is based on, maybe you didn't, but the truth is that the show doesn't live up to the awesome and well-crafted source material. Not at all. This show needs to be canceled immediately because it's got a really strange tone and vibe. No, not in a good way. You are all about mysteries and supernatural shows -- you're a fan of Pretty Little Liars and Supernatural, of course -- but you're not a fan of this show. You also don't even know anyone who watches Wayward Pines, so that's probably saying something. There have been two seasons and you wonder if there's going to be a third, but you really don't think that there should be. There hasn't been any official word yet so you can only hope that it gets cancelled so there is more room for better shows. Sorry, Wayward Pines.

    6 Taken

    If you're sick of Hollywood recycling ideas, then you're not alone there. It feels so lazy and it doesn't seem like something that should keep happening. There must be enough unique and original and brilliant story ideas to go around. Or at least that's your humble opinion. You're not a fan of the Taken TV show literally because it's based on the movies. Maybe you're being unfair, but you don't think that it's a very good show, either, so you think that you're entitled to feel this way. The problem here is that the film series isn't beloved and it's not thought of as a high-quality story, so why would a TV version be necessary? You just don't get it. There are so many other movies that you would absolutely love to see as TV shows. Like Mean Girls. OMG. Can you imagine having a Mean Girls TV show?! Now that's all that you can think about.

    5 Blindspot

    The fall TV season is a super tricky time of year. You're super excited to discover some new shows that might be your favorites, but you're also kind of nervous because you know that there are so many shows that start off great and then become disasters. Yes, you're actually nervous about that. Because you're a huge TV fan and this is something that you really care about. Chances are, you were psyched about Blindspot, which premiered in the fall of 2015. You thought that it was a super cool concept: a woman shows up in Times Square in New York City. She's got tons of tattoos but no name. So who is she? What's going on? Talk about the ultimate mystery. Unfortunately, you realized after watching the pilot that this show wasn't as good as you had hoped, and this was one time when you

    4 Keeping Up With The Kardashians

    There has been some chatter over the past year or so that this long-running reality series' days are numbered… and you have to say that you don't think that is the worst idea. The thing is that the Kardashian/Jenner clan is pretty oversaturated in the media at this point. You can't read the news or go on Twitter without knowing what's going on in their lives. So why do they need a reality show? They really don't. You also wonder if they're getting tired of appearing on the show. Hey, maybe they would be glad to have a cancellation (or a kancellation?) because they all seem to be pretty busy with their various projects at this point. And then there's the fact that Kylie Jenner is getting her own spin-off called Life With Kylie. You're definitely okay with saying goodbye to KUWTK and saying hello to Kylie's new show.

    3 The Fosters

    You hate to say this because when this show premiered in 2013 , it was pretty groundbreaking. The show managed to deal with all kinds of important topics such as the awful foster care system, what it's like to be adopted, and what it means to be a family, along with all the typical teen storylines like falling in love, dealing with friend problems, becoming who you are, and making rash decisions that don't exactly do you any favors. But these days, aka in the fifth season that just finished airing pretty recently, the show is like a shadow of its former self. It's become pretty melodramatic and the characters are all doing things that you don't really think that they would. Everyone is in a really bad place and no one seems to be thinking clearly. But it's not dramatic and fun to watch. Nope. It's kind of agonizing because the storylines seem pretty jumbled and all over the place. If this show isn't going to return to its former glory, then you think a cancellation is in order.

    2 America's Next Top Model

    You used to watch this show years ago and you loved watching young would-be models strive for fame and success, all while being mentored by the lovely Tyra Banks. This show was equal parts fun and inspiring, and sometimes it was pretty hilarious, whether or not it was intentional. There have been 23 seasons, so it's safe to say that this show has been around long enough and it's time to say goodbye. The concept isn't new anymore and to be honest, you can't see yourself watching this show anymore. You just feel this sense of "been there, seen that." There's also the fact that most people who used to watch this show definitely don't anymore, and it's almost like you wanted to tune in during a very specific time of your life, and then you're done and you can move on. There have been so many versions of this show and you're definitely finished with the whole modeling competition reality show.

    1 American Idol

    You can't believe that this show is still on the air, but even though Fox decided not to air any more episodes after 15 seasons, the show will return on ABC for season 16. Yes. Season 16. This show has honestly had its day and its time in the spotlight. If you watched this show back in its glory days when Simon, Paula, and Randy were the judges, then you agree that this show needs to be canceled… and actually stay canceled. There really should be no more seasons. Those were the best judges and now that they're gone, the show just isn't the same, and it feels like desperately trying to hold onto a brand that isn't super popular or relevant anymore. Sometimes it's sad to realize that it's time to move on from a series, especially if it's been very beloved, but the truth is that it's honestly time to say goodbye to American Idol.