Laman » Hiburan » 15 Most WTF Live Streaming Moments (You Can't Unsee)

    15 Most WTF Live Streaming Moments (You Can't Unsee)

    Live streaming has provided a platform for people to showcase pretty much whatever they want in real time. There's multiple avenues people can use including Facebook Live, Periscope, and Twitch. Of course whenever things are being recorded live there is a higher chance for the unexpected to happen, and life always finds a way to bring about the unexpected. Sometimes people accidentally record themselves live and showcase things they would never ever want others to see. Like their mom yelling at them! Facebook live is popular with anyone that has a Facebook account, and it can make people feel like something of a celebrity because it's the only place they will ever have an audience, leading them to do some stupid things to get as much attention as they can. Like stealing a police car! Twitch is a popular live streaming avenue and it is for gamers to show themselves playing video games to viewers that can then choose to make donations. Most of the entries on this list are from Twitch live streams. You never knew video game live streams could be so dramatic! And if you take any lessons away from this list, let it be that you should never drink and live stream because it can end up hilarious for your viewers, but not so great for you! While most live streams are ordinary and boring, these 15 moments caught on live stream are anything but! Their funny, embarrassing, and sometimes even a little scary. Here are 15 of the wildest moments caught on live stream!

    15 The Miracle Of Birth

    As much as we all know and understand that giving birth is an amazing and wonderful thing, none of us really enjoy seeing it actually happen. For something so beautiful, it's pretty gross with a lot of different liquids. But, it totally makes sense that people would want to record their own child's birth. It is a special moment, especially when it is your first child in question. This doesn't mean that  you want anyone else seeing it though! Kali Kanongata thought he was live streaming his wife Sarah giving birth to a small private group of close friends and family. Well, he wasn't very careful and ended up actually broadcasting the birth of his child to thousands of viewers that tuned in. When he realized that so many people were watching, he debated stopping it but decided against it. He explained 'There's a lot of negative stuff on Facebook and so I thought this would be positive, I figured as long as I kept it PG - this is a birth - it's something to be happy about.'

    14 Gamer Gets Robbed

    Sajedene is a very popular streamer on Twitch. One night while streaming very late, around 4 am Sajedene and her viewers hear some strange sounds in the apartment she was in with her boyfriend. When she hears her boyfriend yelling and other male voices she runs out of the screen but the stream continues. At one point, one of the robbers walks into the live stream shot and you can even see he is holding a gun! Thankfully her viewers reacted very quickly and called the cops. Apparently the robbers had come to her apartment complex to rob an alleged drug dealer. When they couldn't find him, they randomly hit up another apartment, Sajedenes. Thanks to the quick intervention from her viewers cops arrived shortly after. They managed to catch all the robbers except one, whom they arrested the next day. Sajedene and her boyfriend other than being traumatized by the experience were safe.

    13 Gamer Gets Swatted

    'Swatting' someone is one of the worst pranks that someone can pull. Not only is it terrifying and traumatizing for the victim of the prank to have the full force of the American SWAT team come down on them (they are not gentle) but it is a massive waste and drain of public resources. SWAT is supposed to be a response only for very dangerous and hostile situations. Jordan Mathewson is another popular gamer on Twitch, and clearly someone got a bit jealous of him so they responded by doing this. While Jordan is streaming, SWAT comes in and does what SWAT does. Makes you lay down and puts handcuffs on you while screaming in your face. SWAT's MO is to take someone down first, ask questions later. Poor Jordan had to go through an ordeal that is reserved for murderers and drug dealers. Internet fame clearly comes with a heavy price.

    12 Drunk Driver Gets Booked

    Whitney Beall is a young, stupid woman living in Florida. In 2016 after a night of partying she had two very smart ideas. The first being to drive home drunk, the second being to record it live on Periscope. She is heard saying 'I am driving home drunk. Let's see if I get a DUI.' And boy did she! The video shows off her reckless and clearly intoxicated driving. When she sees how many people have tuned in, it just encourages her even more. Thankfully, Periscope users called the cops on her who eventually found her and pulled her over. The court gave her the usual punishment for a first time DUI, but also added on top of it 150 hours of community service specifically because she bragged about putting said community in danger with her driving. Justice is served.

    11 Potential Aliens Caught On NASA'S Feed

    NASA provides a live feed from the international space station, giving those of us who will never be an astronaut an opportunity to at least see what they do on the space station and what they see from there. It is an incredibly popular feed, which means someone is always watching and nothing goes unnoticed. For people who are obsessed with space and aliens, this feed is a treasure. One particular day three strange bright objects, UFO's, were seen on the feed flying in the distance getting closer to the space station, before they stops and then they return in the direction it came from. They were clearly not satellites. NASA cut the stream immediately after, which further propelled people to believe they did in fact see UFO's and NASA was covering it up. The creepy part is, that this has happened a couple times and NASA cuts the feed each time.

    10 Gamer Exposes His Disabled Charade

    ZiloanOP was a streamer on Twitch who was making good money on the streaming site from people donating to him because they thought he was disabled. He claimed money was going to his new wheel chair and just to support him in general. Well during one of his live streams he seemingly forgot that he was disabled and simply got up and walked out of the screen leaving his empty and expensive wheelchair in plain view. Obviously his viewers started to freak out, and his girlfriend who was also there realized what happened and tried to distract the audience to no avail. He then tried to claim that he fell out of his wheelchair. He tried to explain that he spilt water on his computer and was quickly trying to fix the situation, but it was too little too late. He had exposed himself as someone trying to get more donations on Twitch by faking being disabled. He has since been banned from Twitch, rightfully so.

    9 Gamer Arrested And Then Robbed

    Mr_13ig is another gamer on Twitch. His viewers watched him get arrested by the cops, after someone called in a noise complaint against him. The cops wanted to get his information but he had felt he did nothing wrong and didn't feel comfortable giving that information to the cops so they ended up taking him down to the station. Then it got even crazier, when the cops took him away his neighbor who was seen walking by the hall earlier enters the now empty apartment and starts to steal a bunch of stuff. Too bad for him, it was all live streamed. The viewers called the cops on him and the neighbor was arrested and put in jail on felony charges.

    8 Guy Takes Cop Car On A Joyride

    John Pinney is a 25 year old from Tulsa, Oklahoma who made headlines after stealing an unlocked and unattended cop car. He then proceeded to use the officers iPad in the car to live stream his joyride on Facebook. When the cops started to chase him he reached speeds of up to 120 miles per hour! Pinney was clearly enjoying himself as he was listening to tunes and making jokes the whole time. He was finally caught after about 40 minutes. The Tulsa police made this statement after the ordeal 'I would encourage every criminal out there to Facebook Live their crimes so that we can catch you a lot easier and use that Facebook Live at your trial to get a better conviction.'

    7 Cheater Confronted By Both Of His Girlfriends

    A cheater is caught and exposed on Facebook live. Two young ladies were dating the same guy, both thinking that they were his only one. He gave his password to one of them who proceeded to snoop through his stuff. She found out that her boyfriend had another girlfriend. Instead of freaking out on the other girl, she befriended her. The two met up and decided to confront the cheater and live stream it all! When he is finally confronted all he has to say is 'you caught me fair and square.' They also tell him that this is being live streamed on Facebook and all he says is 'awesome.' They leave him with some sage advice, not to give his password to the girlfriend he is cheating on! Revenge is a dish best served live!

    6 Couple Lives Streams Getting Busy, Tags Dad In It

    Get ready for the secondhand embarrassment. A young couple had gone out to have a couple of drinks, and then decided to visit the girl's parent's vacation home, which they had been told not to go too. They got down to some frisky business and the guy thought it would be a good idea to live stream their physical activities. We all make mistakes when we have had a couple drinks, but these two just crossed all the lines. If you thought they were dumb enough already, the guy accidentally tagged her father in the video. The dad got the notification and ended up seeing what no father ever should! On top of watching his daughter get desecrated he also watched them desecrate his lovely vacation home.

    5 Streamer Uses Keyboard As A Toilet

    A Twitch streamer who remains unknown, was streaming one night and having a couple drinks.Hey, its a great way to get around drinking alone because technically you aren't really! Well he drank a little bit too much and ended up passing out at his desk while the live stream continued. Okay, nothing horrible it happens to the best of us! Well he certainly gave his viewers quite the show when he was woken up by his phone ringing. Groggy and still very drunk, he needed to use the bathroom but his drunk self did not feel like walking all the way to the bathroom. Viewers watched him go number 1 right on his own keyboard! Viewers did not see his private parts but they did watch him destroy his keyboard and could do nothing to stop the ugh, water damage.

    4 Cat Almost Blinds Owner

    Cats are known to have attitude problems, even cat lovers are aware that cats are just rude and mean sometimes. Well a cat named Olive put anyone who doubted that to rest during his owners live stream. His owner is a popular streamer who goes by Sarah Kate. She was streaming herself playing Call of Duty : Black OPS. While there was a lull in the game, she decided to get a cuddle in with her cat Olive who was hanging out behind her on her chair. Well Olive decided he was not in the mood for cuddles and almost scratched her eye out! Sarah Kate immediately freaked out and started bleeding profusely. All in all though, the video went viral and she has gotten even more famous on Twitch since then. She even sell t-shirts about it! Hmm, maybe this was Olive's plan all along?

    3 Streamer Almost Burns His House Down

    A Japanese streamer was playing Minecraft when he decided to show off his new lighter to viewers. He was filling it up with lighter fluid and ended up getting lighter fluid all over his hands. He then decided it would be a good idea to light a match and of course, ended up burning himself BECAUSE HE WAS COVERED IN LIGHTER FLUID! The smart ideas don't stop there though. He simply tosses the lit match into a bunch of papers close to him and surprise surprise, it causes a small fire. He attempts to put it out using a piece of cardboard but of course that just makes it worse. At this point the fire has gotten really out of control and his room is engulfed in smoke. Thankfully, he got out and the fire was eventually contained. Hopefully since then he has gotten a lesson in fire safety and what is and isn't flammable.

    2 Gamer Has A Seizure

    LotharHS is a Swedish gamer that is very famous in online gaming circles. During a routine live stream where he was playing Heartstone he informed his viewers that he was not feeling so well. Things took a turn for the worse when LotharHS then claimed that he was hallucinating. Viewers were already on high alert at this point. LotharHS stayed on the live stream and actually ended up having seizure which shocked and frightened his viewers. His girlfriend heard him fall to the ground and ran into the room. Upon seeing his state she quickly called emergency services. LotharHS thankfully made a full recovery after the scary ordeal.

    1 Mom Loses It On Son

    Most of us have been yelled at by our parents in public, and it sucks. It is totally humiliating and makes you wish the earth would just open up and swallow you. Well, imagine happening this on live stream where thousands of viewers are watching it all go down. Twitch streamer Adam had convinced his mom that he was too sick to go to school that day, and he had to stay in bed. Well Adam was feel well enough to stream himself playing some video games when his mother burst into his room and she was not having it! Screaming at him to get back into bed, Adam stays strong and talks back to her. He explains he has been sleeping most of the day but she doesn't care, if he isn't well enough to be in class he certainly isn't well enough to be playing video games in her books. She even says at one point 'I'm screaming at you on purpose so they can all hear!'