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    15 Nasty Celebs All Guys Drool Over

    The straight male species are funny little creatures. They see a nice body, round behind, massive chest, and an IDGAF attitude on a chick that reeks of desperation, has been taken for one too many rides, or just plain looks like she might bite your head off and it apparently drives them wild.

    The most buttery of butter faces, the most talented of the poor unfortunate female celebrities out there that are just plain nasty, the ones who make you cringe at a glance and you don't even really want to get too close in fear of catching something that you won't be able to shake.

    Okay, kidding (sort of); that was a bit harsh and exaggerated… but just a bit. To all the men out there who find them irresistible, more power to you, I suppose. Whatever floats your boat. Just don't come crying to me when your dream comes true and all of the sudden you just feel icky afterward. Be careful what you wish for.

    15 Lady gaga

    She may be a number one on most music charts and a groundbreaking artist unafraid to express herself however she feels, but that's got way more to do with the music and voice than the looks. She is eccentric, provoking and inspiring for sure, but she's definitely not someone I'd want to take to bed. She looks like she could and probably would literally bite your head off.

    No, thank you, that's not my style. She's probably a hell of a person to party the night away with, but dudes, this might be one to not drool so hard over. Keep it in your pants for the sake of your head. You think you could handle it, but I guarantee that will be a walk of shame of a lifetime and you'll never feel totally clean ever again. Regardless, she does not seem even the slightest bit bothered and definitely works with what she's got. I guess it's clearly working, though.

    14 Pamela Anderson

    Eww. Eww. And eww. That's really all I feel the need to say on this matter but this pretty little lady screams from the core of her body that she has seen her fair share of bedrooms over the years. Kissing her looks like it would feel like going at it with a plastic doll. Sure, you can probably have a wild night filled wth lots of fun with her, but unlike a doll, you can't put her back in the closet when you're finished. And there's a decent chance you will be full of a whole hell of a lot of self-loathing once the thrill of a nice pair of massive plastic lady lumps and sleeping with a celebrity wears off.

    I'm telling you, a nice bod, bleach blonde hair, and something some poor fool of a guy can work with, and that's all it takes for a guy to be head over heels. At least for the night.

    13 Sarah Jessica Parker

    She is by far, 100% my absolute least favorite actress of all time. However, aside from my own personal bias on her god awful acting skills, that butterface is downright undeniable. Sure, she has a great body, but literally, basically anyone can have a nice body. The face, the voice, the mannerism… oy vey. I literally have struggled so hard to get through everything involving SATC strictly because I cannot stand her with every fiber of my being. I'm sure she's a completely wonderful person, but I don't know her as a person, I know her as a celebrity.

    It's clear that according to the masses somewhere, she obviously must have some talent because she's made it this far in the game. That doesn't change the fact that she has a face that belongs on the radio… or in a barn along with all of her other horse brothers and sisters. It certainly is a wonder though how Carrie Bradshaw always had some much sexually based content to write about, though. Just sayin'.

    12 Miley Cyrus

    The awkward stage of Miley Cyrus's childhood was far from a stage. It is Miley in a whole; awkward, nasty, a grimy all bundled into one cute little weird package.

    This once upon a time mega Disney star got a pass back in the day for simply being an adolescent but those days have long gone. Her new and “improved”, post-Hannah Montana self has been going downhill ever since. She lost her innocence quite a long time ago, along with her blonde wig, self-dignity, and sweet little persona.

    Eccentricity can only get you so far in this society, even in Hollywood. She is just flat out, no questions asked, yucky. Something, well everything, about her comes across as sleazy. Even if from no fault of her own, she is nothing but skin and bone, like a seductive little skeleton jumping around on a stage flashing and mooning everyone and their mom.

    11 Lara Flynn Boyle

    So, every like fifth photo or so that pops up on google images if of this little miss of her way back in the day, before a plastic surgeon attacked her face with a needle is smokin'. Way back when she was a hottie for sure, I can totally see it. Nowadays, I can't say quite the same. It looks like she's had one too many encounters under the knife and has been around the block a few too many times.

    Don't get me wrong; she was adored as her character, 'Stacy' in Wayne's World. Her girl-next-door looks were complemented by her adorable freckles and sweet smile, who wouldn't love her. She looked like everyone's ideal American sweetheart. Although we can't really know why she hated her freckles enough to literally have every single one of them completely removed, but we do know that she has had Botox in the majority of her once pretty little face.

    10 Lindsay Lohan

    This former teeny-bopper, chick-flick sweetheart is now the nastiest, trashiest, and craziest of most of the once adored teen flick stars. For being not too far into her mid-twenties, she looks like she's partied hard enough and taken enough shots to the face to appear in her mid to late thirties. She's aged just quite awfully and the plastic surgery in an attempt to cover that aging process up just made it a thousand times worse.

    Just like the tragic story of so many other has-been female celebs out there, she spent one too many times under a surgeon's needle letting them poke, prod, and inject god knows what into their faces. Now she looks like a permanently duck-faced should have been heartthrob that got caught up in a few too many benders during her peak. She must look back at her days in The Parent Trap and wish she really did have some long lost twin out there to switch places with these days.

    9 Amanda Bynes

    Quite similarly to the once adored Lindsay Lohan, this has-been teenybopper idol of so many young girls out there went off the deep end far too soon. She could've ridden out her mediocre looks, acting talent, and fame for a hell of a lot longer than she did. But just like so many childhood celebrities, she fell to the hand of too many vices and too much money to count.

    She just comes across these days as trashy, sloppy, and too far down the rabbit hole to make her way back out. I don't even know what her most recent work has consisted of. Nothing, I suppose? No matter how much she ages over the years, she still looks like a little girl trapped in a sleazy, worn out little body. Sure, she has a decent body and all that good stuff, but aside from that, she's dirty and icky as far as I'm concerned.

    8 Paris Hilton

    Okay, please I hope to anything out there, that this does not come as a surprise. She looks like a barbie doll come to life (which is completely, utterly, and entirely disturbing, if you ask me). She looks like she's made of plastic; great body, little perky behind, nice chest, jawline, etc, etc. But that's exactly what's such a turn off about her; she literally looks like a fake tanned, injected with serum, extensions for days little brat.

    She constantly looks like she's smelling something awful with her contoured little nose all perked up in the air all the time. She's just yucky and b*tchy and eww on top of a heaping pile of gross. Of course, she has the obvious “sexy” things going for her, the stereotypical things that make every woman sexy apparently. But just let her open her mouth without sticking anything in it and let her speak for a few minutes and that whiny little voice coupled with the fact that the barbie doll cutie persona can't last forever and she's just yucky.

    7 Nicki Minaj

    Okay. Do not get me wrong, she is sexy as all hell. She's got this exotic, fierce, on top of the world, owning her stuff look about her that makes her undeniably irresistible. I actually, in all honestly, can't even be mad about it because she absolutely knows how to work what's she's got to her best benefit. But those lady lumps, though! She has enough going for her that she doesn't need to push those massive things all the way up to her chin just to make sure everyone sees them loud and clear. Like damn girl, please take it easy.

    She absolutely has got the body, looks, and personality to rock her stuff. By all means, do your thing but maybe, possibly, take it down a couple notches. She poses for every single photo by sticking her backside out one direction and sticking her massive chest area way out in the other direction and sucking in her tight little tummy. It looks like she's holding her breath, making a duck face, and trying to stick everything sexy about herself out in everyone's face. She screams desperation.

    6 Lil Kim

    Does the male species actually, in all reality, really even drool over Lil Kim?? I wouldn't think so, but apparently, there are some of them out there that would kill to have a night alone with Miss Thang. I, however, would probably like to spend a night with anyone other than her, but that's really just me.

    She reminds me of the stepmother in A Cinderella Story right after she gets plastic surgery and can't make any other facial expression other than smiling like a fool. She has a permanent grin stuck on her and everything else on her face looks like it's spray painted on, pinned up, and never coming down again. She doesn't look like she's necessarily gotten around all too much, though I'm sure that she definitely has been laid up in a few too many stranger's beds, but she quite honestly is just looking rough. It looks like she's had several rough breaks and far too much time to spend in the Mac cosmetics department.

    5 Britney Spears

    Britney is sexy, in the most provocative of ways. She is coy, in the dirtiest of ways. And she is dangerous, in the nastiest of ways. Once again, a once upon a time American Sweetheart has fallen so far down the rabbit hole that she will likely never reappear. Neither of the Spears sisters really wowed me in their adult years like they so had the potential to do.

    She's icky. Guys drool over her due to the obvious reasons. She's pretty I suppose. But is that really all it takes for a guy to drop his pants and jump into bed with someone; a pretty face? She reminds me of a full grown adult who never fully grew out of her teenage years full of colored hair streaks, bedazzled bras, and mini skirts. I honestly can't even picture what she would look like dressed and walking around acting as an age-appropriate adult.

    4 Christina Aguilera

    She has a sexy little pinup heartthrob look about her that anyone would drool over, but her weight has fluctuated so many times over the years that it's hard to know what she even looks like on the day to day. When she's more “in shape” so to speak, she has a little something goin' on, however, after she has put on a few pounds all I can see are those cheeks, though!

    Big boobies, full, thick figure, bubble butt; I don't blame any man or woman that is out there drooling over her photo. It just comes down to which photo, I guess. The woman can absolutely sing her a$$ off like no other, but lately, more and more frequently, I'm looking at her with less infatuation and more disgust. These days, she's beginning to look more like a messed up lovechild cross of Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson. Yucky.

    3 Megan Fox

    I have literally never understood the undying fascination with this woman. She looks just like a b*t*hy cat that's ready to pounce on you, and not in a good way. We're talking about claws out, teeth flashing ready kind of way. She comes across as snobby, snarky and far too confident. At least way too much of all of those to make it even slightly worth the potential fun night that may come out of it.

    She carries herself in a way that you'd almost think she must have a hell of a lot more going for her than she really does, but mediocre acting skills, an averagely nice body, and a scary looking resting b*tch face just doesn't do it justice. I'm sorry, but the one sexy scene that I've ever seen her do was in the first Transformers movies and that was the height of the highest possible peak of her sexiest without sleaziness that she was going to get at.

    2 Kim Kardashian

    There's just something about this chick that screams icky. From her personality to the hair on her back and the acrylic nails on her little toes. Gross. Gross. And ewww. It truly does go to show that money can buy you anything you want. It bought Miss Kim K. a behind, lips, lady lumps, new cheekbones, hips, a tight tummy, and who the hell knows what else. Without her apparently fame and good fortune to pay for her by the book good looks that she is blessed with now, she was nothing more than an ugly (to be brash) awkwardly looking teen that probably would've ended up with a mediocre to average life and maybe, possibly, one day finally grown into her adolescent chubbiness and facial hair.

    She's hot but thinks she's way hotter than she is. Anyone can buy themselves a fat, perky behind. But not everyone can rock it like they got it from their momma, because, well, not everyone did.

    1 Julia Roberts

    Shocker, shocker! Once I spent a few too many minutes looking at Julia's pretty little face, I realized how annoying it was. If someone were to take her mouth and put it on a face with Sarah Jessica Parker's nose, they might have the start of the creation of a whole new species right there.

    I had mentioned that Lady Gaga looked like she was ready to bite someone's head off, but I may have to rethink that statement after looking at that mouth, though. She looks like that one friend's mom that everyone had in high school that is kind of hot, you suppose, but is too thirsty for her own good. The one who will jump on anyone and anything who looks at her for just a couple of seconds too long. No wonder guys drool over her; for the exact reason that I think she's crazy looking. That mouth, though.