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    15 Of The Most Messed Up Fan Theories About Grey's Anatomy

    Now that it's the summer, you have a lot of time to get ready for the most important, wonderful and best time of the year: the fall TV season. You have a list of new shows that you can't wait to check out and you have your ideas about which ones are going to be totally worthy of your obsession. You also are equal parts nervous and excited about the shows that you already know and love. You're interested to see where the characters will be next season… but you also want to make sure that things happen the way that you want them to. One of the TV shows that gives you a lot of stress is, of course, Grey's Anatomy. You love it, you hate some moments, you hate some characters, and you're totally addicted. You just can't possibly stop watching. There are a lot of fans out there who have some ideas about the overall meaning of the show and what's going to happen. Here are the 15 most messed up fan theories about Grey's Anatomy.

    15 It's A Marvel Show

    Have you ever thought that Grey's Anatomy was really part of the Marvel universe? Probably not… but that's exactly what one fan theory says. One fan posted on Reddit three years ago that they really believe that this show is all about superheroes. After all, according to the way that they see it, most of the characters are able to survive the craziest, most head-scratching things. They also noted the technology at both the hospital and the hospital that Cristina starts working at in Switzerland is pretty amazing and advanced. In fact, this fan thinks that the Switzerland hospital is basically Iron Man 2. The fan also mentions how the hospital is called "Mercy Death" because that many characters pass away in really tragic situations, and that the doctors are pretty magical since they literally make sure that people can keep living. Hmmm . What do you think? Do you agree with this fan theory?

    14 Zola Is Narrating Meredith's Diary

    Another fan theory is that at the end of the show, you will see Zola as an intern at the hospital, and she will have been reading Meredith's diary about her time at the hospital this entire time. Yup, things on this dramatic and juicy show would totally come full circle, just like how Meredith started interning at the same hospital that her own doctor mom did. And of course, it would mirror the fact that Meredith discovered her mom's diary and read the entries. While this does make some sort of sense and it's not a horrible idea, it seems too sentimental and sweet for this show, don't you think? Sure, the characters aren't bad people, but they do try to stay away from super cheesy stuff. After all, Meredith isn't called "dark and twisty" for nothing.

    13 It Was A Dream

    This probably won't happen -- in fact, you're pretty sure that it won't -- but one fan posted on Reddit that they think that everything will end up having been a dream. Here's what they wrote: "The camera zooms in on Richard holding a tiny snow globe featuring a Seattle landmark in his hands. He eyes it pensively, then gets up from his desk, walks towards his shelf and places it next to a huge selection of more snow globes. He then goes into the living room and kisses his wife, an actress we've never seen, on the forehead." While that is a really pretty picture that this fan has painted, you don't think that everything could ever have been a dream. This is a common way to end a story whether that's a book or a TV show or a movie, and it would probably get some serious fan backlash. But it's a nice idea, especially the whole snow globe touch.

    12 Penny Is From Parks And Rec

    The actress who plays Penny, Samantha Sloyan, had a guest role as a character named Erica on Parks And Recreation for a single episode, and so a fan believes that these two characters are totally the same person. The fan believes that she is from Pawnee and just came up with a new name for herself. It doesn't really make sense that just because the same actress appeared on two different shows, she would have to be the exact same character. The reason for this fan theory? That Penny said she and her mom used to move all the time and live in different places. You're not sure that she is really the same character that she was on Parks And Rec or that she is from Pawnee. You really do think that she's just Penny. It's interesting that this is a fan theory since Penny played a large role on the show for a time but now she's gone.

    11 Derek's Storyline Was Mentioned In Season One

    In the first season, Derek mentions what he would want to happen if he was in a coma. He says, "You know I have four sisters? Very girly, tons of kids. If I was in a coma, they'd all be here. I'd want them here.” Fans totally believe that this was some major foreshadowing going on since when he does get into a car accident in season eleven, he falls into a coma. Hmmm. This does make sense, but if this theory is true, that would have to mean that the writers knew that Derek would die at some point. And you just don't think that is the case. After all, Meredith and Derek's love story was the greatest ever and was such a massive part of the show. And the reason why Derek was killed off was because the actor that played him, Patrick Dempsey, wanted to get off the show. So there couldn't have been some foreshadowing.

    10 Lexie Wasn't Real

    If you love Lexie and miss her terribly, then this fan theory might totally upset you. A fan really does believe that Lexie was never actually real. Why? Because in 2006, the year that Lexie starts interning at the hospital, she would have to be 26 years old. That's because interns can only begin at that age since they would have had to go through four whole years of medical school. But… if Lexie was born in 1984, as her IMBD page suggests, then she would have been only 22 years old when she started working at the hospital. As the fan says, she wouldn't have been able to start interning at 22. Phew. Here's another point: Lexie was supposed to be a year behind Meredith, but at other times, she was described as being five years younger. So when Lexie passed away back in 2011, she was technically 27 years old… but she was already a resident. She should have been finishing up as an intern at that age. This fan has figured out that the math just doesn't work. There's another reason that this has happened, though: sometimes there are goofs and mistakes on TV shows. So Lexie did exist. These were just some mistakes.

    9 Grey's And 13 Reasons Why

    Meredith Grey helped Clay Jensen get ears so he could listen to tapes left by Addison Montgomery's daughter

    - Selling Account DM (@nonemotionaI) April 11, 2017

    Did you know that Dylan Minnette, aka the actor who plays Clay on 13 Reasons Why, was also on Grey's Anatomy? His character was named Ryan and Mark performed ear surgery on him that was thankfully successful. And, of course, Kate Walsh played Addison on both Grey's and Private Practice. A fan has noticed this link and has decided that it was really Clay who got ear surgery. As this fan tweeted back in April, "Meredith Grey helped Clay Jensen get ears so he could listen to tapes left by Addison Montgomery's daughter." While it's a really cool idea and you definitely wish that the two shows were connected since you love both of them so much, you have to admit that you just don't believe that this is really true. The shows take place in two completely different areas and worlds. Of course, there's a chance that this tweet was just a joke and meant to be more light-hearted than serious.

    8 Marriage = Death

    You know that a lot of people die on Grey's Anatomy, whether they are patients at the hospital or the interns or doctors themselves. Here are some examples: Owen and Cristina get married and Henry aka Teddy's husband dies, Jackson and April tie the knot and their baby Samuel dies, Catherine and Richard walk down the aisle and then Kyle (aka the musician who Stephanie falls for) passes away. Hmmmm. It's true that there are a lot of people hooking up, getting married, and passing away on this show, but you don't really know if marriage equals death here. It seems like a total coincidence, right? Also, since this show is a drama, that means that there are happy moments (like anything romantic that happens, such as wedding days) and sad moments (like death). It's a good theory, but it seems like this is just what happens on the show.

    7 A Tornado Happens

    One fan posted on Reddit that the series finale might feature a tornado hitting the hospital and everyone passing away. As in every character that you have known and loved over the entire course of the series. Yup. That is seriously messed up, right?! Because it's so sad. It's just way too sad for you to think about. You can't see the characters living anything but happily ever after. They have each been through so many things in their lives so far. You can't even believe what they have gone through. Sometimes people think that the show is a bit far-fetched because of how many crazy and tragic things occur. Talk about a dark idea for a series finale. Even if you don't have any ideas about how the show will end yourself, you probably don't think that this is what is going to happen. At least, you really hope that it won't.

    6 Derek And Meredith In The Notebook

    One fan wondered if the series finale will include a kind of nod to The Notebook which would mean Meredith in a home. Then someone suggested that maybe Derek would be the one in a home. Either way, you have to admit that this is a theory that you just don't agree with. After all, you totally know that Derek is gone. You hate to admit that. You've been struggling with that for a while now. But it seems to be the truth and you have to move on. So Derek is definitely not going to be in the series finale… and if he is, it will be because Meredith is remembering him or he's appearing to her as a ghost (hey, it could happen, and you really want it to because that would be pretty epic). It's possible that Meredith will be in a home, though, but not with Derek, as much as you hate to say it. Ugh. Now you're sad all over again.

    5 Meredith Will See All The Hospital's Ghosts

    Another fan theory? At the end of the show, Meredith will take a walk around the hospital's hallways, and she will see all of the ghosts of the patients and people that have filled its walls throughout the entire series. You don't think that this is going to happen because it's kind of cheesy. It's just not something that you can see Shondaland doing. Of course, every fan theory is legit in a sense since there are no bad ideas, just ideas. But you probably aren't on board with this particular theory. You totally get where the fan is coming from, though, since this has happened on shows before and it's nice to think about Meredith reflecting on her time at the hospital in this way. You would only be okay with it if one of the spirits was Derek and if he was narrating the final episode and making her smile and laugh. That would be cool (although you would totally sob the entire time, which you're not sure that you can handle).

    4 Meredith And Alex Will Fall In Love

    You might not think that this fan theory is messed up… but if you're still upset over Derek and Meredith being torn apart by that tragedy, you probably will agree that it's not a very happy theory. Fans have been saying since forever that Meredith and Alex are going to fall in love and that they are totally made for each other. But other fans don't want to see Meredith with anyone other than Derek. It's definitely a hot button issue. It's kind of sad to think about Meredith and Alex ending up together because then you would have to admit that Derek is really gone, and that's really hard for you, even though it's been some time since that car accident happened. You're just not sure that they are meant to be a couple. You would rather see Meredith find someone else and Alex marry Jo and start a family.

    3 The Characters = Feelings

    Remember the movie Inside Out? Each character is literally a feeling, which is what makes the movie so sweet and charming and touching. One fan believes that the characters on Grey's Anatomy are also feelings. Some examples: Cristina is friendship, Izzie is comparison, Derek is love, Ellis is ambition, Arizona is happiness, and Owen is bravery. There's one more factor to this theory: the fan believes that when the character leaves the show, they take that emotion along with them. So that's why when Derek passed away, Meredith wasn't able to love anyone else. It doesn't seem to hold up because although Ellis is gone, the ambition of the doctors isn't gone along with her. Every single doctor and intern has tons of ambition. They would have to or they couldn't do this type of job and work these kinds of hours.

    2 Maggie Has Alzheimer's

    Since Ellis had Alzheimer's and Maggie is her daughter, aka the product of the affair between Ellis and Richard, fans have wondered if that means that near the end of the series, it will become clear that Maggie has developed this disease as well. Yes, there is a chance that this will happen, but this is a messed up theory since it is just so sad. And it totally upsets you to even think about this. You love Maggie. You really do. You hated watching her deal with the loss of her mother and you don't want to see her suffer in any way (and you don't want to see any of the other doctors or interns suffer either since you're pretty attached to these characters). Yup, this theory is definitely bumming you out. You need to go cheer yourself up now… by not watching Grey's. Because that will just make you cry.

    1 Meredith Has Alzheimer's

    This is the ultimate fan theory and it's so sad you probably don't even want to hear it… but here goes. People believe that Meredith has had Alzheimer's this entire time and that she is looking back on her time at the hospital. That's why she narrates at the beginning and end of each episode. There is a second Alzheimer's-related theory: that Meredith is older and has this disease and is reading a story to her kids (aka the story of the hospital and its people and the crazy and amazing and special things that happened). Everyone is calling this a super heartbreaking theory and you probably have to agree, right? Do you think that this will happen? Do you think that any of the fan theories on this list will end up ringing true? One thing is for sure: the series finale will have you needing an entire bucket of tissues.