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    15 OJ Simpson Secrets The Kardashians Tried To Bury

    On the evening of June 12th, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were fatally stabbed at her Brentwood home. Nicole's ex-husband, former NFL player OJ Simpson, was arrested on suspicion of murder and the Deputy District Attorneys believed he was looking at a long time behind bars.

    OJ rallied together a high-profile defense team which included Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran, and Robert Kardashian. The trial was watched by more than 100 million people worldwide which ended in OJ's acquittal of their deaths - a decision that divided the nation.

    Robert Kardashian's involvement in the trial and Kris Jenner's background as Nicole Brown's best friend turned the Kardashians into a household name. Nowadays, they know the family as the stars of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but their origins in the spotlight started off during much darker times.

    Nobody knows what really happened to Nicole that night, but what we do know is that the Kardashians were more involved in the case than we ever thought - some of these facts they would prefer to be buried for good.

    15 OJ Simpson Is Allegedly Khloe's Real Father 

    There has been much speculation over the past few years surrounding Khloe's paternity. Late 2015, Kanye West's ex-fiance Amber Rose started a Twitter war with Khloe and she appeared to poke fun at the reality star, tweeting: "U think because ur dad was a professional football player that got away with murder ur better than me girl?" Rose was clearly poking fun at the long-running rumor that Kris Jenner had an affair with OJ Simpson behind her husband's back and Khloe was the result.

    Fans filled the internet with crazy theories and even compared pictures of Khloe and OJ claiming they looked similar. They also questioned why Khloe appeared "less Armenian" than her siblings and why she towered above them all in height too. The scandal is one the Kardashians have buried for good as Kris insists Robert Kardashian is Khloe's real paternal father.

    14 They Holidayed With OJ Just Weeks Before The Murder

    Just eight weeks before Nicole Brown Simpson was murdered, the Simpsons and Kardashians all holidayed together in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico during the Easter break. According to Kris, they were all "one big family." In the picture appears Nicole, OJ, Kris, Caitlyn (then Bruce Jenner), 16-year-old KourtneyKoutney, 14-year-old Kim, 10-year-old Khloe and 7-year-old Rob.

    The murder was a shock for the entire family but considering how close Kris was to Nicole, things were a lot tougher for her. She revealed, "I went to bed one night and I woke up the next morning and my entire universe had changed. They were two of the best friends I ever had in my entire life." The pair had been best friends since they were first introduced when they were both just teenagers.

    13 OJ Always Hated Caitlyn Because She Was "Weird" 

    Caitlyn battled with gender issues all her life and OJ was one of the first people to discover that she had begun cross-dressing behind closed doors. Initially, when Kris first started a romance with Caitlyn (then Bruce Jenner) she wanted to still be close to OJ and Nicole just like she was with her ex-husband. Besides, both of them were world renowned athletes and had huge fan followings so why wouldn't they get along? Although that wasn't the case.

    OJ's former agent Mike Gilbert told Radar Online, "O.J. always thought Bruce was weird and he never fit in" adding, "O.J. hated Bruce. He thought he was really awkward." Gilbert also revealed that OJ was one of the first people to discover Caitlyn wanted to become a woman, he recalled Simpson telling him "(Caitlyn) wants to be a woman. I swear to God now look at him. You heed my words. That mother****r wants to be a woman." Caitlyn made her transition as a woman in 2015.

    12 Kris Ignored Earlier Warning Signs Of Abuse 

    Despite how close Kris was with Nicole, she missed all the early warning signs that her best friend was in an abusive relationship with OJ. Throughout the trial, OJ's defense team argued there was no abuse but emergency phone calls emerged with Nicole screaming, "He's going to kill me!" and police records showed that she was beaten so badly she required hospitalization.

    Kris later told Ellen DeGeneres, "We felt like we really failed her as a friend. You know, you go through this and you discover things about somebody, and it was horrible." She added, "(Nicole) and I were supposed to have lunch the day after she was murdered. She said she wanted to show me some things and talk about what was in her safe. So now, unfortunately, it all makes sense. That's probably what she wanted to reveal to me that next day, which broke my heart because I will always feel horrible that I didn't pay enough attention."

    11 Kris Spoke To OJ Following Revelations Of Abuse

    Even though Kris knew her best friend was abused by OJ, she still remained in close contact with him following the revelations claiming that she was completely unaware until she heard the 911 tapes for herself. She revealed to Ellen DeGeneres that she was torn between dealing with the accusations and the death of her best friend, alongside supporting OJ throughout his trial.

    Kris explained, "Every single day was very difficult. My ex-husband was on one side and I was kind of on the other. The kids were in the middle. Trying to explain this to children, and then OJ had called" adding, "Right after (the domestic abuse was made public) he called me a few times. And, you know, wanted to talk and explain how he felt."

    10 Kris Believes OJ Did It

    Private letters were passed between Rob Kardashian and Kris during the trial. Concerned about wire taps they would write to each out regularly voicing their different opinions on OJ's innocence. Rob wrote to his ex-wife: "I think that the division in our family between guilty and innocence is very sad. I do not want our family torn apart by this case. Please understand that I am trapped in the position I am in and can't get out. I must see this case through. I truly believe in O.J.'s innocence and unless they find him guilty, I will continue to support him."

    He adds, "I realize, Kris, that you also strongly believe in his guilt. You are entitled to your beliefs - just as I am. The past 7 months have taken such an emotional toll on my life -- you have no idea. Please don't let whatever is going to happen in this case affect our family." The case was a huge strain on Rob who stood by his friend till the very end.

    9 Rob Kardashian 'Hid' Evidence From The Police 

    Fred Goldman, the father of Ron Goldman who was Nicole's close friend also murdered the same night, told Mail Online that he believes Rob Kardashian hid important evidence from the police. His story matches up with pictures printed by the New York Times of the lawyer leaving OJ's Los Angeles home carrying a Louis Vuitton bag the day after the fatal stabbings.

    Although Fred Goldman didn't go into detail about what belongings were in the bag, he added, "That evidence would have convicted 'the killer.'" The bag was later entered into evidence - but by that time it had been emptied. Fred's daughter, Kim Goldman, also added, "I have always wondered what was in his luggage bag, and if it did indeed hold the murder weapon that was used to kill my brother and Nicole."

    8 Kim Also Unknowingly Tampered With Evidence 

    The bag which contained the alleged damning evidence had been accidentally tampered with by Kim at the Kardashian home. Kim shockingly revealed this during an interview with GQ magazine, recalling, "I know people said at the time that he (Rob Kardashian joined Simpson's defense team) so he couldn't be called as a witness because he had that Louis Vuitton bag that supposedly had the (murder) weapon and stuff like that." She continued, "But that bag was sitting at my dad's house. I remember I went through it. The news was like, 'Where is this Louis Vuitton bag?' And I'm like, 'Oh it's upstairs.'"

    The mother-of-two added the bag actually contained "just toiletries and clothes and golf clothes. Just random stuff. I'm pretty sure it's, like, still in - probably in my dad's storage."

    7 The Kardashians Used The Trial To Publicize Their Family Name 

    There was much speculation surrounding why Rob Kardashian had decided to come out of retirement - he had not practiced law in 20 years - to defend his best friend OJ. Robert told The Times in 1994, "I know O.J. better than anyone on the legal team. There are so many things I know about his personality. My job is really strategy and liaison between the lawyers and O.J."

    Others believe Kris pushed Rob into the spotlight as the news coverage of the case was through the roof. Dubbed 'the trial of the century' and satellites were constantly positioned around Brentwood for months leading up the trial so any breaking news could be reported instantly. According to Mark Crispin Miller, a media professor at New York University, he told the Washington Post, "(The People vs OJ Simpson case was a) harbinger of an entirely different media landscape - an event that preoccupies every one full-time for months on end."

    6 OJ Attempted To Take His Own Life In Kim's Bedroom  

    During the trial, OJ spent the night at Robert Kardashian's home although the pressures of his pending conviction were proving too much for him. OJ recorded a suicide tape pleading, "Please remember me as a good guy. Don't remember me as one of the negatives that might end up here. Please leave my kids at peace. I love everybody."

    Rob later revealed in interviews that he told OJ, "This is my daughter's bedroom. I can't have my little girl in this bedroom and every time I come in here I'm gonna see your body.” Kim was just 14-years-old when these events took place. The near suicide attempt was dramatized for the docu-series The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story; OJ was played by Cuba Gooding Jr and Robert Kardashian was played by Friends star David Schwimmer.

    5 The Family Once Frowned Upon The "Fame Hungry" 

    Faye Resnick was another close friend to Nicole, she decided to cash in on the murder and the trial by releasing her own explosive tell-all book titled, Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted. The book included intimate details about Nicole's life including allegations of cocaine abuse and that she would constantly "check to see if O.J. was hiding in the bushes."

    Robert Kardashian slammed the book on the courthouse steps, he said, "It's disgusting that she would write this type of book about her best friend. It serves no purpose. The poor woman is brutally murdered. She can't defend herself. Everything is hearsay in the book. I'm just glad I'm not her best friend." Resnick secured a six-figure sum for her book.

    Kris also called the book "disgusting" and "exploitive." Fast forward 20 years later and this kind of "shock celebrity" and "no-holds-barred" narrative is exactly what has turned her family into multi-millionaires.

    4 The Kardashians No Longer Speak To The Simpson Kids 

    They were once so close, holidaying together and having playdates, but nowadays the Kardashian kids and Simpson kids are all grown up and have very little to do with each other. OJ and Nicole's oldest daughter Syndey was 8-years-old when her mother was murdered and their son Justin was only aged 5.

    Following their father's initial trial and his sentencing in 2008, the Simpsons have shied away from the spotlight. Sydney graduated from Boston University and now works as an events coordinator, whereas Justin works as a real estate agent for a low-key firm. The last time the siblings were both photographed in public was in 2011 during their a funeral for their grandfather. They both grew up as a witness to the dark side of fame and likely avoid the Kardashians who are constantly followed by the paparazzi.

    3 OJ Is Creepily Obsessed With Kim

    Known by his nickname "The Juice" in prison, his fellow inmates told Radar Online that OJ actually has a kind of creepy obsession with Kim. A source revealed, "He has several sexy pictures of Kim hanging up in his prison cell from her 2007 Playboy shot and he isn't shy about showing her picture to fellow inmates."

    OJ also once referred to Kim as his "Goddaughter." In 2008, during his trial for robbery, he is heard on audio tapes flicking through channels on TV, he then stops when he sees Kim on the screen and says, "My goddaughter is being interviewed." Then, "I was in the hospital when she was born." The prison source also revealed that OJ told him, "As long as I am in prison, I can't be with her so Kanye can have her for now. But when I get out she's mine."

    2 Caitlyn Claims Rob Always Knew OJ Was Guilty 

    There has always been bad blood between OJ and Caitlyn, which has failed to die down even after all these years. In Caitlyn's autobiography Secrets of My Life, she revealed that Rob Kardashian told her that he believed OJ was guilty. She claims that Rob told her, "I would've been okay with it if they had gotten him in the first trial." She added, "The implication was obvious: that he believed OJ was guilty."

    Known as Bruce Jenner when he first met Kris, he married in 1991 (just one month after Kris split from Rob) and became a step parent to Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and Rob. Caitlyn also believes Rob took the OJ trial to make Kris jealous that he was in the headlines. She questioned, "I wonder if it was his way of saying to her what I think she was saying to him when she married me: a big f*ck you."

    1 The Kardashians Are Famous Because Of The Buffalo Bills

    Many people have questioned over the years exactly why the Kardashians are famous - well the actual answer is a result of a "Butterfly Effect" which is a concept where the small causes can have large effects. As it turns out, the Kardashians are famous because of The Buffalo Bills. Here we explain…

    In 1968, the Bills had one of their worst years on record. Due to their terrible year, they landed first pick of players to help turn their luck around and they selected Orenthal James Simpson. During one game, Simpson broke free and rushed 1000 yards, and the following year he rushed 2000 yards - something that had never been witnessed before.

    Due to his outstanding performance, he moved to a team based in San Francisco, met Nicole Brown who worked as a waitress in LA, and they eventually married. The rest is showbiz history - if the Buffalo Bills had not have had such a terrible year in 1968, then there would be no Kardashians today.