15 Pet Peeves We Have With 'Nashville'
Back in 2012, a super fun country music drama debuted on TV, and we've been obsessed ever since. We're talking about Nashville, of course. It's been on the air for four seasons now, and while we love it and look forward to new episodes every Wednesday night, we would be lying if we said we were okay with every single plot and character decision. It's natural for a show to grow and change over the course of a few years, and of course you're never completely on board with every creative decision. There are a bunch of things that are totally wrong with this show. About 15, to be exact. Here are 15 pet peeves we have with Nashville. We hope the writers are listening because we want these issues to be resolved if possible. Please and thank you.
15 Teddy Is Lame
Do you even remember Teddy? He had a pretty nuts legal story and even fell in love with a… well… let's call her a "working" girl. He's in jail now, of course, and it seems like the writers totally forgot about him for a while there, because there were several episodes where his name wasn't even mentioned. Which is crazy because he's the main character, Rayna's ex-husband, and father of one of her daughters, Daphne, so he would probably come up in conversation at least every few days. We take issue with Teddy because he's a lame character, so it would be awesome if he was just written off the show entirely or had a crazy comeback and was suddenly amazing. We'll leave it up to the writers to decide.
14 Daphne Gets Zero Screen Time
Sure, we love Maddie. She's super talented and a pretty adorable teenage girl. But we love her younger sister Daphne too. She's even more adorable. We want more Daphne. Why can't this happen? She's almost never on the show anymore, and when she is, she's crying over Maddie running away and not spending any time with her. It's too awful. We can't take it.
13 Scarlett And Gunnar Are Silly
The former exes are now The Exes, a band that's touring the country and making beautiful music together. But Gunnar and Scarlett are super silly characters because they seem to be unable to admit how much they still care about each other. Everyone can see it. The others on the show are aware of this and we the loyal audience are super aware of it, too. They finally kissed recently but come on, it's been way too long. Is it too much to ask for them to stop this and just be together forever?
12 Juliette And Avery Need To Get Re-Married
Are they even technically divorced? We think so but we can't be sure because their relationship seems to change every two minutes. Juliette is obviously still in love with Avery, and he still loves her too or he wouldn't go and sleep with Layla. Juliette is a much better match for him, because Layla is pretty nuts. Sorry, but it's true. Avery knows it too, so let's hope he comes to his senses and he and Juliette ride off into the country music sunset together. Plus it would be a shame if they didn't stay married since they have a super adorable baby girl together.
11 Jeff Shouldn't Have Died
A lot of people hated Jeff Fordham because he was supposedly evil. But we didn't think he was. We loved him. He's super cute, to begin with, and he just brought a sense of fun and adventure to the otherwise sometimes a little slow show. We really don't think that Jeff should have died (and especially not in such a tragic way). What did this accomplish? It made Layla super depressed and out for revenge with poor Avery. Avery doesn't need that. As we mentioned above, he needs to be with Juliette. That's it.
10 Maddie Is A Brat
We said Maddie is adorable, and she definitely is, but at the same time she's been a real brat recently. She's run away from home, become super close with a songwriter named Cash who is pretty annoying, and ignored her family and especially her younger sister, Daphne. We miss the days when the two girls used to sing their beautiful folk, country songs and Maddie was sweeter. She's getting on our last nerve, so hopefully she comes to her senses soon.
9 Scarlett Needs Her Hair Back
People, didn't you learn from the Felicity hair crisis back in the late 1990s, early 2000s? Your female star can't cut her hair super short. She just can't. Unfortunately, Scarlett chopped her beautiful, fairy princess blonde hair off, and she looks awful. We had to say it, Scarlett. We still love you but we really, really hate your hair. You need it back.
8 What Happened To Scarlett's Stage Fright?
Sometimes plot lines are introduced and forgotten faster than we can deal with. Like when Scarlett had a nervous breakdown when she was touring the first time around as a solo artist. For some reason, now she can perform in front of tons of people and it's no big deal? What's that all about? There was no real explanation of why she's changed so much. So we're left wondering and we're super confused.
7 Deacon Is Boring Now
We adore you, Deacon. You're dreamy and so musical. But you're so boring now. Ever since you married Rayna, you're like this ridiculous guy with zero personality. What's up with that? What happened to the Deacon we used to love so much? You used to have a sense of humor and you were such a fun addition to the show. Please bring that guy back.
6 Will Needs To Be A Star
Will is such a talented country music star, and we hate that it took the city this long to figure that out. Now he's finally getting some positive feedback and attention for his music, but really, did it have to take this long? We still don't trust that they're going to let Will be the star that he deserves to be, and we're super impatient for that to happen.
5 There Are Too Many New Characters
New characters are so stressful. How do we know if we like them and want them to stick around? They take precious screen time away from the people that we've grown super attached to. So we're not super thrilled about new people. But more than that, we don't like when there are so many new characters that the show becomes really cluttered and there's too much going on. That's what happened this year on Nashville. There's the guy that Deacon opened a bar with. And the new singer that Rayna wanted to sign for about a second until she ran away/disappeared/we don't know what happened to that person. And there's also the country legend that was going on tour with Luke Wheeler who also disappeared (apparently he went on a huge alcohol binge because the country music life is too much for him). It's too many people.
4 We Miss Pop Star Juliette
In recent seasons, Juliette transitioned from straight-up pop music to country. Kind of the opposite of Taylor Swift's trajectory. Recently Juliette starred in a movie as well and got nominated for an Oscar. Yeah, good for her. But we really miss when Juliette was a fun and slightly bratty pop star. She had amazing dance moves and videos and it was much better.
3 Too Much Time Is Spent On Certain Storylines
Of course this is something that we have absolutely zero control over. We get that. But there are certain storylines that we're really not happy about and unfortunately they seem to take over for several episodes. One of them was when Gunnar supposedly had a kid. Then he didn't. It was confusing. Another was when Deacon's sister Beverly was dying. We never got to know her or even really cared to be honest, so that was just an annoying plot line.
2 Rayna Needs To Get Her Label In Gear
Sure, she has Layla and her fabulous new album, but every episode Rayna seems to sign a new artist… and then they disappear. Something crazy happens and she loses them. It's getting a bit old so we hope she can finally settle on a roster of artists and they can stick around.
1 People Are Way Too Angry
All of a sudden, it's like every single character on Nashville is so angry. We just don't know where all this anger is coming from. First Deacon kept getting mad over every little thing, and now Maddie is a big ball of stress and super pissed off all the time. There was this weird storyline about how Maddie is freaked out by Deacon's anger management problem. Since when was that a thing? Did we miss something? All we know is that we love Nashville and we'll never give it up. But we would like it if people could be in better moods.