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    15 Questions North West Will Have When She Grows Up

    Little North West is adorable and at just 3-years-old, she's certainly lived quite the life. It's not like every 3-year-old can say that they've been to New York Fashion Week. Hell, most of us will never be able to say that we've been to New York Fashion Week. While she may live a charmed life, she also lives a very weird life. With Kim Kardashian as her mother and Kanye West as her father, things are bound to be interesting day in and day out.

    While growing up will be an interesting experience for her, she'll probably have many questions when she grows up - not necessarily about her upbringing but rather about everything she'll read on the internet. For starters, Kim and Kanye have been in the middle of many controversies. Not a week goes by that you don't read about one of them. Finally being able to scroll through the interwebs, Nori may wonder if everything written about her parents is true.

    There's also Kim's previous marriages, one of which was so highly publicized. North will certainly have questions about those marriages. Finally, there's the infamous sex tape. Can you imagine reading about your own mother's sex tape? If nothing else, North will definitely have questions about that one. In fact, most of us still have some questions about the sex tape that launched the Kardashian empire.

    While we can't really imagine what growing up as North West will be like (lots of great outfits for sure), we can totally imagine some of the questions she'll have for Kim K once she's older. Below are 15 questions North will be asking Kim once she's older, when she has internet access. Note to Kim: Block all the websites!

    14 Why Doesn't Anyone Believe You Were Robbed?

    Unless you've been living under a rock, you're aware of the fact that Kim K was robbed at gun point in Paris. The story goes that armed men broke into her lavish hotel room in Paris. The robbers bound her, duct taped her mouth and put her in the marble bathtub. They then robbed her of $11 million worth of jewelry and rode away on bicycles before she could free herself. It sounds wild but then again, much of what happens to the Kardashian family sounds wild.

    There have been many who have called out the validity of this situation. They especially point to the fact that Kim K, queen of selfies, took not one selfie of her bruises or any documentation of her torn apart hotel room. Others have fought back against this, saying it's victim shaming. Regardless of what actually happened in Paris that night, we bet North will be curious. I mean, if your mother was famously robbed, you'd be curious about the details or lack thereof too. You would also wonder why people doubt her.

    13 Why Did You Wear That In Public?

    Before Kanye came along, Kim K wore so many questionable outfits… so, so many questionable outfits.

    Sure, she is a fashion icon now but 10 years ago, that was not the case. Kim K wore low-cut bandage dresses all the time. She also wore light wash jeans on the red carpet and matching outfits with Paris Hilton. And awful bags. And leggings. We could go on and on. It was just too much. I mean, she always had a pretty face but for a while, her wardrobe was straight-up hilarious.

    When Kanye rolled into her life, Kim's fashion sense skyrocketed. Of course, she may not necessarily wear things that we would wear in real life (like those see-through thigh-high boots of hers) but it's certainly high fashion and a huge improvement on what she was rocking in 2007. When North starts looking through old pictures of Kim on the internet, she will definitely be asking her mom how the hell she wore that outfit out of the house.

    12 Why Do Aunt Chyna And Uncle Tyga Have A Baby Together?

    Oh, the tangled web of the Kardashian family.

    So, Blac Chyna used to date Tyga and the pair have a son named King together. The pair split and Tyga moved on with little Kylie Jenner -we say "little" because she was so little that it was, in fact, illegal. The pair were rumored to have started dating when she was just 16. That's besides the point, though.

    Then, Rob Kardashian started dating Blac Chyna. The pair are pretty serious, as they are engaged to be married and Blac Chyna is pregnant with their first child. This marriage will make Kylie King's future step-mother but also his aunt. Yup, like we said, a tangled web.

    When you're young, you tend not to think too much of the tangled web. Instead, you just notice that everyone is happy. However, when North is older, she's definitely going to have some questions about Tyga and Blac Chyna and Kylie and Rob.

    11 What's The Deal With Kourtney And Scott?

    While they may not have a tangled web like the Tyga/Blac Chyna/Kylie Jenner/Rob Kardashian relationships, Kourtney and Scott are not without their drama. In fact, they may be the Ross and Rachel of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Seriously, one season they're on, one season they're off. Then they are very on but they refuse to get married. Then Kourtney just keeps getting pregnant. Then they are off again but Scott is always around. We told you, these two have a seriously complicated history.

    Nori will definitely be curious as to what the actual deal is with them. She'll want to know if they are together or not, as we all do. It must be confusing for a kid to hae someone who pops in and out of their life so often. She'll want to know why they don't get hitched already. Basically, she'll have all the questions that we all have.

    10 Who Is Ray J?

    We can hear it now: “Hey Mom, who is Ray J?” Ugh, Kim K is going to have some serious trouble explaining this one.

    It's true that Kim K has quite a few exes that Nori will probably ask her about. For example, her first husband, Damon Thomas. Kim was married to him from 2000 to 2004, way before anyone knew who she was. Sure, Nori may be a little curious about the dude who her mom married at just 19-years-old. She'll certainly be more curious about Ray J, who her mom famously made a sex tape with. Considering just how notorious this sex tape is at this point, Nori will definitely find out about it. There is just no way around it and it's only a matter of time, unless Kim and Kanye find a way to destroy the internet. We wouldn't put it past them.

    When North does find out about it, she'll have some very serious questions for momma.

    9 Is Khloe Really O.J. Simpson's Kid?

    The rumors of Khloe being O.J. Simpson's daughter have been swirling around for a long, long time. When the Kardashians exploded on the scene, Khloe looked much different than she does now. She was the taller, bigger Kardashian. The media tore her apart and would often label her 'the funny one' or 'the fat one', which must have been great for her self-esteem. Because of the fact that she looks so very different than Kim and Kourtney, people have long speculated that she may actually be O.J. Simpson's daughter.

    North will probably first wonder who the hell O. J. Simpson is, as she was not part of the generation that lived through the media circus that was the trial. After finding out who O.J. is, she'll then probably also wonder why everyone thinks O.J. is Khloe's father. Having to explain to North how the Kardashians are linked to one of the most infamous murder trials of the century will be one doozy of a conversation.

    8 Do You Have Butt Implants?

    Ah, one of the things that Kim K is most famous for - that butt of hers. There has been much speculation as to whether it is real of not. She even went as far as to have it x-rayed on KUWTK to prove that there were no implants in her behind. The x-ray seemed to indicate that there were, in fact, no implants in her butt. That didn't shut down rumors. There has been speculation that instead of implants, Kim has had fat from her waist and thighs removed then injected into her backside. Injections of fat would not show up on an x-ray the same way implants would, thus creating a little loophole in her x-ray experiment.

    Whatever the case, she has an large behind that seems to fluctuate in size quite frequently. North will certainly have a few questions about her mother's most famous physical asset, especially if she doesn't end up with the same physique.

    7 Why Are There So Many Pictures Of Me Everywhere?

    North West is only three years old but there are more photos of her on the internet than there are of most people in the world. This is, in part, because of paparazzi, who will snap any photo of Kim K that they possibly can. There are pictures of North coming out of hotels or going into supermarkets. Just let North live, will ya?

    North also attends highly photographed events with her parents. This is a three-year-old who has been to New York Fashion Week. So, there are also photos of her at these events floating around the internet.

    Lastly, Kim posts adorable photos of North on Instagram and Snapchat. These are probably the photos North will seriously be asking about. Most of us don't have to deal with the general public seeing our embarrassing and personal baby photos, but North's are out there for the whole world to see.

    6 What's Up With Caitlyn?

    To begin, this item is in no way meant in an offensive manner. It's just that once North can get on the internet, she may have a lot of questions about Caitlyn. Until that point, North may just know of Caitlyn as Caitlyn. After hopping on the internet, though, North may be wondering who exactly Bruce Jenner is. This could be a pretty complicated and confusing conversation to have, but we're willing to bet that North will be growing up in a pretty liberal home. I mean, we've all seen Kim's photoshoots. She's not the most conservative when it comes to social manners.

    This is all assuming that Caitlyn will be in North's life. Since her transformation and Vanity Fair profile in which she said some harsh words about Kris, Caitlyn has been feuding with the Kardashian sisters. It's not totally clear whether they'e patched things up completely or not.

    5 Were You Really Paris Hilton's Assistant?

    Having a wonderfully fabulous mother is something North will be used to. Hearing that her mom used to be Paris Hilton's assistant will not be something North will be used to. In fact, that may be a little bit of a shock for little North.

    She'll certainly hear about it, as the internet loves to remind everyone of Kim's humble beginnings. I mean, we've all seen the countless screenshots and memes of Paris totally putting Kim in her lowly place. Paris has even said on many accounts that the Kardashians owe her, which may be a bit extreme but hey, those were her coattails that Kim K rode.

    North will definitely be asking if Kim was for realsies Paris Hilton's assistant because she'll only know her mother as the type of person who has assistants and not someone who does the assisting.

    4 When Can I Get Plastic Surgery?

    This question is inevitable with North growing up in the family she is in.

    Kylie notoriously got her lips done at a very young age. She also may or may have not gotten her breasts and nose done too. Being that she's only 19 years old, cosmetic surgery starts pretty young in the family. While many of the family members attribute their changing looks to makeup, people have called them out for many, many surgeries. Kim alone has been speculated to have had her nose, butt, breasts, chin, cheeks and basically everything done.

    Of course, North may take a different route than her family members and not desire to have plastic surgery. However, the pressure of being constantly photographed from the day she was born may end up having an effect on her. Seriously, we constantly criticize the family members for their looks and then we criticize them for changing said looks. It truly seems like they can't win. Whatever the case, we're guessing Nori will at least ask when she can have plastic surgery.

    Was Dad Really $53 Million In Debt?

    Hey, remember when Kanye said he was poor? LOL.

    He claimed to be $53 million in debt, which wasn't exactly right. He has money tangled up in his own investments. He went on to clarify the statement, saying that he is personally rich and can buy furs and houses for his family, but he doesn't have enough money to create the things he wants to put out into the world. Side note: if I had the ability to buy furs and houses for my family, I would not be considering myself poor but to each their own I guess.

    While Nori may be asking momma Kim about this one, she'll also be asking about all of the outlandish things Kanye has said to the media. I mean, how could she not? The guy has said some ridiculous things and has been called out for it on several occasions. I mean, comparing yourself to Jesus…

    3 Who Is Kris Humphries?

    Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian. What a saga! The pair started dating in October 2010 and were engaged in May 2011. As if that wasn't warp speed enough, they then got married in August 2011. Yes, they were married before they had even been in a relationship for a whole year. Not a great move.

    The wedding was a huge media sensation. The divorce that followed 72 days later was an even bigger sensation. Many media outlets declared that the whole thing was a media stunt. While we can't be sure either way, we wouldn't put it past the Kardashian Klan to orchestrate a whole wedding as a publicity stunt. If anyone would, they would.

    The whole situation left Humphries feeling a little burnt to say the least. North will 100% be wondering who Kris Humphries is for several reasons. First of all, he's said some pretty nasty things about the family. Second of all, when Nori is older, we can be sure that basically no one will be talking about Kris Humphries anymore so she'll be like, "Uh, mom, who is that guy you married?"

    2 Do People Hate Us?

    North may or may not ask this question depending on the social climate when she's older. Here's the thing, The Kardashians were on the forefront of the me-culture in America. Their reality show proceeded the rise of social media, which helped warp everything into the me-culture. We live in a world where people make a living off of their Instagram posts and YouTube videos make people into actual stars. It's a weird, weird world we live in and the Kardashians are just milking it for all it's worth. We shouldn't be mad at them for that, and yet many are.

    Because of their ability to make money off of being famous and the way they flaunt such fame, the family has been criticized for many things. They are the epitome of many things people hate about our society: the importance placed on looks, social media fame, being famous for being famous. When North is older, she may ask Kim about this particular hatred for their family. However, there is the chance that by the time North is older, this hatred may have died down. I mean, if our country is shifting towards the whole social media fame thing, we may let up on the family just a bit by the time North is older.

    Also, can we all just accept that the Kardashians are here to stay and calm down about it?

    1 Did You Leak Your Own Tape?

    Again, the infamous tape. You have to bet that North will have a ton of questions about it. It's what Kim is still most known for, despite her many successful business ventures. It just seems to be the thing that will not die. When Kim is 95 years old, people will still refer to her as the girl who had a sex tape leaked.

    In regards to the tape, there is a rumor that either Kim or Kris Jenner actually leaked the tape themselves. Why has this rumor not been put to bed? Because as a business move, this was the media stunt that launched the Kardashian empire. It thrust the family into the limelight. Even Kylie's Lip Kits have Kim's tape to thank.

    The idea of grandma leaking mom tape may make North's head explode so she'll for sure be asking about that one.